Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 445: Stab someone’s lung tube

The sky at noon is blue and cloudless, and the sun shines all over the earth, like a beautiful picture.

Although the Kingdom of Thunder has more thunder, the amount of rainfall is actually about the same as that of the Kingdom of Fire. In the days since Asuka entered the Kingdom of Thunder, he could hear thunder every day, but he could not see even a single dark cloud in the sky.

They are all thunderstorms in dry weather. Although the sky is clear, the rumble of thunder can still be heard.


A sound of thunder rang out, waking up the snoring orange cat.

It looked around sleepily and found that there was nothing special around it.

Then, the orange cat stretched out and lay on Asuka's head again, speaking slowly in a soft and cute voice.

"The weather in the Kingdom of Thunder is really annoying. It makes it difficult for people to sleep well. It's no wonder that the fools in the Kingdom of Thunder are so grumpy. They can't even sleep well every day. How can they not be grumpy?"

Having said this, it opened its eyes through a slit and glanced at the linen walking in front.

After his eyes lingered on the opponent's thin and numb body for a moment, he closed his eyes again and said, "It's no wonder that the ninjas of the Kingdom of Thunder covet the land of the Kingdom of Fire. Even if we are in a desert, it is better than the thunder here every day. "


Thinking of Gaara who had become extremely grumpy due to poor sleep quality, Asuka nodded in agreement.

He now also suspects that the bad temper of the ninjas of the Land of Thunder has a lot to do with the climate.


At this time, one person and one cat heard a sneer coming from the front.

Then I saw Azabu who was walking in front roll his eyes, looked back at the two of them, and said, "I admit that there are many ninjas with bad tempers in the village, but the conflict between thunder and fire has nothing to do with the weather. relation.

It's just that you Konoha has too many interests.


As she spoke, she pointed to herself and asked.

"I am also a ninja from the Land of Thunder. Do I have a bad temper?"

Hearing this, after the orange cat glanced at her up and down, he said in a soft and cute voice mixed with some doubts, "Azabu Yi, actually, I have a question that has been buried in my heart for a long time."


Ma Buyi raised his eyebrows and asked curiously, "What's the question?"

"That's your companion who went to Longdi Cave."

It gestured with its two paws, and its soft voice was full of curiosity, "Not to mention that your companion's skin is an order of magnitude whiter than yours, let's just talk about the figure.

Wouldn't you feel embarrassed if you took a hot spring bath together? "

Then, the orange cat lowered its head and rubbed the swim ring on its belly with its two paws.

Since the orange cat often soaks in hot springs with Asuka, it knows how buoyant the hot springs are.

Whenever it soaks in a hot spring, it is always unable to sink. The ring of flesh on its belly is like a spring, allowing it to float steadily on the water. Except for the influence of external forces, otherwise it would not be able to sink in the hot spring. Float for a day.

Thinking of this, the orange cat grabbed his stomach, his tone full of emotion.

"Azabu Yi, I wonder if you have ever experienced the feeling of being lifted up by buoyancy, as if your body is forced to float on a hot spring. No matter how hard you try, you can't sink."


A row of question marks instantly appeared on Ampoo's head.

Hot springs?

The feeling of being lifted up by buoyancy?

She frowned and thought for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I haven't experienced it before, but I feel that the buoyancy of hot springs should not be so exaggerated."


Feifei shook his head firmly, "Every time I soak in a hot spring, I can feel the huge buoyancy of the hot spring. I believe that your fair-skinned friend can also feel the buoyancy of the hot spring.

The reason why you can't feel it may simply be because you are not as fleshy as me or your friend. "

After listening to the orange cat's story, Azabu Yi choked for breath, and subconsciously recalled the scene where she and Samui took a hot spring bath in her mind.

"Samyi, you have to sit down and immerse your whole body in the water to feel comfortable in the hot spring."

"Hey, Ma Buyi, I think being a woman is quite annoying sometimes."


"You will understand later."

Once upon a time, she really didn't understand what the other person was talking about, thinking that Samyi simply lamented that female ninjas were not as good as male ninjas.

But when she heard Fei Fei talking about buoyancy and saw it pinching the fat mass on her body, she instantly understood what Sam Yi was talking about.

"So this is the problem of having too much meat?"

He lowered his head and looked at his toes. Before Azabu Yi could continue to speak, he heard the annoying orange cat voice coming from the front again.

"Isn't it difficult to buy medicine if you are too young? Asuka has Azabuyi here. You don't want to be surrounded by no one's compliments every time you go to the hot springs, do you?"

Thinking of Feiniao's unsold folk remedies, Fei Fei said with a heartbroken expression, "Although I don't know the customs and customs of the Kingdom of Thunder, I think that starving children to death is not considered a beauty.

Azabu Yi, when you go to the hot springs, don't you envy those people who attract a lot of admiration when they take off their clothes?


Then, Fei Fei drew a circle with his two paws in the air, making an exaggerated gesture.

"Shut up!"

Azabu Yi's face suddenly turned red, and a burst of white smoke rose from his head, like a boiling teapot.

She glared at Fei Fei who still wanted to speak, and said angrily.

"If you can't speak, don't speak. I won't treat you as mute."


The orange cat stretched out his paw and patted the flying bird on the head, then licked his lips in front of him and said in a low voice, "I said that people in the Kingdom of Thunder have bad tempers, right?

It's like a powder keg, it explodes at the drop of a hat. "

Hearing this, several black lines suddenly appeared on Feiniao's face and forehead.

Constantly poking people's lung tubes, even if this were done to a ninja from another country, she would still explode.


Stopping the rushing Azalea, Asuka comforted Fei Fei, who wanted to continue poking the human lung tube, and said with some helplessness, "We are about to reach the land of honey."

Hearing this, Ma Buyi sniffed and pressed his chest that was rising violently.


It hurts so much!

My lungs hurt from being poked by a cat!

After taking a deep breath for a long time, she finally suppressed the thought of hitting someone in her heart.

"We are now less than half a day away from the Land of Honey."

As she spoke, she pointed to the road ahead.

There was a faint blue scenery ahead. Asuka, who had fairly good eyesight, opened his eyes and looked for a while before he realized that it was a blue ocean.

They have now arrived at the border of the Kingdom of Thunder.

"For some reason, there are no ninjas on the border between the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Honey, so we can go there with confidence."

Azabu Yi glared hard at the orange cat that stuck out its tongue at him, and continued, "Asuka Jonin, you can call that noble man out now. If you want to enter the land of honey, you will need his help."


Hearing this, Asuka didn't hesitate, he immediately bit his finger and started to make marks.


The moment his right hand touched the ground, a white smoke instantly rose from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a slightly fat figure appeared in the smoke.


As a gust of salty breeze blew away the smoke, a man with a haggard face and a slightly fat body was seen standing there blankly, holding a brush in one hand and a paint bucket in the other.

Azabu Yi looked at Asuka, then at the guy who looked like a decorator in front of him, and asked in surprise.

"Why did you ask a dustman to come out?"

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