Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 66 Six Paths Gym

Chapter 66 Six Paths Gym

country of vortex

The sea breeze blows gently, wrinkling the light on the sea level. The waves beat against the shore, beating in layers, rising and falling from time to time. On the golden beach, blue waves surged and people crowded together, one by one, looking around, there were red and white ping-pong patterns printed behind those figures.


"Master Fugaku is here."

With the exclamation of the crowd, the originally sparse crowd began to become very orderly. Fugaku walked slowly to the wooden ladder built on the beach, followed by several Uchiha ninjas.

"I don't know who can pass this test."

Only those who pass the test can leave the country of vortex. This rule was set by Naruto and approved by the whole Uchiha family.

"Master Izumi, Master Izumi should be able to, after all, Mangekyō Sharingan has been activated." A Uchiha clansman said proudly, as if he was not Uchiha Izumi who activated Mangekyō Sharingan: "Mangekyō is Uchiha's strongest Eyes, not even Lord Fugaku."

"No, I don't think Izumi-sama will win. Although Mangekyō is the strongest eye of the Uchiha clan, it cannot be used frequently, otherwise the eyesight will be severely reduced. Izumi-sama will not use the power of Mangekyō just to test such a trivial matter." Another A member of the Uchiha tribe said in a serious manner, and listed the shortcomings of Mangekyō Sharingan one by one, as if he could win against Mangekyō.

Anyway, they are not allowed to fight, so what's wrong with saying a few words?

Now a Uchiha knows that Mangekyō cannot be commonly used.

Fugaku reveals Mangekyō's secrets within the clan, after all it doesn't do Uchiha any harm.

"Daohuo, Daohuo is the youngest Sangouyu." A Uchiha took a different approach and chose to support other strong members of the Uchiha clan. He said convincingly: "Daohuo once blocked that lunatic. Although he was unsuccessful, it also shows his strength."

The madman was referring to only one person.

"Nonsense, obviously Tiehuo is the youngest Sangouyu."

"I think it's Yatsushiro-sama. Yatsushiro-sama is the same generation as Fugaku-sama." The older Uchiha is more optimistic about the people of Fugaku's contemporaries: "Yatsushiro-sama is The Resourceful General of the Uchiha clan."

"That's not necessarily the case. I heard that it was Uzumaki-sama who presided over this test."

As soon as the Uchiha finished speaking, the audience fell silent.

"I hope Master Uzumaki won't give too difficult questions." The young Uchiha covered his eyes, as if recalling the situation of the last test.

"It won't be the same as last time, no one can pass."

The Uchihas looked at each other.

"Uzumaki-sama is really too strong."

"If Master Whirlpool is hosting again, no one will be able to pass."

The Uchihas cried out.

The last test was tested by Naruto himself, as long as someone can receive Naruto's punch without falling down, it will be considered a pass.

A total of 34 people participated in the test, but all Uchiha members, including Quan, were punched KO.

The appearance of Uchiha Itachi and Obito made Uchiha realize the gap between Sharingan and Sharingan, and the appearance of Naruto made Uchiha realize that the gap between humans is sometimes even greater than the gap between humans and pigs.

In the bitter eyes of all Uchiha, Fugaku announced that this test is still hosted by Naruto.

All the Uchiha present covered their eyes together.

It's over, no one can pass this time.

"Not much nonsense, the rules this time are also very simple, if you can persist for 30 minutes under the attack of my Summoning beast, you will pass the level."

Conciseness is Naruto's style, it's boring to talk too much, Naruto likes to get straight to the point.

With Naruto's announcement, the Uchihas in the audience exploded.

"Ah, ah, did you hear that! It wasn't Uzumaki-sama who ended up in person."

"Just the Summoning beast? You only have to hold on for 30 minutes, the chance is still great."

"Then Quan, Daohuo and the others should be fine."

"Damn it, I knew I would sign up too. This test is surprisingly easy."

Naruto used the Summoning Technique amidst the discussions among the Uchihas.

Along with huge white smoke, the Six Paths fitness machine. Uh, no, the Bliss Box was Summoned out.

'easy? So give it a try and see what it can be the ultimate weapon in the Sage of Six Paths. '

Naruto placed his hand on the Bliss Box and began to deliver Chakra.

Summoning Satoru requires Chakra, even Naruto.

During Naruto's groping, I also gradually learned about the functions of the Bliss Box. The Bliss Box will summon different enlightenments according to the concentration of Chakra.

These comprehensions are roughly divided into one to three levels, the strongest being level three, and the lowest being level one.

Intelligence level and strength will also be enhanced according to level. Level 3 Wu can speak human words, can imitate any creature, and has a very high level of intelligence.

The strength of Level 1 is the weakest, the intelligence level is only slightly stronger than that of irrational monsters, the strength and resilience are the worst, and the risk factor is the smallest. Level 2 Enlightenment is much bigger and possesses a certain amount of intelligence, but its mind-reading ability is a bit weak, and it can only read people who are afraid of him. If the other party has no fear in his heart, he cannot use mind-reading skills. Level 3 Enlightenment is the legendary monster capable of destroying the world, with top-notch resilience, intelligence, and mind reading.

By the way, the Satoru who usually practiced with Naruto is level 3, the one who inherited Wugou's memory.

In the original book, level three Wuli battles Killer Bee, Naruto, and Wuwei. The few people who fought couldn’t find Bei. In Sage Mode, Naruto, who was fully fired, couldn’t even hurt Wuwei. The play is too deep, and if you commit suicide and return to the Bliss Box, you will not be able to understand it at all with the strength of the protagonist group at that time.

If it weren't for Dragon Tongue's 'Dragon Life Tensei Technique' Naruto would have been killed.

As expected of you, you are the one who dies every time in a theatrical version.

Now Naruto is going to summon level 1 Satoru.

"Come out, Wu!"

The music surfaces on the four sides of the Bliss Box slowly opened.


Accompanied by a burst of roaring, Wu, who was in the form of a monster with big teeth and no eyes, walked out slowly.

"What an evil Chakra." Fugaku, who was the first to feel the power of realization, instantly opened Sharingan, and the three-god jade twirled wildly in his eyes, staring at the box of bliss with a vigilant expression.

At the same time, he glanced at Naruto from the corner of his eyes, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes. Once this evil Summoning beast can't be controlled, it will definitely attack its master.

Satoru's Chakra is even more ominous and confusing than Nine Tails' Chakra.

The several Uchiha people who were tested by Quan behind them also had serious faces, and they opened the Sharingan one after another, tensed their bodies, and entered the fighting state.

Don't underestimate Wu just because he only has level one, even if it's only Wu's initial stage, this guy also has the strength of other tailed beasts except eight Nine Tails, and the threat coefficient of the ability to cooperate with mind reading is not small at all.

Tier 3 is too strong for it to play. The Uchihas have no hope at all, including Izumi, unless she uses the power of Mangekyō Sharingan.

Level 1 Enlightenment is just right.

(end of this chapter)

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