Chapter 179 Drunk Tsunade Chapter 179 Drunk Tsunade

Chapter 179 Drunk Tsunade

At six o’clock in the afternoon, Tsunade, who had just finished her day’s work, walked out of the Konoha Hospital building.

Recently, Tsunade has not been in a good mood. On the one hand, it is because the blood inheritance limit of her brother Naoki’s awakening is Grass Release, and on the other hand, it is because she has not seen Kizaru for more than half a month.

Since September last year, after her relationship with Kizaru became more advanced, every time Tsunade got off work and left the hospital, she would always meet Kizaru who came to pick her up.

After a few months, Tsunade has become accustomed to such a life, and she also enjoys it.

But after the New Year, Kizaru left Konoha and went to Mt. Myoboku to practice celestial arts. He stayed there for more than half a month, which made Tsunade feel very uncomfortable and always felt that something was missing.

How long did it take for that guy Kizaru to come back?

Missing Kizaru in her heart, Tsunade walked forward with her head immersed in her thoughts. She didn’t notice at all that there was a tall yellow figure standing upright in front of the main entrance of the compound.

A palm larger than Tsunade’s face suddenly stretched out in front of her, blocking her path.

Tsunade, who frowned slightly and was in a bad mood, raised her head to see the bastard without eyes.

“Hey! Don’t you miss me so much! Senior Sister Tsunade!”

Tsunade raised her head with a familiar lewd smile and a familiar dirty tone. Looking at Kizaru’s eyes full of smile and joy, her brows instantly relaxed, and her face also A smile appeared.

“You annoying guy, why are you back so soon? Have you given up on practicing immortality?” Tsunade was smiling happily, but she still deliberately said in a disgusting tone.

“I have learned senjutsu, and I miss you too!” Kizaru said with a smile, looking down at Tsunade.

“Tch!” Tsunade turned her head to the side, feeling more and more happy, with a blush rising on both sides of her cheeks.

He liked Tsunade like this, so Kizaru stepped forward and stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms.

In public, Tsunade, who was a little shy, struggled slightly, raised her hand and nudged Kizaru a few times, then gave up and opened her hand, hugging the little man she missed.

Lowering his head, the familiar scent of hair and body entered his nose, and Kizaru smiled happily.

Um! The smell is still familiar, and the shampoo and shower gel have not been changed.

At this time, it was the shift change time in the hospital, and the doctors, nurses, and patients passing by couldn’t help but look sideways.

Many people had happy and envious smiles on their faces.

“Okay, let me go.” With her head buried in Kizaru’s arms, Tsunade raised her head and whispered.

Familiar with Tsunade’s temperament, Kizaru relaxed his hands and took half a step back.

“Let’s have dinner tonight, I’ve made a reservation.”

“But” Tsunade was a little hesitant. In order to take care of her depressed brother, she promised her brother to prepare a big meal for him today.

“What’s wrong? What’s the matter?” Kizaru asked with concern, looking at Tsunade’s hesitation.

Shaking her head, Tsunade quickly made a choice between her younger brother and Kizaru, whom she hadn’t seen for a long time.

“Okay! But I need to find someone to inform Naoki first and let him take care of dinner by himself.”

“Leave it to me!”

As he spoke, Kizaru took a step forward, reached out and grabbed Tsunade’s left hand, and took her with him Left the hospital entrance.

At this time, in the Senju clan’s mansion, Naoki, who had left Master Orochimaru’s research institute early, was lying on the tatami expectantly.

How long will it take for sister to come back? I’m hungry!


Knowing that Tsunade likes to eat chicken breasts and drink alcohol, Kizaru made a reservation at a popular yakiniku restaurant.

Not wanting to attract attention, Kizaru and Tsunade sat in a booth against the wall of the store.

The two sat opposite each other. On the table in the middle, sake, side dishes to go with the wine, and a few skewers of grilled chicken were served.

The two of them ate and chatted, mainly Kizaru talking about his experience of practicing celestial arts on Mt. Miaomu.

When she heard that Jiraiya had eaten two large bowls of worms with tears in his eyes and vomited until he was unconscious, Tsunade couldn’t help laughing.

As time passed and several rounds of sake were consumed, Tsunade talked more.

She told Kizaru some of the recent events in Konoha, especially the fact that the rope tree did not awaken the wood escape, but only the grass escape.

“That kid from Naoki has become more and more hot-blooded since he met Dai.” At this point, Tsunade glared at Kizaru.

There was no way, Kizaru was Matdai’s master, and it was he who suggested that Naoki and Matdai team up to participate in the Chunin Exam.

“This transplantation of Hashirama’s cells only awakened Grass Escape, which dealt a huge blow to Rope Tree. Although he still looked like he was working hard in front of me, I knew that he was actually feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.” Listening

silently Kizaru did not interrupt Tsunade’s speech. He knew that what Tsunade needed at this time was to talk, not false comfort.

“Kizaru, what do you think I should do?” Tsunade, who was a little tipsy after confiding all the troubles in her heart to Kizaru, held her head with one hand and looked sideways at Kizaru.

“The character of the rope tree is very similar to Dai. He doesn’t need other people’s comfort at this time. What he needs is a visible goal.” Kizaru analyzed.

“Goal?” After thinking about Kizaru’s words, Tsunade felt that there was some truth to it.

With her head raised and her hands on the table, Tsunade looked straight at Kizaru and asked aloud: “What do you think should be done?”

“I’ll talk to Naoki tomorrow!” Didn’t know about Naoki? In front of the idea, Kizaru is not easy to come up with random ideas.

Like Kizaru’s attitude and performance, a smile appeared on Tsunade’s face, “Then I’ll leave it to you.”

“Yes!” Kizaru nodded and made a promise.

The two of them, who had not seen each other for a long time, ate this meal for a long time until almost ten o’clock.

The expression of emotion, the trust in Kizaru, and the letting go of Tsunade made her drunk.

Due to the height difference, Kizaru couldn’t support Tsunade, so he directly carried her behind his back.

Carrying Tsunade on his back and saying hello to a few acquaintances he met, Kizaru walked out of this busy commercial street.

Senju’s house is in the center of the village, not far from the commercial street. Kizaru, carrying Tsunade on his back, quickly walked to the gate.

Holding Tsunade with one hand and knocking on the door with the other, someone soon opened the door.

The person who opened the door was none other than Tsunade’s younger brother Naoki.

“Kizaru. Ah! Why is sister drunk?” Looking at Kizaru and noticing the drunk Tsunade on his back, Naoki shouted with concern.

“Let’s go in first!” Kizaru suggested, standing at the door with Tsunade on his back.

“Oh! Okay!” Shengshu agreed while opening and widening the door.

Kizaru, who was very familiar with this place, carried Tsunade to the bedroom with ease without the guidance of the rope tree, and placed her on the bed.

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