“Feng, don’t talk nonsense!”

Uchiha Hao glared at him. These words should not be said nonsense.

If Uchiha really did this, it would be equivalent to betraying the original covenant when the village was founded, and they would have no choice but to collectively defect out of Konoha Village.

At that time, with the people outside, What’s the difference between those wandering organizations?

You have to know that there are many women, children, and elderly people in the entire Uchiha clan. What should they do if they really want to leave Konoha Village?

Even Tajima didn’t after hearing Feng’s words. Express support.

Most of the tribe are used to living in the village. It is not as easy as imagined to leave.

“There is also the issue of daily necessities within the clan.”

Uchiha Fugaku said while rubbing his brows.

Most of the men in the clan work in the police department. If they don’t get paid, they have no money to give to their families.

This has led to shortages of supplies in the clan, and even people who can’t eat. Problem.

No matter how strict the Konoha Village is on them, as long as the tribesmen can have enough to eat, they can still live.

But now there is a problem of not having enough to eat, which has also led to many tribesmen wanting to fight.

“Let’s think about whether there is any way to solve this problem. Fugaku looked at everyone present and asked. Taihong thought for a while and said:”If it were in the past, if we had our own clan land, at least we could grow vegetables and we wouldn’t have to worry about eating.”

“Now I can only go to the village to get money to buy daily necessities……After all, it’s because I don’t have money.”

“If you have money.”

As he said that, he looked at Tajima.

The Tajima family opened several stores in Konoha Village and made a lot of money every month. This was one of the reasons why he was able to win over so many young people.

Now within the clan In this case, whoever has money is the boss


“Taihong, do you want me to take the money and distribute it to everyone? I think you are thinking about eating shit!”

“Why should I wipe your ass with my hard-earned money? As long as you go to Konoha and get everyone’s wages back, all problems will be solved.”

Tajima said with a sneer.


Taihong ignored him and continued:”I think most of the tribe relies too much on the job of the police department. You can try to open a store or form a team with other tribes to take on tasks.””

Now, after graduating from the Uchiha clan, 90% of them will join the police department, and few are willing to form a team to do missions.

Because genin can only take on simple D-level or C-level missions, and the remuneration earned after half-tired people is too much. Not much.

When you get stronger, you can take on high-level tasks, but the higher the level, the more difficult it is.

It’s not as comfortable as patrolling in the police department every day.

Even if you work in the police department for a long time, you will feel a sense of superiority.

Taihong, as the deputy captain of the police department, is very aware of these situations.

“Taihong, why don’t you let your eldest or youngest son open a store or take on tasks?”

“I remember that your eldest son Toshiki is already serving as a squad leader in the police department, right?”

“Why, only your family members can be allowed to work in the police department, and other families are not allowed to enter?”

Before Yasuhiro finished speaking, Tajima immediately attacked.


Just as Yasuhiro was about to explain, Fugaku shook his head and said,”Yasuhiro, your suggestion is very good, but our Uchiha clan has always been responsible for the work of the police department.”

“It is normal for Uchiha people to join the police department.”

“If someone doesn’t want to join the police department after graduating from ninja school, but wants to team up with others to do missions, I won’t object.”

“But in principle, all tribesmen are eligible to join the police department, and we have no reason to dissuade them!”

“The fact that the village has always been peaceful and stable is also due to the contribution of our police department.”

“Let’s see again. It’s impossible for the village to continue not paying wages to the police department. Then I’ll go talk to the third generation.”

After saying these words, Fugaku sighed.

Why didn’t he know the issues Yasuhiro mentioned?

As the clan leader, he knew better than anyone else.

But some things cannot be changed in a short while.

Uchiha The whole clan is very proud. Let them open a shop and mingle with the villagers.

This is simply impossible!

If they were allowed to do this, all the clan members would start a riot tomorrow….

Konoha, Hokage’s office.


There were four cups of steaming tea on the table, and two sofas were placed beside the table. Three old men and an old lady were sitting on the sofas.

“I called you here today to discuss the salary issue of the Uchiha Police Department.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen placed the Hokage cloak on the sofa, just close to Shimura Danzo who was sitting next to him.

“Police department salary?”

“Wasn’t it sent out a long time ago?”

After hearing this, Koharu, who was sleeping with a wrinkled face, immediately raised his head and said.

She is in charge of the village’s finances, and she has already paid the salary of the police department.

Hearing this, Hiruzen Sarutobi’s face was filled with confusion. No surprise, obviously he has found out

“Danzo, don’t you have anything to say?”

He glanced at Danzo next to him and asked.

Danzo squinted his eyes and showed no expression on his face,”I used that money to give to the ANBU, and I don’t think Uchiha should take the money.”

As soon as these words came out, both Koharu and Mito Kabuto frowned.

Although they both knew that Danzo hated Uchiha and were always thinking about targeting Uchiha, they gave up the money without discussing it with them. Take it away, this is a bit overstepping your authority.

“The Police Department is a department created by Tobirama-sensei, the Second Hokage.”

“But you and I both know that the purpose of establishing this department is just to restrict Uchiha’s actions and prevent Uchiha members from leaving the village!”

“In fact, what the police department can do, the ANBU can also do.”

“Why spend a lot of money to feed that bunch of trash? Danzo said coldly

“But you also know that most people in Uchiha work in the police department. If they are not paid, how will they eat? We don’t even have the money to buy food. Can you guarantee that they won’t make a fuss?”

“With the strength of the Uchiha clan, even if there is a slight disturbance, we may not be able to bear it.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a frown.

“So I have long said that I will make a plan to eradicate the Uchiha clan!”

“For Konoha Village, the biggest potential threat is Uchiha!”

The reason why Danzo withheld the salary paid to the police department was because he wanted to cause trouble within the Uchiha.

If the Uchiha didn’t make trouble, he would be dissatisfied.

The bigger the trouble, the greater the chance of eradicating the Uchiha.

Teacher He must do what he has not done!

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