Konoha, Ninja School.

The crowd was blocked outside the wall. They stood on tiptoe from time to time, eager to see the scene inside the wall. Asuka even noticed that some Hyuga clan members had opened their Byakugan and looked up at the examination room from time to time.

"Isn't it rumored that Hiashi doesn't like his daughter?"

Kushina came over with a cold drink. She stared at Hiashi with his Byakugan for a while and whispered, "It seems that the rumor is wrong!!"

"It's not that the rumor is wrong. He really doesn't like his daughter, but today his brother's son, that is, Hiashi's son, also came to take the Chunin Exam. I guess Hiashi-sama came to see his nephew."

After saying that, Asuka glanced to the side, his face full of contempt.

After seeing the cowardly look of his eldest daughter, Hiashi felt that the cultivation of the big account had failed, so he simply gave birth to another small account, and he also had the idea of ​​splitting up the eldest daughter.

If it weren't for Naruto, he estimated that Hinata would not be able to escape the fate of being engraved as a bird in a cage in the future.

"There are still people who say that Uchiha is evil. Isn't Hyuga more evil than Uchiha?"

Thinking so in his heart, Asuka took a sip of his drink and said indignantly, "Three years new, three years old, three years of mending, Hyuga mended for nearly a thousand years.

If Hyuga Hiashi hadn't found a good son-in-law, his family's shit mountain would have exploded sooner or later."

"What are you talking about?"

Kushina looked at him strangely, then she tiptoed to look at the ninja school and said to herself, "I don't know if Naruto can pass the written test of the ninja school. I remember that this written test is very difficult, and if you are caught cheating, you will be disqualified."

"Naruto's brain doesn't seem like he can cheat." Recalling the scene of the Chunin exam in his memory, Asuka shook his head and added, "Not as good as Uchiha. As long as the Sharingan is opened, Uchiha will master the ability of "copying". As long as Sasuke doesn't copy the answers of the idiot, he should have no problem passing."

As soon as the voice fell, Kushina's expression froze on her face.

She pursed her lips, looked up and down at Uchiha Asuka, and her voice returned to its previous coldness, and asked, "Have you found a way for us to go back?

I don't want to stay with you in this world forever."


These words made Asuka silent.

He also wanted to go back, but the key question now was, how to go back?

The dragon vein located in the ancient country of Loulan is now sealed. According to the timeline, Uzumaki Naruto will go to Loulan to perform a mission in two years and travel back to decades ago.


The world decades ago seemed to be different from their world.


Thinking of the information that Shinobi Cat sent to him yesterday, Asuka couldn't help but take a breath.

He left a sum of money to the cat grandmother, wanting her to help find out if there were people who were not from this world like them, but the result was that he spent a lot of money in exchange for three words.

【Just you two! 】


The look of expectation in Kushina's eyes was swept by his peripheral vision, and Asuka's expression was bitter. He lowered his voice and said, "If it doesn't work, we will blow up the dragon vein. Anyway, no matter which world we travel to, there will definitely be dragon veins.

If you travel a few more times, you can always go back."

Hearing this, Kushina's hanging heart finally died.

If one of the two of them is more eager to return to the original world, then this person must be Uchiha Asuka. In this world, his relatives are gone, and even the Uchiha clan he relied on has disappeared.

And at least he still has Naruto, what does Uchiha Asuka have?

He has an enemy who wiped out his clan, Uchiha Itachi, and a brother who wiped out his clan, Uchiha Sasuke.

Afterwards, Kushina was seen biting the straw of the drink gently, and after scanning these familiar but unfamiliar people one by one, she looked up at Uchiha Asuka and asked softly.

"You will have a way, right?"


Asuka nodded, then spread his hands and said helplessly, "There is no way for the time being. This kind of thing is too bizarre and no one has ever experienced it. After the Chunin Exam is over, we can try to ask the village for help."

"Useless man!"

Kushina rolled her eyes and then turned her head to look at the ninja school.

Compared to the two people who were looking for clues without any clue, she was more inclined to ask Konoha for help. Of course, it would be fine to go directly to the old man Sarutobi Hiruzen, but she had to go to Tsunade for this matter.

"Ask Jiraiya teacher for help and ask him to find the toad?"

Ring, ring, ring! !

At this time, a burst of urgent bells instantly interrupted Kushina's thoughts.

I saw those Genin who took the exam rushing out of the building. Some of them were dejected, some had a happy smile on their faces, and some had a calm expression, as if the exam they just experienced was not stressful at all.

"How did the exam go?"

After welcoming their children, the parents standing outside the wall asked about the test results.

Some parents couldn't help showing joy when they heard that their children passed the exam, and those who heard that their children failed the exam were not discouraged. After all, Konoha has been established for more than 60 years, and what weird things have not happened?

In the twice-a-year Chunin Exam, some people have taken more than 50 exams but still failed to advance to Chunin. If they didn't pass this time, they can try again next time.

Looking at Uchiha Sasuke, who was walking towards him with his hands in his pockets and his head down, Asuka couldn't help asking.


Hearing this, Sasuke, who had looked cold just now, froze for a moment. He quickly turned his head and looked around. When he found that no one around him noticed him, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Before he could say anything, Uchiha Asuka's voice came to his ears again.

"Well, for so many years, Uchiha has always cheated every time he took the written test. When Elder Madou's son cheated in the test, he accidentally copied the answer of a scumbag and got himself kicked out.

Later, that guy was also unlucky. He took the test five times and copied it five times. Every time, he could accurately find the bad students in the crowd and copy the answers word for word. "

"Has everyone in the family cheated?"

"Yes, there is a ready-made answer in front of you, and you don't need to use your brain. Who will not copy it? It's just that some people are unlucky and don't copy it."


These words directly caused Uchiha Sasuke to fall into silence.

At that time, he saw the candidates using various methods to cheat in the examination room, and based on the examiner's remarks, he thought that this level was a test of the genin's ability to obtain information.

But now it seems that this level is just a written test.

Those who are capable will write it themselves, those who are incompetent but capable will copy it, and those who are neither capable nor capable will be beaten on the spot and disqualified from taking the exam.


While Sasuke was deep in thought, he saw the originally lazy Uchiha Asuka's expression suddenly turn serious, and then he disappeared in a flash.

He raised his head and looked around in the crowd, and then he spotted Naruto jogging towards a black-haired woman.

Sasuke had met that woman before, with Uchiha Asuka. He thought she was an Uchiha tribesman at first, but later Sasuke didn't feel the aura of Sharingan from the woman. Instead, she was with Naruto's. The auras are somewhat similar, and they both possess chakra that far exceeds that of ninjas of the same level.

There are only a few families with more chakra in the ninja world. Combined with Uzumaki Naruto's name, it is difficult for him not to associate Naruto with the Uzumaki clan.

"In addition to blond hair, does the Uzumaki clan also have black hair??"

After staring at the woman's black hair for a while, Sasuke's eyes fell on Uzumaki Naruto's blond hair, and his cheek suddenly twitched a few times, "The family history book says that the Uzumaki clan has red hair.

But how come their hair is black and blond? ? "

Just as Sasuke was tangled in the two people's hair, Uchiha Asuka suddenly appeared on the roof of the next street.

He crossed his arms across his chest and silently watched the white-haired man who led him over without making a sound.

The air also became solemn at this moment, and this space seemed to be isolated by a barrier. The noisy hawking sounds on the street and the jokes of pedestrians could no longer be heard.


After waiting for a while, the white-haired man sighed. He supported his chin with one hand, looked at the young man in front of him, and asked slowly, "Don't you want to say something?"

Asuka continued to maintain the same posture as before, with a look of disdain on his face.

"say what?

Do you want me to say that Jiraiya-sama, you are becoming more and more obscene as you get older? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiraiya's body stiffened suddenly. He had thought about many opening remarks and thought about a conflict between the two, but he cursed in such a contemptuous tone.

This was something he never expected.

“What a rude young man!!”

Jiraiya stroked the toad's head and looked at the young man in front of him with a solemn expression.

Just now, the two of them were separated by two streets, and he hadn't felt anything yet, but now that they were only a few steps away, Jiraiya's intuition suddenly started to warn him wildly.

The last time his intuition gave him a warning was during the Third Ninja War, when Jiraiya faced the Mizukage alone.

When he thought of the old man's purpose for calling him here, Jiraiya sighed again. He glanced at the crowd outside the ninja school and asked slowly in a deep voice.

"Why do you want to approach Uchiha Sasuke?"

Asuka did not answer this question first. He looked across the street at Uzumaki Kushina in the crowd, then turned to look at Jiraiya and said pitifully.

"Jiraiya-sama, I suggest you run away now, otherwise you will be in trouble."

Jiraiya:? ? ?

Upon hearing this, his eyes widened instantly and he looked at Asuka in disbelief.

Are young people today so crazy?

The two of them haven't fought yet, yet they let themselves run away first?

Jiraiya admitted that the person in front of him was indeed very strong, even stronger than he expected in his heart, but he shouldn't be weak enough to run away when he sees someone, right?

At this moment, Jiraiya couldn't help but doubt his life.

He couldn't understand why the outside world became like this. As soon as the name "Toad Immortal" came out, bathing in the bathhouse was half price, and finding a young lady was sometimes free.

Seeing Jiraiya completely frozen in place, Asuka slapped his mouth and reminded him kindly again.

"Jiraiya-sama, are you really not going to run?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiraiya's eyelids suddenly jumped twice.

He didn't feel any respect from this man's voice, but instead felt a sense of excitement from watching the excitement.

Although he tried hard to recall, this person did not appear in his mind, and there was no such person among the famous and powerful people in the ninja world.

However, the other party's attitude of not looking down upon ninjas of the same level evoked Jiraiya's deep memories.

In the entire ninja world, it is not uncommon to see arrogant people who "do not regard ninjas of the same level as human beings", but it is extremely rare to see a ninja like this one who shows that "does not regard ninjas of the same level as human beings" so obviously.

And Jiraiya had met such people before when he was studying at the ninja school, and there was more than one.


Although they were all students of the ninja school at that time, the group of Uchiha were so arrogant. In their eyes, there was no one else except Orochimaru, who was the oldest, and Tsunade, who was extremely violent.

And he, the Toad Sage, was naturally also in the category of "others".

"This man looks so damn like an Uchiha!!"

After silently complaining in his heart, Jiraiya slowly stood up, holding the rope of the clogs tightly with his toes, and looked at the young man in front of him with some strangeness.

"Are you so confident in your own strength?"

"That's not the case!"

Asuka also shook his head, and looked at Jiraiya with a bit more weirdness. He always felt that this perverted toad was thinking wrong, otherwise why didn't he look very happy?

After a moment of silence, he looked up at Jiraiya again.

Jiraiya after more than ten years has not changed much from before. He used to look older. He looked like 20 at 10, 40 at 20, and 40 at 40.

Compared with the era he lived in, Jiraiya in front of him had a bit more kidney deficiency, probably because of the tiredness of traveling for so many years.

Thinking of this, Asuka raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

"Jiraiya, how is your search for the child of destiny going?"

Jiraiya: ? ? ?

To be honest, he can't understand this young man now.

He just arrogantly let himself escape, and now he is talking about the "child of destiny".


Looking at the confusion in Jiraiya's eyes, he clenched his fist and put it to his mouth, coughed lightly and said, "Is there a possibility that I am the child of destiny that you have been pursuing?

Sign the toad scroll for me, and the toad of Myoboku Mountain will give you the answer."

"You are really a joker!"

Jiraiya smiled and waved his hand. After his eyes swept across the gradually emptying streets, he decided to delay for a while. After the villagers on the streets were completely cleared, he would find a way to take this man down.

"You have such strength, so you must not be an unknown person. Tell me your name!"


After Asuka sighed, a hint of red light slowly appeared in his dark eyes.

When he first decided to approach Sasuke, he had anticipated the possibility of his identity being exposed. The only thing he didn't expect was that the person looking for him would be Jiraiya, which made Asuka a little difficult.

Using the Sharingan to control Jiraiya is no different from using the Sharingan to control Nagato who has the Samsara Eye.

Next life! !

Thinking of this, Asuka smiled slightly and spoke word by word.

"Actually, I am Uchiha!!"

Hearing this, Jiraiya was stunned for a moment.

But when he saw the dark eyes of the young man in front of him turn scarlet, and the three black magatama in them rotated like a windmill, he seemed to be petrified, his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip, and he cried out in surprise.


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