Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 142 The Chūnin exam starts! Payne: Why is it crazy again?

Under this dazzling operation.

Everyone was shocked to find that the patient's upper body was gradually connected to the corpse's lower body.

Apart from the corpse's pale lower body, it looked as if it was just a wounded person from a distance.

Instead of losing the entire lower body of a dying person.

"This technique is too delicate." Tsunade watched intently.

"This is a masterpiece!" The hospital director also sighed softly, for fear that the loud voice would disturb Tuo Yu.

The operation was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Countless blood vessels, muscles, nerves, bones, ligaments, etc., are all connected together.

Only after the skin is sutured, it seems that there is no abnormality except for a slight difference in color.

But before the skin is sutured.

Tuo Yu first performed a unique Healing Jutsu, and began to use Chakra to transfer the breath of the living from the patient to the lower body of the corpse.

In the future, Chiyo of Sunagakure, in order to revive Gaara, who died from being pulled out of the tail beast, used the Forbidden Technique to be reincarnated to transfer the vitality into the corpse.

He is based on this principle.

Transfer the patient's life force to the lower body.

After a few seconds.

The lower part of the body, which was originally a corpse, actually regained its blood color little by little, and turned into a full of life.


After half a minute, Tuo Yu exhaled lightly.

At this time, the lower body of the injured person has completely recovered its blood color and looks vigorous.

Tuo Yu started the finishing touches.

The skin is sutured.

And, let the injured take two steps.

Under the terrified gazes of everyone, the wounded who had been broken into two sections actually stood up!

One step, two steps.

Walks normally.

Fully recovered!

"Really, really ingenious technology...

Tsunade couldn't help but admire.

At this point, she completely forgot about the stakes.

As a medical ninja, seeing such superb techniques and the way of transmitting life force is also of great value to her medical ninjutsu!

Follow Tuo Yu.

Her medical ninjutsu might be even better because of this!

"I didn't expect to see such exquisite medical ninjutsu in my lifetime. The hospital director also discovered the uniqueness of Tuo Yu Healing Jutsu.

Others didn't know why, but they also exclaimed in amazement.

"Damn it! Can this be saved too? It's too awesome!"

"Tuo Yu-kun is really a genius that we Konoha rarely see in a hundred years!

"This medical talent, I believe, can be compared to the Wood Style talent of First Generation!

"The flesh and bones of the living dead are the real top medical ninjutsu!"

"In the future, with Tuo Yu here, there is no need to worry about being injured in the mission. Even if you die, as long as you bring it back in time, Tuo Yu can save you! 99

There was a lot of discussion.

Looking at Tuo Yu's eyes contained eagerness and shock.

After Tuo Yu finished finishing, he looked at the dean.

"How? Do I win?"

"Huh?" The dean was stunned for a moment, then realized that this was still in the competition, and suddenly said with a smile: "Of course."

He then announced loudly: "This time, in the medical ninjutsu competition between Tsunade and Tuo Yu, the winner is Tuo Yu!



"It's too strong! This is simply an immortal art!

The crowd cheered and rejoiced at the result.

This is also of course.

By the time the fourth patient came out, Tsunade had already lost to Tuo Yu.

Now that they still see such a miraculous method as Tuo Yu, they feel that their trip is worthwhile!

However, Tsunade's face darkened at the moment.

Because she remembered the bet between her and Tuo Yu.

Thinking of the next month, I have to wear very sheer clothes with very little fabric to cook for Tuo Yu.

The shyness in my heart filled my mind.

"Hey, Tsunade-sama, what's wrong with you?" Shizune looked at Tsunade's flushed cheeks in surprise.

Seeing this, Tuo Yu quietly came to Tsunade and whispered in her ear: "Don't forget our bet.


Tsunade's head was like a volcanic eruption, sending out a lot of smoke.

"Master Tsunade? Master Tsunade?" Shizune panicked and wanted to reach out but didn't know what to do.

The dean also looked at Tsunade inexplicably: "What's wrong Tsunade?

"No, nothing, let's do it first!"

"I'm willing to admit defeat! 35

Tsunade said, blushing, and left as if nothing happened.

Tuo Yu, on the other hand, bowed his hands calmly, and walked out of the gate with the eyes of a group of Konoha villagers looking at gods.

Noon the next day.

In front of Tuo Yu's house.

Kurenai Yuhi stood here alone.

She came to summon Tuo Yu as ordered by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Third Hokage has something important to discuss with him

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

Knock lightly on the door.

"How come back..."

Tsunade, who was wearing an apron, opened the door and came out with Yuhi Rin's face full of surprise.

Seeing that it was not Tuo Yu but Hong Yuhi, Tsunade calmed down and turned red.

Because she is wearing a very thin dress now!

There is almost only one layer of yarn!

Although there is an apron in front of her blocking it.

But if you look at it from behind, you'll basically see everything.

"Sir Tsunade?" Hong Yuhi's face couldn't hide the surprise, "Why are you here?

"Oh, me, me? I, me, I'm here to help Tuo Yu cook, this is our bet for yesterday's game. Tsunade said in a panic.

"Oh, is Tuo Yu-kun here? Hokage-sama wants to find him." Yuhi Kung explained her intentions.

"He's not here now, I'll tell him when he comes back, you go back first." Tsunade hurriedly said.

"Oh, okay, I'll trouble Master Tsunade." Hong Yuhi frowned slightly, always feeling that something was wrong.

But she didn't know what was wrong.

Tsunade-sama looked a little flustered.

what happened?

Isn't it just cooking, why is she panicking?

However, he did not wait for Yuhika to ask further questions. .


Tsunade closed the door immediately.

This sudden move further aggravated Yuhika's doubts.

"Won't you ask me to come in and sit?"

"Does Lord Steelhand have any ulterior motives?"

Hong Yuhi was suspicious in her heart, and quietly came to the window beside it, carefully peeking.

But something even more outrageous happened.

I saw Tsunade in the living room, after closing the door, he walked back backwards!

Tsunade's vigilance is very strong, she guessed that in all likelihood, the red will peep!

So go back upside down!

And see this scene.

Hong Yuhi was completely dumbfounded.


what's the situation?

Why is Tsunade-sama walking backwards?!

Don't you feel awkward?

And not afraid of being tripped over?

Under Yuhika's questioning gaze.

Tsunade slowly backed away and walked into the inner kitchen.

"Damn, what the hell happened!"

"Does Tsunade-sama still have this special hobby?"

Hokage Office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat in the office chair and waited silently.

This time I came to Tuo Yu for no other reason, mainly because it was time for the Chūnin Conference.

Such an important matter, how can I not ask Tuo Yu's opinion?

He is Konoha's strongest magic weapon now, and the pillars generally exist!

··0 Flowers·

Even if it's your own Hokage, listen to his opinion!

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

There was a knock at the door.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was imagining, was suddenly shocked and said in a kind voice: "Come in. 35

"Lord Hokage, I heard that you are looking for me?" Tuo Yu opened the door and walked in.

"That's right, what do you think of the Chūnin exam after a while?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked with a smile.

"Chūnin exam? 99 Tuo Yu snorted, so it's already time.

After thinking for a few seconds, he pretended to be thoughtful and said, "Lord Hokage, I think the ninja world is in chaos now, and I, Konoha, haven't shown our strength for a while."

"This is an excellent opportunity to show the strong young strength of our Konoha, I suggest inviting the five major Ninja villages to come and participate together.

"Showing the strong potential of my Konoha in the entire ninja world can revive my Konoha hero!" Tuo Yu said loudly.


Makes sense.

We must let other countries know about me, Konoha, and a peerless genius like you.

If even a genius like you has to hide it.

Isn't that like a night walk in brocade clothes?

"Okay! Just do as you said, the old man will invite the major Ninja villages to come to participate! Sarutobi Hiruzen said in a deep voice: "Also, Tuo Yu, only you can show my Konoha's majesty, so this is The next Chūnin exam, please be sure to take it!


"It's my duty to be able to shine for Konoha!"" Tuo Yu said solemnly without forgetting his character.

The matter of the Chūnin exam was quickly settled.

And the other side.

Rain country.

In the cave at the top of the tallest building in Rain Shinobi Village.

Payne stood at the entrance of the cave, drenched in icy rain, and a pair of Rinnegan looked indifferently into the distance.

"The gloomy weather is like the haze that weighs on the hearts of the people of the Land of Rain."

“It represents the pain that this country has gone through, and why it has been so long refusing to evacuate.35

"But one day, I will disperse the rain and let the sun shine on this land forever.

"Let true peace come to the country of rain, to the entire ninja world!

Express your mood.

Payne thought of the group of four who went out to investigate.

"With Madara and Kakuzu following, there will be no problem. Payne looked in the direction of the country of waves and said, "This time, I should be able to eradicate the threat called Tuo Yu. ""

"It's bound to be someone who is obstructed by my organization, and it can only make you sleep forever."

Payne is thinking silently here.

Yet at this moment.

Suddenly there was a strange movement behind him.

"Huh?" Payne looked around, and after a space warp, Obito with a mask appeared.

From the country of waves back to the country of rain, it didn't take much distance.

But because of the special circumstances this time, the group delayed for a long time before returning.

And as for that special case.

Naturally, the Xiao organization has gone crazy again.

"How's it going? Did you get that Tuo Yu?" Payne looked at Obito.

Hearing this, Obito's mood was not beautiful at first, and he was even less beautiful when he heard Payne's words.

He didn't say a word, stared at a Sharingan, sighing, helpless, weird...

Various emotions are contained in it.

After hating Payne, Obito directly activated Kamui, and the space warp flew away.

"What's going on?" Payne felt bad in his heart, "Did the plan fail again?"

Not waiting for Payne to recover.

Pieces of paper flew from the sky, condensed together, and turned into the appearance of Konan.

"Didn't things go well? Looking at Madara, there seems to be an accident." Payne asked with a frown.

"Alas..." Konan sighed speechlessly and said, "Go down and see for yourself, I really don't know what to do." Lose.


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