The next day, before dawn, Asuka walked out of the house wearing Uchiha uniform and carrying a package.

Although this mission was assigned by ANBU, it was not considered a confidential mission, so this time the group did not need to cover up their whereabouts.

"I've carried out three missions, and I didn't have to wear an ANBU mask or hide my whereabouts. What's the difference between taking a mission from the ANBU and taking a mission from the Hokage Building?"

Looking up at the moon hanging in the sky, Asuka muttered dissatisfiedly.

Before joining ANBU, he thought that the ANBU life was one of living in tension all the time, thinking about how to assassinate others, how to spy on intelligence, and even selling his body in order to successfully complete the mission.

But when he thought about his ANBU life, he couldn't help but sigh.

It took eight months to join ANBU, four months to wait for the captain to get pregnant, three months to go on a mission in Sunagakure Village, the remaining half of the month to the Land of Rain, and the other half to the "Root" Department for training. Wave.

“It’s really a fulfilling life.”

After sighing with emotion, he looked towards the gathering place in front of him, and instantly squinted his eyes and looked around.

There seems to be a person squatting in the grass beside the tree on the left. He has a human body and limbs, and a head of hair like a hedgehog. He can feel the breath of life of the other person. He should not be too old.


The man squatted in the grass, staring at the stars with empty eyes, motionless.

Could this posture be

A certain Jue whom he had been with for some time suddenly appeared in Asuka's mind.

At that time, I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night. When I went out for a walk, I found that the guy who often talked about "defecation" was also squatting in this posture. His face was full of constipation, but his words were like a poet's. Same.


A gust of autumn wind blew by, and what Jue said at that time came to mind.

“So quiet, I want to poop.

This kind of place is the perfect place to poop, with the cool wind blowing against my buttocks, the moonlight slanting on the grass, the grass blades gently scraping my skin, and the lingering dew from last night.

Someone may be coming along the distant path at any time, and the dark and round moon adds a bit of peace of mind to this adventure.

Under the moonlight, I felt like having a bowel movement, so I hid in the grass and had a good time pooping. "

? ? ?

Yuhi Hong, who had just arrived here, was stunned for a moment when she heard this essay, and then she couldn't help but lower her head and think deeply. As a qualified teacher, when she hears an article, she always wants to analyze the author's emotions when he wrote the article.

"The words are gorgeous, there is no language problem, but there is some sense of unnecessary moaning."


After thinking about it for a while, Yuhi Hong felt her stomach churn a little, and a feeling of nausea shot straight into her throat.

This article makes me sick to read, especially after reading it over and over again.

Thinking of this, she looked up at Asuka, and saw the ray of moonlight shining on him, looking a little desolate, and his temperament also became a little sad, as if after completing an outstanding work, he suddenly felt a little hesitant in his heart.


? ? ?

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of her suddenly saying something like this when she was passing by him. Asuka, who looked up at the moon in memory of a certain Jue, was stunned for a moment, with a lot of confusion in his eyes.

How could this bitch be more insane than insane?

"Sometimes, after studying the meaning of feces for a long time, the words I say are so meaningful."

After sighing with emotion again, he followed behind Yuhi Hong to the meeting place and successfully met the guy squatting in the grass.

When he saw the opponent's "dumpling nose", a look of gossip appeared on Asuka's face, and then he stepped forward, lowered his head and looked for it in the grass, and said with some disappointment.

"Shisui, what are you doing squatting here?"

"Asuka Jonin."

Hearing the disappointed voice coming from above his head, Shisui stood up in confusion, then glanced at Yuhi Kurenai who was some distance away from Asuka, patted the dewdrops on his legs, and asked.

"What is our mission?"

"It turns out that Elder Danzo didn't tell you."

After seeing Zhisui shaking his head, he took out the mission scroll from his arms and read it word for word.

"The specific task is that our neighboring country, the Country of Waves, suddenly closed all doors to the outside world some time ago. At that time, the village had no time to investigate due to some things.

Later, we received a report that a ninja appeared in the Land of Waves that was a threat to the village. It was possible that he was a traitorous ninja - Orochimaru.

Although the time when the Kingdom of Waves closed its doors did not coincide with the time when Orochimaru defected, the sudden closure of the Kingdom of Waves still aroused suspicion from the top management, and maybe Orochimaru was really up to something there.

In addition, the Kingdom of Waves has recently opened its doors, so our mission is to go there and investigate. "

"The Land of Waves? A powerful ninja?"

However, upon hearing this name, Yuhi Hong's face became strange, "Which country will Orochimaru go to??"

The country of waves.

Although she rarely went on missions to the Land of Fire, Kurenai Yuhi read a lot of history books when she was in the Ninja School.

It was a small island country with almost zero ninjas in the country. The economy was poor, the people lived in poverty, there were no natural resources in the country, and there were no special products.

How could Orochimaru go to such a poor country?

How could a ninja who could threaten Konoha appear in such a country?

Asuka nuzzled towards the village and said.

"Originally, if there was information about Orochimaru, Jiraiya would snatch it away as soon as possible, but a lot of things have happened in the village recently. He talks about Destiny Child every day and gets drunk in the tavern, so this task falls on us. "

Yuhi Hong glanced at the village, and then said with some worry.

"Is Orochimaru really in the Land of Waves?"

"Do not worry!"

Thinking of the scene after the fight between Itachi and Orochimaru in his previous life, his eyes fell on Uchiha Shisui, the strongest illusion master in the Uchiha family, and patted his shoulder with a look of relief.

"Shisui, if we encounter Orochimaru, just be brave and look him in the eye. Believe in yourself, you can do it."

? ? ?

Hearing these words, Shisui couldn't help but feel a little silent.

He didn't feel that he was the opponent of the former Sannin, Orochimaru, but he thought about what Danzo-sama had explained before he came here. After thinking about it, he nodded seriously.

"Set off!"

Seeing that both of them were ready, Asuka smiled and took the lead.

Judging from the map, the Country of Waves is located to the east of Konoha Village. To get there, you need to cross a small half of the Country of Fire, and then get on a fishing boat to cross the sea.

I vaguely remember that during Naruto's first mission in his previous life, the most powerful ninja in the Land of Waves seemed to be Zabuza who was evenly matched with Kakashi.

Thinking of the little girl Mei Terumi he met half a year ago, Asuka couldn't help but shake his head.

I don’t know if that guy Zabuza has graduated from a ninja school.

"I'm telling you, I also have human rights, you can't force me!!"

"Then you eat it yourself, or should I stuff it in your mouth?"

"Don't eat, don't eat, you won't eat even if you beat me to death today."

"Open your mouth."

"If you don't want to eat, ugh~ don't force yourself~"

Hearing the voice coming from not far away, Yuhi Hong slowly opened her eyes and followed the sound.

They had been traveling for several days. Every morning, in the woods not far away, there would always be a conversation between Uchiha Asuka and a woman.

The content of the conversation every day was almost the same. It seemed that Uchiha Asuka was forcing the other party to eat something, but the other party was determined not to eat.

What are you eating?

"Don't force yourself, it will hurt my mouth."

Yuhihi Honggan swallowed, and suddenly thought of some books that had been very popular in Konoha in the past six months, although some of the contents were not suitable for a ninja under 18 like her.

"Where did this woman come from? Is she following us?"

Thinking of the refreshing look every time Uchiha Asuka walked out of the woods, Yuhi's red eyes couldn't help but narrowed, and she secretly glanced at Shisui who was taking a nap with his eyes closed. She stood up slowly. Get up and walk towards the direction of the sound.

She was just curious about where that woman came from.

This is also for the mission.


Pushing aside a patch of grass, Yuhi Kurenai saw a man in Uchiha uniform sitting cross-legged on the ground with his back to him in the open space in front of him. Opposite him was a lolita in a long skirt. Kneel down on your knees and bend over as if you are eating something.

Although she couldn't see the little girl's face clearly, Yuhi Hong could feel the aggrieved and reluctant aura exuding from her.

In an instant, a big drama began to play out in her mind. Yuhi's red eyes opened wide and she looked at Asuka with eyes that looked like garbage.

"This bastard is forcing women."

Before he finished speaking, Asuka suddenly turned around, looked at the sneaky and livid-looking Yuri Hong, and said in confusion.

"Red, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this, Yuhi Hong stood up. She looked at Asuka's intact clothes and the chicken legs in the mouth of the woman in the long skirt. Several black lines suddenly appeared on her forehead.

My thoughts seem too dirty.

Then, she straightened her clothes and said expressionlessly.

"To the restroom!"

Watching Yuhihi Kurenai's back hurriedly leaving, Asuka held her chin with one hand, stuffed chicken drumsticks into Ichikishimahime's mouth with the other hand, shook her head and sighed.

"Do you ladies have any problem with me?"

Ichikijima Hime rolled her eyes at Asuka and muttered.

"I also have opinions on you."

"Shut up and eat."


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