Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 302 Do you think I look like a fool?

After people reach old age, various body functions will decline, and sunbathing is a way to improve people's body functions.

Scientific exposure! !

Dry evenly! !

Sunbathing is very good for the elderly.

"Life is only 30,000 days long, excluding childhood and adulthood, there are only a few years left."

Listening to the roar coming from far and near, the old man who was leaning against the wall to bask in the sun slowly raised his eyelids and looked over.

It was a young man with a watermelon haircut and green tights. He supported all the weight of his body with his arms and walked towards here while standing upside down.


The moment he recognized the other person, Danzo stood up and wanted to go home, but he was a step too late after all and was chased by Kai.

"Lord Danzo!"

Metkai stood on his head all the way to Danzo's side and said in an excited tone, "Can I join the ANBU? Kakashi is now addicted to performing tasks and has given up on training. He needs a comparable opponent to spur him on."


Danzo pondered for a long time, and the expression on his face changed for a long time.

Everyone has value. Metkai naturally has value too. And the value is very big.


Seeing the expectant look on Kai's face, he shook his head, got up and walked towards his home.

The gain outweighs the loss! !

Putting him into ANBU would be more of a loss than a gain! !

"Lord Danzo!"

Hearing Kai's unwilling voice behind him, Danzo gave instructions to the two Shimura clan members standing at the door.

"Close the door and don't let him in."


After the two Shimura clan members looked at Metkai's arms that were shaking with excitement, they closed the door without hesitation.


The moment the door closed, Danzo felt that his ears suddenly became much clearer.

In recent times, he has appeared in the village a lot, which has led to some people often encountering him. Whenever they meet him, they will do nothing good. Don't forget that I don't have a position now, and even if I have a position, I don't want you.

With this thought in his mind, Danzo suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the figure appearing in front, frowning and asked.

"What's wrong?"

"Lord Danzo."

The man knelt down on one knee and said in a respectful tone, "After this period of observation, the Kyuubi showed no signs of going berserk, and the seal on the Jinchūriki's body is also extremely stable."


After listening to this man's report, Danzo sighed heavily.

Although Senju Hashirama's identity has been determined and is not under the control of others, Danzo still sent his own clansmen to observe openly due to Danzo's cautious character.

It was impossible to spy on the First Hokage. Tsunade couldn't pass the test. He just sent one of his clan members to set up a conspicuous meatball stand outside the Senju clan.

"Lord Danzo!"

After hesitating for a moment, the tribesman stood up and came to Danzo's side, lowering his voice and asking, "Are we really not considering exposing the Kyuubi's information?"

Danzo raised his eyebrows and said without any emotion in his voice.

"What are you doing with that revelation?"

"Let the villagers isolate him and exclude him, then lead him towards darkness, and finally let him join Lord Danzo and become Lord Danzo's weapon in the fight for Hokage."

The tribesman became more and more excited as he talked, and he did not notice that the look of disgust in Danzo's eyes grew stronger.


Danzo sighed in his heart, and then looked up at the blue sky, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Sure enough, I am their backbone and their intellectual responsibility. Without his guidance, all these people would have come up with bad ideas.


Waving his hand to interrupt the tribesman who wanted to continue speaking, Danzo took a deep breath and said slowly in an old voice, "Why don't you just expose his identity as the son of the Fourth Hokage and let that child experience the ultimate difference? feel.

The villagers were afraid of him because of his identity as the son of a hero and the strength of the jinchuriki. The villagers would not say anything to his face, but those people did not want to have any interaction with the jinchuriki.

If I take action at this time and show concern for the Jinchuuriki through daily actions, wouldn't it move him to call him grandpa? "


After hearing these words, the tribesman slammed his left palm with his right hand, with a look of surprise on his face.

This is the general status quo of the Jinchuriki in the ninja world. A lofty status will not bring much help to the Jinchuriki. People will spontaneously treat the Jinchuriki because of the "black history" of the tailed beasts in the Jinchuriki and its instability. of fear and disgust.

This is the case with Kirabi from Hidden Cloud Village. He is the closest brother to the Fourth Raikage and the third Raikage's son. Apart from being a jinchuriki, his connections and status are not low at all. , but still feared and hated by the people in the village.

The Fourth Raikage directly held Kirabi in his hands through care and bondage.

Thinking of the scene where Future-sama ascended the throne of Hokage relying on the Kyuubi, this tribesman gave a thumbs up to Danzo's back and praised him.

"Danzo-sama, you are so tall!"

Hearing this, Danzo couldn't hold it in anymore, he turned around and cursed angrily.

"Idiot, get away from me. If you want me to have a conflict with Tsunade, just say so.

Roll, roll, roll, roll as far as you can.

Even if the news is exposed, will it be my turn to do such a good thing as caring for that child?

You have no idea at all. Who sent you to trick me? "

Asuka also had some guesses about Naruto's current situation.

Because the Kyuubi in this life did not cause much damage to Konoha, although the villagers' hatred for the Kyuubi is there, it is not as strong as in the previous life.

The people in Konoha who hate the Kyuubi the most are probably the Uchiha, but because of the Sharingan shining brightly in the Kyuubi's eyes, those Uchiha who have hatred can only curse in their hearts. .

This also means that even if Naruto's identity is exposed, there is a high probability that the villagers will not stab his flesh with small needles secretly.

"He must have been adopted, right?"

Asuka turned around and looked at the Senju clan, and then at the Sarutobi clan. For a moment, he couldn't figure out whose family Naruto was adopted by.

If he had been adopted by ordinary villagers, Fei Fei would have discovered it long ago.


With a smile, Asuka crossed his hands behind his head.

He looked at the sunset that was about to set over the mountain, his eyes filled with relief.

A happy childhood can heal a lifetime, but an unfortunate childhood takes a lifetime to heal.


Itachi's childhood was most likely to be unfortunate.

Thinking of the two Fugakus who were quarreling every now and then, Asuka shrugged and said casually, "It has nothing to do with me, I didn't do anything, I just provided a feasible suggestion at the clan meeting.

What if the patriarch really gets divorced in the future?"

Looking at Hinata Huahua walking towards him, Asuka rubbed his chin with one hand and muttered in his heart.

I don't know what kind of eyes Hinata and Uchiha can produce when they combine.

Huahua came to Asuka with her hands behind her back. She looked at the thoughtful look on Asuka's face and said, "Teacher, what are you thinking about here?"

Hear this.

Asuka put one arm around her shoulders and leaned over.

"Do you Hinata have any girls of the same age?"

Hinata Huahua's heart suddenly skipped a beat. After staring at Asuka's expectant eyes for a while, she tried to make her voice calmer and said.

"Why does the teacher ask these questions?"

Asuka said directly without thinking.

"Of course it's marriage."


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Hinata Huahua's cheeks turn red instantly.

Asuka blinked, and the whole person suddenly became silent.

It's been a long time.

He looked his student up and down and said hesitantly.

"You are the only female of the right age in the Hyuga clan, right?"


Hinata Huahua nodded slightly and said softly.

"Except the widow."

Before she could finish speaking, Feiniao's eyes lit up and he said, "Okay! Then I'll be a widow."

? ? ?

Hinata Huahua was stunned for a moment, and then her face darkened.

Could this guy be entertaining people?

She slowly clenched her right hand into a fist, stared into Asuka's eyes for a long time, and said coldly.

"Teacher, I have recently mastered a new boxing technique."

Asuka looked at his student in surprise. Before he could continue to ask what kind of punch it was, Hinata Huahua suddenly raised his right foot and stepped on his right foot hard.

Is this a boxing technique? ? ?


A high-pitched voice mixed with pain echoed throughout the street.

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