Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 424 I just want to scold him

Radicals: Give me three thousand ninjas, and I can capture women from the Kingdom of Thunder and give them to the villagers as wives.

Conservatives: Apologize? Can an apology win peace? Peace cannot be won by apologizing, so we choose not to apologize. As for Uchiha Asuka, I haven't thought about it yet, so I'm putting it off for now.

What happened this evening has refreshed Mute's outlook on life.

Unexpectedly, according to Tsunade-sama, the previously sullen Danzo elder would be so tough at the Jonin meeting a few days ago, threatening to give him three thousand ninjas, and he could make the women of the Kingdom of Thunder become Villager wife.

Unfortunately, according to Tsunade-sama, there are indeed three thousand ninjas in Konoha now, but most of those ninjas are located on the borders with other countries. There is simply no way for the village to squeeze out three thousand ninjas for Elder Danzo.

What she didn't expect was that Tsunade-sama, who was drunk in the past, would act so tough today.

Before drinking a bottle of wine, Tsunade-sama asked the Raikage to come to the Land of Fire to apologize.

Before drinking two bottles of wine, Tsunade-sama said it was just an apology. I went to the daimyo to borrow a video call tool and said one to him through the antenna.

Apologizing after three bottles of wine? ? Raikage wants to apologize to my mother? ?


The empty wine bottle rolled to the floor with a crisp sound.

Seeing Tsunade-sama with red cheeks, Shizune sighed deeply, took the little piggy out of her arms, then helped Tsunade-sama leave the office and walked towards the Senju clan.

She has experienced this kind of thing many times since the adults took her out of Konoha to travel around the ninja world, and Shizune was at a loss at the beginning and gradually got used to it.

"I heard that Tsunade-sama is very reliable before."

After struggling to close the office door, she helped Tsunade down the stairs and muttered, "When did you get into the bad habit of drinking?"

Hearing this, Tsunade's closed eyes trembled slightly.

She also forgot when she became an alcoholic and why she became an alcoholic.

Seems to be.

It seemed like the moment her last relative left. At that moment, her mouth felt dry and astringent, and she longed for something to drink.

Later, someone handed over the wine.

Her study of medicine has obviously saved many people, but she can't save her own relatives, and she can't even extend their lifespan.

At this moment, she actually admired Uchiha Asuka.

Although he didn't know what method the kid used to delay Kushina's vital signs, he did do something that even he had not done, and he had also heard the uncle mention that the kid might have some way to make Kushina Nye came back to life, back to life like a normal person.

Thinking of this, Tsunade's cold heart suddenly became a little hot.

"Shizune, Tsunade-sama, this is"

A gentle female voice instantly interrupted her fantasy, and Tsunade's trembling eyelids gradually returned to calm.

Uchiha Mikoto! !

The past year has provided the village with a lot of talk.

Regarding what happened to Uchiha Mikoto, Tsunade could do nothing but express some sympathy in her heart.

It is difficult for an upright official to stop household affairs.

What's more, she is a descendant of the Senju clan.

Which way does this identity change, let alone family affairs? Today she dares to point fingers at the affairs of the Uchiha clan. Tomorrow the Uchiha group will dare to go to the grandfather's grave and scold Senju for being unfaithful. This is in line with the original covenant. Good ones are not the same at all.

If it were an ordinary family, Tsunade could rely on her status to suppress her, but Uchiha.

"A lot of things have happened in the village recently. Tsunade-sama didn't have a clue about those things at the moment, so she just drank while sorting out those things, and accidentally drank too much."

Shizune looked at the woman carrying the basket in front of her with a smile, but the smile on her face was a little forced.

It can't be said that Tsunade-sama is worried about government affairs every day and wants to drink. When she drinks, she can't control herself. When she can't control herself, she drinks too much.

Mikoto looked at Shizune's cheeks that were flushed from lying, and noticed Tsunade's lowered head. The aroma of wine wafting in the air made her sigh inwardly.

Because of Uchiha Fugaku, she didn't like alcoholics very much these days.

Then, she took out an earthen jar from the basket she was carrying and handed it over, saying warmly.

"This is the hangover soup I made. Feed some to Tsunade-sama when you go back."


Shizune looked at the earthen pot that was handed over and was stunned for a moment. Before she could react, she felt her left hand sink.


"Take it!"

Uchiha Mikoto forced the sobering soup to Shizune, then walked around the two of them and walked towards the police department.

"I would like to thank you for the sobering soup on Tsunade-sama's behalf."

Hearing Shizune's voice thanking her from behind, Mikoto paused, looked back at the little girl, and replied with a smile.

"You're welcome!"

Looking at Uchiha Mikoto's figure elongated by the sunset.

this moment.

Shizune only felt a warmth flow into her heart along the palm of her hand.

This hangover soup is actually still warm, it should be the kind you can drink at home.

"Mikoto-sama is so gentle!"

Hearing Shizune's sighing voice next to her ear, Tsunade, who put her arm on her shoulders, suddenly opened her eyes and said slowly.

"Mikoto is indeed an extremely gentle woman."


Shizune looked at the sober-up soup in her hand, and then at Tsunade, who had regained consciousness. A trace of confusion suddenly flashed in her eyes, "Is the sober-up soup so magical? Can you sober up just by smelling it?"


Tsunade took the hangover soup, opened it and took a sip.

Um! !

It tastes great! !

Mikoto's cooking skills are countless times better than hers.


After taking another two sips, she looked at the place where Mikoto disappeared and said with some regret, "Such a gentle person ended up in the Uchiha family."

"Tsunade-sama, what's wrong with Uchiha?"

Hearing Tsunade-sama complaining about Uchiha, Shizune also had a look of curiosity on her face.

She rarely heard Tsunade-sama commenting on a certain family.

"A family with a brain problem has problems with its rules."

Thinking of some of the weird Uchiha rules, Tsunade curled her lips and said disdainfully, "If Uchiha Asuka dares to divorce me at the clan meeting, I will have to hammer a hole in his bathtub."


Shizune instantly thought of the gossip that had spread in the village in the past six months.

Then, she looked up and looked around, looking like a thief.

Isn't it a little bad to discuss gossip on the street?

After all, Shizune couldn't hold back her curiosity, and then she saw her leaning towards Tsunade and whispering.

"Tsunade-sama, will they really get divorced?"

? ? ?

Seeing the gossipy look on her face, a row of black lines suddenly appeared on Tsunade's forehead.

Why haven't you noticed that Shizune is so nosy before?


After realizing that something was not right in the atmosphere, Shizune laughed awkwardly, waved her hands and said, "I just feel a little emotional, Mikoto-sama is such a gentle person, how come fate treats her so unfairly."

Tsunade's cheeks twitched, and then she drank the sobering soup in one gulp, feeling short of breath.

"It wasn't possible before, but now it's hard to say."

Shizune blinked, confused.

"Ah? Why?"

Tsunade glanced around with her peripheral vision, with the same gossipy look on her face, and whispered.

"The two people are now separated. Separation often means there are some problems in the relationship. And it is said that because of the layoffs in the police department, there is a lot of dissatisfaction with the clan leader within the Uchiha, which leads to "divorce" among the clan members. Some basics.

If someone were to help them, who knows what would happen in the future? "

Speaking of this, Tsunade paused, and the figure of a certain kid suddenly appeared in her mind.


The earthen pot in her hand was cracked by her. Tsunade turned her head to look in the direction of the Kingdom of Thunder and cursed.

"Asuka Uchiha is such a bastard."

? ? ?

Shizune was confused when she heard this.

Although "divorce" was proposed by Asuka Jonin, she had not heard of any action taken by Asuka Jonin? No one in the village said anything about it.

Some time ago, I heard from Tsunade-sama that the group of Uchiha jonin found a secretary for their clan leader.


Then, as if Shizune thought of something, she took a breath and asked in a low voice.

"Is it possible that Mikoto-sama's separation has something to do with Asuka Jonin?"

Tsunade shook her head, looking disgusted.

"It doesn't matter, but I don't know why, I just want to scold him."

"Tsunade-sama, is there any way I can help Mikoto-sama?"


Tsunade said directly without thinking, "You work hard to improve your strength, and then marry a certain Uchiha executive. When your name is changed to Uchiha Shizune, you can intervene in Uchiha's internal affairs.

Of course, you have to suppress the Uchiha executive, otherwise you two will easily fight if you fail to help Mikoto. "


Shizune immediately covered her mouth, her head shaking like a rattle.

This sounds okay at first glance.

But who would deliberately marry a senior Uchiha person in order to help Uchiha Mikoto?

Picture what?

How old are the old men in the picture?

As if he knew what she was thinking, Tsunade played with the empty earthen pot and joked, "There are only a few people who can really speak in the Uchiha family, and the youngest among them is Uchiha Asuka.

Shizune, Nuri Nuri. When you grow up and marry in a few years, I will be your mother-in-law. If you are bullied, come to me and I will smash you."

Speaking of this, Tsunade paused. She looked at the little loli Shizune beside her, and then thought about that hateful guy.

Um! !

This is my own cabbage. Why should I give it to Uchiha?

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