Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 446 The Trial of the Wall (Two in One)

Ohno Jun!

This is the name his mother gave him.

It is said that when he was born, he happened to be at sea and suffered a big storm that rarely happened in a hundred years. These ominous omens made his mother feel that his life would not go smoothly, so she added the word "Shun" to his name.

And everything that happened next was just as my mother expected, and it was indeed not smooth.

When he was one year old, he went to the beach to catch crabs and was abducted by traffickers.

When he was two years old, he went to the beach to catch crabs and was kidnapped by thieves.

When he was three years old, he went to the beach to catch crabs and was beaten by a ninja.

When he was four years old, he went to the beach to catch crabs and was beaten by a ninja again.

Although that sea area nominally belongs to the Kingdom of Honey, it is actually under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Thunder, but he just went there to catch crabs, and the ninjas of the Kingdom of Thunder had to give him a kick when they drove him away.

Since then, the Kingdom of Thunder has been like his nemesis, and nothing good will happen to anyone who has anything to do with the Kingdom of Thunder.

When he was thirteen years old, he was ready to succeed the Daimyo of the Country of Honey, but the Daimyo of the Country of Thunder disagreed and temporarily changed the candidate.

When he was eighteen years old, the Daimyo of the Country of Honey died suddenly. He was ready to succeed the Daimyo, but the Daimyo of the Country of Thunder disagreed and once again changed the candidate temporarily.

At the age of twenty-three, the Daimyo of the Country of Honey died suddenly again, and he was ready to succeed the Daimyo. However, the Sandaime Raikage at the time did not agree, and the Daimyo of the Country of Thunder reluctantly made a temporary replacement.

At the age of thirty, the Daimyo of the Country of Honey died suddenly again. He was ready to take over the Daimyo position. Then the Fourth Raikage expressed different views on this, and the Daimyo of the Country of Thunder had no choice but to temporarily change the candidate.

At the age of thirty-two, the Daimyo of the Country of Honey died suddenly again. This time, the Country of Thunder did not prevent him from becoming the Daimyo. Instead, the original nobles of the Country of Honey stood up and believed that a young and powerful person should be chosen to take over as the Daimyo. Sudden death.

Then he missed the position of daimyo again.


All the past events flashed through his mind like a slide show. Ohno Shun couldn't help but close his eyes, feeling a little uncomfortable with the outside environment for a moment.

His troubled life originally thought that it would change after entering Longdi Cave.

As long as he has the power of an immortal, he has the right to speak. The right to speak can give him the qualifications to negotiate with the Kingdom of Thunder. As long as he and the Kingdom of Thunder make progress in the negotiations, then he will also be able to become a daimyo. Great progress will be made.

Therefore, the power of immortals = daimyo.

This is why he worked so hard to pass the trial in Longdi Cave.

After getting used to the dim environment of Longdi Cave, Ohno suddenly came to the outside world. Ohno subconsciously blinked his eyes until tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, then he slowly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound.

He doesn't know the man with the scar on his face

He didn't recognize the woman with silver-white hair either.

Oh Ye Shun's expression darkened when he thought of the cold voice that came to his ears the moment he left Ryūchi Cave.

His luck is still as bad as ever.

[Ohno Jun, you did not complete the trial within the prescribed time limit. The trial failed, and you lost the opportunity to practice the power of the immortal]


At this time, he saw Ma Bu Yi tugging at the corner of Asuka's clothes, then he nuzzled his lips at the fat man who stood there stupidly, resembling a duster, and lowered his voice and said, "Is this the target you are escorting in this mission? How can you be so aristocratic? nothing?"

Hearing this, Feiniao also looked at the fat man who had just appeared.

I vaguely remembered that when he left the Country of Fire, the other person's body was quite round. Unexpectedly, after living in Longdi Cave for a few days, his cheeks were so thin that the bones could be seen.


The iron bucket holding the paint hit the ground hard, and the white paint inside flowed out along the lid of the bucket.

next moment.

The fat man was seen kneeling heavily on the ground, beating the ground with an annoyed look on his face, "The temple is really too big. I worked day and night, but I didn't even complete the task assigned by the immortal."

Having said this, he looked up and looked around, and found that this was actually the border of the Kingdom of Honey. He couldn't help but beat the ground again.

Seeing the chagrin and remorse on this guy's face, Ma Buyi stretched out his hand and tugged on Asuka's sleeve beside him, wondering.

"What is he talking about?

Why did you perform an escort mission and escort someone like this? You won't get complained, right? "

Feiniao glanced at the fat man up and down, and said in a somewhat hesitant voice, "After entering the Longdi Cave, some madmen who are thirsty for power will mostly find immortals to learn the magic of immortality. However, learning the magic of immortality requires facing certain tests and trials.

Only those who have experienced various adversities and challenges can truly practice immortality. "

Having said this, Feiniao paused and his eyes fell on the fat man.

When Ichishima Kitsune came over two days ago, she mentioned that they had arranged three trials, and the noble he escorted was participating in the first trial.

Looking at the paint bucket rolling around on the ground, Asuka glanced at the annoyed look on the face of the nobleman from the Land of Honey, and couldn't help but shake his head and said regretfully.

"He must have failed the test, otherwise he wouldn't have this expression on his face."


He also went to participate in the trial?

Azabu Yi was shocked. She took three steps and two steps at a time to get to Oh Yeshun, and squatted down as well, her voice anxious.

"Have you ever seen a little girl who also participated in the trial with you in Longdi Cave? Her skin is quite white and she looks about twelve or thirteen years old."

She now desperately wants to know the news about Sami.

Although Uchiha Asuka had assured her that Samyi was simply going to Ryūchi Cave for two days to participate in the trial, but who knew what Samyi would encounter there?


Ohno Shun punched the ground again, and the smoke and dust caused him to raise his head suddenly.

He stared at the man in front of him for a while, then he looked at the man with scars on his face, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, "Uchiha Asuka Jonin??"


After seeing the man nod, the fat man sniffed hard, and a cloud of smoke entered his nose, choking him and causing him to cough a few more times.

Although the person in front of him looked nothing like Uchiha Asuka, he had seen all kinds of magical methods of ninja, otherwise he wouldn't have been so excited after hearing "You can practice magic".


After all, he failed the test!

Thinking of the temple that was comparable to a mountain, Ohno's cheeks twitched, feeling speechless and envious at the same time.

The place where the immortals live is so big that it takes half a year to paint the walls.

Bang bang!

Then, he stood up, patted the dust on his body, looked at the woman in front of him calmly, and said.

"I didn't see the person you mentioned. The Longdi Cave is too big. I was too focused on the content of the trial and didn't care whether any outsiders entered the Longdi Cave."

Having said this, he looked at the worried expression on the face of the woman in front of him. While comforting her, he silently patted Asuka on the butt.

"If she was sent to Ryūchi Cave by Asuka Jonin, then her life should be unharmed. The sages of Ryūchi Cave spoke highly of Asuka Jonin and were quite afraid of Uchiha."

He was not talking nonsense.

Ohno Jun didn't know why, but when the word Uchiha was mentioned, the faces of the immortals became a little ugly, especially when the word Uchiha Madara was mentioned, the faces of the immortals were gloomy, as if they were constipated.

As expected of the famous Uchiha, even Ryūchi Cave was so afraid of that family.


Azalea took a deep breath and stood up.

She looked this guy up and down, recalling Ohno Jun's information in her mind.

If I remember correctly, the intelligence records that Ohno Jun is a fat man weighing 230 pounds, right?

Why does it only look like 180 now?

What kind of devilish test can make people lose 50 pounds in just a few days?

Thinking of this, she looked back at Feiniao.

I saw Uchiha Asuka looking up at the sky, looking like he didn't want to talk to anyone.

Then, she turned to look at the nobles of the Honey Country in front of her, and said in a cold voice full of worry, "Is the trial in Longdi Cave dangerous? Why did you lose so much weight in just a few days?"

Hearing the deep worry in the woman's voice, Ohno Shun sniffed, and the expression on his face immediately became serious.

"very dangerous!"

"What danger?"

"The quality of the ladder in Longdi Cave is very poor. I fell off the ladder more than once. This means that I am thick and can withstand the fall. If it were anyone else, my bones would be broken."


Azabu Yi turned around and glared at Asuka fiercely.

This guy clearly said that the trial was not dangerous at all and reassured himself.

Afterwards, Ma Buyi looked at the middle-aged man in front of him again and asked.

"What kind of trial is it?"

At this time, Ohno Shun's expression gradually became serious.

He put his hands behind his back, and the smell of paint slowly emitted from his body. He looked directly into Azabu Yi's eyes and said slowly.

"Condensing architectural art to restore the charm of ancient buildings thousands of years ago."

Buyi's heart was shocked, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Just from the name of the trial, you can infer that its difficulty must be extremely high.

No wonder that for nearly a thousand years, senjutsu has always been a legendary technique in the ninja world.

Even after learning the content of the trial, Azabu Yi feels like she has no clue now.

"Let the ancient buildings from thousands of years ago regain their charm."

Chewing this sentence repeatedly in his mouth, Azabu Yi's shocked eyes slowly turned into admiration.

Although she still didn't expect the content of this trial, it did not prevent her from admiring this noble from the Kingdom of Honey. Looking at the proud expression on the other party's face, she knew that he should have participated in the trial and achieved something in it. Not bad progress. .


She took a deep breath and looked up at the blue sky. She didn't know if it was because the Kingdom of Honey was close to the sea, but she always felt that the sky here was bluer than that of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Looking at the white cloud on the horizon, her vision blurred, and then she saw the white cloud turned into the shape of Samyi.

An ordinary person can make good progress in that trial, and Samyi's progress should be better than him, unless Ryūchi Cave simply prepares other trials for ninjas.

Thinking of this, she took two steps back and came to Asuka, gently poked Asuka with her elbow, and whispered.

"Jounin Asuka, is the trial Samui participated in restoring the charm of ancient buildings from thousands of years ago?"

It’s amazing to restore the charm of ancient buildings! !

Seeing the curiosity in Azabu Yi's eyes, Asuka's cheeks twitched violently, and the scene when he met Ichishima Kitaki two days ago came to mind.

Ichishima Kitsune: "We have arranged three trials!"

Asuka: "What trial?"

Ichishima Kitsune: "The first trial is the [Wall Trial] run by Rui Jinji."

Asuka: "What is that?"

Ichishima Kitsune: "It's just painting the walls. The temple walls have peeled off a lot recently and it looks like they are about to collapse. And we snakes hate the smell of paint."

Asuka: "."


He slapped his forehead, stretching the scarred face to an extremely long length.


Azabu Yi seemed to remember something at this time. She stared at Asuka for a while and asked again, "What trial did Asuka Jonin participate in? Is it the same as ordinary people?"

"I did not participate in the trial. In other words, I have never practiced immortal magic."

Asuka glanced at her sideways, then looked at the proud-looking middle-aged man and said, "Don't worry, the trial Samyi participated in is exactly the same as ordinary people, it's called the Wall Trial.

The content of the trial is to restore the charm of buildings from thousands of years ago. "


Hearing this, she finally put her heart down. Then she looked up at Feiniao again and said in surprise, "The magic of immortality is so powerful, but you haven't learned it yet?"

"That thing depends on talent!"

Asuka put his hands in his pockets, looking unconcerned.

Although most of the seniors who traveled to the ninja world would learn senjutsu, how could it be so easy to learn?

There have been many brilliant and talented people in the ninja world for thousands of years. Even if there is only one ninjutsu genius in a million, there may have been hundreds of thousands of them in the ninja world for thousands of years.

But how many people have learned magic?

Sasuke, who relies solely on his eyes, is still the second best in the ninja world. The reason why he has not beaten Naruto is purely because that guy's hook is bigger than Sasuke's, not because of Uchiha's Sharingan.

Azabu Yi raised his head and looked at Asuka. When he noticed a flash of disdain in the other person's eyes, he immediately pursed his lips and muttered in his heart.

"What an arrogant Uchiha!"

Then, she turned and looked to the other side.

I saw Ohno Shun, who had a serious face just now, turned around and looked in the direction of the Country of Honey, wondering what he was thinking.


She poked Asuka with her elbow and lowered her voice and said, "There has been some chaos in the Country of Honey recently. Your mission should be to safely send him back to the Country of Honey, and you will not interfere with the internal affairs of the Country of Honey, right?"


Asuka shook his head and said with certainty.

The first article in the mission manual for Konoha ninjas is that they are not allowed to interfere in matters other than the mission, and they are not allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, except under special circumstances.

As for what are special circumstances?

Such as instructions from the village.

I don’t know if it’s because I stayed in the silent environment of Ryūchi Cave for a long time. Even though the two people behind them tried to lower their voices to talk, Ohno Shun standing in front could still hear everything clearly.

He took a deep look in the direction of the Country of Honey, then turned to look at the two people talking behind him. After thinking for a moment, he spoke.

"Due to some domestic affairs, I originally planned to move the entire family to Konoha. While retaining the family's legacy, I also wanted to find another way out for future generations.

The water in the Country of Honey is too deep and too muddy. Standing in the water, I, the leader of the clan, cannot see the scenery on the other side, let alone the younger members of the family. "

Hearing this, Ma Buyi raised his eyebrows.

As a ninja of the Kingdom of Thunder and the temporary secretary of the Fourth Raikage, she is still very clear about the Kingdom of Honey.

"When you return to the Land of Honey this time, do you plan to move your family to Konoha?"

Seeing the girl looking at him curiously, Ohno was silent for a while, then raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said with a smile, "I once had this plan, but after experiencing the [Wall Trial] in Ryudi Cave, I realized a truth .”

After noticing the gradual change in the fat man's temperament, Asuka slowly widened his eyes and looked at him with the same curiosity.

This was the first time he heard that painting a wall can also make sense.


Ohno Shun chuckled, gradually clenched his fists, turned and looked in the direction of the Country of Honey, his voice no longer had the greasy feeling before, but revealed a kind of confidence, saying.

"As bitter as you can be today, tomorrow will be as sweet as possible."

"The suffering is just the experience before I become a daimyo. The threats from the nobles in the country are not worth mentioning compared to the dangers in Ryūchi Cave."

"I am a man who wants to become a famous person."

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