Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 363 You will definitely receive retribution

"Where is spring?"

"where is spring"

"Spring is in the green mountains and forests"

"There are red flowers here, green grass here, and the little oriole that can sing."

"Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li.

The cheerful singing spread along the crack in the door to the corridor outside. Pedestrians coming and going stopped one after another and looked at the intensive care unit next to it.

There were only two people in Noda's ward.

One of them was lying on the hospital bed, looking like he was in a coma.

Another man in a white coat stood beside the hospital bed, seemingly singing to the unconscious man.


When everyone heard the cheerful singing, they glanced at each other subconsciously and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

"Hey, if I remember correctly, it seems like Uchiha Mikoto lives inside, right?"

"Seems to be!"

"The one who treated Mikoto was Asuka-sama?"

"Seems to be!"

"Asuka-sama, did he kill Uchiha Mikoto? Why do you look so happy? He even sang."

"It seems. No, don't question Asuka-sama's medical skills and character. Is there a possibility that Mikoto-sama was cured and Asuka-sama is sincerely happy?"

"Do you believe this?"

"Hmm, don't believe it"

Also unbelieving was the Uchiha kunoichi guarding the ward.

She watched Asuka's every move with some vigilance, fearing that he would do something detrimental to Lady Mikoto.

The entire family knew that there was a conflict between the two of them. Who knew if he would secretly pull out Mikoto-sama's IV tube while he was distracted.


After observing for a while, the kunoichi finally couldn't help but ask, "Asuka-sama, are you singing?"


Asuka said directly without thinking, "Isn't spring coming soon? I suddenly got inspiration when I had a stomachache last night, and then I composed this song.

How is it? Does it sound good? "

Hearing this, the kunoichi suddenly felt that her cavities began to hurt.

This song is nice to listen to, but it always gives people a not-so-serious feeling.


After standing there for a while, the kunoichi gritted her teeth and continued, "Does Mikoto-sama need a quiet environment to rest now? Does Asuka-sama need a quiet environment to avoid being distracted while detoxifying?"

"Need not!"

Asuka waved his hands behind him and said in a casual tone, "When I wasn't here just now, I heard that you were looking for the best medical ninja. Isn't that right? The minister brought me here.

You have to believe that no matter what kind of environment I am in, I can cure Uchiha Mikoto. "

As he said that, he saw the suspicion flashing in the kunoichi's eyes, and immediately put away the smile on his face, and said seriously, "You can't wake up an unconscious person, but singing can."

The kunoichi rolled her eyes quickly twice, somewhat unconvinced.


"I'm not lying to you!" Asuka nodded seriously, "This is called sound stimulation therapy. I sing some songs that Mikoto-sama likes to listen to, and she will wake up on her own after a while."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at Uchiha Mikoto lying on the bed again.

What Asuka said just now is really not a lie. There are indeed some people who have fallen into a coma and wake up after hearing a familiar song.

Just waking up doesn't mean he can be discharged from the hospital. This guy ate too much pufferfish and had to stay in the hospital for half a month.

"What are you doing eating so much pufferfish?"

After thinking of some bad memories, Feiniao shuddered subconsciously.

If he hadn't struggled to eat when he was a kid, he wouldn't have caught pufferfish.

Then, Asuka put her green-glowing hand on Uchiha Mikoto's belly, humming a song while helping her remove the tetrodotoxin from her body.

at the same time.

In a space full of fantasy colors.

Uchiha Mikoto put her hands on her knees, bent over and gasped a few times.

She didn't know how long she had been walking in this mysterious space. Anyway, this was the scene back and forth. There was no way out or retreat at all. She could only keep walking forward.

Looking up at the distorted trees, flowers, and roads around her, Uchiha Mikoto frowned subconsciously, and the scene from yesterday emerged in her mind.

She vaguely remembered that after eating at Uchiha Asuka's place yesterday, she asked how she could go back.

At that time, the other party seemed to be eager to go back by himself, so he happily told me how to leave, and told himself to take care of himself in the Pure Land, and think about her more if nothing happened, as there might not be a chance to meet her again in the future.

He even shed two tears when he talked about the emotional part, as if he was very reluctant to give up.

Mikoto naturally had no nostalgia for him. After nodding and saying a few perfunctory words, she returned to her home using the method Asuka gave her, and then began to prepare dinner for Itachi and the others.

Just when she was about to eat, she felt a cramp in her abdomen, her limbs became very weak, and finally her vision went black.

"What's so weird about this?"

After walking in this space for a long time, Uchiha Mikoto looked at the colorful dead tree on the right. She took a deep breath and walked over bravely.

The entire space seemed to be affected by a powerful force. It seemed that everything here except herself was distorted.

Uchiha Mikoto came to the tree. After observing it carefully for a moment, she cautiously stretched out her finger and poked the trunk.

The moment his nails touched the tree trunk, a sudden change occurred.

The originally twisted tree suddenly became straight, and a human-like mouth appeared in the middle of the trunk.

next moment.

A hoarse voice suddenly came out of that mouth.

"Where is spring?"

"where is spring"


"Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li Li.


Mikoto was frightened by this sudden change and took two steps back, falling directly to the ground.

She looked at the big tree in front of her that seemed to be alive, swallowed subconsciously, and murmured to herself.

“So trees can sing?”


The big tree seemed to have discovered the person on the ground at this time. It slowly turned its trunk and looked over. The hoarse voice came again, "Li Li Li Li Li"

? ? ?

After hearing this weird singing voice, Uchiha Mikoto was stunned for a moment, and for some reason the word "divorce" suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Li Li Li Li Li"

After listening for a while, she was now sure.

The weird tree in front of me is definitely not a serious tree.

Thinking of this, Mikoto picked up the stones on the ground and threw them at the tree trunk.

next moment.

The aura of the big tree suddenly became sharp, and its twisted branches appeared in front of Mikoto like lightning, and she was whipped out.

at the same time.

outside world.

The Uchiha kunoichi stared at the hospital bed flipping in the air with her mouth open as if she could fit an egg in it.

Just now.

Asuka-sama was still singing there, and then she noticed that Mikoto-sama, who was in a coma, suddenly reacted.

At that time, she even looked at Lord Asuka with admiration.

He is indeed a top medical ninja, and his way of waking others up is so unique.

Before she could ask Asuka-sama to work harder, Mikoto-sama, who was in a coma, suddenly picked up a pillow and threw it at Uchiha Asuka, and Uchiha Asuka kicked Mikoto-sama's bed over with one kick.


Looking at Mikoto-sama rolling in the air, the kunoichi's pupils shrank and she quickly jumped into the air to hold her in her arms.

"This is what I am"

Mikoto opened her eyes and felt the weightlessness coming from her body. After a moment of confusion, she thought to herself, "Where am I?"

"Medical Department!"

Without waiting for the kunoichi to speak, Asuka took out the medical record sheet and wrote a few words on it, then continued, "Mikoto-sama, you ate too much pufferfish and fell into a coma.

Because you were unconscious for too long, your nerves may not be controlled by your brain, and you actually wanted to attack the medical staff just now.

Fortunately, I stopped him at the critical moment."

The familiar voice made Mikoto swallow back the words that came to her throat, and the scenes that happened yesterday suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Eat more, this puffer fish is a great supplement!!"

"I lived a good life when I was a kid. I ate puffer fish every day. You also know how delicious this thing is."

"What? Poisonous? I am now a very good medical ninja, how could I not tell whether this pufferfish is poisonous or not? You can eat it without worry."

"Yes, yes, this soup is also very delicious. Drink more. You must be thirsty after talking so much. Drink more."

"Oh, if you believe me, how could I harm you?"

"Yes, eat more."


Slide-like scenes flashed through Mikoto's mind one by one. She pursed her lips and her eyes suddenly turned red.

Pufferfish is poisonous! !

Poisonous pufferfish! !

Damn Uchiha Asuka! ! !

Uchiha Asuka, you deserve to die! ! !

After cursing in her heart for a long time, Mikoto suddenly buried her head on the kunoichi's shoulder, her murmuring voice mixed with a hint of grievance.

"Uchiha Asuka, you will receive retribution, you will definitely receive retribution, you will definitely receive retribution in the future, I said so."

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