Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 410 This is to fool us into thinking we are fools.

Two days later.

The entire country knows that the messengers of the Evil God Cult have come to cut off the cause and effect for the believers. The key is that when others cut off the cause and effect, they want money or things. This person cuts off the cause and effect and not only wants nothing, but even gives away things.


The behavior of the messengers of the Evil God Cult is simply incompatible with human nature.

When something goes wrong, there will be a monster, and when people go wrong, there will be a sword.

It's up to me to be the one who gets stabbed! !

In line with the principle of not taking advantage of the bastard, regardless of whether they are followers of the evil god or not, they flocked here and surrounded the place like crazy.

There are even some bald donkeys with no hair on their heads.

"I went to the evil god's house for alms."

Looking at the few bald heads crowded in the crowd, one of the cloud ninjas could not hold back after all and complained, "Isn't this too outrageous? A monk carrying a broken bowl ran to the evil god's messenger to ask about cause and effect?

Just ask, how dare he take the evil god's money? Did he donate the money to Buddha after taking it? "

"That's called a bowl, not a broken bowl!

But this is the first time I have seen this kind of thing happen to the evil god. "

After correcting his companion's mistake, he also looked towards the street, "And I don't understand, why did Uchiha Asuka do this?"

"There's nothing I don't understand. Didn't we analyze it a few days ago? It's possible that someone went to Konoha to issue a mission, and Uchiha Asuka picked it up."

"Then what is the content of the mission, and what is the reward for the mission, so that Uchiha Asuka can spend money regardless of the cost?"

"Then who knows? It's possible that Uchiha Asuka did it on purpose. Who knows what his original mission was? It's possible that he changed his mission temporarily after coming to Yugakure Village."

Before he could finish speaking, the whole room suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Everyone's eyes turned to the companion who just spoke.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

His scalp was numb from being stared at, so he scratched it a few times, then looked at the captain who was frowning in thought, and asked, "Captain, what's wrong with you?"

"Think of one more thing!"

Then, he looked up at the people in the room, and his eyes fell on one of the tall men, "Ming, when did our mission target leave Konoha Village?"

The man named Ming just thought for a moment and said in a low voice.

"About five days ago."

"With the walking distance of an ordinary person, can I rush from Konoha to Yugakure Village in five days?"

"it should be OK."

Ming's tone was hesitant, then became firm again, "As long as there are no accidents on their way, they should have arrived here by yesterday evening at the latest."

Hearing this, the captain stood up and came to the window.

Looking down at the fake "messenger" on the street for a moment, his already dark cheeks couldn't help but turn darker.

He absolutely did not believe that Uchiha believed in the evil god, so Asuka Uchiha must have other missions. At first, he just thought that Asuka Uchiha had taken on some mission to dismantle the evil god, but after his teammates reminded him


The team leader slammed his right fist on his left hand and said suddenly.

"No one told us that the mission Uchiha Asuka received must be related to the Evil God Cult. All of this was made up by our preconceptions. It is also possible that the mission he received was related to us."

"That's right, that's right!"

The people around him nodded quickly. They had also thought of this possibility just now.

The next moment, these people looked up at the captain and said doubtfully.

"That's not right. If Asuka Uchiha accepted the escort mission, why did he come alone? Isn't he afraid that the important people he was escorting would die on the way?"


The captain hammered his palm again, with a hint of admiration in his tone.

"As expected of Konoha's top jounin."

Speaking of this, he looked at his companions, and after seeing doubts on their faces, he immediately explained, "Assuming that the mission Uchiha Asuka received is related to us, then it is not difficult to explain why he stayed in here, and made such a huge noise.

All this is done to attract our attention so that his companions can slip by under our noses.

Although Uchiha Asuka is strong, it is impossible for him to lead the team all the way without knowing our strength. It would be too risky. "

After hearing the captain's explanation, the group of people nodded in understanding.

Although they felt that there was something wrong with what the captain said, they couldn't tell what was wrong.

"team leader!"

The person who spoke first came out. He walked to the window and looked at Asuka through the window. He said in a low voice, "Captain, I still don't understand. Why does Uchiha Asuka know that we are ambushing here?"


The captain chuckled and said firmly, "He doesn't know where we are ambushing, but he definitely knows there is an ambush ahead.

The reason why he chose to create an incident near Tangyin Village to attract our attention may be the same as my choice to ambush in Tangyin Village.

This is the common thought of the strong. "

"team leader!"

At this time, the man named Ming opened his mouth as if to say something, but when he saw the pride on the captain's face, he suppressed the words that came to his throat.

What he actually wanted to say was, is there a possibility that they were exposed first, and then Uchiha Asuka chose to make some noise here to attract their attention?

But having said that, I always feel that their group is a bit too idiotic.

Thinking of this, he also came to the window and looked down at the crowded street. Maybe it was his imagination, but he seemed to find that Asuka actually raised his head and smiled towards this place.

"What a ghost!"

Meanwhile, in the middle of the street.

Looking up at the group of big black men behind the window of the opposite house, Asuka smiled at them and then continued to solve the cause and effect problems for the believers in front of him.

These fools from Yunyin Village have been hiding behind the windows for several days, what’s there to see?

If you want to resolve the cause and effect with me, just come and I won't hit you.

Asuka glanced at the group of people in Yunyin Village again, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He vaguely remembered that when he first entered the ninja school, the teacher told them how to quickly identify each other's identity.

Hidden Cloud Village: Black

Iwagakure: Fat

Kirigakure: Ugly

Sand Hidden Village: Dirty

Although this method is not 100% accurate, if a bunch of black men are crowded into a room, who else can do this except Yunyin Village?

Just when Asuka was distracted, his neck suddenly bent.

He moved his gaze slightly upward, looked at the orange cat lying on his head, and said.

"wake up?"

The orange cat yawned, then glanced at the civilians watching, and whispered, "How long are we going to stay here? Why did you suddenly think of tricking these people?"

"The harm of cults is no less than war!"

He looked at these civilians with a smile, "After experiencing the Third Ninja War, they are already pitiful enough, but when they were the most pitiful and helpless, they believed in the Evil God Cult.

In this case, let's just let the Evil God Sect take good care of themselves. "

Hearing this, the orange cat silently raised his head and looked forward.

The civilians in front of them were half-clothed and had dirty looks on their faces, but their eyes were full of fanaticism, as if they really regarded the birds as their saviors.

And he knew very well that if the flying bird was replaced by an evil guy, these civilians would have to worship the evil god even if they were reduced to borrowing money at usury.

"Asuka, what are you going to do?"

Hearing this, Asuka said directly without thinking.

“The first step is to give believers something to think about.

The second step is to leave Hidan without a home.

In the third step, the evil god organization completes its mission and disbands on the spot, and the believers each find their own mother. "

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