Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 323 The method of stimulating generals is useless to me

The Uchiha clan typically loves to talk but not do anything. From the time a plan is formed in their minds until it is completed, the interval may be as long as decades or even a lifetime.

Going further, after Uchiha Sasuke knew everything, he came to the decision to become Hokage after thinking, and then nothing happened.

To put it more recently, the Uchiha clan has been clamoring for the position of Hokage for decades. After decades of thinking, there is no more.

All thoughts remain verbal.

I once thought that Uchiha Asuka would be like them and come up with the idea of ​​[divorcing the clan leader and marrying a woman from another family], but this was just an idea that would not be put into practice in the short term.

But now it seems.

Their eyes first fell on the determined elder, then looked at the patriarch who was obviously unable to hold on, and finally looked at Feiniao who was standing there.

The moment they saw the flying bird, the eyes of everyone around them changed.

"Asuka's execution ability is very strong. It started to be implemented in just one year."

"Who is Xiaochun's niece? Why haven't I heard of her?"

"I have heard of her. She is a ninja who is not a ninja. Because she has night blindness, she is not suitable for missions, so she has been working as a clerical worker in the village."

"Have you even paid attention to civilian ninjas?"

"That's not true. In fact, Elder Xiaochun's niece is pretty good-looking and has many suitors. Suitors often make trouble because of her. I have caught the troublemakers several times."

At this point, this tribesman glanced at Fugaku secretly and murmured in his heart, "She is taller than Mikoto-sama, her legs are longer than Mikoto-sama, her figure is better than Mikoto-sama, her appearance is still first-class, and her background is not bad and perfect. Marriage object.

Is Uchiha Asuka really starting to implement his plan? "


At this time, when the great elder saw that Feiniao was silent, he made a fist with his right hand and put it to his mouth, coughed softly, and spoke seriously.

"Asuka, not only have you seen the hard work of the clan leader, but I have also seen the clan leader's hard work. Mikoto even went to my house to complain because Fugaku often came home too late.

I once thought that if someone could help the clan leader share the burden, the clan leader would definitely be more relaxed, so that the clan leader could go home and have a hot meal every day.

I support your idea, but "

Hearing these words, Ryoichi's eyes sparkled.

Here it comes, here it comes, the old thing is fooling people again.

He had even guessed what the old guy Saburo would say next.

In the end, he will definitely say, [Asuka, your proposal is very good, but it is not appropriate at this time. When the time is right, I will come to you in person to discuss the matter.

In other words, the patriarch may have to deal with some family secrets in the police department recently, which is not suitable for outsiders to have access to. After this period of time, I will personally handle the matter. 】

"Asuka, you have to understand the clan leader. Recently, the clan leader has to deal with some family secrets in the police department. It is not suitable for him to find a secretary. After this period of time, he has to wait."


As soon as he told the excuse he had made up, the great elder heard a loud clapping sound in front of him, which made him tremble in fright.

Follow the sound and look.

I saw Uchiha Ryoichi's two hands suddenly coming together, with excitement still on his face.

After giving him a dissatisfied look, the great elder looked at Feiniao again. Seeing that he was still standing there without speaking, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

"I'm done with this thing? It shouldn't be. Based on the experience of these young people in the family, they should be very satisfied with this thing. Are they determined?

Encountered a tough situation. "

Then, the great elder gritted his teeth, his face darkened, and he changed his words.

"Feiniao, I can understand your good intentions in wanting the clan leader to take a break, and I also understand your intention to give the clan leader enough time to think about the future of the family.

In this case, let me suffer.

Although I am nearly eighty years old, I still have energy left.

During this time, I will help the patriarch handle the affairs of the police department, so that the patriarch has enough time to think about the future of the family. "

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look up at the ceiling.

There is a thumb-sized spider in the corner of the ceiling. It seems not to know how tired it is, and it is still spinning its web there in the middle of winter.

The spider was so similar to his experience, he had to work hard in the winter.

One is to fill the stomach, and the other is to appease the restless hearts of the tribesmen.

I have been retired for decades, and I still have to carry on.

There is really nothing that can be done about these tribesmen who are still strong despite not eating the big cake for the time being.

If he dared to agree to let Fugaku have a secretary today, Uchiha Mikoto might have to come to his house with a kitchen knife in the evening.

The next clan meeting will not be held.

After decades of operation, it’s time to give the tribe a holiday.

After waiting for a long time for a response, the great elder suddenly lowered his eyes, and then found that the boy was standing there blankly, showing no intention of paying attention to him.


His cheeks twitched and he said angrily, "Respect me, are you listening to me carefully? Recently, I decided to go out and work as the secretary of the clan leader in the police department."


Feiniao also came to his senses at this time. He rubbed his chin with one hand and secretly looked at the old man in front of him.

Too old, really too old.

The skin on his face was like dry tree bark, and his hair and beard had completely turned silvery white, with faint signs of falling off.

"Great Elder!"

Asuka smacked his mouth and said in a somewhat complicated tone, "As an old man who survived the Warring States Period, at this age, you still have to go to the police department to serve as the secretary to the clan leader, in case something happens to you due to fatigue."


The old man shook his head firmly.

Rather than being tired and causing problems, he is more afraid of being beaten by Mikoto. Not only will he get a bad reputation, but he may also have to be stabbed in the spine by his clan members in the future. But after being tired, outsiders will not be allowed to raise their eyebrows at him when they hear that he was hospitalized due to work. Thumbs up.

This kid, too, actually came up with such a troublesome idea.

Then, the great elder secretly winked at Fugaku, and then looked at the family jounin present.

Seeing them looking at him with admiration, the elder straightened his clothes and said seriously, "That's it. I will move my home to the police department today so that you can see the grace of the old man from the Warring States Period. "

"How decisive!"

Ryoichi secretly gave a thumbs up to the elder and blurted out his words of praise, "Otherwise, Saburo, you would be the second-in-command in the family. When I reach your age, let alone work, I will no longer be an elder."


Uchiha Saburo chuckled and had no words.

The old guy is thinking about his position again.


At this time, a sigh was heard from the middle of the venue.

"Great Elder, it's not that I look down on you."

Feiniao put his hands behind his back and looked at the old man with complicated eyes, "With your body, not to mention working overtime until late at night, you may have to rest for half a day after working for half a day.

Working late into the night will cost you half your life.

Even in the end, the family may have to spend money to treat your illness. As a client, I may also need to give up my mission and go to the medical department to treat you.

This price/performance ratio is much different than sleeping with my niece Xiaochun."

Hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku's heart tightened.

A method of provoking generals? ?

Although Elder Saburo has extremely rich life experience and should not be affected by the provocation method, the size of the Uchiha clan has nothing to do with age, but only with strength.

Fugaku quickly looked at the great elder, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him looking at Asuka calmly.

"It's just a little trick!"

The great elder crossed his arms across his chest and looked at Feiniao with eyes full of regret.

Still young.

Over the years, I don’t know how many people have used provoking methods to stimulate him, but has there been any successful case?

"Elder, you are not as energetic as a young person. She can do a lot of heavy work, tiring work, and it won't be a big deal if she works overtime."

"Feiniao, I know very well that as I get older my physical strength will not be as good as yours, but I have enough experience and my work efficiency should be several times that of that kid, which is enough to make up for some of the gap."

"Great Elder, your energy is no longer enough to support learning new things. You are really not as good as young people in this regard."

"Feiniao, just say I'm old-fashioned and old-fashioned.

But I am telling you now that since the founding of Konoha Village, there are more than a dozen boxes of adult magazines under my bed. Every month, the bookstore will ask someone to send me some new magazines.

My ability to accept new things is no worse than your young people. "

The surrounding tribesmen all stared at the great elder with wide eyes and disbelief.

Yes, is the old man so energetic?

Is this something that can be said with pride?

The great elder lowered his head and looked down at the group of people, with disdain flashing in his eyes.

After being the [Great Elder] for so many years, he no longer knows where to throw his face, and in order to deal with all kinds of tricky tribesmen, he can only keep learning and making progress.

Only in this way can he stand in front of everyone.

As for the magazine

"Great Elder!"

Asuka scratched his head and his tone suddenly became hesitant.

"It is said that Zhuanqiu Xiaochun's niece is somewhat similar to Zhuanqiu Xiaochun when she was young, and according to rumors. According to rumors, Great Elder, I just heard the rumors, don't take it seriously.

Rumor has it that Koharu, who moved to bed back then, was also a great beauty, and many strong young men in Konoha were so fascinated that they couldn't walk, and you, the great elder, seem to be among the ranks of those strong young men."


Before Asuka could finish speaking, he heard a sudden sound of clapping from below.

A tribesman clapped his hands together and said with some excitement, "I have also heard this rumor. I don't know who spread it back then. When the elder saw elder Xiaochun, he couldn't even walk.

It should be the fake news sent by that bastard Danzo. "

"Hmm, it should have come from Danzo. The Great Elder shouldn't be that kind of person."

"Yes, I have worked with the Great Elder for many years. How can I not know what kind of person the Great Elder is?"

"Not necessarily.

It is said that when you see the son of an old friend, you may cry.

Because the son of an old friend has the shadow of the old friend in him, the elder did not allow elder Xiaochun's niece to enter the police department. Maybe he didn't want him to miss the past. "

"Is it so evil?"

Will I cry? ? ?

The son of an old friend? ?

Secretly in love with Xiaochun? ? ?

Hearing the discussion among the tribe below, Saburo Uchiha took a deep breath.

"Elder Saburo!"

Uchiha Fugaku saw a sudden flash of red light in the elder's eyes, and immediately shouted uneasily, "Elder Saburo, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Saburo Uchiha sneered and said.

"Let her come to work at the police department tomorrow, and I will personally dispel these rumors."

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