The two of them were so shocked.

Sasuke stared at Minato and Kushina who appeared behind Naruto in amazement.

His eyes were all shocked.

Looking at their skin, it was obvious that they were not Impure World Reincarnation.

But Naruto didn't have the Samsara Eye, so he definitely couldn't perform the Samsara Reincarnation Technique.

So how did he resurrect Minato and Kushina?

Sasuke was puzzled.

But this didn't affect his huge shock.

Because Sasuke knew.

Currently, the only known means of resurrection, except for Impure World Reincarnation and Samsara Reincarnation Technique, is the "wedge" of the Otsutsuki clan.

But there are still differences between the three.

Impure World Reincarnation, this technique can summon the souls of ninjas who have long passed away back to the world and revive them in the form of entities. The resurrected person can be controlled by the caster, but the caster can also remove the control.

In addition, if the person being cast knows the seal of Impure World Reincarnation, he can take the initiative to cancel the Impure World Reincarnation contract.

However, if you want to use this technique to revive the dead, certain conditions are required.

The Reincarnation Technique is a forbidden technique of heaven. It is a super S-level forbidden technique that can only be used by the owner of the Samsara Eye. It is the highest-level resurrection ninjutsu known.

Not only can the dead be resurrected, but also a group resurrection can be performed, and the resurrected dead are all flesh and blood, alive and kicking real people.

The only price is the life of the caster.

The "wedge" of the Otsutsuki clan is a special ability of the bloodline boundary exclusive to the Otsutsuki clan, which can enhance the combat effectiveness of the Otsutsuki clan members, seize the bodies of others, and absorb ninjutsu and space transfer abilities.

With the help of the "wedge", the members of the Otsutsuki clan can transform themselves into chakra form, host other people, and complete reincarnation in other people's bodies. A special mark will appear on the body of the host, that is, the "wedge", and they can also use some of the abilities of the original Otsutsuki host.

The "wedge" mark is similar to a compressed document, which fully records the will of the Otsutsuki clan. As time goes by, the "wedge" mark will slowly release and gradually replace the host.

In other words, the "wedge" mark is the way the Otsutsuki clan takes over the body.

The will of the person who is taken over will slowly disappear as the "wedge" mark is gradually released, and will eventually be completely taken over by the Otsutsuki clan and become the host.

In addition to these three ways of resurrection, there are actually three other ways: Dragon Life Reincarnation, Self-Life Reincarnation, and Curse Seal!

Dragon Life Reincarnation, this technique can transfer the "life" of the caster to others through a kiss, so that others can continue to live, but this is the reincarnation of "life", which is a one-time operation. Once it is performed once, the caster will "die".

In simple terms, it is a life for a life!

Kisei Reincarnation is also a resurrection technique that exchanges life for life. It uses all of its own chakra as a medium to distribute vitality to the recipient.

This ninjutsu can be used on the living or the dead. If it is used on the dead, the caster's chakra will be converted into the soul of the dead until the caster dies.

The last one, the curse seal!

This is also the resurrection technique that Sasuke knows best.

The curse seal is what Orochimaru studied from Jūgo's body, and he divided it into the Heaven Curse Seal and the Earth Curse Seal, and transplanted it to others.

Once the curse seal is used, the chakra, strength, and speed will increase exponentially.

But the chakra will become very evil and cold.

The appearance of the body will also change.

The caster can be resurrected through the curse seal.

In the previous life, during the Fourth Ninja World War, Sasuke's "Eagle" team resurrected Orochimaru through the Heavenly Curse Seal on Red Bean.

Sasuke looked at Minato and Kushina behind Naruto in astonishment, his brain working rapidly in an instant, thinking about the resurrection technique used by Naruto.

Obviously, he is still alive now, so it can't be those resurrection techniques that exchange lives for lives, nor can it be the curse seal.

In short, this can't be any of the six resurrection techniques.

So, how did he do it?

How come his father and mother suddenly resurrected after only one night.

What did he do?

Sasuke stared at Minato and Kushina in a daze, his eyes trembling with surprise.

"Sasuke, good morning!"

Naruto stood at the door and waved happily to Sasuke.

From today on, he is also a child with a father and a mother.

As Sasuke is his best friend, he must introduce them to each other.

But Sasuke was so shocked that he stood there, his body stiff, and his expression was

Nor did he move.

"What's wrong with you?"

Naruto frowned when he saw Sasuke motionless, like a piece of wood.

"Maybe we suddenly appeared and scared him."

Minato laughed awkwardly.

"Let me communicate with him, Mikoto's child, I haven't seen him for a long time."

Kushina smiled, walked out from behind Naruto, walked in front of Sasuke, squatted down, and made her eyes level with Sasuke.

"Sasuke, hello, I am Uzumaki Kushina, Naruto's mother, and your mother Mikoto's best friend."

Kushina smiled with narrowed eyes, and her amiable attitude made Sasuke come back to his senses.

He glanced at Naruto and knew that this was not the time to say these things, so he immediately adjusted his state and replied: "Hello, Aunt Kushina, I am Sasuke, and I am very happy to meet you."

"Ah, this child is so good."

Kushina smiled from ear to ear, raised her hand and rubbed Sasuke's head.

Sasuke: "..."

For the sake of your mother, Naruto, I won't get angry.

"Aunt Kushina, I'm here to call Naruto to go to school together."

Sasuke pretended to be calm and said calmly.

"I see, it's really hard for Sasuke."

Kushina smiled and glanced back at Naruto.

"Naruto, finish your breakfast quickly and go to school with Sasuke."


Naruto nodded, turned into the house and finished his breakfast quickly.

Then he put on his schoolbag and rushed out of the house.

"I'm going to school!"

Naruto ran away happily with Sasuke.

"Be careful on the way, stay safe!"

Kushina waved and reminded from behind.

Minato walked to her side, and watched his child go to school happily with her, and couldn't help feeling a little relieved in his heart.

"Naruto has grown up."

Minato smiled faintly.


Kushina also had a relieved smile on her face.



"Naruto has gone to school, shouldn't we go do our own things?"


On the way to school.

"Naruto, wait for me."

Sasuke shouted at Naruto who was running in front of him.

Naruto turned around and showed him a happy smile.

"Sasuke, come and chase me!"

"Chase your head, slow down!"

Sasuke said unhappily.

Looking at Naruto running vigorously at this time, he could feel that Naruto today was different from before.

It seemed that the whole person was much happier.


Kushina and Minato packed up everything and went out and headed straight to the Hokage Building.

On the street, many pedestrians were surprised to see Minato and Kushina suddenly appear.

"This, this is..."


"And Kushina?"

"Oh my God, am I still asleep?"

"Didn't they..."


The frightened people immediately scattered, hiding in the dark, secretly spying on the two people who suddenly came back to life.

Hokage Building.

"The Kumogakure delegation will arrive in a few days. Are you ready to deal with it?"

Jiraiya stood in front of the Hokage's desk and looked at Tsunade who was sitting in the Hokage's position.

Tsunade rested her hands on the table, with a worried look on her face.

"I'm also thinking about it. The Raikage is not an easy person to deal with."

The two were discussing.

Suddenly, the door of the Hokage's office was suddenly pushed open.

A ninja ran into the room in panic, with a frightened expression.

"Tsunade... Lady Tsunade... Something big has happened!!"

Tsunade glanced at the ninja and showed displeasure: "You are so panicked, how can you be so disgraceful? Calm down, what happened?"

"There are... two people who want to see you!" the ninja said breathlessly.

"Who are they?"

Tsunade was curious.

Who on earth could scare people like this?

Could it be a monster with three heads and six arms?

"It's... Minato and Kushina!"

The ninja said tremblingly.

He looked frightened.


Tsunade and Jiraiya exclaimed at the same time.

Jiraiya stared at the ninja with wide eyes.

"Minato? Kushina? Are you sure?"


Jiraiya was confused.

Minato and Kushina?

How is this possible?

Didn't they...

Tsunade's face was heavy.

Hearing these two names, she was a little panicked.

How could two dead people suddenly appear in the village?

What on earth was going on?

Could it be Naruto's doing again?

With this thought, Tsunade decided to meet the other party first, no matter what kind of monster it was.


They come in!"

Tsunade gave the order.

The ninja took the order and went out.

Soon, two figures appeared in the Hokage's office.

"Teacher Jiraiya, Lady Tsunade, long time no see."

Minato and Kushina came into the office and greeted the two with a smile.

Looking at these two familiar faces.

Jiraiya and Tsunade were shocked.

It was really them?

How is this possible?

"Minato, Kushina, how did you... survive?"

Please "urge for updates", please "use love to generate electricity", thank you dear stepfathers and stepmothers! Let this book perform better and better, I can update more and more, and longer and longer!!!

Some haters, please don't make random comments, this is a Naruto fanfiction, why are you making comments here to blacken Kobe? I will block you every time I see you in the future!

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