Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 175 Do poverty and happiness really exist at the same time?

The sea breeze blows on people's faces, bringing a bit of coolness but also a faint fishy smell.

This is the smell of the sea.


Yuhi Hong breathed the air here, the expression on her face gradually softened, and her body and mind relaxed subconsciously. She put her hands on the side of the boat, looked at the small island in the distance that was high in the middle and low on the sides, and murmured.

"Is that the island where the Country of Waves is located?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt that the smell of the sea in the air seemed to have changed, and there was a slight pungent feeling, which made her nose feel uncomfortable.

"The sea is really strange. The smell is so changeable. It was still fishy just now."

As the surrounding fog gradually dissipated as the sun rose, the boatman looked at the port of the Land of Waves, which was just around the corner. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to the three ninjas on the boat.

"Ninja-sama, ahead is the Land of Waves."

On the island in front, a town composed of light yellow houses appeared in front of everyone. Looking from the sea, those buildings were shining with golden light under the rising sun, just like the sun that had just risen, giving The endless vitality of man.

The island country "Nami Country" is a poor country ranked among the top in the ninja world.

The resources on the island were originally very scarce. It is said that when the Kingdom of Whirlpool was destroyed, some unidentified ninjas came to attack the Kingdom of Whirlpool and looted the Country of Waves. When they returned from attacking the Kingdom of Whirlpool, they also stopped by. Plundered the country of waves.

It almost pushed this already poor country back to the Stone Age.

Silently reciting the knowledge in the textbook, Asuka and others landed on the island. As soon as they left the port, they faced a spacious street.

Pedestrians on the street wear coarse linen clothes, covering most of their bodies, and the exposed skin shows a tan color that has been exposed to the sun.

After they saw the three birds landing, they all turned their heads and looked over, with smiles on their faces.

"The ninja-sama of Konoha is here."


"Welcome you three to the reborn Country of Waves."

Seeing the surrounding civilians warmly welcoming the three of them, Yuhi Hong muttered while silently reciting the knowledge recorded in the history books.

"Although the people here have lost some weight, they seem to be a little different from what is recorded in the history books."

Regardless of whether they are men, women, old or young, the people here are a little thin and their cheeks are a little sallow.

It looks like it is caused by hunger, but seeing the smiles on their faces, it seems that it has nothing to do with hunger. It seems that in this country, thinness is considered beautiful.

Shisui narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered.

"I always feel a little uncomfortable."

Feiniao took a piece of candy from his pocket and threw it into his mouth, curling his lips.

"When did ninjas become so popular with civilians, not to mention that this is a country that is often harassed by ninjas. When we go to other countries, when the civilians see us and say hello, it takes a lot of courage."

Just forget it when civilians smile at ninjas. Asuka has encountered some of them in his many years of ninja career.

But this was the first time he saw such a neat smile, such a smile from the heart.


"Maybe they want to engage in tourism."

Looking at the newly built buildings on both sides of the street, Asuka smeared a handful on the wall, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, then wiped the paint on his hands and analyzed it.

"These houses have been recently built, and coupled with the attitude of the people at the port towards ninjas, it is estimated that a tourist city specifically for ninjas will be built here.

After all, ninjas are a very wealthy group and like to spend recklessly. "

He walked in front of the two of them, secretly observing the newly built houses around him, and frowned slightly.

He had almost forgotten the plot of the Land of Waves, but he probably still remembered it.

About 15 years later, when Twelve Xiaoqiang graduated, this was still a poor country.

In order to build a cross-sea bridge, an old man deliberately concealed the task level and tricked the protagonist into killing him like a virgin.

The Country of Waves at that time should not have been so prosperous.

Think of the peeling houses, cracked glass, rubbish-strewn streets, and those sallow and listless people shown in the comics.

After comparing Asuka with the clean and tidy streets, newly renovated houses, bright glass, and people smiling at the ninjas, the confusion on Asuka's face became more intense.


If these houses have not been maintained for 15 years, they will probably become what they are in memory by the time of Our Lady.

Therefore, there must have been changes in the Kingdom of Waves, and the flourishing momentum was interrupted? "

Hearing the voice of Uchiha Asuka talking to herself from the front, the confused Yuhi Kurenai opened her mouth and wanted to ask, but gave up the idea.

She had never been in contact with Uchiha Asuka before and did not understand his character. She only heard that he was an outlier among the Uchiha clan.

But when they became teammates and the communication gradually increased, she found that the villagers' views on the Uchiha clan were correct. The family did have some emotional problems.

Uchiha Asuka is different from other Uchiha people in that his brain waves seem to be able to switch freely between normal and Uchiha.

Thinking of the big trees that filled the yard, Yuhi Hong turned her head and looked at the bun steaming shop next to her.

White steam floated in front of her along the air. Smelling the sweet smell in the air, when she thought about the dry food she had eaten for so many days, she came to Asuka and asked for instructions.

"Can I buy some buns?"

Feiniao glanced at the honest-looking bun shop owner, then came to the bun stall, poked the fat white bun with his hand, put his finger to his nose, smelled it, and said.

"wrap up."

As he spoke, he poked a few more buns with his other fingers and nodded.

"Wrap these up."

He turned around and handed the wrapped bun to her. After seeing Yuhi Hong standing there blankly, he explained.

"It's safer this way."

Yuhi Hong looked at the three buns with holes poked by her fingers, and her appetite suddenly dropped a lot.

As if seeing her hesitation, Shisui paused and whispered as he passed by Yuhi Kurenai.

"It's edible. Asuka Jonin's medical ninjutsu is at the top level in the ninja world. Naturally, his understanding of poison is also top-notch. There is no need to doubt his judgment."

After saying that, he followed Asuka and continued walking forward. Compared with the previous information, this country has changed too much, and there are some things that have to be guarded against.

Seeing the two people leaving and the Uanfan clan emblem behind them, Yuhi Hong's expression changed. She closed her eyes and took a hard bite on the bun. As a ninja, she still knew some regulations very well.

Food should not be wasted, and every meal should be treated as if it were the last meal. The most important thing is that this food has been tested by medical ninjas and is a safe food.

She is so stupid, why did she say eating steamed buns just now?

Next time she will have soup, the piping hot kind.

After walking forward for a while, Asuka took the two of them to a tavern, found a seat and sat down. Then a waiter in linen came over with a smile on his face. He handed the menu to Asuka, Looking at the forehead protectors on the heads of the three of them, he smiled.

"It is a great honor for me, the ninja-sama, who has come all the way from Konoha to come to our store. The boss has ordered that as long as the ninja-sama comes to make purchases, there will be a discount."


50% off is also a discount, and 9.5% off is also a discount.

In response to the waiter's conservative remarks, Asuka curled his lips, casually ordered two things from the menu, handed him over to Shisui, lay down on the lounge chair, and said.

"Hong, you can also order two more. Three buns are not enough."

Hong glanced at the menu, then she touched her already full belly and shook her head.

She didn't have such a small appetite before, but today she was full after eating three buns.

He must be angry

At this time, Asuka looked around. Not all the people on the streets of Wave Country were civilians wearing linen. There were also some people wearing strange clothes. They looked a bit like civilians from other countries. He was even here. I saw two black-skinned ninjas from Kumogakure Village, a ninja from Kirigakure Village, and several wandering ninjas.

He looked at the ninjas strutting past the window, and then glanced at the civilians who were smiling at the ninjas, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

It turns out that people here are not just friendly to Konoha's shinobi.

Then, Asuka pointed at the ninjas on the street outside, turned to look at the waiter, and asked.

"You are so safe with wandering ninjas walking on the streets??"

The waiter looked proud.

"Ninja-sama of Konoha, please rest assured.

With "Daimyo Kenpachi" here, ninjas and lawless elements who dare to invade the country of Waves or cause trouble in the country will be stopped by Lord Johachi. Our daimyo is very powerful! "

"Daimyo of the Land of Waves??"

Yuhi Hong raised her head, "When did the Daimyo of Wave Country change?"

The waiter scratched his head and said a little confused.

"About half a year ago, the original daimyo passed away, and his nephew Kenpachi suddenly came back and inherited the daimyo position."

As he spoke, the expression on his face became excited again, and then he pointed at the big house in the middle of the island and worshiped it.

"Lord Kenpachi sneered at those nobles who hid in the castle like canaries and chanted poems, thinking that they stood too high to see the plight of the people at the bottom.

Therefore, after taking office, Your Excellency, he overturned all the policies of the previous daimyo and carried out a series of reform measures.

The country of waves is now gradually moving towards a new life. "

The plot of the Land of Waves came to mind when I saw the TV version and those houses.

Although the houses in Wave Country are dilapidated, most of them are two-story buildings, with very few on the first floor.

At first glance, it seems that the ancestors have been generous.

Two chapters will be released first, the third chapter is still being written

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