Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 143 A day in the life of Kyuubi

Tick ​​tock!

The sound of water drops falling on the ground was heard.

The shadows of the cell were fading, half to vague light and half to thick darkness.

In the intertwined place of light and darkness, there is a mountain-like creature entrenched. An evil and powerful aura leaks out of the body and slowly moves to the cell railings.

The next moment, a golden light lit up, and those auras shrank back suddenly as if they saw a natural enemy.

This scene of horror beyond cognition would make ordinary people feel suffocated, but Kushina had long been accustomed to this. She stepped closer and kicked the railing twice with her feet.

boom! boom! boom!

A dull voice sounded, and two bloodshot eyes suddenly appeared in the cell.

Looking into those evil eyes, Kushina crossed her arms and asked.

"Did you feel anything special just now?"


Jiuwei lowered his gaze slightly, looking at the ant-sized container standing outside the cell. He snorted and closed his eyes.

boom! boom! boom!

Realizing that someone was kicking it, it opened its eyes again and slapped the water with its big hand, shaking the cell. Then it looked down at Kushina who walked into the cell and said angrily.

"Believe it or not, I ate you."

Kushina raised her head and looked at the nine-tails that was so shameless, as if it was going to eat her next moment, standing there blankly, wondering.

"You secretly exercised behind my back?"


The next moment, a bloody mouth appeared in front of Kushina, roaring at her crazily.

Seeing her long red hair fluttering up and down with the wind and waves she roared out, Jiuwei looked back at the golden chain tied to her tail, and leaned forward again.

Just a little bit different.


There was a sound of the chain shrinking, and Kyuubi opened his big mouth again and bit the air, saying irritably.

"Hmph, I never eat people."

Kushina looked at the fox who suddenly learned to lie, smacked her lips, and began to talk about the history of the ninja world, "Don't talk about it from afar, I know it, Kumogakure's golden horn and silver horn"


Kyuubi slapped the water with its two movable front paws, and huge water splashes flew high into the sky, causing a heavy downpour in the cell. Then it leaned forward, flattened its ears back, and roared in a low voice. road.

"Do you believe that they were eaten by me, or do you believe that I had ten tails in the beginning?"

? ? ?

Upon hearing these two options, several black lines suddenly appeared on Kushina's forehead.

Frankly speaking, of these two options, the first one is more credible.

She looked up at Kyuubi who looked like his tail had been stepped on, took a step back and comforted him.

"I believe you have ten tails."


Kyuubi sneered and chose to close his eyes.

As an evil being in the eyes of humans, even telling the truth cannot be trusted.


"Hey, Kyuubi."

At this time, Kushina was seen jumping not far in front of Kyuubi again and discussing.

"You can feel the person in the outside world for me, and I will untie some of the chains on your body."

You actually still have time to ask for me?

Feeling that the restraints were loosened a little, and it was rare to be begged by this strong human woman, Kyuubi opened an imperceptible gap, and then glanced at the man standing opposite Kushina.


After seeing the Uchiha clan emblem on the opponent's clothes, Kyuubi's face suddenly became gloomy. When it saw the stinky tanuki standing at the second floor window waving to itself, its gloomy face seemed to be able to squeeze out water.

Kushina looked at Kyuubi's dark and scary face and frowned slightly.

"Is there something wrong with him?"

Hearing this, Kyuubi closed his eyes and turned his head to the other side, speaking awkwardly.

"Why should I help you? You can feel it yourself."

Kushina shook her head and said.

"I didn't feel anything."

Kyuubi grinned, his huge teeth directly exposed in the air, flashing with cold light, and said.

"I didn't sense anything either."

Kushina bit her finger lightly and said as if mumbling to herself.

"I always feel that he is greedy for me."

Before she could finish speaking, Kyuubi's eyes widened when he saw the rather narcissistic Kushina. Then he glanced at Uchiha Asuka and Shukaku, who was standing on the window sill with a malicious look on his face, and sneered.

"who do you think You Are?

Is it just a person hanging around you?

They are obviously coveting my body. "

Then, it looked at Shukaku on the window sill, who kept yelling at him to get out of the jinchuriki's body, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes.

"I'll be the first to kill you."

Recalling what Kyuubi had just said, her face darkened slightly, and she asked while controlling the outside world to talk to Asuka.

"He knows that you are in my body?"


With a cold snort, Kyuubi once again glanced at Shukaku, who was laughing wildly on the window sill, and closed his eyes tightly.

The cell instantly became quiet, with only Kyuubi's heavy breathing echoing rhythmically.

After waiting for a while, just when she felt that Kyuubi would not pay attention to her and was about to turn around and leave, she heard a deep voice coming from the front.

"Whether he knows that I am in your body or not, what is certain is that that Uchiha brat has no ill intentions towards you, and even has some good intentions."

Kyuubi could see the expression on that stinky tanuki that made him irritated, so happy that he was convulsing with joy.

A human who is basically recognized by Shukaku. Even if that human belongs to the Uchiha clan that he hates the most, Kyuubi still believes that the quality of that Uchiha must far exceed that of many people in the ninja world.

The raccoon cat is indeed very weak, and is far from the old man in terms of intelligence, but it is not completely stupid.


Looking up at Kyuubi, who was half-tied, Kushina bit her finger and chewed the words Kyuubi just said in her mouth.

Ranking of the ninja family's dislike in Kyuubi's heart, Uchiha is far greater than Senju and Uzumaki.

And a Kyuubi who hates Uchiha so much can give him a good evaluation.

This was the first time in her career as a Jinchuuriki.

An Uchiha who has no ill intentions towards him and even has some good intentions?

When Kushina disappeared from this space, the restrained Kyuubi opened his eyes again and looked outside.

When it saw the Uchiha's finger touching Uzumaki Kushina's belly and being punched into the air by her, a look of gloating appeared on its face.

"I really hope you find a woman like Kushina Uzumaki. Then Shukaku's life will not be easy."

As a tailed beast sealed in a human body that empathizes with the Jinchūriki, it was very satisfied with Kushina's punch just now.

If Kushina was willing to beat up a few Uchiha clan members every day and beat up that stinky tanuki, Kyuubi wouldn't mind lending her some chakra.

next moment.

The moment Kyuubi saw Kushina walking out of the Uchiha clan, two Anbu immediately appeared next to her.

Seeing how they were cautiously confirming something and how Uzumaki Kushina became increasingly irritated after explaining several times, Kyuubi shook its tail with a look of disdain.

If she doesn't trust her companions so much, why she is allowed to go to Uchiha is really puzzling to the complex human psychology.

"Human beings are the source of all chaos."


It closed its eyes and complained in its mind for a long time. When it opened its eyes again, the scene had changed to the street, listening to Kushina humming an unknown song.

From Uzumaki Kushina's mood, Kyuubi could feel that she was in a pretty good mood at this time.

The next second.

It suddenly turned its head and looked at the apple stand next to it.

Click! Click! Click!

at this time.

An extremely well-disguised guy who looked like a civet cat picked up an apple and started to bite it.

Shukaku looked at the nine-tailed container passing by him, his eyes suddenly became strange, and an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It casually took out a few coins from the tea cauldron and threw them to the stall owner, then jumped to the ground, always keeping a suitable distance from Uzumaki Kushina, looking at the back of the red container, and said silently.

"Come out and play!"

Seeing the stall owner smiling and waving to Shukaku as if he was an acquaintance, Kyuubi's eyes became bloodshot again.


The stinky civet cat blocks me on the road every day

The next moment, when it understood Shukaku's mouth movements, it immediately broke through its defenses.

"Go out to play, go out to play, ask me to go out to play every day, the first thing I will do when I go out is to kill you."

Sensing Kyuubi's irritable mood, Kushina entered the cell again and frowned.

"Kyuubi, why are you so crazy?"

The nine-tailed fox glanced at her coldly and closed his mouth instantly, showing no interest in talking to her.

Then it glanced at Shukaku again, closed its eyes immediately, and covered its ears with its two paws, as if "out of sight, out of mind, out of ear, out of mind".

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