Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 381 Liudao, if you can speak, speak more

Although the winter morning is not as vibrant as spring, not as enthusiastic and bright as summer, and not as refreshing and pleasant as autumn, it is cold! !

The sun in the morning feels like there is no sun at all. In addition to providing a bright light, it does not bring warmth to the world.

In a quaint courtyard, two men in leather jackets were sitting on chairs, enjoying the cold wind and drinking hot tea.

Although the wind in the morning is not as cold as in the early morning, it still blows on people's faces like a knife, making them painful. As the hot tea goes down, a warmth emanates from the body from the inside out.

The two heavens of ice and fire! !

Taking another sip of tea, Feiniao closed his eyes comfortably and spoke.


Hearing this, Senju Hashirama turned his head and looked over. After his eyes stayed on the teapot for a moment, he looked at Uchiha Asuka.

In fact, he is not that pedantic.

After learning about the great war that took place in the Ninja world after his death, Hashirama still hoped that the Ninja world could forget their hatred and coexist peacefully, but he also knew that this would not be possible in a short time.

In the past, the reason why he divided the tailed beast equally was to let the other four major villages know his sincerity, and he sincerely hoped that the shinobi world could forget their hatred and coexist peacefully.

but now.

Looking at the cute Shukaku again, Hashirama leaned on the chair with his arms crossed, with a complicated look on his face.

The Third Kazekage disappeared. After the search was fruitless, Sunagakure Village insisted that Konoha did it, and then launched a war. Now their tailed beast was lost, and the tailed beast happened to appear in Konoha. This yellow mud My crotch fell off, there’s nothing I can say about it.

I'm afraid that the whole village will not be attacked by Konoha then.

Thinking of the consequences of such a thing, Hashirama wrote a letter to Kazekage at that time. Then nothing happened.

"This thing really isn't the tailed beast from Sunagakure Village!"

After explaining, Asuka picked up the tea pot next to him, ignored Shukaku's dissatisfied look, waved it in front of Hashirama a few times, and said, "How could the tailed beast from Sunagakure Village appear in Uchiha.

Moreover, I heard some time ago that the Kazekage of Sunagakure Village suppressed the rampaging tailed beast in full public view. "


Hearing this, Hashirama let out a long sigh.

The news that Kazekage suppressed the tailed beast was true.

The tailed beast in Sunagakure Village in front of me is also real.


They are all Shukaku! !

As someone who puts the village first, he knows exactly what it means to have another tailed beast in Konoha, even if this tailed beast belongs to an Uchiha.

In his heart, Uchiha was a part of Konoha.

Tailed beasts belong to Uchiha, which means tailed beasts belong to Konoha.

For Hashirama, no one can destroy the peace he worked so hard for, but now that the peace has been destroyed, the village is his last and final bottom line.

"Uchiha's child!"

After staring at Asuka's handsome face for a while, Hashirama pointed at Shukaku on his shoulder and suddenly laughed, "Since the Sage of Six Paths, tailed beasts have appeared in the ninja world.

The exact year the tailed beast appeared is unknown, but according to records it should have been over a thousand years.

For more than a thousand years, the tailed beasts have served as the ceiling of the Ninja world's combat power. They are symbols of power. Whoever can defeat the tailed beasts can spread their name throughout the Ninja world and let the family behind them receive more information. Many commissions. "

Upon hearing this, Shukaku's dark yellow face suddenly turned dark. As if recalling a bad memory, Shukaku retracted his entire body into the jar.

“That’s really a not-so-good memory!!”

Seeing Asuka standing there stunned, Hashirama also scratched his head and smiled heartily.

“Actually, I sometimes think there’s something wrong with those people’s brains.

Why do you mess with the tailed beasts? The tailed beasts can still be resurrected, and if they die, they are really dead. Even when they grow old, the family may still suffer revenge from the tailed beasts. "

Asuka glanced at the tea cauldron on the table and said in shock.

"What the hell? People in the past regarded defeating tailed beasts as an honor?

Doesn't that mean that the tailed beasts and the others were always bullied by ninjas in the past? "

“Being bullied is out of the question.

Although tailed beasts are not invincible, not everyone can defeat them either. "

After thinking about it for a moment, Hashirama replied, "In the history of the ninja world for nearly a thousand years, powerful ninjas who are as powerful as tailed beasts are like carps crossing the river. But if you average those ninjas, maybe every few years or decades in the ninja world Only then will such a strong person appear.

So most of the time, it is the tailed beasts that bully humans, and they have become synonymous with disaster.

At that time, people didn't know that tailed beasts could be sealed in the human body. They just regarded tailed beasts as monsters that held grudges and could not be killed. Moreover, this monster had an infinite lifespan, and they would even come to your door when you were aging. "

At this time, the lid of the tea cauldron shook, and then an earth-yellow head came out with the lid on its head.

It looked at Hashirama first, and then at Asuka, and argued crazily in a high-pitched voice.

"He's talking about the stinky fox. The stinky fox holds grudges the most. I and Sanwei just like to find a place to sleep.

It's a pity that Sanwei doesn't like sleeping with me in the desert, so he has to go to the pool to sleep. "

Seeing the cold sweat on Shukaku's forehead, Hashirama rubbed his eyebrows with one hand and continued, "During the Warring States Period, some ninjas made a ranking list of tailed beasts that should not be provoked.

Number one is a fox.

Ranked second is a fat civet cat.

The fox is on the list because of its great strength, and the civet cat is on the list because of its dark thoughts.

The civet cat likes to write down the name and home address of its enemy, and then finds a place to sleep for decades. When the enemy grows old, it will run to the vicinity of the enemy's family. "

Speaking of this, Hashirama suddenly paused. After staring at Shukaku for a long time, he said slowly.

“Families targeted by Yiwei will not end well.

Every night, its curses would be heard near that family, as if the family would be exterminated in the next moment. Even in order to show its powerful power, it would condense powerful chakra to bombard the mountains from time to time, constantly causing the movement of landslides and ground cracks.

No one can sleep peacefully next to Yiwei, and many humans have been driven to mental breakdown by Yiwei. "

? ? ?

After hearing this, several question marks instantly appeared on Asuka's head.

Did Shukaku have such a bad character before?


Was Shukaku such a good character before?

If he remembered correctly, before Shukaku and Gaara reconciled, every time it appeared seemed to be accompanied by a large number of ninja casualties.

At this time.

The cold sweat on Shukakuya's face disappeared instantly without a trace. He put his hands on his hips and looked at the two of them with a proud expression, with just the words "I am innocent" written on his face.

However, neither Hashirama nor Asuka noticed the loss deep in Shukaku's pupils.

Intentionally or unintentionally, it glanced at the moon that had disappeared in the sky, and the figure of the Immortal of Six Paths instantly appeared in its mind.

"As a chakra aggregate, you have no lifespan limit, so you will experience many things that far exceed a short human life.

You have human thoughts, human emotions, and even hatred that only humans can have. As time goes by, you will become indifferent and you will find that everything around you has become very boring.

My short life is coming to an end and I cannot watch you grow up, but I can now foresee the difficulty of your future situation.

Human beings are a very complex group, and they have many strange thoughts. Some of them will definitely hurt you, and you will also feel hatred in your hearts.

The purpose of creating you is to bring peace to the ninja world, so I took away all the chakra of the Ten-Tails and divided it into nine tailed beasts to weaken the power of the Ten-Tails. "

If Shukaku remembered correctly, the Sage of Six Paths bowed deeply to them after finishing these words.

"I apologize to you on behalf of all mankind!"


"In the future, you and humans may hate each other for various things, and even some hatred will drive you both to the point of conflict.

I hope you can restrain the hatred in your heart. Your enemies will turn into a handful of dirt in a few decades, and you still have to survive in the ninja world. Don't let hatred stay with time.

Shukaku also traveled to Jiu Lama.

sorry! !



Thinking of the old man of six paths admonishing them to suppress the hatred in their hearts, Shukaku retracted his head into the jar again and murmured.

"Old man, if you can speak, speak more. It's not that easy to suppress hatred!!"

“I stepped on their graves and dented them, but I’m still angry inside!!”

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