Jiraiya was shocked. He even suspected that he was dazzled. Minato and Kushina had passed away eight years ago. How could they suddenly appear in front of them? Was it an illusion? Or was it someone pretending? Jiraiya couldn't believe his eyes, rubbed his eyes hard, and looked at the door carefully. But he saw the two figures standing at the door, smiling at him and Tsunade. "How is this possible?" Jiraiya still couldn't believe it, his face full of disbelief. Tsunade also widened her eyes, staring at Minato and Kushina who came in from the door. Her mind was a little confused at the moment. Although she had prepared herself mentally.

But when she really saw the dead appear in front of her, she still felt a little incredible.

Judging from the appearance and state of Minato and Kushina, they did not look like they were resurrected by some kind of resurrection technique.

It was more like they had never died, but had always lived in this world.

But how could this be possible?

They were clearly dead!

"You... are..."

Tsunade's voice was intermittent, and she wanted to ask for clarification.

If the reason for their resurrection was known, it would be a huge shock to the ninja world.

The technology that can bring people back to life, no matter where it is placed, will attract people.

Seeing the reactions of the two, Minato and Kushina smiled at each other.

They had expected this scene a long time ago.

After all, they had been dead for so many years, and suddenly resurrected, anyone would be shocked.

On the way here, some people even thought they saw a ghost.

"Naruto did all this."

The two thought of Naruto's words that he could reveal this ability to Tsunade and Jiraiya, so they stopped hiding it and told the whole story.

"It was Naruto who resurrected us so that we can continue to live in this world."


Tsunade and Jiraiya were both stunned.

The question in their hearts was finally answered.

Tsunade had thought about this possibility before.

Now hearing Minato and Kushina admit it in person, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It was Naruto who did it!

This guy always does something unexpected.

But this time it was too shocking.

Didn't he consider the consequences of doing so?

Jiraiya pinched his chin and thought.

He didn't expect Naruto to be so powerful.

He could actually resurrect people who had been dead for so many years.

What other means did he have hidden?

The more they listened, the more shocked they were.

There was no notice at all that there was a white streak hidden outside the Hokage's office.

The lurking White Zetsu eavesdropped on the conversation in the Hokage's office, and his pale face could not help but reveal a look of shock.

I didn't expect that such a powerful technology could be hidden in a small Konoha Ninja Village.

If this were to spread, wouldn't it shock the world?

A man is innocent, but he is guilty of possessing a treasure.

Such means will probably make people all over the world covet it.

The future of Konoha is bound to be full of troubles.

Naruto will definitely become the target of everyone's competition.

When he thought of this, a grim smile appeared on White Zetsu's face.

Little boy, can you afford the consequences of that?

In the Hokage's office.

"Since it was Naruto who did it, everything makes sense."

Tsunade sat in the position of the Hokage and expressed that she could fully accept such a reason.

Jiraiya also nodded.

Naruto came from the future, and it was understandable that he had such unexpected technology.

I just didn't expect that the technology of the future has developed to such a great level.

It's really jaw-dropping.

"Minato, Kushina, welcome back to Konoha!"

Jiraiya grinned and welcomed the return of Minato and Kushina.

Minato and Kushina looked at each other and smiled.

"Thank you very much, Jiraiya-sensei, Tsunade-sama."

"You're welcome."

Tsunade replied lightly, and then asked.

"Then why did you come here today, why didn't Naruto come with you?"

"Naruto went to school with Sasuke this morning, and we deliberately came here without telling him." Minato said.

"Oh?" Tsunade's eyes condensed, it seems that they have something to do behind Naruto's back.

Minato looked at Kushina, with a helpless look on his face.

Kushina is so

At that time, she stood up with a serious face and said, "Tsunade-sama, Naruto has told us what happened after we passed away." "

The Third Hokage embezzled our property and drove the young Naruto out. He must give us an explanation for this matter, otherwise, I will go to him in person. Even if he is the Third Hokage, I will never let him go!"

At the end, Kushina clenched her fists, her face full of resentment.

Minato, who was standing next to her, couldn't help but laugh awkwardly when he heard his wife say such threatening remarks.

But he didn't stop or object.

Although in terms of seniority, the Third Hokage is his master.

But he treated his child like that, and as a father, he must also ask for an explanation for the child.

Hearing Kushina's words, Jiraiya's face also became ugly.

Because in terms of seniority, he is Minato's master.

He is also responsible for Minato's child becoming like that.

But the Third Hokage is his master.

He didn't know what to say at the time.

I just thought that Minato, as the fourth Hokage, sacrificed himself to save Konoha.

I thought the third Hokage would treat his descendants well.

But I didn't expect that the third Hokage would do such a thing.

Not only did he embezzle other people's property, but he also drove their children out.

With such despicable behavior, I don't even have the face to call him teacher.

"So, what do you want to explain?"

Tsunade asked.

She is now the Hokage of Konoha and has the decision-making power over all matters.

Kushina said righteously: "Of course, he wants us to return all the property and houses he embezzled before. That was earned by Minato and I through hard work and missions!"

"Okay." Tsunade nodded.

This request is reasonable.

"Apart from this, do you have any other requests?"


Kushina looked at Minato beside her.

Minato stood up and said, "In addition to asking the Third Hokage to return the embezzled houses and property, Kushina and I want to continue to do missions to make money. I hope that the Hokage will approve it."


Tsunade and Jiraiya were shocked when they heard this request.

We still have to take missions to make money?


Minato explained, "Anyway, we are now fully resurrected and will continue to live in Konoha Village in the future. We don't want to be people who live off the land. We hope to do more missions with our own abilities and make more money, so that Naruto can have an easier time in the future."

Minato has a high emotional intelligence.

Tsunade is now the Hokage, so he did not mention the sensitive topics about himself as the Fourth Hokage.

"Yeah." Kushina nodded seriously.

Minato meant what she meant.

But this gave Tsunade a bold idea in her mind.

Let you do missions?

No, that's absolutely impossible!

People like Minato are obviously cattle and horses!

As the Hokage, he has many political affairs to deal with, and he doesn't want to deal with them at all.

In the past, he captured Naruto to help, but he felt a little guilty.

After all, Naruto's physique at this time is still that of a child, and he can't be exploited too much.

But now that Minato is here, it's different.

A young and energetic body, and he has experience as a Hokage.

He is simply the perfect second cow and horse!

If you don't exploit him, who else can you exploit?

"I think this is inappropriate!"

Having made up her mind, Tsunade coughed twice and immediately rejected Minato and Kushina's request.

Minato and Kushina were stunned: "How could it be?"

"Minato and I have rich experience and can deal with many situations. If we do the task, we will definitely get twice the result with half the effort." Kushina argued.

Tsunade shook her head: "No!"

"Why?" Kushina didn't understand.

Tsunade rested her hands on the table, supported her chin, and said with a serious expression: "You and Minato both died eight years ago. The news of your resurrection has not been made public yet. If you appear in front of others rashly, it will cause a big mess."


Kushina wanted to say something else.

But she was interrupted by Tsunade.

Tsunade continued: "I know you want to be self-reliant, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a mission. I have a better way to solve your problem."

"What method?" The two asked at the same time.

Tsunade showed a sly smile on her face and said: "First of all, Minato, you have served as the fourth generation Hokage before, and you are very familiar with Konoha's political affairs and have rich experience. I am a new Hokage and I can't handle many things. I think you can help me with political affairs."


Hearing this, Minato was shocked.

Meaning, he, the Fourth Hokage, is going to help the Fifth Hokage with government affairs?


Jiraiya's eyes couldn't help but cast over, feeling helpless.

This guy, it's not enough for him to take advantage of Naruto, now he wants to take advantage of Minato.

What, Naruto's family owes you, father and son are fighting together?

Just when Jiraiya was about to say a few words for Minato.

Tsunade's eyes also happened to look over, and the warning meaning was self-evident.


A good man doesn't fight with a woman, I can't see it, okay.

"As for Kushina, I have another job here that is very suitable for you. I'm about to carry out medical ninja reforms, and you are completely suitable to be my deputy!"



Kushina was also stunned.

I didn't expect Tsunade to make such a choice.

"How is it? I think these two jobs are very suitable for you. You don't have to show up outside, and you can also get a good salary."

Tsunade stared at Minato and Kushina with golden eyes, full of expectations.


Minato and Kushina looked at each other, and there was some hesitation in their eyes.

This result is different from what they imagined.

Tsunade saw that the two were hesitant, and immediately waved her hand: "As long as you agree, I can immediately sign a return agreement and let the third generation return all your property to you. There will be absolutely no problems in the procedure."

Hearing this, Minato and Kushina looked at each other.

After hesitating for a moment, they nodded and agreed.

"Okay, we agree."

Hearing this, Tsunade grinned and was very happy.

Cattle and horses are in hand!


Konoha Village Cemetery.

Kakashi is sweeping Lin's grave at this time.

He placed a bouquet of flowers in front of Lin's tombstone, quietly looked at the name on the tombstone, and mourned silently.

If that incident had not happened, he would not have killed Lin with his own hands.

For so many years, he has been living in pain.

His heart is full of remorse and regret.

If Lin had not died, she would have grown into a graceful young lady now.

Just as Kakashi was mourning silently, a green figure hurried over.

"Kakashi! Kakashi!!!"

Kai, wearing a green tights, rushed to Kakashi with a shocked expression on his face.

"Kakashi, guess who I just saw!"

Kakashi looked helpless, glanced at Kai with dead eyes, and said, "Can you please stop making trouble? I am mourning."

Kai ignored Kakashi's disgust and said directly, "I just saw the Fourth Hokage and the Fourth Hokage's wife appear in the village, and now they are heading towards the Hokage Building!"

Hearing this, Kakashi was suddenly shocked.

Fourth Hokage?

Fourth Hokage's wife?

Aren't they dead?

Could it be...

"Are you sure?"

Kakashi stared at Kai and asked excitedly.

He knew that Kai was not the kind of person who joked regardless of the occasion, so he did not doubt that Kai was making fun of him.

Kai nodded fiercely: "Very sure!"


As soon as the voice fell, Kakashi directly used the instant body to leave and headed straight for the Hokage Building.

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