Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 485 Resurrection (Part 1)


A burst of electronic sound came from the machine nearby, which made Uchiha Mikoto a little upset.

Originally, after she learned that the purpose of Uchiha Asuka's visit to the medical department was Kushina, she had some guesses about the purpose of his visit, and then followed her.

If Kushina really wakes up, she might as well do something as soon as possible.

Uchiha Mikoto, who had been confused just now, also calmed down.

Although she couldn't move or even turn her neck, Mikoto knew that her life was not in danger, which gradually made her bolder.

With his peripheral vision, he looked at the man and the cat who were whispering. Uchiha Mikoto looked at Kushina lying on the hospital bed, and couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

"From what the cat said, Tsunade-sama should be here, but she hasn't appeared in this ward for so long. Although there is a reason why Tsunade-sama doesn't want to stay with Asuka, there are more possibilities. It’s still because of those things.”

Thinking of Tsunade-sama's collapse a few years ago, Mikoto couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

She could probably guess why Tsunade-sama didn't appear here.

"She learned medical ninjutsu from Uzumaki Mito since she was a child, and eventually became the best medical ninja in the ninja world. She used the knowledge she learned to save many, many people, but she was unable to save her loved ones one after another.

He could only watch helplessly as his loved ones were sentenced to death by fellow medical ninjas, and eventually became a handful of loess under the memorial monument.


She rolled her eyes hard and looked at Kushina on the hospital bed, her bright eyes dimming for a moment, "Tsunade-sama may be afraid that after Asuka's treatment fails, she will see her once powerless self again, right?"

"Then the old woman probably won't be able to come up!"

At this time, a magnetic male voice brought Mikoto back to reality. She raised her eyelids and looked at the person and cat beside the hospital bed. Before she could speak, she heard the orange cat say.

"I guess so, it's been so long."

As he said that, he saw the orange cat sitting next to the hospital bed and said with emotion, "I'm afraid the old woman can't withstand the blow of you curing Kushina. If you really cure her, the old woman won't be able to bear it.

This senior is always going to be surpassed by his juniors, why is he still occupying the position of the director of the medical department?

If you occupy a pit and do nothing, you will be disliked by others. "


Upon hearing what the two were talking about, several black lines suddenly appeared on Uchiha Mikoto's forehead.

Otherwise, people's joys and sorrows are not the same.

She thought about one thing, and the two guys thought about the other. She thought that Tsunade might not be able to withstand the blow of failure, and the two guys thought that Tsunade might not be able to withstand the blow of success.

Before she could open her mouth to defend Lady Tsunade, a soft and cute voice came from the air again.

"By the way, Asuka, has your seal been lifted?"

Suddenly thinking of this question, the orange cat looked at Asuka with doubts in his eyes.

This morning, when he was still sleeping, he was suddenly called to the medical department by Fei Niao. He was just napping and distracted along the way, and did not think about this important problem.

In addition, after entering the medical department and falling into Tsunade's clutches, the tortured mind became a little unclear.

It had not thought of this crucial issue until now.

"Asuka, can he cast forbidden arts?"

I vaguely remember that Asuka mentioned to it last year that Uchiha Madara somehow sealed his ability to perform "reincarnation", which resulted in him having to resurrect Kushina through other methods at that time.

at this time.

Uchiha Mikoto, who was eavesdropping on the conversation between the two, was startled for a moment, and her expression suddenly turned serious.

"When was Asuka Uchiha sealed?"

"If you can seal an Uchiha with a kaleidoscope, how strong must that opponent be? Why didn't Uchiha Asuka mention this to the family?"


In just a short moment, she thought of a lot.

Although she personally dislikes Asuka, it is a matter between the two of them. If an outsider takes action against Uchiha Asuka, it will be the whole Uchiha matter.

Just as Uchiha Mikoto was thinking about this matter, she heard the voice of Uchiha Asuka again in front of her.

"Should it be lifted?!"

Asuka was not sure whether the seal that Madara had placed on him had been lifted.

He didn't even know when he was sealed, let alone how "that person" managed to seal one of his ninjutsu alone without affecting his ability to perform other ninjutsu.

As a time traveler and a time traveler born in Uchiha, Asuka definitely knows more than most people in the ninja world.

Although there are some unknown things among them, those do not affect the overall situation.


The question Fei Fei had just touched upon his knowledge blind spot.

Since he couldn't cast the "forbidden technique", he read through various books, trying to find a solution to it, but when Asuka finished reading those books, he felt numb all over.

It's not difficult to seal a single ninjutsu! !

It's not difficult to seal someone who performs ninjutsu! !

However, it is really difficult to seal a specific ninjutsu in others without affecting other ninjutsu.

Looking at the flying bird that suddenly fell silent, the orange cat blinked and felt a little confused.

"Isn't it that the seal on you hasn't been lifted yet?"

Asuka crossed his arms and looked through the window at the Uchiha clan in the distance. The conversation he had with old man Ryoichi last year came to mind.

"Old man, my ninjutsu seems to have been sealed by "that" person."

"It's normal!"


"Cousin, he has taken life and death lightly, and has repeatedly stated that he doesn't want to live anymore. He also hates this decaying body. If you retain your ability, wouldn't it be torture if you secretly resurrect him?"

"Old man, you have to speak with conscience, which of us was the idea behind the last resurrection?"

"I behave upright and stand upright. Although it was my idea last time, after my cousin's influence before his death, I have completely understood my cousin's thoughts."

"what idea?"

"My cousin longs to have a younger body, but your forbidden technique has a very obvious shortcoming: what a person looks like before death will be what they look like after resurrection.

This shortcoming is infinitely magnified in my cousin.

Think of a man who once peed ten feet in the wind, but now he may wet his shoes even in the favorable wind. What a big difference it is. And your forbidden technique has repeatedly made my cousin realize this difference.

The most painful thing in the world is that you want to die, but your descendants don't want you to die, and your descendants still have the ability to prevent you from dying, making you feel the feeling of wanting to die over and over again. "

"Then Mr. Madara sealed my forbidden technique in order to prevent me from resurrecting him?"

"Cousin, he has great abilities. Although your forbidden technique also has great shortcomings, it is still a forbidden technique after all. Cousin will not weaken your strength for no reason.

According to my estimate, when your cousin's bones turn white, your forbidden jutsu will be automatically unlocked. Until then, just pretend that this ninjutsu doesn't exist. "

Recalling the conversation between him and the old man, Asuka subconsciously looked at Kushina lying on the bed.

"It's been half a year since the Night of the Nine Tails. It should be solved, right?"

Theoretically speaking, a person would turn into bones after being buried in the soil for at most three months.

It has been half a year since Madara Uchiha died. No matter where his bones were buried, they should have melted, unless they were buried in formalin.

at this time.

Although Mikoto was still a little confused, she also realized that Uchiha Asuka was not sure whether the seal on her body had been released.

More importantly, this seal seems to be related to whether Kushina can be awakened next.


Hearing a suspicious voice coming from the table, one person and one cat looked in the direction of the sound at the same time.

There is a big bed in the empty ward. There are two cabinets next to the big bed. The cabinet on the left is filled with various fruits, and the cabinet on the right is filled with the head of Uchiha Mikoto.

After staring at the head for a while, the orange cat shuddered subconsciously and lowered his voice and said, "Asuka, I always feel that if Uchiha Mikoto gets a chance in the future, she will take revenge on you severely."

Hearing this, Feiniao's eyes slowly fell on the head of the man.

Her long dark hair spilled on the table. There was no anger on Uchiha Mikoto's face, and there was even a faint smile. She didn't know what she was laughing about.

"have a look."

He patted the orange cat on the head, then nuzzled at the cabinet, and said in a low voice, "His emotions and anger are invisible, and his likes and dislikes are invisible. As long as you run into such a person, you should stay away."

They are all very sophisticated guys, and they have so many evil ideas that they can be packed into sacks. "


Faced with the face-to-face slander of one person and one cat, Uchiha Mikoto took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down the restlessness in her heart.

There had never been a moment when she had so longed for great strength.

kaleidoscope! !

If she had a kaleidoscope, she would definitely give these two bastards a taste of pain.


Thinking of those legendary eyes, Uchiha Mikoto took a deep breath, then opened her eyes and looked at one person and one cat, and asked her doubts, "Asuka-kun, when were you sealed?"


The orange cat clapped its paws together and said regretfully.


Forgot there was a third party here. "


Uchiha Mikoto's face suddenly darkened.

She hates this cat that can't speak human language so much! !

Realizing that Uchiha Mikoto's eyes were on him, Asuka smacked his mouth and said, "It was sealed a long time ago, but this is not the same seal as the seal you think of, Mikoto-sama.

I believe Mikoto-sama should be able to notice that there is nothing abnormal in her lower body, and the chakra is running very smoothly. "

Hearing this, Uchiha Mikoto nodded slightly.

This is also the strange thing about her.

Although she didn't have much contact with Uchiha Asuka, she could tell through those brief contacts that there was nothing wrong with this person, well... there was something wrong with his head.

"Asuka-kun, can you tell me who sealed you? Is that person hostile to Uchiha?"

After saying that, she stared into Asuka's eyes, trying to see something in his eyes.

This was also what she wanted to ask most.

It's hard not to have some bad associations with a person who puts a seal on Uchiha.


Asuka thought for a moment and shook his head.

Mr. Madara has no feelings, either for the ninja world or for the Uchiha.

call! !

After seeing the other party shaking his head, Mikoto breathed a deep sigh of relief and continued to ask herself another question, "Did Asuka-kun get any information about the murderer behind the "Night of the Nine-Tails"?"

After saying that, she stared into Asuka's eyes again, trying to see something.

After a while.

Uchiha Mikoto closed her eyes and let out a long sigh in her heart.

Although she had chatted about this issue with Kushina who lived in Fatty's body some time ago, Kushina's reply to her at that time was that she saw nothing, only a Uzumaki mask and the kaleidoscope under the mask.


Who knows if Kushina was trying to stabilize herself at that time, or if she was controlled by Fei Fei?

After Uchiha Mikoto fell silent, the entire ward became quiet.

Unable to bear the depressing atmosphere in the room, the orange cat jumped onto Asuka's shoulder and asked in a low voice that only the two of them could hear.

"What are you going to do next? Don't you need to test in advance to see if the seal has been lifted?"

Uchiha Asuka:? ? ?

After Feiniao was silent for a while, he said with complicated eyes, "There are so many spare eyes. I got this one from the great elder. I even promised the old man something for this."

The orange cat tilted his head and said doubtfully.

"What's up?"

Hearing this, Asuka's eyes became more complicated.

He took a deep breath, looked at Uchiha Mikoto who opened her eyes and looked at him curiously, and then looked at Fei Fei who was squatting on the bed with a confused look on his face, and slowly uttered two words.

"Blind date!!"


These two short words immediately caused Meiqin and Feifei to fall into silence at the same time.

Then, they saw them looking at Asuka with strange eyes and curiously.

"Who is the woman?"

"I don't know. The great elder said he would make arrangements for me when the time comes."

"Okay, okay!"

Uchiha Mikoto said three good words in a row, and looked at someone with a hint of schadenfreude in her eyes.

"She will definitely have a hand in this matter when the time comes."

"Okay!" Asuka waved to them and said feebly, "Mikoto-sama, I have to make you stay in Kushina-sama's body for the time being."

Before Mikoto could ask how to deal with the situation, her vision suddenly went dark, and her consciousness instantly fell into a deep sleep.

After seeing Asuka knocking out the patriarch's wife, the orange cat shook his head and sighed, "Sometimes when I think about it, our patriarch's wife is actually quite pitiful."


Feiniao bit her finger, and red blood slowly flowed down the fingertips to the palm, "Hey, what do you mean by that? If you want to wear a crown, you must first bear its weight."

Hearing this, the orange cat tilted its little mouth and muttered, "I always feel as if the weight of the crown on the head of our patriarch's wife was imposed by you."

"How could the weight be put on her head if she was no longer in that position."

Asuka rolled her eyes at it, then quickly formed a mark with both hands. After the last mark was completed, a green light spread along the arm to the palm, and finally condensed on the five fingers.

The soul is resealed and released! !

The moment the five fingers touched the orange cat's head, green light instantly illuminated the entire ward, spilling through the glass onto the corridor outside.


Looking at the strange green light in the ward, Hinata Huahua opened her mouth wide and her pupils shrank suddenly. She didn't even notice that the noodles in her mouth had fallen to the ground.

next moment.

I saw her put down her dishes and chopsticks and prepared to go to the ward to check on the situation.


At this time, a rich male voice came from behind, calling Huahua who was about to rush into the ward.

Glancing at the green-lit ward, Rizu tried to hide the shock in his eyes, then looked at the two people who stood up, and said calmly, "The sky won't fall. You continue to eat noodles. Leave the rest to me."

After saying that, he walked past the two of them and walked straight to the ward.

When he reached the door, he raised his head and looked inside the ward through the glass, and his body suddenly stiffened.

One minute later.

The two people who were eating noodles looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

From just now to now, Hinata Hizu seemed to have nails under his feet, standing there motionless.

Hizashi immediately put down his bowls and chopsticks, looked up at his elder brother, and said worriedly.

"Brother, what happened inside?"

This sound immediately pulled Rizu out of his distraction.

I saw his Adam's apple rolling up and down, then turned to look at Hizashi, and said in a somewhat difficult voice, "Hizashi, I suspect that I have been involved in an illusion again without knowing it."


Hizashi's eyelids twitched a few times and he looked at the ceiling helplessly.

Brother, is he so into illusions? Take two steps and get hit?

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