Jiraiya swore that he was absolutely right. These were the Sharingan eyes that had disappeared for many years. No wonder he felt that the young man in front of him looked very similar to the Uchiha group.

This was an Uchiha, and he was still an Uchiha with the Three Magatama Sharingan. In addition, the other party's attitude was not afraid of him at all, and Jiraiya suddenly felt uneasy in his heart.


Although Uchiha Asuka didn't take out any weapons in his hands and had a smile on his face, he looked extremely peaceful, but Jiraiya's mood at this moment was no longer as relaxed as when he first arrived.

He thought of many identities of the person who came here, and even thought that it was a ninja from another village who lurked in because Konoha was about to hold the Chuunin Exams, but he never expected that the other person was actually a member of the Uchiha clan.

"The old man really gave me a troublesome task. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have accepted this task." Although Jiraiya complained, the expression on his face became more solemn.

The thing about the Uchiha was a bad deal.

When Jiraiya was a child, he was also unhappy with those Uchiha who dragged him to death. But when he grew up, he found that those guys were also a group of very reliable people, but their behavior and thoughts were a little different from ordinary people. After getting used to it, he didn't feel so unhappy anymore. .

As the oldest and most complete clan in the ninja world, Uchiha Itachi destroyed the entire family by himself, and Jiraiya didn't believe it at all.

He's not really an idiot! !

"No wonder he would contact Uchiha Sasuke!" Thinking of this man's recent actions, a look of surprise appeared on Jiraiya's face, and then he became alert again.

At this time, Feiniao suddenly picked his ears and said in a relaxed tone.

"Jiraiya-sama, are you too nervous?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the street.

The originally bustling streets had now been cleared by Konoha ninjas. Centered on him and Jiraiya, the Konoha villagers and commercial activities on the two surrounding streets had disappeared.

Uchiha Asuka was well aware of some of Konoha's rules, and he understood that this was a signal that the higher-ups were about to take action.

Are you planning to operate on him? To scare those evil-minded Xiaoxiao?

"whispering sound!"

Feiniao moved his body slightly, seemingly calm on the surface, but secretly on guard.

Meanwhile, in the Hokage's office.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was wearing a black battle suit, standing in front of the window, staring at the picture in the crystal ball. Through Jiraiya's perspective, he also saw Asuka's scarlet Sharingan.


The moment he saw those red eyes, Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep drag on his cigarette and rubbed his eyes hard, almost causing sparks to come out of his eyes.

If Jiraiya hadn't also mentioned Uchiha's name, he would have really thought that he was going blind due to old age, but he actually saw a member of that family again a few years later.

This incident is somewhat horrifying.

But after he exhaled all the smoke from his lungs, Sarutobi Hiruzen gradually accepted this fact.

"No wonder Itachi suddenly contacted the village."

Thinking of the information from Itachi Uchiha this morning, the Sandaime Hokage took a deep breath of smoke and murmured to himself, "It seems that after the Chuunin Examination, the plan to clean up the chaos during the examination failed.

But Uchiha"

He slowly looked at the crystal ball, looking at Asuka's young face, he couldn't help but weigh it in his heart.

After half a ring.

Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly walked to the table and sat down. His already cloudy eyes became even cloudier at this moment. He looked at the pictures of past Hokages on the wall and murmured.

"A troubled time."

Compared to the preoccupied Sandaime Hokage, Jiraiya had much fewer things to think about.

There is only one thing on his mind right now, and that is how to deal with this person?

As we all know, the Uchiha clan is the founding family of Konoha. After the founding of Konoha, Uchiha Madara, the current leader of the Uchiha clan, relocated the entire family and moved the family to Konoha.

In the entire ninja world, except for Konoha, there are no Uchiha people at all.

A few years ago, Itachi Uchiha massacred his entire family, and after leaving his younger brother behind, he fled Konoha and became a rebel ninja.

At this point, the Uchiha clan, which has been passed down for thousands of years, has become history.

but now.

Jiraiya looked at the young man in front of him and suddenly felt that it was extremely difficult. Whether it was the opponent's strength or the opponent's identity, it was not that easy to deal with.

What's more, it is now during the Chunin Exams, and the situation is even more complicated. Ninjas from half of the ninja world have gathered in Konoha to participate in this grand Chunin Exam.

If they saw any signs of Konoha taking action against the Uchiha clan during this period, then some of the conspiracy theories from back then would be completely confirmed. This would not only chill the hearts of the ninja clan in this village, but also affect the village.

He even regretted now that he had lured this person over rashly.

"That one"

Thinking of these things, Jiraiya rubbed his hands involuntarily, and an embarrassed smile suddenly appeared on his face. Then he secretly kicked the toad next to him, signaling it to quickly pass the news to the old man.


It wasn't until the toad turned into a puff of white smoke and disappeared that he raised his head to look at the young man in front of him, smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, what's your name?"

Hearing this, Feiniao raised his eyebrows and replied truthfully.

"Uchiha Asuka!"

Jiraiya clapped his hands together and exclaimed, "What a name! Very cultured and meaningful. I also like to name others, but I have never been able to come up with such a nice name."

Asuka raised his eyebrows again and said slowly.

"The man who named him was Uchiha Feihe, my grandfather.

One day he saw a bird flying outside the window, so he decided to name his grandson Fei Niao. On the day my father was born, my grandfather happened to see a butterfly flying outside the window, so he decided to name my father Feidie. Because the word butterfly was a bit feminine and did not fit the temperament of Uchiha men, he changed it to Feidie!"


Jiraiya, who had been unable to find a topic to talk about, was even more unable to find a topic to talk about.

He did not expect that this family had such a weird name, and they named it after whatever was flying outside the window.

After Jiraiya racked his brains and could not find a suitable topic, a hint of awkwardness suddenly filled the air.

He looked up and looked around, and saw that the villagers in the distance seemed to have noticed something unusual and began to point their fingers here. After all, clearing two streets could not be concealed at all, and the village did not even intend to conceal it.

After all, it was a warning. If you don't let others know, how can you shock others?


If the mountain being knocked is Uchiha.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya smiled awkwardly and tried to find a topic from other aspects to ease the awkward atmosphere.

However, when his eyes fell on Uchiha Asuka's calm face, he opened his mouth several times, but in the end he couldn't say anything, and finally turned into a long sigh.

"Sorry, as long as you don't betray Konoha, I won't do anything to you.

There was something about Uchiha back then."

"Stop talking!"

Asuka waved his hand and interrupted Jiraiya's words.

The conflict between Uchiha and the village was not easy to resolve, and Uchiha Fugaku's tricky operation directly ruined the entire family. The Uchiha family was exterminated, 80% of which was man-made disasters and 20% coincidences.

"Lord Jiraiya!"

Then, Asuka crossed his arms and glanced at the distant Hokage Rock, and said slowly, "I am not an Uchiha ghost. As for why I appeared in Konoha, the matter is very complicated and cannot be explained for the time being.

Since you are back and don't want to escape, then come with me to meet someone."


Jiraiya tilted his head slightly and asked with some doubt.

"Follow me and you will know!"

After that, Asuka disappeared from the spot in a flash.

Looking at the figure jumping lightly on the roof, Jiraiya thought for a while and followed closely behind. Whether it was for surveillance or curiosity, he could not let Uchiha Asuka out of his sight.

Jiraiya took a deep breath, he looked at the back of Uchiha Asuka, his eyes became more and more determined, "I hope you don't do anything to betray Konoha, otherwise I will really kill you at that time"


After a moment, Jiraiya landed steadily on the ground. He looked at the quiet alley in front of him curiously, frowned slightly and said, "Why did you bring me here?

Where is that person?"

Asuka raised his hand and pointed behind him, kindly reminding him.

"Isn't she behind you?"

Jiraiya: ? ? ?

He looked back in the direction Asuka pointed, but there was no human in his sight. Instead, there was a big pot for cooking, and the brand new pot bottom looked like it had just been bought.

Looking at the oncoming pot, Jiraiya was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Such a slow sneak attack, somewhat disregarded his Toad Sage.

Just when he wanted to avoid the pot and asked Uchiha Asuka why he did this, Jiraiya heard a cold and very familiar voice from behind the pot.

"Teacher Jiraiya, hello!!"

Hearing this, Jiraiya's body suddenly stiffened, and his face showed astonishment.

In this short moment, the big black pot suddenly hit Jiraiya's face, and the powerful force directly blew him away.


Jiraiya's figure flew backwards past Uchiha Asuka, and the powerful air wave blew his hair backwards.

He glanced at Kushina with a gloomy face, knowing that this guy was really angry.

In the village, the true identity of Uzumaki Naruto may not be known by others, but Jiraiya is definitely not one of them. Even if everyone in the village kept it from him, Jiraiya could not be unaware of it.

The fourth generation Hokage Minato Namikaze summoned Gama Tiger and recorded the key to the seal of the Nine-Tails in its scroll, which is the so-called key to open the seal.

And Jiraiya and Gama Tiger are in a contractual relationship. After the fourth generation died, he was the only one who could summon Gama Tiger.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, Jiraiya slammed into the house next to him, instantly knocking down most of the house, and the whole person was buried directly in the ruins.

Smoke and dust rolled up into the sky, raging like a sandstorm, and even the sun was dyed khaki.

"I told you to run but you didn't, you are in trouble now!!" Looking at the ruins that fell into silence, Asuka stood against the wall with his arms folded, sighing, "When have I, Uchiha Asuka, ever lied to anyone?

Jiraiya-sama, you are really something. If you had given some of your royalties to Naruto in the past few years, I don't think I would have been beaten up like this. If it really doesn't work, I would have given him a toad."

While he was talking, he secretly glanced at Kushina with his peripheral vision, then quickly retracted his gaze, looked at her nose, looked at his heart, and began to pray silently for Jiraiya in his heart.

This woman is really angry.

She looks even angrier than the day he kissed her forcefully.

"Forced kiss?"

Asuka licked the corner of his mouth subconsciously and said confidently, "The bad thing about Uchiha is that he can't stand being provoked. Even Mr. Madara couldn't stand being provoked by Hashirama.


The bad thing about this!!"

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