Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 141 What! There are only half of the people left, can you still cure them?

at this time.

The injured ninja turned pale.

Obviously, he has already learned that he can no longer be a ninja.

With a spinal injury, if there is no accident in his life, he can only spend it in a wheelchair forever.

But didn't this happen by accident?

Because of the spinal injury.

Tsunade and Tuo Yu put the patient on the operating table and checked.

After careful inspection, Tsunade shook his head with an ugly face and said: "The spine is connected to the brain, and the nerves are already glued together, and it is difficult to separate. 35

"If it is done improperly, it may even make his upper body unable to move. I am not sure."

Tsunade's words made the ninja's face even darker.

In his opinion, Tsunade, one of the Sannin's, may be his only hope.

However, this only hope gave him a desperate blow.

"Since Tsunade-sama doesn't come, then I'll start." Tuo Yu's words shone like a beam of light in the ninja's parched heart.

A glimmer of hope appeared on his face, and he turned to see Tuo Yu's face.


That glimmer of hope disappeared.

He became more desperate.

Tuo Yu's youthful face made him unable to believe it.

Tuo Yu would be a stronger medical ninja than Tsunade.

But now he's on the operating table, and the anesthesia has worked wonders.

He can't even turn his head now.

Not to mention talking.

"You really can?" Tsunade looked suspicious.

Even she wasn't sure, Tuo Yu was so light on it.

"Just look and see." Tuo Yu said, looked up and winked at Tsunade, and whispered, "Don't forget the bet between us.

Tsunade's face immediately turned red, and then he looked at Tuo Yu through gritted teeth.

Little bastard!

She was resentful in her heart, but dared not show it too much.

This time the bet can't be made known to others.

Otherwise, if she really loses, then she will be the laughing stock of Chen Wei's entire Konoha, and even the entire ninja world.

"Okay, I'm going to start.

Tuo Yu said and picked up the scalpel.

This kind of tone, like a live teaching, made Tsunade's face darken instantly.

But soon.

She was deeply attracted by Tuo Yu's approach.

The cut out window is small but very accurate.

Then Tuo Yu gently pulled out the nerves, quickly connected them together, and put them back after stitching.

Then there is the spine. The splicing of the spine is a bit troublesome, but it is not difficult for Tuo Yu.

It's just some effort.

"How is this possible!" Tsunade looked shocked.

She did not expect that Tuo Yu would act so decisively and so quickly.

He didn't seem to hesitate, and he didn't worry about getting the wrong nerve.

Every broken nerve was quickly connected and sutured, and the whole process did not even exceed five seconds.

This is nothing short of a miracle!

She was deeply attracted by Tuo Yu's technique and indulged in it.

Not just her.

Others also approached one after another, wanting to take a closer look.

As shocked as Tsunade was, there was also the director of the hospital.

He is also an outstanding medical ninja.

Naturally know more than outsiders.

"This superb technique, this simple movement, this action without delay, is really wonderful! It's like making a beautiful piece of art! Dean 99 is intoxicated.

"Faced with symptoms that even Tsunade can't do anything about, you can operate so calmly, and even someone who doesn't know how to do it can't help but sigh, Tuo Yu, you have given me too many surprises!" Sarutobi Hiruzen looked on Watching Tuo Yu's surgery hotly, he said inwardly.

"Although I can't understand it, it's amazing!" Little Sakura and Ino were completely conquered by Tuo Yu's gorgeous and dazzling techniques.

At this time, there are only kind little stars and love in their eyes.

There was no one in sight except Tuo Yu.

"Fuck, he's so handsome!" Naruto and the others also looked at him eagerly.

When have they seen this scene?

This fuck, surgery!

Tuo Yu plays like he's making ramen!

Everyone was shocked.

"It's more subtle than when the treatment was not cut, it seems that he wasn't serious at that time," Kakashi said.

(cacg) "Yeah, Tuo Yu's talent is really shocking." Yuhika sighed.

"This strength is worth making friends with." Hyuga Hiashi nodded secretly.

"My daughter seems to like him very much. I wonder if I can make him my son-in-law?" Yamanaka Kaiichi, Ino's father, thought happily in his heart.

If such a talented and powerful ninja can join the Yamanaka clan, it will be of extraordinary benefit to the Yamanaka clan.

"He will definitely become a pivotal figure in Konoha in the future." Nara Shikahisa's eyes were solemn, obviously caring about Tuo Yu very much.

A group of people were blowing rainbow farts, and on Tuo Yu's side, the entire operation didn't last too long.

It only took about 20 minutes for Tuo Yu to repair the spine.

"This is the end?" Tsunade looked shocked.

Her helpless spinal nerve recovery was solved so easily by Tuo Yu?

And, it only took 20 minutes?

It takes hours to get a leg surgery!

She wanted to refute, to find out where Tuo Yu made mistakes.

But no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't find anything to refute.

Because of the whole process, she watched it with her own eyes, and was deeply indulged in it.

"All right."

Tuo Yu's voice brought Tsunade back to his senses.

She was surprised to find that Tuo Yu even took the ninja's severed hand in this short period of time.

This speed...

Tsunade admits that he is not at the level of Tuo Yu at all.

At this stage of the game, the outcome is very clear.

Tsunade's face was blank.

I lost?

Did you lose the medical ninjutsu competition?

how is this possible?

Just when she doubted her life.

Dean, who was deeply intoxicated by Tuo Yu's superb technique, started the fifth round of the competition.

A man with only his upper body left was pushed in.

The patient's face was buckled with an oxygen cylinder, and the broken lower body was dripping with blood.

However, if the treatment is not continued, it is only afraid that it will be life-threatening.

The dean did not announce the competition event, but looked at Tuo Yu with burning eyes, and said solemnly: "This, this person, can he, can he be cured?

"Hmm... a little troublesome." Tuo Yu scratched his cheek.

The dean's face suddenly became dull.


Having trouble?

This is only half left, you mean it's a little troublesome... Could it be cured?

Tuo Yu turned to look at the crowd, looking for someone.

When he saw the person he was looking for, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Senior Ibizi, can you help me find someone here? I need a human transplant.


All shocked!

"Damn it!? Can even this kind of injury be cured?" Yamanaka Kaiichi said in surprise.

"This, this is so special! Can this still be called medical ninjutsu?" Nara Shikahisa was also shocked.

"This, I'm afraid that even Orochimaru's Forbidden Technique can't do it?" The brawny Akamichi Dingza said solemnly.

"Yes, it looks like the Forbidden Technique studied by Orochimaru. If it can be treated well, then his medical skills are even higher than Orochimaru's Forbidden Technique." Nara Shikahisa said solemnly.

"No, what Tuo Yu-kun performed was not a Forbidden Technique, but a real medical technique." Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile.

He clearly knew what Forbidden Technique the original Orochimaru was studying.

That's why he was forced to force Orochimaru out of Konoha.

But Tuo Yu is different.

Tuo Yu performed medical skills!

Although it looks weird.

But it's medicine!

Rejuvenate with a wonderful hand, come back to life!

"I can't agree." After the initial shock, Senai Ibizi slowly shook his head and refused Tuo Yu's request.

"Why?" Tuo Yu asked with a frown.

"If in order to save one person, another person must be sacrificed, wouldn't the result still be the same as losing one person?" said Ibiza Mori.

"Yes, this loses the meaning of saving people.

"Although this person looks pitiful, but in order to save him, he has to sacrifice another person. Isn't that other person also pitiful?"

"Although it is to save people, this method is still too cruel, can't we use other methods? 35

“There must be a better way, right? Tuo Yu-kun has been great so far. 35

The people around were chatting with each other.

But all topics point to a problem.

Is it unethical to save this person with another person's life.

In this regard, Tuo Yu has long been prepared.

"Then please help me to prepare a dead person, senior Ibizi, preferably a person who has just died not long ago, so that the success rate will be higher. 35 Tuo Yu said lightly.

There was an uproar all around.

They all looked at Tuo Yu in shock.

Unexpectedly, Tuo Yu would choose such an approach.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

If it is dead.

Although it's a bit inhumane.

But it's also a good thing to save a life.

"Impossible!" Tsunade came back to his senses and said immediately upon hearing Tuo Yu's words.

"After the death of the human body, various organs begin to fail, and muscle tissue, etc. will gradually lose their activity. You want to replace the body of a dead person. Although it is a good idea, it is difficult to achieve." Tsunade said with a solemn expression.

"Try it and you'll know." Tuo Yu said with a relaxed expression.

Ibiki Mori had a headache, "Although there are dead people, I don't have those who died recently.

"I have it here," said the dean.

Everyone remembered this.

They are in the hospital.

Although it is not every day, but occasionally someone will die either because of an accident or because of a mission.

In short.

There is no shortage of dead bodies in the hospital.

"This should require the consent of the family of the deceased?" Tuo Yu frowned.

He wanted to get the corpse from Senai Bixi because Senai Bixi belonged to the torture department.

Who can pass into the torture department?

Enemy spies, Konoha betrayal and so on.

They are all unforgivable beings in the village.

However, if the body of the deceased at Konoha Hospital is to be used, the consent of the family of the deceased is required.

Otherwise there will be a lot of trouble later.

"Just leave the negotiation to me, you can do whatever you want. Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile.

With Hokage endorsement.

The dean immediately called in a deceased who had just died for less than four hours.

The crowd immediately watched intently.

Including Tsunade.

She also wanted to see how Tuo Yu could make use of corpses with inactive muscle tissue and organ failure.

Tuo Yu directly picked up a saw, wiped it, and sawed the upper and lower body of the body in three or two strokes.


The intensive splicing work began.

see this scene.

The entire Konoha Hospital, hundreds of spectators, all looked like they had seen a ghost!

One side is Tuo Yu's precise operation, and the other side is cutting the body with a saw. This contrast is completely incomprehensible!

Transplanting a body, Tuo Yu often does it in simulations.

Even if the other party is dead, it doesn't matter.

Because Tuo Yu has unique activation skills.

As long as the corpse is spliced ​​with the patient's limbs in a very short time, the vitality of the patient can be conveyed to the spliced ​​corpse through Chakra.

This will alleviate the possibility that the corpse's muscle tissue will become inactive and organs will begin to fail.

Just now Tuo Yu took a special look at the patient's condition.

He was found to have lost a kidney in addition to his entire lower body.

Before splicing, he also needs to have a kidney re-transplanted into him.

Ka Ka Ka!


Tuo Yu's operation is smooth and smooth.

The onlookers only saw that Tuo Yu pulled the vascular splices and then sutured them for a while, and then pulled the nerve sutures for a while.

Suddenly pick up the ligaments and sew them together.

But no matter what the stitching is, Tuo Yu spends very little time, and there is no pause in the whole process!

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