Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 67 Cub, Dad Is Very Disappointed In You

Chapter 67 Cub, Dad is very disappointed in you

"Shut up and be quiet!"

Naruto picked his ears, looking impatient.

Sensing Naruto's dissatisfaction, Wu Wenyan, who was originally ferocious and baring his teeth and claws, shut up instantly, without making a sound, and pressed his two claws that could easily tear steel tightly on his mouth.

She obviously has no eyes, but she acts aggrieved

Ugly, ugly, and ugly.

This thing is pure ugliness and cuteness.

The third-level Satoru was rubbed against the ground by Naruto, let alone the first-level Satoru.

Subjugated by Naruto long ago, well, physically.

Let me mention here that there is more than one Satoru in the Bliss Box, and the level three and level one are not the same one, but only one can be released at a time.

"As expected of Master Uzumaki, monsters of this level are obedient."

All the Uchiha present said with admiration.

Xiang Rin, who was sitting with Mikoto and others in the auditorium, raised her head proudly, like a fighting hen.

'This is my big brother's (cousin) Summoning beast'

Powerful Summoning beasts can increase the strength of ninjas sideways. If they are connected with Summoning beasts, they can exert great combat power, such as Jiraiya and Toad Bunta, Third Generation and Ape Demon, Hanzo and Salamander, Fourth Generation and Toad Bunta, both With the cooperation, the power of one plus one greater than two can be exerted.

In cooperation with Fourth Generation, Wentai even sat on Nine Tails.

The powerful Summoning beasts are often rebellious and extremely difficult to tame, and some Summoning beasts will even attack the Summoning.

Such as Ten Thousand Snakes and Orochimaru.

Naruto can make such an evil and powerful Summoning beast obedient with just one sentence, which made the Uchiha present not admire, but also admired even more.

Worshiping the strong is a tradition in the ninja world, even Uchiha whose eyes are above the top is no exception, especially now that Uchiha has almost been smoothed by reality.

"Sir, the test has officially started." Naruto sat on the stand and looked around.

"Who is the first challenger?"

"I'm coming!" As soon as the words fell, Quan stood up.

After that night, Quan lost a lot, including his family, friends, clan and even his lover. Seeing Itachi kill the young clansman with her own eyes, all the happiness in her heart disappeared at that moment.

Since then, the spring of kindness and gentleness has disappeared, replaced by a spring that devotes all its energy to practice.

The hatred in her heart has been pushing her forward, forward and forward.

Uchiha is a family of love, this love will give them strength, and when Uchiha loses great love, it will open the eye of spiritual portrayal - Sharingan.

Because of her love for Itachi, she opened the Sangouyu, and because of her hatred for Itachi, she opened Mangekyō.

She yearns for power, and desires to kill Itachi herself.

So she keeps getting stronger and stronger and stronger again, now is the time to test her strength.

Staring at Satoru, Uchiha Izumi slowly pulled out the Short Sword from his waist.

Quan is very strong, whether it is knife skills, body skills, or ninjutsu, he has made great progress during this period. Unlocking Sangouyu and even Mangekyō at the age of thirteen, this talent is not weak.

In the entire Uchiha clan, there is no one more talented than her except Sasuke.

It's a pity that she is strong but not strong enough.

Satoru is stronger than her without mangekyō on.

With the ability to read minds, Quan's ninjutsu can't beat Satoru at all. Without eyes, Sangouyu's illusion has absolutely no effect on it. Taijutsu. Not everyone is like Naruto Not everyone is Naruto. Competing with Wu in physical skills belongs to the old birthday star who eats arsenic and lives impatiently. All of Quan's short swords were broken, and Wu still didn't have a single thing, not to mention injured and even the skin was not broken.

Izumi only persisted for 20 minutes of the 30 minutes set by Naruto before failing.

Wu held her head with one hand and pressed it to the ground, no matter how she struggled, Wu didn't respond at all, and finally had no choice but to admit defeat.

Izumi failed, let alone the other Uchiha.

As the leader of the younger generation, Daohuo persisted for 19 minutes, Iron Fire for 15 minutes, and Eight Generations lasted for up to 25 minutes. The rest of the Uchihas participated in different times, ranging from a few minutes to more than ten minutes.

In short, the whole army was wiped out.

"Too weak, you let me down."

Naruto reprimanded mercilessly.

With this kind of strength released, at best it can rival the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and it may still be the middle and lower reaches.

This kind of strength can't be called weak, but it can't be called strong either.

There are too many people in the ninja world who can easily kill them. Once they are killed, the Sharingan will be exposed. Over the years, White Zetsu has been searching for traces of the Uchiha people on the map. If Naruto had no stronger perception, Uchiha would have been exposed long ago.

In Naruto's view, not being able to match the power of the Tailed Beast is equivalent to having no self-protection ability, and Naruto will not let Uchiha out of the country of vortex without self-protection ability.

Facing Naruto's reprimand, all the Uchiha present lowered their heads unconsciously.

I really didn't want to be slapped in the face.

At the beginning, I was full of confidence, thinking that it would not be a problem for Summoning to hold on for 30 minutes, but none of them were able to complete it.

It's really embarrassing.

"Starting today, except for those over 50 and under 10 years old, all Uchiha will officially receive my special training. Every Uchiha ninja must endure at least forty minutes under the attack of "Satoru."

Let Uchiha practice on his own, it will be like that in the finale of Hokage, but he will be wiped out when he encounters the "immortals" in the later stage, and he will officially take over the training from now on.

He wants to create the most elite ninja force directly under him.

Uchiha's talent cannot be wasted like this.

Of course, if there are other members of the Uzumaki clan, he still wants to train an army composed entirely of the Uzumaki clan.

Such a yin and yang can be called invincible.

It's a pity that the vortex is extinct.

"If you can't reach your goal, keep training until you reach your goal." Naruto's purpose is to practice as long as you can't die. It's a small thing to get injured. Recently, he is practicing Yang Dun Chakra Nature Transformation, which is very good at healing.

Minor injuries and illnesses are not a problem at all. If you break your hand, you can pick up two of them.

"That's my minimum requirement."


Naruto wants to train them himself, which surprises and delights the Uchihas.

They have seen Naruto's devil training on Xiang Rin. It was just an eleven-year-old girl who had more training than their adults.

But the result of the devil training is really strong. Now Xianglin is chasing Uchiha of the same age, and it is no problem to hit ten of them. Even Uchiha, who is fifteen or sixteen years old, dare not fight her. If she punches her, she will be killed overnight. Spit it out.


"No, not at all."

"Such a small voice wants to revive Uchiha?"

"Say it again, start over."


The sound of Qi Shushu resounded through the sky.

"Okay, very energetic!"

(end of this chapter)

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