Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 131 Dodge talent is full! Become a man who will make the other party miss forever!

"System, start simulating." Tuo Yu shook his head and said to the system in his mind.

【Simulation starts!】

[Inherited talent: You have a father, a monk, and a single resistance. 】

[On the night of thunderstorms, the father who was pacing anxiously outside, and the relatives and friends who were admonishing him. 】

[Beside my father, there is a strong young man, and a small child. 】

[After a loud cry of pain, the cry of a child sounded. 】

【You are born. 】

【Open your eyes, what you see is the face of some unfamiliar women. 】

[That's your mother. 】

[After that, a burly and strong man rushed in, and the servants in the room saw him and immediately bowed out of the room. 】

["It's a boy." Your mother has a weak smile on her face. 】

["You did a good job, thank you for your hard work." The strong man nodded, then picked you up from your mother's arms. 】

[You only saw the strong man's face at this time, and at the same time you understood your identity. 】

【You became the son of Third Raikage. 】

[Afterwards, you see the future Fourth Raikage and Killer Bee. 】

[Ai's face is silent, Killer Bee is expressionless, wearing a pair of sunglasses.

Son of Third Raikage.

The younger brother of Fourth Raikage and Eight Tails Jinchūriki.

Man, this identity is luxurious enough.

But in the fighting cloud Shinobi Village...

And he's the younger brother of the AB brothers, the two muscular brats...

Possessing the gift of being a monk with compassion...

No matter how you look at it, it's not all the way!

"How will this situation develop?! 39

Tuo Yu couldn't imagine how he would develop in Cloud Shinobi Village, which has a strong folklore, with his talent as a monk.

[When you were a baby, you looked extremely shrewd, your eyes were rolling, and only when you were breastfeeding would you appear to be quiet. 】

[The previous you were different. In the past, you liked young and beautiful girls the most, and once you saw them, you would reach out to each other. 】

[But this time, you are just the milk of the Buddhist system, why do you eat anything, and you don't want to do anything. 】

"Good guy, when you were a baby, did the Buddhist system already come out?"

Tuo Yu couldn't help but complain.

"It's a pity I wasn't in Konoha this time, otherwise I would have gone to Uchiha Mikoto.

"Uh, no, the time is not right.

"Right now, Uchiha Mikoto is just a little girl."

"Uh, that's not right, it's not impossible for a little girl."

[This time, you don't have superhuman physical abilities, so you can walk on the ground when you are two years old. 】

【Your age and cute appearance make the girls in Cloud Shinobi Village irresistible, and they often come up to post with you. 】

【You quickly became the favorite of the ladies of Cloud Shinobi Village. 】

Watch the little Tuo Yu in the simulation enjoying the tender treatment of all the lovely ladies and sisters in Cloud Shinobi Village.

Tuo Yu said he was not envious at all.

Although the corners of his mouth left unsatisfactory tears.

[When you were three years old, Third Raikage started training you. 】

[But you did not show the excellent physical talent that matches your brother. 】

[Your talent is mediocre, and you will always get tired very quickly when you are practicing Taijutsu. 】

【Whenever this happens, Third Raikage will hold a cane on time and whip you mercilessly with the limit you can bear. 】

【You always dodge Third Raikage's whipping subconsciously. 】

[The whipping was dodged, Third Raikage whipped again, but you were still dodged by you all. 】

[Slow progress when refining Chakra, Third Raikage will still whip you. 】

【Faced with Third Raikage's whipping, you still dodge all of them. 】

(cacg) [Dodge, dodge... In short, all punishments are completely avoided by you. 】

"Ah, is this the manifestation of talent this time? 35

"To become a man who will make each other miss forever?!

Tuo Yu came to be interested.

He can see it a bit, this time [Single Resistance], I am afraid it is a special practice for dodging skills!

Tuo Yu knew very well how terrifying the single resistance was in the later stage.

If you can dodge all attacks.

I am afraid that another unsolved existence will be born in this simulation.

[When learning ninjutsu, your progress is still slow. 】

[Third Raikage's whipping appeared immediately, but you all dodged it instinctively. 】

[When learning Lightning Style ninjutsu, because he couldn't perform a complete ninjutsu, he ushered in the whipping of the Third Raikage again. 】

[But still you are all dodged away. 】

[At this time, Third Raikage vaguely noticed that you seem to have a different kind of talent. 】

[Because, since you were trained by him, you have been beaten so many times, but you have never been hit. 】

【This is outrageous!】

"Even Third Raikage's attacks can be dodged."

“Although it is impossible for Third Raikage to show full strength, it is not possible to dodge if you want to. 35

"And as long as you continue to train, you will definitely be able to evade the attack of the Third Raikage with all her strength! 35

Tuo Yu is very confident about this.

【When you are four years old, Ai and Killer Bee take you up the mountain to hunt. 】

[“Have you seen that rabbit? Kill it.” Ai pointed to the gray rabbit not far away. 】

[You condense Lightning Style ninjutsu and aim at the rabbit, but you can't make up your mind to release the ninjutsu. 】

["Quickly!" Ai suddenly shouted, and you panicked and released the ninjutsu in other directions indiscriminately. 】

[The rabbit is startled and jumps away quickly. 】

["Whoops! You idiot!" Out of frustration for his younger brother's weakness, Ai kicked you angrily, but you avoided him with a strange posture. 】

[Instead, Ai, who had used all his strength, lost his balance and fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment. 】

["Ah! I must teach you a good lesson!" Ai shouted angrily, and would beat you up after chasing you. 】

【You two are chasing after each other wildly, moving up and down, no matter what attack method Ai uses, you can always dodge Ai's attack at a critical moment. 】

[Finally, the practice is finished in good condition again. 】

"Has evasion reached this level?"

"But it's still just a child, and although Ai is angry, he doesn't do his best.

"The ability to evade should still be improved.

Tuo Yu had an expectant smile on his face.

[On the one hand, your evasion talent begins to show, on the other hand, your compassionate nature is gradually exposed. 】

[You can't see killing, even if it's just an ant. 】

[You will yell to stop when others are about to step on the ants. 】

[Seeing the fish in the fisherman's basket, I couldn't bear it, and then I spent money to buy them all and threw them into the river to release them. 】

【Pick up the injured bird that cannot fly, you will take it home and take care of it carefully until it can spread its wings again. 】

[When you see someone trying to hurt the elk, you will yell and let the elk run away. 】

[When you see a child bullying wild cats and dogs, you will come forward to stop them. 】

【All your actions are seen by your two older brothers, who are very disappointed with your kindness. 】

[Because this is the last quality ninja needs. 】

see here.

Tuo Yu was also a little worried.

The monks are compassionate and never kill.

A single resistance training is evasion.

Is it the type that can't fight back?

Isn't that a bit too frustrating?

With these doubts, Tuo Yu continued to watch.

[Because your approach is inconsistent with the fierce folk customs of Cloud Shinobi Village, the children in the village always want to make fun of you. 】

[After they found out that you won't hurt small animals, they drove the puppies to bite you. 】

[Of course you won't shoot at the puppy, but you have perfectly avoided all the attacks of the puppy. 】

[After chasing for two hours, the puppy is all tired and lying on the ground, you are still alive and well. 】

[Because you do not need to move in a large range when dodging, you only need to dodge in the most critical place, and the consumption of physical strength is very small. 】

[The children are not reconciled and throw stones at you. 】

[But you still easily escaped. 】

"These bear children!"

Tuo Yu gritted his teeth.

Although they were all dodged, it is still not serious for this kind of childish behavior.

Tuo Yu is very hated.

What he hates is not these bear children, but the indulgence of these bear children's parents.

It is precisely because of the inaction of the parents that the bear children are spoiled.

They don't even know the serious consequences of their actions.

"Fortunately, this time it's a monk. If you meet the reckless version, you will have your ashes raised!"

["There is an old grandmother in the mountains who accidentally fell down!" A child tells you with a smile. 】

[Your compassion is overflowing, and you immediately go up the mountain in the direction of the grandmother. 】

[But who knows this is a trick, there are a lot of traps along the way. 】

[Flying stones, ropes, medicinal powder that can paralyze people, Kabuto, a net that hangs people up, etc. 】

[But they were easily avoided by you. 】

[Afterwards, you are disappointed to find that there are only some old monkeys soaking in the hot spring, and there is no grandma who fell down. 】

"Hey, isn't this character a little straight." Tuo Yu said speechlessly.

"The bear children are just lying, do you trust them so much?"

The more Tuo Yu said, the more weird it felt.

I feel that this monk's talent is really kind to the extreme!

【You go down the mountain. 】

[But as everyone knows, at this time in Yamanaka, there are several other people watching. 】

[Yes, it is Third Raikage, and Killer Bee, your father and brother. 】

【"What the fuck? All dodged?"】

【“That’s a trap that Chūnin will only use in exams! There are more than 20 people, and none of them have been hit? l

[After observing everything secretly, Third Raikage finally confirmed that you have a unique evasion talent. 】

【“You have a unique talent, but you still need training. You need to cultivate this talent to become the number one in the whole ninja world.” Third Raikage said to you. 】

[Under the guidance of Third Raikage, you also discovered that you are extremely good at dodging, but you also know that your physical fitness limits your upper limit. 】

【From now on, your training content has been replaced by dodge training except for basic ninjutsu and taijutsu. 】

[In the beginning, training was performed by throwing stones. 】

【2 adult ninjas, throwing stones at you from different directions. 】

[Unlike the hand strength of children, adult ninjas have stronger hand strength and faster stone speed. 】

[After you still dodged all of them, the number of people increased to 3. 】

[Three people, and adults throw stones, the difficulty of dodging has increased several times. 】

[But you still hide. 】

[Next, 4 people. 】

[You still hide. 】

[But the process has become more difficult. 】

[Increased to 5 people, when you hide, some sweat has appeared on your head, which means that you are a little reluctant. ].

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