Konoha, Hokage's office.

As it gets darker, every house lights up, and the Hokage Building is no exception.

Theoretically speaking, as the head of a village, Naruto does not have precise off-duty hours like ninjas in ordinary departments. He can either get off work a little later or a little early.

But all previous Hokages prefer to work overtime.

Tsunade still remembers that when the eldest grandfather was the Hokage, the eldest grandfather had to work late into the night with the second grandfather. After the second grandfather became the Hokage, the second grandfather worked alone until late at night.

Later, the second grandfather accepted the teacher as his disciple, and the teacher and the others worked with the second grandfather until late at night.

When the teacher was preparing to train Minato, Minato worked with the teacher until late at night.

"This is the inheritance of Hokage!!"

After glancing at the time on the wall, she looked at Shizune who was looking at the file with wide eyes. The corners of Tsunade's mouth curled up slightly and she took another sip of white wine.


Seeing Tsunade who was distracted while drinking, Shizune picked up Tezuka's documents and shook them twice, wondering, "Are the documents here really not confidential?"


Tsunade hummed slightly, looking at the translucent wine bottle in her hand with a confused look.

Confidential documents often involve the safety and vital interests of the village, and they may not be encountered once a month. Normally, the Hokage's job is to deal with some ordinary things that cannot be more ordinary.

for example


Shizune looked at the document in her hand repeatedly and said doubtfully, "We have been condemned."

? ? ?

Tsunade stopped drinking, looked at Shizune with some confusion, and said.

"Condemned by whom? The Daimyo?"

"That's not true!"

Shizune wrinkled her nose and summarized the contents of the document, "It's the Raikage from Kumogakure Village. He said that our Konoha ninjas have been circling the border of the Land of Thunder for several days. It's very much like taking advantage of the loose borders of the Kingdom of Thunder to sneak into the Kingdom of Thunder and cause trouble.

This is a warning. He asked us to withdraw the ninja quickly, otherwise he will be rude. "


Hearing this, Tsunade couldn't help but take a breath, and then she began to beat her somewhat confused head.

If she remembers correctly, the Kingdom of Thunder is surrounded by sea on three sides, and the only place bordering the land seems to be called the Kingdom of the Moon. When did she send ninjas to the Kingdom of the Moon?


After thinking for a while, Tsunade put down the bottle, suppressed the drunkenness on her face, and said seriously, "Are there any ninjas in the village who have gone to the Moon Country to perform missions recently?"

Hearing this, Shizune's little eyes blinked several times quickly, and she looked at Tsunade with a confused expression.

How did she know the whereabouts of the village ninja?

Then, Shizune subconsciously looked at the map of the ninja world on the wall.

The location of the five major countries is easy to find. They are the five largest countries in the ninja world.

The location of Moon Country is also easy to find. It is the only land country bordering the Kingdom of Thunder.


Shizune, who was distracted while looking at the map, suddenly discovered that the Kingdom of Thunder also had a neighbor on the sea, the Kingdom of Honey.


Thinking of the people who left the village some time ago, Shizune looked at the information in her hand again and suddenly became silent.

Looking at the silent Shizune, Tsunade seemed to have thought of something.

She silently put down the bottle of wine and looked expressionlessly at the lights outside the window.

It's not like she has never done escort missions, that is, sending the mission target back to his country, but she may encounter troubles such as assassinations on the way.


Tsunade scratched her hair vigorously. She thought hard and couldn't figure out what kind of talent could carry out a good escort mission into the situation where the two countries were about to conflict.


Seeing Tsunade's irritable look, Shizune asked cautiously, "Could it be something caused by the Asuka Jonin? I heard that the last escort mission did not go well."


Tsunade's face darkened when she heard the name.

The last mission did not go well. Uchiha Asuka took the client to the Dragon Cave, and then split into two groups with those teammates. Although there were some twists and turns on the way, in general, the client did reach the destination safely. .

And she also found that if the mission was completed according to Uchiha Asuka's method, the client's chance of survival and the chance of completing the mission would become very high, and she would not have to worry about her own ninja being injured.


Looking at Raikage's letter of condemnation, Tsunade's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

"Tsunade-sama, what should I do?"

Tsunade took a deep breath, then put down the document in her hand and said slowly, "You didn't attend the Jonin meeting yesterday. At the meeting, Elder Danzo pounded the table and said that as long as he was given three thousand ninjas, he could conquer the clouds. The women from the hidden village were captured as concubines.”

? ? ?

Hearing this, a trace of confusion flashed in Shizune's eyes.

Is the incident of Elder Danzo seizing a woman as a concubine related to the Raikage's condemnation?

"What Elder Danzo means is that the village cannot produce three thousand ninjas now. We should try not to conflict with other ninja villages at this time and restore our strength with peace of mind."

After saying that, Tsunade picked up the wine bottle again and took a sip without continuing.

After experiencing the Third Ninja World War, the losses of the five major ninja villages were very heavy. Konoha now cannot recruit 3,000 ninjas to attack Kumo Hidden Village, and Kumo Hidden Village cannot recruit ninjas to attack Konoha.


Everything must be done by accident, if the people in Yunyin Village suddenly have a seizure.

Looking at Shizune's confused eyes, Tsunade was silent for a while and then explained.

"What Danzo means is to try to maintain a peaceful situation and give the village as many opportunities as possible to recuperate. Don't start a war if you can. Appropriate concessions are also possible. Everything is for the sake of the future."

Shizune understood this sentence.

She looked at the document, then looked at Tsunade, and said hesitantly, "Tsunade-sama, do we want to apologize to Kumo Hidden Village?"


Tsunade smacked her lips and said directly without thinking, "I'd like to apologize to him. Our people didn't enter the Kingdom of Thunder. They just circled back and forth on the border of the Kingdom of Thunder."

Before he finished speaking, an eagle suddenly flew in from the window.

flap! flap!

After flapping its wings in the air a few times, it landed firmly on the table, and then shook its right foot towards the two humans in front of it.

Looking at the unusually fat eagle, they then looked at the bamboo tube at the eagle's ankle. After Shizune was stunned for a moment, she came to the eagle and murmured while picking the bamboo tube.

"Why is this eagle so much fatter than ordinary eagles? Did it find an undefended chicken farm?"


At this time, Tsunade sneered and said, "All the fat animals in the whole village are related to one person."

Handing the removed bamboo tube to Tsunade, Shizune stood aside and asked curiously.


Tsunade took the bamboo tube and poured out the secret message inside, and sneered.

"Uchiha Asuka!"

After saying that, she lowered her head and looked at the secret message in her hand.

There is only one short sentence in the entire letter.

[Hokage-sama, I, Uchiha Asuka, successfully entered the Land of Thunder]


Shizune also saw the contents of the secret message. After she stood there and hesitated for a while, she said, "This time, do we have to apologize to Yunyin Village?"

"Talk to him!"

Tsunade crushed the secret letter into powder and said angrily, "Isn't it true that Asuka has not been found in Kumogakure Village yet? We'll wait until we find out. Even if we find out, we won't apologize unless Uchiha Asuka causes trouble in the Land of Thunder." .

When trouble occurs, I will have to sacrifice my mother. "


Shizune was silent for a while after hearing this.

To be honest, she didn't understand what Tsunade-sama was saying.

As if seeing Shizune's doubts, Tsunade threw the ashes in her hand into the air and said in a casual tone, "Recently, our daimyo has developed a video call thing.

This thing is used by the five great powers for a meeting. We can borrow it and use it when the time comes. Then we can just find someone to turn into a bird and apologize to the Raikage. "


Shizune heard it very clearly this time.

Apologize across the phone line, mainly to fool a fool.

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