Chapter 180 Rope Tree, come and farm! Chapter 180 Rope Tree, come and farm!

Chapter 180 Rope Tree, come and farm!

The bright and spacious living room is decorated in traditional Japanese style. Kizaru is sitting on the wooden chair in the center.

Carrying the brewed oolong tea, he returned to the living room and placed it in front of Kizaru. Naoshu sat on the wooden chair on the left.

Looking at Kizaru, Naoki touched his head. He didn’t know what to say for a moment, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

The reason for the awkward atmosphere was not because Naoki had any objections to Kizaru being with his sister.

He just hasn’t adapted to Kizaru’s new identity yet.

In the beginning, when he first met Kizaru, the older Naoki treated Kizaru as a genius younger brother.

Later, under the influence of Kizaru’s strong strength, mature character and handling of things, Nao Shu regarded Kizaru as a good friend and a close brother in a certain sense.

As a result, only two or three years later, Kizaru, a good friend, was upgraded to his brother-in-law, which made the rope tree feel a bit magical.

“Kizaru, you drink tea!” Looking at Kizaru, Nao Shu said in search of something to say.


In response, Kizaru picked up the teacup and drank tea while observing the rope tree.

Kizaru’s first impression of this brother-in-law was that he was the first unlucky guy in the anime to be killed by an explosive charm trap.

Later, after actually coming into contact with the rope tree, Kizaru had a deeper understanding of him and more senses.

Enthusiastic and kind-hearted, he has the dream of becoming Hokage.

Although he has no talent in ninjutsu learning or combat intelligence, Rouki, who inherited the direct bloodline of the Senju clan, has excellent physical fitness and chakra.

In Kizaru’s view, Naoki was not as noob as the manga fans complained about in his previous life. He just made the same mistake that all men make. He died!

Under normal growth conditions, Roeshu has the potential to become a shadow-level goalkeeper.

“I heard from Tsunade that after you transplanted Hashirama cells, the wood type you awakened was grass type.”


Speaking of this, Naoki’s mood suddenly dropped. Obviously, he still can’t Let go of this.

Looking at Naoshu with his head lowered and his expression turned bad, Kizaru thought in his mind, how should he enlighten his brother-in-law? How to find a goal for him that can activate his fighting spirit.

After thinking silently for a while, Kizaru had a bold guess and idea in his mind. In addition to fighting, can Cao Dun be developed in other aspects? Like inducing plant growth?

“Rose Tree, can your Grass Escape change, or give birth to rice and wheat?”

“Ah!” Hearing this question, Shengshu raised his head again, a little confused.

“Can you use grass to create rice and wheat like the first large-scale artificial forest?” Kizaru asked in more detail.

Shaking his head, Naoki said uncertainly: “I haven’t tried it.”

“Come and try it!” Kizaru said encouragingly, “Use Grass Release, imagine what rice or wheat looks like, and see if you can change it. .”

Although he didn’t know why Kizaru asked him to do this, Naoki nodded obediently.

Stretching out his right hand and concentrating, the rope tree began to change the nature of water escape and earth escape at the same time, that is, using the blood inheritance limit grass escape.

Green light emitted from his right hand, and green grass emerged from it. The rope tree looked at the growing grass, and then looked up at Kizaru.

“Kizaru, can you describe the specific appearance of rice and wheat?” As the first-generation grandson and the young master of the Senju family, Naoki has never done farm work, nor has he paid attention to the appearance of rice and wheat.

Faced with this problem, Kizaru, who opened his mouth slightly, was also stuck.

When he was reading and surfing the Internet in his previous life, he had seen pictures of rice and wheat, but he could not remember the specific appearance.

Reincarnated in the world of Naruto, as Danzo’s nephew and a direct descendant of the Shimura clan, Kizaru also had no contact with farm work.

“Forget it, let’s go take a look!”

It’s January now, the winter wheat growing season, and there are farmlands being planted in Konoha Village.

“Sister is still in the house, let’s leave.”

“Don’t worry, Tsunade is fine!”

As he spoke, Kizaru left the wooden chair and stood up.

Seeing Kizaru like this, Naoki could only stand up and leave the house with Kizaru.

The agricultural planting areas of Konoha Village are located on the outside, far away from the Senju family’s clan land, but fortunately, there are also scattered cultivated fields in the center of the village.


On the outskirts of the Senju family’s land, on a flat land near the woods, there are several irregularly shaped farmland, where wheat is grown.

Logically speaking, these lands belong to the Senju clan, namely Tsunade and Nogeki.

But as the owners of the largest real estate in Konoha, the two of them had no need for these wastelands, so they allowed the villagers to use them for farming and vegetables to subsidize their families.

Standing on the edge of the field, under the light of the lights, Kizaru pointed to the wheat in the field, “This is wheat, you try it.”

Nodding, the rope tree squatted close to it, and after carefully observing the wheat, he stretched out He raised his right hand and started to use Grass Escape.

With real objects in mind, he followed the example of a gourd and a scoop, and a grass plant that was different from the previously transformed herbs soon appeared on his right hand.

Looking at the “grass” with the same shape as wheat in the palm of the rope tree, Kizaru’s eyes suddenly became different.

Grass Release can transform wheat, this is simply a magical skill!

A little excited, but Kizaru is not too happy either. He still needs to test the rope tree grass escape ability in more aspects.

“Rose Tree, try using chakra to make wheat in the ground.”


Cancel the change in the nature of chakra on his right hand, squatting Nether Tree, clap his hands, and try to make wheat in the ground.

With the input of chakra with chakra changes, wheat began to sprout in front of the rope tree with his hands on the ground.

From the sprouts breaking out of the ground, they quickly matured. In a very short period of time, several wheat plants that turned from green to yellow appeared in front of Huang Yuan and Shengshu.

“That’s enough.”

After calling the rope tree to a halt, Kizaru stepped forward to the side of the wheat, bent down and picked off the ears.

Rubbing the plucked wheat ears in the palm of his hand, and then blowing off useless impurities, Kizaru twisted two or three wheat grains with his right hand, put them into his mouth, and started chewing.

Looking at Kizaru’s movements, Naoki stood up with curious eyes. He didn’t know what Kizaru wanted to do. You can’t just let yourself farm, right?

Chewing carefully, ignoring the texture affected by the rough wheat bran, Kizaru had a smile on his face.

The wheat grown from the rope tree is edible!

After confirming this, Kizaru looked at the rope tree as if looking at a rare treasure.

“Shengshu, do you want to make great achievements that surpass those of the first generation of adults?”

Nodding without hesitation, Shengshu, who is still in his teenage years, yearns for the glory of surpassing his grandfather.

“Then come and farm! You will become a saint in this era. Your merits are enough to make you a god in the eyes of people. Even after death, you will be worshiped by countless people.” ”

Ah!” said the excited voice. Shouted, Naoki was frightened by Kizaru’s words.

Let yourself farm? Can you become a god in people’s hearts just by farming?

No matter how he thought about it, Rooshu couldn’t figure out this logic!

“Yes, your Blood Succession Limit is the most valuable ninjutsu in the world!” Kizaru said with great certainty.

In Kizaru’s view, the greatest value of the grass escape awakened by the rope tree is not that it can use chakra to change or produce wheat.

Shengshu is just one person. Even if he spends all his time outside eating and sleeping every day making wheat, he can only supply food for hundreds or thousands of people at most.

There is value in doing so, but not much.

The real value of Rope Tree Grass Escape should be to use chakra to improve wheat seeds and create high-quality wheat seeds with greater yields or better resistance.

Just imagine, if the Rope Tree uses Grass Escape to improve it and create a kind of wheat that can grow in the desert, it will be a real sacred object to the Wind Country and Sand Hidden Village, and they will pay any price to get the seeds.

The Thousand-Hand Rope Tree has the potential to become a divine farmer in this cruel world full of tragedies. He has the potential to feed everyone in this world.

Based on this alone, the rope tree is a truly priceless treasure in Kizaru’s eyes!

So, why not be a ninja? Come farm! Rope tree!

Go to bed, good morning everyone!

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