Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 379 Where did this guy come from? Picked up


Asuka sat on the roof for a long time, until Tsunade's figure completely disappeared from the street, he slowly stood up and looked at Ichikijima Hime with a complicated expression.

"let's go!"


Ichikijima Hime tilted her head and asked doubtfully, "Did you think of something? Come on, come on, I haven't figured it out yet. When did Tsunade know the magic?"

"It was only after listening to what you just said that I realized why Tsunade is the number one "genjutsu" master in Konoha."

The corner of Asuka's mouth twitched slightly, and the scene when he met Tsunade in the casino suddenly came to mind.

Gamblers in casinos are generally divided into three categories: gamblers, losers, and Tsunade.

The average gambler will look in the mirror every morning to cheer themselves up.

Gamblers who lose a lot will find various excuses in their minds to comfort themselves that they will definitely win next time.

Tsunade went to the casino every morning with the money she had collected, as if she was mechanically repeating the task of gambling.

Winning money makes her feel uncomfortable.

Losing money is also uncomfortable.

Even after losing money, he would say harsh words, saying that I will definitely win it back tomorrow.

It focuses on the ambivalence of wanting to win money but not wanting to win money.

"To some extent."

Asuka jumped down from the roof and continued, "Tsunade's illusion is only effective for herself. Wait and see, maybe we will meet a real illusion master soon."

Hearing this, Ichikijima Hime, who was floating in the air, circled a few times, then came to the top of Asuka's head and asked.

"What kind of genjutsu does Tsunade know?"

"Illusion·Profit Saving!!"

"what is that?"

“[If you don’t lose, you will make a profit]”

After saying that, Feiniao raised his head to identify the direction and walked directly towards the Thousand Hands Clan.

Senju Hashirama hasn't been looking for him in private since he was resurrected. It would be no good to suddenly look for him to protect everything.

The Senju and Uchiha families were not far apart.

When the village was first built, because of the relationship between Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, the two families moved their respective residences, and based on this, Konoha Village was established.

Later, as more and more families joined Konoha, the open space next to the two major families gradually became the clan areas of the major families. However, because Uchiha was not very popular when he founded the village, his reputation was also very average. There were few families willing to be Uchiha neighbors.

Therefore, the Uchiha clan is surrounded by commercial streets that later emerged, while the Senju clan is surrounded by the settlements of the major ninja clans.

“It’s time to renovate!”

Looking at the quaint buildings with a sense of age around him, Asuka commented as he walked, "Look at the dilapidated gatehouse of Hinata's house, moss is growing on it.

When I saw the pile of footprints on the wall, not one of them was the one I kicked when I was a child."

Following his gaze, Ichikijima turned around and looked over.

A two-meter-high and three-meter-wide archway appeared in sight. The door of the archway was dark red. Because of its age, a lot of the dark red paint on it had peeled off.

Moss even grew in the corners of the archway.


"Are you surprised?"

Asuka looked at the gate of the Hyuga clan and curled his lips and said, "The gate of the Konoha Elder Clan is not as good as mine."

"The Hyuga clan is really low-key!"

Looking at the peeling paint on the door, Ichikishimahime was silent for a while, and finally said, "Low-key is a silent show off."

"Come on!"

Asuka waved his hand towards her and said angrily, "How could the second most powerful family in Konoha not think about renovating their front door? When they renovated their front door for the first time, the First Ninja World War started. At that time, the Hyuga clan felt that the war was in chaos. At that time, repairing the gate was too high-profile, so the work was stopped.

When he wanted to renovate the gate for the second time, the Second Ninja War started again. At that time, the village was busy preparing for the war. Hinata was repairing the gate while preparing for the war, worried that it would give people the impression that she wanted to live a small life behind closed doors. , so I gave up again.

When they wanted to renovate the gate for the third time, the Third War was about to start again. Considering the experience of the previous two work stoppages, the Hyuga clan decided not to repair the gate after a night of discussion.

When they wanted to renovate the gate for the fourth time, the Hyuga clan lost their eyes and the whole clan was angry. It was obviously inappropriate to repair the gate at this time.

As for the fifth time, it was not long ago that I heard that they had just mentioned the plan to repair the gate, and the night of the nine tails came.

Although the entire Konoha was being rebuilt afterwards, I heard that the senior Hyuga executives at the time looked at the plan in their hands and tore it up without even thinking, leaving the gate unrepaired. "


Hearing this, Ichikijima Hime couldn't help but blinked and wondered, "Won't they repair the gate when the war is over? Why do they have to repair it before the war starts every time?"

"can only say"

Asuka rubbed his chin, secretly glanced at the two Hyuga clan members standing guard at the door, and lowered his voice and said, "This may be the problem with these ancient families.

At the end of the war, the Hyuga high-level officials thought about repairing the gate, but the tribesmen disturbed the matter on the grounds that they had died in their own family."

"What does the death of my family have to do with repairing the gate?"

"Idiot, this world has a soul.

The Hyuga clan repaired the gate, and then the souls of the dead floated over but couldn't find their way home. Wouldn't this become lonely ghosts? "

"Oh, so this broken gate has become a landmark, right?"

"That's right!!"

After saying that, Asuka waved to the two Hyuga clan members standing guard, turned around and walked towards the Senju clan.

The buildings in this area all have a sense of age. After all, they are all old buildings from decades ago. Some walls fell off and were not repaired in time. The exposed masonry even had moss growing on it.

After the two of them walked further along the road, the air became quieter, and there were many more trees around than on the outside.

"Is this the land of the Thousand Hands Clan?"


Asuka looked at the buildings full of ancient charm in front of him, nodded and said, "There are ninjas and ordinary people in the Uchiha clan. It is very lively. The Senju clan used to be no less than the Uchiha clan.

It’s just that something went wrong later.”

Looking at the unusually quiet place, Ichikijima Hime frowned and asked, "Is it a human experiment? I have heard someone mention that Konoha conducted human experiments on wood escape for a while, and the experimental subjects all signed up voluntarily. .

But later the experiment was banned.”

She didn't say anything else, and whether it was voluntary or not had nothing to do with her. It was just that Ichikijima-hime was a little emotional about how this family that had been inherited for nearly a thousand years had become like this.

"That's only part of the reason!"

With that said, Feiniao walked straight to the door of the Thousand Hands Clan. His eyelids twitched after scanning the pile of still-heated ashes at the door.

He could tell from the traces that someone made a fire here to cook in the morning. Combined with what Tsunade said not long ago, he could already guess that Shukaku must have been blocking the door of the Senju clan early in the morning to fry eggs.

Asuka always had a hunch that if one day the Kyuubi really broke free from the seal and appeared, its first target would probably be Shukaku.

Bang bang bang!

Following a knock on the door, a strong voice was heard coming from the courtyard.

"Come in!"

After pushing the door open and entering, he saw a deck chair placed in the spacious yard. A man was lying on the deck chair with his back to him.

Next to the lounge chair, a civet cat wearing an auspicious cloud robe was like a tumbler, swaying left and right, with a strange light flashing in its eyes from time to time.

Looking at the opponent's back and the civet cat, Asuka closed the door and said.

"Hokage-sama, here I come!"


Hearing this familiar voice, Senju Hashirama instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're finally here."

Then he stood up, pointed at the tumbler-like civet cat at his feet, and went straight to the point, "This little guy was frying eggs at the gate early in the morning, and he was beaten up by Xiao Gang and brought in.

Asuka, I'm actually very curious, where did you find this little guy? "

Hearing this, Asuka replied directly without thinking.

"Picked it up!!"

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