As the sun rises, the outside temperature gradually drops, and the melting snow seems to be solidifying into ice again.

A group of people wearing Uchiha clan uniforms stood outside Nanga Shrine, performing guard duties meticulously.

There was only an open space in front of them, and behind them was a gathering place for the senior family members.

These people hope that one day they can sit in the gathering place and offer advice and suggestions for the development of the family.

"Hey, what do you think will be discussed at the family meeting today? Why did it suddenly become quiet? Is there something going on inside? I'm a little panicked now."

"What could happen? There are discussions about the future development of the family and the direction of the year. It is estimated that there will also be discussions about some major matters related to life and death. The current silence may be that the adults in the family have reached a key point in their discussion."

"Is that so?"

"Wait a minute, there should be sounds inside soon."

While they were talking, the two tribesmen standing guard outside subconsciously put their ears to the door, listening to the sounds inside.

Not to mention, it has been so long since just now, but not a word has come out from inside.

A silent discussion?

at this time.

Inside Nanga Shrine, the gathering place.


Nothing but silence.

Everyone looked at the bird with their eyes, nose and heart. Although none of them looked at the bird, it gave the impression that their attention was still on the bird.

It's not unusual for a clan leader to have a secretary. Even the Hokage has a secretary.

It is not unusual for a clan leader to have a female secretary. It is not tiring to work with a man and a woman. The Hokage also has a female secretary.

It is not unusual for the clan leader to have a female secretary from a foreign clan. After all, the family members do not have the patience to deal with some daily affairs.


The person who proposed to assign a secretary to the clan leader had also tried to persuade the clan leader to get a divorce some time ago. It is hard not to think that he has already begun to implement an evil plan.

The Uchiha family members were a little stunned, but they were not fools and could still figure out some things.

Uchiha Fugaku, as the clan leader, can naturally understand the same thing.

He felt a little relieved just now, but now he only feels a little uncomfortable.

Dizziness! Want to vomit!

Then, Uchiha Fugaku secretly winked at the great elder, and then saw the great elder return a reassuring look.

He had just read the resume of niece Xiaochun who was transferred to bed several times, and it listed many shortcomings and advantages.

As long as he grasps his shortcomings, he will definitely prevent that person from entering the police department.

No matter what Asuka's subsequent plans are, all he needs to do is block his first step.


After a long silence, the elder put away the scroll and asked in confusion, "Why don't you find a secretary from the family to help the clan leader share the daily affairs? You know, the family is not without smart and capable female ninjas."

"There are some in the family, but they are not as suitable as moving to Xiaochun's niece."

Asuka spread his hands and explained, "Tenner Koharu's grandmother once assisted the second generation Hokage, and Tengne Koharu himself assisted the third generation Hokage. Their family has rich experience in assisting the Hokage.

Having someone like this as his secretary might be able to provide Captain Fugaku with ideas for becoming Hokage inadvertently. "


The great elder nodded slightly and did not refute Feiniao in this regard.

The transfer bed clan is indeed rich in experience. Although not as good as the Nara clan, it is not far behind.

Then, he opened the scroll and glanced at the resume of niece Xiaochun who was sleeping there, and his heart dropped instantly.

I don’t know if there’s something wrong with Asuka’s vision in selecting people, or if Xiaochun’s niece is a real person and actually writes out all her shortcomings on her resume.

"I see it says on it that she has [Normal Social Anxiety Disorder]. How can a secretary who cannot socialize with others properly help Fugaku handle affairs? How can she work well?"

"Social phobia?"

Asuka crossed her arms and explained, "Elder, precisely because she is afraid of social interaction, she always immerses herself in her career. Such a dedicated person is very suitable to be the secretary of the Fugaku clan leader."


The elder was silent for a moment, then took out a pen from his pocket, drew a horizontal line on the character flaw, and subconsciously lowered his tone a little, "This is not a disease, she is passionate about her career."

"Asuka, what about this anxiety disorder? How can someone with anxiety become the secretary of our clan leader?"

"The niece who moved to Xiaochun said that she felt very anxious because she had no work to do, so she had to work hard every day. Once she had some free time, she felt anxious and wanted to die."


The Great Elder was silent again, then drew another line through his resume and muttered in a low voice, "A born slave, good at getting sick, good at getting sick."

"Asuka, what about this difficulty in choosing? If a person with difficulty in choosing becomes a secretary, won't this increase the workload of the patriarch?"

"Her difficulty in choosing is different from that of normal people. Her difficulty in choosing is the position and job assigned to her by the clan leader. It is difficult for her to choose, so she does all of them.

Whatever you arrange, what does she do? If you ask her to go east, she will never go west. If you ask her to beat a dog, she will never kill a chicken. "


The great elder marked the paper with a pen for a long time, and finally drew a horizontal line. Suddenly there was a hint of emotion in his old voice, "The all-rounder among slaves."

Thinking of this, he looked at the shortcomings on his resume again, a glint suddenly flashed in his eyes, and his voice rose a little.

"Asuka, she still has night blindness? As an excellent medical ninja, you should know what it means to have night blindness, right?"

"It meant she couldn't walk at night, so she decided to stay at the police department and work overtime at night, treating the police department as her second home."


The pen in the Great Elder's hand was directly broken in half. He looked at the roof with an expressionless face and muttered to himself, "A slave who works 24 hours a day without rest."

As he spoke, he looked at the last flaw on his resume again and continued to ask without giving up.

"Asuka, what's with the last fear of heights?"

"She said her salary couldn't be too high, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable, so she could just give her a job."

Asuka slapped her mouth, looked at Fugaku with some envy, and continued, "I wanted to find someone in the family for the clan leader, but the niece who moved to Koharu was too good in all aspects. I just had to pay for it. Go to work

I searched all over the family but could not find a woman of her level.

Those who are willing to give money are not as experienced as her, and those with more experience are not willing to live in the police department. If they are willing to live in the police department, they have to increase their wages."


Ryoichi slapped his thigh hard, then stretched out his index finger to light the bird repeatedly, pointing the fire.

"Free slaves. People in our family need to be paid to work in the police department. The patriarch talked to them two days ago and said that those who don't want to be paid can stay, and then they all left."

Hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku's face darkened. Before he could speak, he heard the elder's old voice coming from beside him.


The great elder glared at Ryoichi, then took a deep breath and said seriously, "I admit that she is very capable and has many advantages, but have you ever thought about the consequences of doing so?"


Asuka sighed, and said with a hint of sadness in his voice, "I am also doing it for the family, in order to free the patriarch from the harassment of chores, and have enough time every day to think about the future of the family.

The night before yesterday, I even dreamed of the Immortal of Six Paths, and the Immortal left a poem for us in my dream."

The great elder frowned and asked subconsciously.

"What poem?"

Feiniao left his seat and walked to the aisle next to him. After taking two steps, he read loudly.

“Uchiha has some Hikari.

I really can’t stop painting cakes.

The past is too heavy to look back on, and the future is too heavy to bear.

Fight for crossing, fight for crossing.

Secretary is the way to go. "




They looked at Feiniao standing in the middle of the aisle and was stunned for a long time. His eyes were three parts dull, three parts confused, and four parts angry, just like a fan-shaped statistical chart.


A young clan member kicked over the table. He looked at Uchiha Fugaku on the high platform and said angrily, "Chief, are we Uchiha lonely really lonely?!

Otherwise, why would the Immortals of Six Paths specifically entrust dreams to the family? "

"No no!"

Uchiha Fugaku quickly shook his head in denial.

How did he know why the Sage of Six Paths would entrust his dream? This matter might have been nonsense told by Uchiha Asuka.


Seeing what the tribesman was thinking of, he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and choked, "Since we Uchiha are not lonely, why can't we have a Hokage?

This is clearly not what is recorded in the history books. Uchiha and the Senju are both called the two bears of the ninja world, and the Senju have two Hokage."

These words made the entire Uchiha tribe in the gathering venue depressed.


If Uchiha wasn't lonely, why didn't he become a Hokage?

In an instant, Fugaku's shoulders sank, and a huge pressure followed.

He subconsciously turned his head to look at the great elder standing next to him. As if sensing something, the great elder turned his head and looked over, giving Fugaku a reassuring look.

Then, the great elder looked at these noisy tribesmen. After his eyes lingered on the noisiest people for a moment, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

They are all jonin who were fired by the police department! !

After lowering his head and pondering for a while, the great elder stuffed the scroll into his arms and said in a low voice, "Feiniao, the idea you proposed is very good. Let me think about it for two days before I give you an answer.

I support your idea in principle. The clan leader is indeed too busy and often doesn't go home until midnight. He really needs a secretary. "

After saying that, the great elder looked at Fugaku who looked shocked and smiled.

He decided that the next Moon Clan meeting must be postponed.

The clan meeting will also be postponed next month, and we will wait for Uchiha Asuka to go out on a mission and start the clan meeting again.

No no no! !

Wait until he comes up with a countermeasure and start the clan meeting again.

Anyway, the purpose of holding a clan meeting is not to discuss things, but to vent the dissatisfaction of the clan members.

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