Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 132 Eight years of training, starting to tread the road of the No. 1 evasion master in the J

[Third Raikage added a number of people, however, this time you were not able to dodge all of them, and were injured by stones. 】

[Your face is wounded and blood is flowing out, and you feel the pain of being hit for the first time. 】

“Sure enough, there is room for improvement. 99

"But now that I have started training, I will be able to improve quickly in the future.

Tuo Yu watched the little Tuo Yu, who was only four years old in the picture, gritted his teeth and trained.

I was a little unbearable in my heart, and at the same time, I was also moved.

Because the training in the simulation ultimately benefits him.

However, he will not suffer the crime.

All the sins suffered during the training process were borne by Tuo Yu in the simulation.

For this, Tuo Yu has always been grateful.

Gratitude to yourself.

[Although you were injured, you did not give up. 】

[Because of the extremely high talent, the effect of your training is obvious. It took you only two days to get used to the stone throwing training of six people, and you escaped perfectly. 】

[Following seven people, you only spent two days. 】

[Eight people, still two days. 】

[It took you a lot of time until there were ten people, but it was only four days. 】

[Third Raikage finished the rock-throwing training when he was able to dodge the rock-throwing training of twenty people. 】

[However, in order to hone you, he did not give you time to breathe, and immediately started the more dangerous shuriken evasion training. 】

[For safety reasons, Third Raikage initially arranged for only ten people to throw shuriken. 】

"Fuck, this is also called for safety?"

"It starts with ten people throwing shuriken at him. Uchiha Madara has this kind of treatment! 55

Tuo Yu was speechless.

Sure enough, it is Cloud Shinobi Village with simple folk customs!

Tough enough!

Have you ever seen 10 strong men take turns firing shuriken at a 4-year-old little boy?

[Because the speed of the shuriken is higher and more dangerous. 】

【Third Raikage just wants to train, not to kill you. 】

[So the angle is not very tricky, and it is not aimed at blind spots such as the eyes, throat, and back of the neck. 】


"I can thank you.

[In the beginning, your body couldn't keep up with the speed of the shuriken. 】

[But with the improvement of training, your physical fitness gradually catches up. 】

[Soon, you will be able to dodge ten people's shuriken with ease. 】

[The number of people throwing shuriken is also gradually increasing. 】

come on!

Tuo Yu clenched his fists.

He watched as the little Tuo Yu in the simulation was covered in scratches.

Those were all scars that had not escaped the shuriken.

However, Third Raikage continued to train after a simple treatment.

Little Tuo Yu was given no time to rest.

【When you can dodge the shuriken thrown by twenty people, the training goes to the next stage. 】

[The person who accompanies you to train has become your second brother, Killer Bee. 】

[Killer Bee is good at using knives, and has created his own eight knives style, which can use up to eight knives at the same time. 】

[But it is very difficult to avoid the sword. No matter how sharp the shuriken is, it is just a throwing object. 】

[However, the power of cutting with a knife by hand is different. 】

[In addition to the faster speed of the sword, because the sword is a tool for close combat, it leaves you less time to dodge. 】

[Originally, Killer Bee only used a wooden knife. 】

[His physical quality is much better than yours, which causes his shot speed to be much faster than you think. 】

[Stab, split, tease, slash, etc., the movements are so smooth. 】

【In the first few days, it was very difficult for you to escape the attack of Killer Bee with all his strength, and you were often beaten all over your body. 】

[And Killer Bee also laughed at this time: Bajiya Road! I hit you for the first time after 4 years of beating you! Wide and crushing road!]

[However, with continuous training, your evasion ability will continue to improve. 】

[A little improvement in physical fitness, although the improvement rate is not as good as Killer Bee, but it can support you to make more dodge moves. 】

【It took two months of hard work, you can perfectly avoid all the attacks of Killer Bee using a knife. 】

[However, when he took out the second knife, he immediately let you be beaten back to your original shape. 】

Look at the little Tuo Yu who is covered in bruises.

That's all proof of being knocked down by a wooden knife.

However, even so, little Tuo Yu did not cry out.

Little Tuo Yu's perseverance is amazing.

At the same time, little Tuo Yu also understands his situation.

Little Tuo Yu, who can't be cruel to kill, can survive in this troubled world only by training his evasion talent to Ultimate.

Tuo Yu gritted his teeth and was deeply moved by little Tuo Yu.

[The training to avoid two knives at the same time lasted for several months. 】

[In the past few months, you have been beaten hundreds of times every day. 】

[There is not a single piece of skin on the body that is intact. 】

[But you gritted your teeth and persisted. 】

[This perseverance, even Third Raikage nodded in approval. 】

[“Maybe not very talented, but his perseverance is worth learning from.” Third Raikage said to his other two sons. 】

[But whether it's Ai who is watching from the sidelines or Killer Bee who is training him personally, there are only two words to describe how you feel in your heart. 】

[Because in this world, the four-year-old child who can avoid Killer Bee's two knives at the same time has not yet been born! 】

[His continuous attack with two swords, even ordinary Jōnin can't stand it, let alone you. 】

[They recognized you deep down in their hearts, although they still felt that the idea that you didn't kill and only avoided was too strange. 】

Initial disapproval, current approval.

The price paid by little Tuo Yu is not small.

Tuo Yu saw all this.

He felt very relieved.

[The training of the third knife also lasted for several months. 】

[It was also from this time that Third Raikage felt shocked. He didn't expect you to actually survive, so he began to emphasize your training in ninjutsu and Lightning Style. 】

【“The armor of Lightning Style is our signature ninjutsu, you must learn it anyway, and it helps your talent.” Third Raikage said. 】

[As a result, your daily training becomes more and more hard, and you can eat and sleep less than six hours a day. 】

[Under such hard training, you only spent 4 months of attacking, and perfectly avoided the attack of Killer Bee's four knives. J

Armor of Lightning Style!

It can be said to be Raikage's exclusive ninjutsu.

Power and speed.

Strong singles ability!

【As time increases. 】

【Five knives, six knives...】

【Finally, when you were seven years old, you managed to dodge all the attacks of Killer Bee with eight knives. 】

[And preliminarily mastered the Lightning Style armor. 】

All the hardships... not coming.

Tuo Yu shook his head helplessly.

Although to a certain extent, little Tuo Yu's evasion ability is already very strong.

But obviously, it is far from reaching the limit!

[The three major Raikages specially created a trap tower for you in order to continue to stimulate your talent. 】

··0 Seeking flowers ........

[Pit, animal trap, pendulum, dark arrow, ground thorn, rolling stone...]

[There are countless traps with huge lethality inside. The most important thing is that the environment inside is very complex, full of various traps and attacks. It is not as simple as avoiding a knife and slashing. Ordinary people may be smashed into thousands of corpses if they are careless. part. 】

[And when you are young, you need to go all the way from the top to the bottom. 】

[The trap tower is divided into five floors. 】

[In the beginning, you couldn't even break through the top layer. 】

[If it is not protected by Lightning Style armor, you are afraid that you have been seriously injured. 】

[But even with the Lightning Style armor, your injuries are not light. 】

Little Tuo Yu's training has always been accompanied by a bruised body.

Compared with the previous illusion training, the avoidance training was more cruel.

After the illusion training is resisted, nothing will happen, and there will be no pain.

But when avoiding training, if you make a mistake, you will be injured.

It was fine before, and the wound can still be controlled.

but now.

Face the many powerful traps of the trap tower.

Even with the care of Third Raikage, little Tuo Yu was still seriously injured.

[You cannot train continuously if you are seriously injured. 】


[When you can't enter the trap tower, you will train in Taijutsu and Lightning Style. 】

[When the injury does not affect the action, you will challenge the trap tower again. 】

[Training in Taijutsu and Lightning Style after injury. 】

[So repeatedly, finally, on your eighth birthday, you completely conquered the trap tower. 】

【Third Raikage, as well as the countless high-rises of Cloud Shinobi Village, were all shocked. 】

[Because, when they designed this trap tower, they put all the attack modes imaginable in the whole ninja world into it. 】

[Everyone agrees that it is absolutely impossible for you to break through this kind of training. 】

[But you did it. 】

【And it only took a year!】

[At the same time as the successful summit, Third Raikage also gave you a present for your eighth birthday. 】

【“Go to the battlefield and show your talent.” Third Raikage said to you. 】

[So, you set foot on the battlefield. 】

Tuo Yu took a deep breath.

Although he knew that in the Second Ninja World War and the Third Ninja World War.

It is common for young Genin to act as cannon fodder.

But little Tuo Yu, the son of Third Raikage, was sent out when he was only eight years old.

Boy, aren't you afraid of your son's death?

It's really a father's love!

Tuo Yu couldn't help complaining.

[You and two older brothers formed a team. 】

[In order to make you adapt to the battlefield, Ai and Killer Bee deliberately left a Chūnin for you to deal with. 1

[They will solve all the remaining ninjas, and secretly swept the array for you. 】

["Don't blame me." Seeing that you are just a child, the other party said this sentence as if he couldn't bear it. 】

[But he rushed over without any hesitation, and the kunai in his hand pierced straight at your pupil. 】

[You gently sideways, then dodged his attack. 】

[With a slight jump, he dodged his kick. 】

[Stretch out his hand and spread his five fingers to hold the opponent's head and step back, avoiding his Kunai sweeping again. 】

[Your dodging is like an art. 】

[Always dodge the opponent's attack with only a slight movement. 】

[However, it uses temptation to make the other party think that it will only attack you a little bit. 】

[Half an hour later, the enemy Chūnin collapsed exhausted, never touching you a single hair from beginning to end. 】deficit.

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