Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 411 Breaking the precept!

Feiniao not only has a bad opinion of the evil cult, he also has a bad opinion of all evil cults.

Not to mention this evil sect that has a flying section.

Scanning the congregation in front of him, he did not see Hidan's shadow among them. If he remembered correctly, Hidan might be younger than him.

At this time, Hidan didn't know if he had joined the Evil God Cult.


Just when he was distracted, the orange cat pulled him back with a soft cry.

"Look at that!"

Asuka followed its line of sight and looked over.

On the second floor diagonally across the street, the cloud ninjas who were peeking behind the window just now suddenly disappeared. From here, the entire room was empty, with no one in it.


Asuka raised an eyebrow.

Guys like Yun Nin are really weird. They have been spying on him here for several days, but they have not been seen walking around, let alone sent people to ask questions.

"Asuka, do you think they are blocking you? After all, this place is a bit far away from Yunyin Village, and it is unlikely that people from this country will go to Yunyin Village when they issue a mission."

After hearing this, Asuka thought for a moment and then replied.

“This possibility cannot be ruled out.

It's also possible that they simply came here to perform a mission. Didn't I travel across several countries to the Bear Country last year in order to find a remedy for Captain Nana? "

Thinking of the situation last year, the orange cat blinked and said nothing more.

As a ninja, it is possible to go anywhere to perform tasks. It is not surprising to meet a few cloud ninjas here. If those people had not been peeping here for several days but did nothing, it would not even bother to ask.

"Lord Messenger!"

Suddenly, a rough voice called the orange cat out of his fugue.

It looked up and saw a monk wearing white robes and holding a broken bowl appearing in front of it.

The monk's eyes were fixed on the flying bird, with a hint of excitement in his tone, "The young monk is a monk from the Kingdom of Fire - Fire Temple. Although the young monk is not a believer of the evil god, it is said that the evil god has seen the Buddha."

Feiniao was stunned for a moment after hearing these words. He could guarantee that he definitely did not say "The evil god has seen the Buddha".


The rumors are getting more and more outrageous.

"The host asked the young monk to come to the ninja world. He wants the young monk to cut off his own karma and see my Buddha."

Having said this, the monk clasped his hands together, with a slightly embarrassed look on his face, "But the young monk has traveled to several countries and has not found a way to cut off cause and effect. Now that I heard the envoy talking about cause and effect here, I came here to ask."

The monk did not recognize the other person as an Uchiha.

After observing this man for a few days and finding that he had no evil deeds, he really regarded him as a messenger sent by the evil god to cut off the cause and effect of believers.

Although he is not a believer in evil gods and does not know whether evil gods exist, he believes in Buddhism.

Don’t be superstitious and believe in Buddha.

Therefore, he is willing to believe that the evil god exists, and he is also willing to believe in Feiniao's current identity.

Asuka smacked her mouth and gave the monk a complicated look.

When asking about cause and effect, I came here to the messenger of the evil god. The monks of the Temple of Fire are really yours.

Then, Asuka was seen holding his chin with his fingers crossed and speaking slowly.

"You can agree with Sir Evil God, and I'm very happy, but if you ask me about cause and effect, I don't like it."


The monk was stunned for a moment, but before he could continue to ask, Asuka continued, "Master Evil God once mentioned [Monk] in his dream and below that you monks pay too much attention to the clay statues in the temple and ignore it. Living people outside.

You dream of seeing me, the Buddha, but you turn a blind eye to the suffering in the outside world.

[I, the Buddha] are a ruthless person who will cut off two ounces of meat from his thigh to feed the vulture when he sees a hungry vulture. How can such a ruthless person look down on monks like you who only know how to eat fast and chant the Buddha's name?

You dream of seeing the Buddha, but you don’t realize that you are not even qualified to see him. "

The monk had naturally heard of the story of "cutting meat to feed the eagle". He had only lamented the Buddha's compassion before, but he did not expect that the messenger of the evil god compared the eagle to a living person in the outside world.

"When I see a hungry vulture, I will cut off two ounces of flesh."

The monk muttered these words. He raised his head and glanced around, and found that most of the civilians around here were sallow and thin, and they were obviously very hungry.

And myself.

Looking at his white and fat body, the monk shuddered, quickly closed his eyes and murmured.

"When I met an "eagle" and cut off two taels, the little monk only weighed 150 kilograms. Even if I threw away the bones, he wouldn't be able to feed the 1,800 people here."

Realizing that he seemed to have misunderstood what he meant, Feiniao quickly knocked on the table with his fingers and said, "Although the evil god is called evil, the evil of the evil god is not the evil of evil, but the evil of the evil sect."

The monk opened his eyes and looked at Asuka with some doubts in his eyes.

"let me tell you."

Then, Feiniao stood up and came to the monk, put his arm around his shoulders and whispered softly, "The story of [cutting meat to feed eagles] is not for you to imitate me, the Buddha, and actually cut your own flesh.

This story is to tell you, feel the pain, consider the pain, accept the pain, and understand the pain. People who do not understand pain cannot understand the real "I, Buddha"! "

The monk was stunned for a moment when he heard what the evil messenger said.

He looked at Feiniao's dark eyes, which were so pure and breathtaking. There was no trace of cunning in them, but full sincerity.

After a long silence, he clasped his hands and asked.

"Master Messenger, how can I feel the pain?"

"If I remember correctly, the Fire Temple has several commandments, right? One of them seems to be not to do business."


The monk nodded.

The host had told them that buying and selling was an immoral act that could easily bring about adverse consequences, making their cause and effect even more troublesome.


At this time, he clapped his hands and said seriously.

"In that case, then break this commandment and go into business."

Before Asuka could finish his words, he saw the monk's expression change and his head shaking like a rattle, "No, no, no, the host will go crazy. He will definitely pick up the Zen staff and beat me to death."

"Just tell me if the Zen staff hits you, does it hurt?"

When the monk saw that he could not break free from the bird's confinement for a while, he nodded subconsciously.


When the 180-pound Zen staff hit him, his bones could be broken in half.

"This is to feel the pain that I, the Buddha, felt when I [cut my flesh to feed the eagles]."

Speaking of this, Feiniao patted the monk on the shoulder, with a look of emotion on his face, "Others do business for themselves, but you do business to see me, the Buddha. This is different.

When you save enough people by cutting off your own "flesh", the Buddha will see you. "

This time, the monk understood it, and his resistance was not as strong as before.

Cutting "meat" means cutting off the profits from one's business.

If you are willing to cut your "meat" to save civilians, then your merits will probably be accomplished.

Thinking of this, a flash of excitement suddenly flashed in the monk's eyes, and then he became hesitant.


He looked at Feiniao with evasive eyes, and said in a somewhat embarrassed tone, "What if the host beats me to death before I succeed in doing business?"

"This problem is easy to solve!"

Then, Feiniao pointed towards the crowd, "You help ten ordinary people here first, and you will only need a small piece of cloth from them as reward. After you leave here, you will sew the cloth you got on the monks' clothes." On the robe.

If the abbot of the Temple of Fire wants to find you before the great cause is accomplished, you can put the torn monk's robe on your shoulders and tell the abbot the origin of the robe. He won't dare to do anything. "

The monk instantly understood the meaning of [flying bird].

First get yourself a hundred-year-old robe to protect yourself, lest you be beaten to death by the host before the great cause is accomplished.

After he has accomplished his great cause, he will probably be wearing ten thousand robes. When the host sees him, he will clasp his hands and say that he has seen the "Buddha's Light" in his body.

It’s exciting to think about it! !


Not sure what he was thinking of, the monk wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth and said hesitantly.

"But the little monk doesn't know what kind of business he can do to save the world."

Before he finished speaking, he felt something extra in his arms.

When he looked down, he saw a leaflet with the words [Uchiha Fried Chicken Shop] and [Ahi Meatball Shop] in his hand.

“The profit margin is huge!!”

After seeing the promotional slogan above, before the monk could continue to ask, Asuka waved his hand, "Go, go to the Country of Rain. There is still a blue sea there, and the citizens of the Country of Rain are so hungry that their eyes turn green." Light vulture.

Go rescue them, feel the pain of "cutting your flesh to feed the eagles", and understand the pain of cutting off your flesh as Buddha. Those who don't understand the pain cannot see the real Buddha.

Monks who cannot break the precepts and cannot see the world, but only know how to worship clay statues, are not worthy of seeing the Buddha. "


The monk stuffed the flyer into his arms, clasped his hands and bowed deeply to Asuka, his voice full of determination.

"Host, forgive me!"

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