
“If people in the Uchiha tribe were to starve to death, the consequences would not be something you or I can bear.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t pay attention to Danzo who looked a little dazed.

As the Hokage, what he has to do is to maintain the stability and harmony of the village.

No matter what, we must not let Uchiha get into chaos now.

“Give half of the money and I’ll send someone to hand it over to the police department tomorrow.”

He said directly.

After hearing this, Koharu and Mito Menyan, who went to bed, also nodded.

“Danzo, just do as Hiruzen says.”


Danzo clenched his fists, and the three of them agreed that it was useless for him to persist alone.

However, giving half of the money to Uchiha was just a drop in the bucket, and the internal conflicts would still become more intense.


“I still advise you to give up trying to make peace with the Uchiha. This clan will perish soon!”

After that, he stood up and left the Hokage’s office directly.

When he walked to the door, he looked back at the Hokage cloak.

If he had taken the initiative to stand up, maybe the Hokage would have���This position is his.

It is impossible for the Uchiha clan to stay now

“Danzo, it seems like he still hates Uchiha.”

Xiaochun took a sip of tea after going to bed and said in a leisurely tone.

“Although his approach is a bit extreme, it is for the sake of Konoha Village, which is understandable.”

Mito Kadoyan nodded slightly and said.

Someone has to do those shameful things, and Danzo did a very good job in some aspects.

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up, walked to the window and looked into the distance Uchiha direction

“Could it be that Uchiha and Konoha Village really can’t live in harmony?”

He said with a sigh.

After hearing this, neither of the two people on the sofa spoke.

After a while, Koharu went to bed and said:”The police department is responsible for the security of the village, and it will inevitably have disputes with the villagers, and the Uchiha clan has If you have this kind of right, you will naturally look down on the ordinary people in the village.”

“In the past, the attitude of the villagers towards the police department was one of awe, but during the Nine-Tails Rebellion seven years ago, we banned the Uchiha and did not allow them to participate in the rescue. This also caused the villagers to change from awe of the police department to one of awe. complain”

“This antagonistic relationship cannot be resolved easily.”

In this regard, Mito Kadenyan also said:”Children of the Uchiha clan will basically choose to join the police department after graduation, instead of forming a team with other clans to take on tasks.”

“As long as you join the police department and work around every day, you can get a high salary. On the other hand, people from other tribes have to fight for their lives to earn commissions. This makes the Uchiha people become more and more arrogant and look down on other people in the village.”

“In the ninja school, the children of the Uchiha clan will show off that they have a bright future and even look down on their classmates from other clans.”

“Hiruzen, we didn’t push Uchiha to the opposite side intentionally.”

“This is all the result of their own choices!”

As the top leaders of Konoha, they see the contradictory relationship very clearly.

But no one can change it.

A considerable part of the salary paid to the Police Department is extracted from the ninja remuneration.

In other words, it is Konoha’s Everyone in Ye Village worked hard to support Uchiha, and then let Uchiha take care of them.

Naturally, some smart people would discover this, and this would further arouse the conflicts between the two parties.

“Can’t you try to get other tribesmen in the village to join the police department?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen picked up his pipe and took a puff, and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, both of them shook their heads.

“The police department doesn’t need so many people. The Uchiha clan can’t even arrange for their own clan members, so how can they accept other clan members!”

“Hiruzen, you don’t have to feel guilty.”

“All this is Uchiha’s own problem”

“If they had actively integrated into the village, how could they have ended up in this situation!”

However, when they said this, they forgot what would happen to the Senju clan who took the initiative to integrate into the village.

There are at least several hundred Uchiha clan members, but except for one Tsunade left in the Senju clan, the other clan members have long since died. After hearing this, Sarutobi

Hiruzen remained silent.

Finally, he said:”A genius boy has appeared in the Uchiha clan recently. You must have heard about it.”

“A genius boy?”

Xiaoharu was stunned when she went to bed. She had never heard of this.

Mito Kadoyan nodded,”I know, he is the youngest son of the Yasuhiro family.”

They are all aware of the power struggle within Uchiha.

Uchiha Yasuhiro is a moderate and has always wanted to repair the relationship between Uchiha and the village, but the effect has been very little.

So he doesn’t have much to do with this talented boy. Pay attention.

If it was from the hard-line side, he would have come to discuss it with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“As far as I know, the Uchiha clan is considering him as a candidate for clan leader.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued.

After hearing this, the expressions of the two of them became obviously more serious.

“Hiruzen, should we send someone to contact this child?”

“Maybe he can understand things like Itachi and Shisui.”

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui are both candidates for the clan leader of the Uchiha clan, but they both chose to belong to the Leaf Village.

Because of this, they did not agree to Danzo’s plan.

Not everyone in the Uchiha clan They are all very abominable.

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head.

“Not yet, at least until he graduates from ninja school.”

“And this child…Seems different from most people in Uchiha”

“On his body, I saw the shadow of the mirror.”

He closed his eyes and recalled his former best friend in his mind.

When they heard this name, Koharu and Mito Kadoen, who were sleeping in the dormitory, were stunned at the same time.

The two of them also had Hiruzen and Danzo, plus Uchiha Kagami is a student of Senju Tobirama. Uchiha Kagami once commented that

Uchiha Kagami is a member of the Uchiha clan with the will of fire. Happy reading during the Qingming Festival! 500VIP points to top up now (activity time: April 4th to April 6th)

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