Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 498 The S-class mission four years ago (two-in-one)

The sun was dappled, the shadows of the trees were dancing, and the afternoon breeze gently brushed her cheeks. Tsunade couldn't help but want to take out the wine hidden in the drawer and take a sip in this small office.


The moment she opened the drawer, her body seemed to be electrocuted and she froze in place.


Hearing the loli sound ringing in her ears, Tsunade lay directly on the table and said feebly, "Shizune, do you know what is the most painful thing for a person?"

Shizune kicked the piggy beside her feet, then walked over with a stack of documents in her arms, talking as she walked.

"It's probably just work!"


After saying that, she placed the large pile of documents on the table, causing some of the tea in the cup to spill out.

Tsunade looked out the window blankly. She looked at the four giant stone human heads on the Hokage Rock and murmured.

"Who on earth wants to be Hokage?! Those Uchiha guys have been wanting to be Hokage for decades, but is Hokage that easy? They can't even understand the police department.

How could anyone want to be this?"

After saying that, she picked up the document that had just been delivered and glanced at it casually.

[Kirigakure Village wants to send medical ninjas to Konoha Village to learn advanced medical ninjutsu]

After roughly glancing at the contents of the information, Tsunade twitched her cheeks and sneered, "These guys are so brave! They want to learn everything. Why don't you bring the tailed beasts from your village and let us study them."


Shizune picked up the piglet on the ground and walked to the table with small steps. After giving her a cautious look, she asked, "Then don't we let the medical ninja from Kirigakure Village come over?"

"Let, why not let!"

Then, Tsunade was seen leaning on the chair, a powerful aura instantly overflowing from her body. She raised her head and looked in the direction of Kirigakure Village, with a sharp light flashing in her eyes.

"Let them bring their money and sincerity to visit Hinata!!"

Shizune was stunned for a moment, and then a flash of lightning flashed in her mind, as if she thought of something, she spoke quickly.

"Tsunade-sama, is it true that the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan will never come back?"

After saying that, she put her hands on the table and looked at Tsunade eagerly.

Although Kirigakure Village did not deliberately publicize the existence of the Byakugan, the other major countries knew that Kirigakure Village had received a Byakugan, an intact Byakugan.

Because of this incident, the Hyuga clan secretly sent an unknown number of people to get the Byakugan back.

final result


Seeing that Tsunade-sama was silent for a long time, she sighed helplessly and muttered in a low voice, "I don't know if Hizu-sama's reputation as "incompetent" will ever be removed.

I probably won't be able to take it off.

We don't even know who the user of the Byakugan is now. Unless there is another ninja war, the owner of the Byakugan will definitely shine on the battlefield.

In order to allow the Hizu clan leader to better manage the family, and to ease the conflict between Hinata and the village, Tsunade-sama is preparing to accept the ninjas from Kirigakure Village as students."


Before she finished speaking, she slammed the table, looked at Shizune like she was an idiot, and said with a headache.

"Who said I'm going to accept students?"

This time it was Shizune's turn to be stunned.

Seeing that Tsunade's serious expression didn't look like a joke, she suddenly said in confusion, "Tsunade-sama, if you don't teach them medical ninjutsu, how could they agree to such a condition?

This is somewhat detrimental to the reputation of the five great ninja villages! "

"I won't teach you!"

Tsunade shook her head vigorously and said in an extremely firm tone, "I am not the only medical ninja in the village, and Uchiha Asuka is the medical ninja second only to me.

He teaches! ! "

Hearing this, Shizune turned to look out the window, and fell into silence.

If I remember correctly, Tsunade-sama once said that the direction of medical ninjutsu that someone was proficient in was somewhat anti-human. His area of ​​expertise seemed to be controlling human growth.

Shizune couldn't help but shudder when she thought of this strange field.

She looked around and immediately changed the subject and said, "Tsunade-sama, I just saw a piece of information that seems to be related to the Fourth Hokage. It seems that something went wrong with a certain mission that the Fourth Hokage performed before."

Afterwards, Shizune directly pulled out a document from a large pile and handed it over.

As the temporary assistant to the temporary Hokage, her duty is to help screen the intelligence and documents sent from below, reducing Tsunade-sama's workload so that she can get off work on time.


The price is that she can't get off work on time.

Shizune rubbed her dark circles and muttered again, "I remember that Loulan is quite close to Sunagakure Village? Why did they come to Konoha to issue a mission?

The key person to issue the mission was the king of Loulan, who simply did not take Shayin Village seriously. "


Whispering the name "Loulan" softly, Tsunade gradually outlined the map of the ninja world in her mind.

Loulan, a country located in a desert oasis, does not have its own ninja village.

The reason why she has an impression of this country is entirely because Loulan needs to pay a weird tax to Shayin Village every year, which is called "Due to frequent human activities near Loulan, the desertification around Shayin Village has intensified".

Loulan is located to the east of Shayin Village.

Every spring, strong winds carry sand and dust from the ground to Shayin Village. In fact, most of the sandstorms experienced by Shayin Village originate from Loulan.

This also resulted in Shayin Village being able to eat sand from Loulan every year.

Thinking of this, Tsunade said while unfolding the information in her hand.

“It’s not surprising that Loulan would come to us to issue a mission.

The relationship between that country and Shayin Village was not very good. The two sides were very unhappy because of the sandstorm. However, due to the powerful force of Shayin Village, the king of Loulan finally lost money. "

As she said that, she lowered her head to look at the information in her hand, and her eyes froze for a moment.

[S-level mission: A person from the future is suspected to appear in Loulan]

[The Third Hokage sent Namikaze Minato, Akimichi Choza, Aburame Shimi, and Hatake Kakashi to investigate]

"One kage level, two elite jounin, and one jounin!!"

The moment she saw the names of these four people, a gleam suddenly shone in Tsunade's eyes, and the expression on her face suddenly became serious.


Shizune blinked and asked cautiously, "What happened?"

"Zhiyin, get all the information about Loulan!"

After saying that, she slowly turned her chair and stared through the window at the bustling village outside.

The reason why Shayin Village decided to tax Loulan ten years ago was because Loulan suddenly rose to prominence ten years ago. The country became prosperous, towers stood tall, and it became a medium-sized country. In order to accommodate more people, its continuous expansion outwards caused serious damage to the oasis. destroy.

This has also seriously affected the living environment of Sunagakure Village.

According to rumors, the reason why Shayin Village did not stop the expansion of Loulan but chose to take money to end the problem was because it encountered a problem in Loulan.


"That's a country without a ninja village, but with a large number of puppets!!"

After a while.

Shizune wandered in with a stack of documents in her arms.


Putting these documents on the table, she took a few breaths and said, "This is all the information about Loulan."


Tsunade nodded, picked up the top piece of information and quickly browsed it.

Since the end of World War II, she has no longer participated in the decision-making of the village and does not care much about many things in the village, let alone the rest of the ninja world.

If it weren't for the weird tax Loulan paid to Shayin Village, she might not even know about the existence of this country.

But looking at that mission now, Tsunade found that it was not as simple as she thought.

"He actually sent Kage-level and elite Jonin at the same time."

As she said that, she picked up the second piece of information and glanced at it hastily. Her pupils suddenly shrank and she was shocked.

"This is not a mission issued by King Loulan. This is a joint operation between Sand Hidden Village and Konoha Hidden Village."

"As Loulan's puppet army continues to grow, it has posed a serious threat to the interests of major powers."

"After in-depth investigation, we found that An Lushan, the current minister of Loulan, is a major suspect. He is likely to use the mysterious abilities possessed by the Loulan royal family to promote the development of the puppet army."

"According to the third clause of the [Sand and Wood Treaty], the Sandaime Kazekage issued a special invitation to Konoha, hoping that both sides would send ninjas for joint operations to eliminate the threat posed by the puppet army, thus weakening Loulan's war potential."

After reading this piece of information, Tsunade picked up the third piece of information again and continued to read it.

This information records the conversation between the third generation old man and Danzo.

Danzo: According to the investigation, the appearance of An Lushan is extremely mysterious. There is no historical record that can be checked. There is no relevant information about him in Sand Hidden Village or the entire ninja world. Based on his daily words and deeds, it is very likely that he comes from the future.

Hiruzen: Man from the future?

Danzo: After deduction, the chance of getting him is slim. We must take one step ahead of Sunagakure and kill him directly to prevent him from revealing future events and causing huge losses to the village.

Hiruzen, send Namikaze Gate to go! !


Silence fell in the Hokage's office, with only the sound of Tsunade turning papers echoing in the air.

After half a ring.

She put down the yellowed information in her hand and began to carefully sort out and analyze the information she had just read.

Ten years ago, a "man from the future" was suspected to have appeared in Loulan. He used a series of means to develop Loulan into a medium-sized country and created a huge puppet army.

Four years ago, Shayin Village discovered that Loulan's puppet army was growing stronger and more likely to pose a threat to major powers.

Although they were able to deal with this situation on their own, in order to avoid excessive losses and benefiting Konoha fishermen, they decided to invite Konoha to conduct joint operations to weaken Loulan's war potential.

After Danzo's investigation, Konoha's top brass discovered that "An Lushan" is likely to come from the future.

In order to prevent Sunagakure Village from getting that person, the village sent Namikaze Shuito to Loulan to kill the careerist "An Lushan" before the joint operation began! !

"After several days of fighting and the help of mysterious people, the conspirator "An Lushan" was successfully eliminated, and the dragon vein was successfully sealed, completely blocking the possibility of careerists using the dragon vein."

Thinking of the mission report submitted by Namikaze Minato after completing this mission, Tsunade took a deep breath and frowned, "This is a mission that was completed four years ago."


Hearing this, Shizune was suddenly stunned.

She blinked, looked at Tsunade-sama who was frowning in thought, and said in confusion.

"What mission four years ago?"

"There is an S-level mission about Loulan."

Then, he saw her shaking the information in her hand and continued, "This is an S-class mission issued by the village four years ago. In other words, this is a mission Minato performed before he became Hokage.

And the mission was accomplished by then. "

With that said, Tsunade took another breath, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

No wonder the three generations of old men wanted to send this kind of lineup. If people from the future are involved, they really have to be more cautious.

at this time.

The confusion in Shizune's eyes became more and more intense. She didn't understand how something happened to the task she had completed four years later.


As if he knew what she was thinking, Tsunade crossed her fingers and supported her chin, explaining.

"After the fourth generation completed the mission, he sealed the power called "Dragon Vein".

According to the intelligence, the seal may be loose now. In order to prevent "people from the future" from appearing there again, we need to send people to strengthen the seal. "

"Reinforce the seal!"

Shizune looked at the ceiling and murmured in a low voice, "I heard that the fourth generation is proficient in sealing techniques. If the seal he left behind wants to be reinforced again, I'm afraid ordinary people can't do it, right?

Tsunade-sama, is there anyone in the village who is proficient in the sealing technique? "

"It really does!"

Tsunade curled her lips subconsciously, and glanced towards the direction of the Uchiha clan intentionally or unintentionally.

She vaguely heard her uncle mention that Uchiha Asuka's neighbor was a Uzumaki clan member, and according to the original identity information, that person was brought back by Uchiha Asuka.

Thinking back to the night of the Nine-Tails, Uchiha Asuka released a barrier that could defend against the Nine-Tails attack.

"The kid's attainments in sealing skills must be quite high!!"

at this time.

Uchiha Asuka's house.

The moment the door was opened, a flash of yellow appeared on the sofa like lightning.

Then a weak and cute voice came from the room, "I now understand why every time I see you, I see this fat cat lying on your head.

I am too fat, walking is so tiring, and I feel like I am going to die! ! "

Glancing at the orange cat spread out on the sofa, Asuka hung the ninja package on the wall and said calmly.

"You adapt pretty quickly!"

The orange cat turned over and said lazily.

"Those who have died once cherish the time they are alive. Although I can only stay in the body of an orange cat for the past two days, this does not prevent me from using this cat's body to experience the beauty of life.


It opened its eyes and glanced at the flying birds, then looked at its paws and murmured.

"I have been in this cat's body for half a year, and I have long been used to it."

"Don't worry, you'll be back in two days."

"Oh, that's best!"

After sneering, Kushina took the remote control directly, turned on the TV and switched to a random channel, then ordered, "Get me a cold drink, please have more sugar."

Anyway, when I eat now, the meat won’t stick to my body. I’ll eat all the things I didn’t dare to eat in the past two days. "

Seeing the orange cat's uncle-like appearance, several black lines suddenly appeared on Asuka's forehead.

You really don’t regard yourself as an outsider!


Afterwards, he slapped the sweetened cold drink on the table, fell down on the sofa, and murmured to himself, "I haven't carried out a mission for a month. I won't accept a D-level mission."


After taking a sip of the cold drink, Orange Cat's face suddenly showed a humane look of relief.

She glanced sideways at the young man next to her and said excitedly.

"Why don't you have a mission?

I will issue a mission to you now. After you go to the beach, you can channel the spirit out of me. Even if the C-level mission is completed, you have already left the village."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Feiniao suddenly stretch out two big hands, as if he wanted to hold her in his arms.


The orange cat quickly raised its hind legs and resisted the two approaching big hands. Its expression suddenly turned cold, "I am not the fat cat now. Don't take advantage of me."


Feiniao quickly retracted his hands, then leaned directly on the sofa, muttering, "Your alienated look reminds me of Lao Hei back then. When I said I wanted to pull it off, Lao Hei looked at me like this This kind of thing.”


She glanced at him with disdain. Just as she was about to continue enjoying the cold drink, there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Asuka Jonin, Hokage-sama is looking for you!"

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