Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 486 Resurrection (Part 2) (2-in-1)

"Clan leader."

Looking at Hinata Hizashi who was stunned on the spot, Huahua didn't care about eating noodles at this time. She immediately put down the bowl and chopsticks and asked in a daze, "Hizashi-sama, he is the clan leader."

Hizashi frowned. Although he didn't know what was going on with his brother who was crazy about illusions, he knew that there was something wrong with his appearance.

Immediately, he directly drove the chakra in his body to flow towards his eyes.

Roll your eyes! !

next moment.

I saw thick blood vessels emerging around Hinata Hizashi's eyes, and the scene in front of him instantly changed to another scene.

Nizu, who was originally wearing a white clan uniform, had lost all flesh and blood in his eyes and turned into a skeleton. Chakra was flowing irregularly on the skeleton, making it look like his elder brother was disturbing the inner body of his body. carat.


After a moment of silence, Hizashi frowned and said, "You have no signs of being possessed by illusions or being controlled by others. Although the chakra in your body is disordered, this should have been caused by you just now."

"I didn't fall into an illusion!"

After hearing his brother's reply, he gave up on disturbing the chakra in his body and instead silently lowered his head and looked at the floor.

"The art of attacking the enemy's five senses (five senses) and causing them to fall into hallucinations is called genjutsu." Then, Hizu took a deep breath and recalled the scene just now in his mind.

Uchiha Asuka gently pressed the ninja cat's head with his five fingers.

Then, a white beam of light slowly rose from the top of the Ninja Cat's head. The moment it touched the air, the white beam of light suddenly grew in size. When the white beam of light expanded to the size of a human head, a light blue light suddenly lit up inside the beam.

So far, everything is normal.

As the leader of the Hyuga clan, what kind of storms and waves has he not seen? What weird ninjutsu haven’t you seen before?

"It really looks a bit like the "Spiritual Transformation Technique" that I have been performing continuously."

Hizu stared inside for a while and saw that the thing the Ninja was performing seemed to be a "Spiritual Transformation Technique". He was still a little confused, but this was still within the scope of his understanding.

He was even a little curious about the orange cat's soul. Was that cat's soul also so fat?

But when he saw that the soul flying out of the orange cat's body was exactly the same as Kushina, Hinata and Hinata were immediately silenced, and then pinched his thigh with some doubts about life.

"Is it really not an illusion?"

After being reminded by his younger brother, he saw Rizu's Adam's apple rolling up and down and murmured, "When I went out today, I suddenly found that the world has become something I never dared to dream of.

Uchiha Mikoto's head was cut off. This was not a genjutsu.

Being able to speak normally after having his head cut off without any trace of blood is not an illusion.

The Ninja Cat's current appearance is the same as Dan who used the "Spiritual Transformation Technique". This is not an illusion either.

The ninja cat performed a ninjutsu similar to the "Spiritual Transformation Technique", and Kushina's soul floated out of its body. Isn't this a genjutsu? ? "

Hinata Hiashi pinched his cheek subconsciously, then turned to look at Hizashi not far away.

at this time.

I saw Hizashi standing there, with thick blood vessels around his eyes, looking in his direction with a wary expression.


Licking the corners of his dry mouth, Rizu lowered his head and asked, "If the enemy wants to use illusions on you, what do you think you will encounter in the world of illusions?"

Hearing this, Hizashi looked at his elder brother strangely, and then started thinking about this issue.

After a while.

He stared closely at Hinata Hinashi and said slowly.

“You may encounter happy, sad, angry and other scenes.

Since those illusions target the five senses and want to create loopholes in our psychology to affect real actions, and to make us fall into illusions for a long time, the scenes in the illusions cannot be too bizarre. "

"Too bizarre?"

Capturing the key points in his words, Rizu turned to look at the ward and slapped his cheek hard a few times. "Indeed, the scene in front of me is too bizarre. If it is an illusion, it will be fake at first glance."

"Brother." Seeing the expression on his face becoming richer, Hizashi frowned instantly and asked, "Brother, what on earth did you see?"

As he spoke, he turned to look at the ward.

Big brother just became like this after seeing the ward. Now...? ?

After seeing the situation in the room clearly, Hizashi's eyes suddenly widened and he said in disbelief, "This. This is a soul? When did Kushina-sama know the "Spiritual Transformation Technique"?"

Like Hizu, he had seen Kato Dan perform the "Spiritual Transformation Technique" once.

[Spiritualize yourself into a living soul, and the physical body is in a state of unconscious coma.]

And Kushina-sama's current appearance is exactly the same as the spiritual transformation technique.

The soul is floating in the air, and the body is lying on the hospital bed in an unconscious state.

Um? ?

After staring at Kushina's soul for a while, Hizashi held his chin with one hand and said with some confusion, "Brother, I don't know if it's my imagination, but do you feel that Kushina's soul seems to be floating higher and higher? ?”

Hearing this, Rizu subconsciously looked up.

I saw Kushina's soul rising slowly as if being pulled. No matter how she waved her limbs, there was still no tendency to fall, and she couldn't even stop.

"Kushina-sama has such a strong desire to live!!"

At this time, Hinata Flowey also opened her eyes. She looked at Kushina-sama who was dancing as if she was trying her best to stay here, and said with emotion, "Although I can't hear Kushina-sama's voice, but look at her You can tell from her actions that Kushina-sama definitely doesn’t want to die.”

This sentence was recognized by the Rizu brothers.

Although their brothers couldn't hear what Kushina-sama was saying, they could tell by looking at Kushina-sama's desperate movements against the ceiling that her desire to survive had been completely aroused.

"Nip difference."

After looking at the lively ninja cat, Rizu looked at Kushina, who had half of her body disappeared into the ceiling, and said doubtfully, "I said Kushina-sama's soul floated out of the ninja cat. Do you believe it?"

Hizashi looked at him strangely and asked.

"Brother, do you believe it?"

Just five words, and Rizu fell into silence instantly.

He doesn't believe it either, but this is what he has seen with his own eyes. Oh, yes. The art of spiritualization can transform oneself into a living soul, control the other person's body and enter the spiritual world of others.

Thinking of the introduction to the art of spiritual transformation, Hizu's eyes lit up and he murmured, "Kushina-sama uses his soul to control that ninja cat? Then after the control is over, it is very reasonable for the soul to float out of the ninja cat's body."

Immediately, Rizu's suppressed heart suddenly relaxed, and he looked into the ward with a relaxed expression.

Although two-thirds of Kushina-sama's body had disappeared from the ceiling, she still did not give up her struggle. Her legs were waving so much that afterimages appeared, but she still could not stop the upward trend.

"Kushina-sama's desire to survive is indeed very strong."

"Asuka, Kushina's desire to live is so strong!"

In the ward.

The orange cat, whose breath was a little sluggish, collapsed on the hospital bed, and his soft and cute voice was a little hoarse at this time, "Is there something pulling her up there? From just now, she seemed to be swimming, desperately trying to swim down, but I couldn’t swim down.”

Speaking of this, the orange cat subconsciously shook his head and muttered.

"I believe Kushina must be scolding her very unpleasantly now!"

"It's okay! She will scold you even worse when she wakes up!"

After saying that, Asuka put one hand on Kushina's neck, and the strange patterns in her eyes were spinning rapidly like a windmill blown by the wind at this moment.

The great country’s destiny!

The semicircular blue space with a diameter of only one meter expanded instantly at this moment, directly encompassing the entire ward.

Hinata Hinashi who was standing outside the door felt a sudden chill in his heart, causing him to subconsciously take a few steps back. Before he could investigate the source of the chill, he found that Kushina-sama's soul had completely disappeared into the ward. middle.

Nizu:? ? ?

"Disappear?? Disappear now??"

Looking at the empty ceiling, Hinata Hinashi blinked his eyes and said in confusion, "Kushina-sama's soul. Where did it fly to?"

Huahua glanced at the ceiling, and after a moment of silence, she spoke.

"It must have flown away, right?"


Just a few words directly plunged Rizu into silence.

to be honest.

He now has some doubts about life.

Kushina-sama is suspected of using the "Spiritualization Technique" to control the soul to come out of the orange cat's body and fly away. It seems that the fly away seems to be somewhat reluctant.


At this time, the orange cat's doubtful voice suddenly came from the quiet ward.

It looked up and stared at the ceiling, with a look of human doubt on its face, "We just let Kushina's soul fly away? You released her from my body just to let her fly away?" "

"That's right!" Asuka nodded affirmatively and explained, "I plan to resurrect Kushina again, so it's better for her soul to go back and forth."


Hearing these two words, the orange cat suddenly frowned, and then he saw Asuka put his hand to Kushina's white neck, and then pinched it gently.


The crisp sound was particularly clear in the quiet ward.

Seeing Kushina's head hanging weakly to the other side, her fat and confused eyes gradually turned to horror.

"This, this, you, you."

It stepped back and stammered, "Will you strangle it to death? Have we become rebellious ninjas? There are still so many delicious cans at home that have not been packaged."


Before Fei Fei could continue speaking, the life detector next to him suddenly erupted into a sharp, harsh mechanical sound.

Although as a ninja cat, it doesn't have any medical knowledge, but after following Asuka for so many years, it still has some basic common sense.

Just like this machine next to me that makes a sound


It glanced at the machine next to it and said with an ugly expression, "Let's run, this thing is going to attract other medical ninjas, and we won't be able to escape even if we want to."


As he said that, Asuka used his index finger to draw a circle on Kushina's white neck.

next moment.

Fei Fei was horrified to discover that he had actually taken off Kushina's head.


Looking at the human head in Asuka's hand, it suddenly regretted why it had taken a nap when it came in the morning. If it hadn't taken a nap, it would have asked Asuka about its plan to avoid being too frightened.

Bang bang!

at this time.

The closed door was suddenly knocked from outside.

"Asuka Jonin?? What happened inside?"

Hearing Hiashi's solemn voice from outside the door, Asuka calmly pressed Mikoto's head against Kushina's body, and then said, "It's okay, I just overused the medical ninjutsu.

Don’t worry, it’s very safe.”

As the words fell, the movement outside the door disappeared without a trace.

After a while, Asuka glanced at the instrument that no longer made any sound, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"This retarded gadget is not intelligent at all. It was developed by the genius scientist Tsunade. It is useless except for detecting vital signs and sounding an alarm."


The orange cat looked up at the flying bird, and then at the machine that no longer made any sound. He said in a soft and cute voice, "You put so much effort into preventing this machine from sounding an alarm?"


He nodded, then sat down next to the hospital bed, looking through the window at the blue sky outside, and continued, "What happens next will take a while. If you let the alarm sound all the time, someone will definitely break in." , It would be very troublesome if those who broke in happened to encounter my ability. "

"It's really troublesome!"

As it spoke, it stared straight at the flying bird.

After realizing that there was no trace of panic on his face, Feifei also sat down on the bed and let out a long sigh of relief, "It scared me to death. I thought I was really going to rebel against the village."

"how come!"

Then, Feiniao pointed towards the door, motioning for Fei Fei to go over and keep an eye on it, so as not to let the three peeping toms see what was inside.

After Fei Fei opened the door and walked out, he saw the three people all rolling their eyes.


After closing the ward door again, Fei Fei coughed lightly and said in a soft voice with a hint of dignity, "Next, Asuka will use his ancestral medical ninjutsu.

Hizu clan leader, Hizashi-sama, Huahua, are you going to roll your eyes?"

It pointed at the eyes of the three people, and the rest of the words were not said.

"It's passed down from our ancestors!"

Hinata Huahua closed her eyes and looked towards the ward with some envy.

Her ancestors did not leave any unique skills to their descendants.


Rizu glanced at the opposite ward with a slightly disdainful look.

He admitted that Asuka's level of medical ninjutsu was very high, but it had absolutely nothing to do with his ancestors.

In other words, the only connection between "medical ninjutsu" and the Uchiha family is that the Uchiha destroyed another family and snatched some medical books from the other family.


My ancestors snatched it from me! !

Although I despise it, I still have to ask.

"Are Asuka Jonin sure of awakening Kushina-sama this time?"

"I don't know!"

"How sure are you?"

"Eighty-eight percent!!"


After a moment of silence, Rizu turned around and walked towards the chair behind him.

This 80% is rounded off. Isn’t it necessary to wake up?

at this time.

In the ward.

After noticing that there was no prying eyes, Asuka took a deep breath and took out a small glass bottle from his arms.

This is the three magatama sharingan he exchanged with the great elder some time ago.

As for the price

"Oh no, we actually want to go on a blind date!"

He looked at Uchiha Mikoto's face on the hospital bed, gritted his teeth and said, "I hope the old man won't introduce me to girls from my clan. The girls in my clan are either too old or too young.

The oldest single women were all twelve years older than me. "

After saying that, he directly opened the bottle cap and took out the eyes soaked in liquid.

Staring at the eye in his hand for a while, Asuka took a deep breath, then covered his right eye with his right hand and exerted slight pressure.


As a strange sound sounded, blood slowly flowed from his right eye, eventually dripping onto the floor, splashing a dazzling red.

"It really hurts!"

After replacing the Sharingan, Asuka opened his eyes to familiarize himself with it, and murmured, "For a medical ninja, changing eyes is really convenient. Did Mr. Madara know some medical knowledge back then?"

This buckle and one safety. What to do with your nerves? Does it all depend on the pillar cells? "

After muttering a few words, he looked at the woman on the hospital bed again, with a slight grin on his lips.

"Naruto, your mother is here!!"

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