Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 613 The news that silenced everyone

"At the beginning of Konoha, Hashirama Senju was the Hokage, but the one who actually exercised the power of the Hokage was Tobirama Senju, the Acting Hokage.

After the Night of the Nine-Tails, Hashirama Senju was still the Hokage, but the one who actually exercised the power was the Acting Hokage Tsunade. How is this different from the situation when the village was founded?"

"We started discussing [How to have a Hokage in Uchiha] at the beginning of Konoha, and we discussed it for more than 50 years, regardless of wind and rain, until all the strong guys at the beginning became old men.

Now you tell me, we have worked hard to hold clan meetings for decades, but the situation is not only not going in a favorable direction, but also not going in a favorable direction. Instead of developing in the direction of Uchiha, it went back to the time before the village was built? ? "

"That's not true.

Originally, with the passage of time, the structure of Konoha would inevitably change and develop in a direction that was not conducive to the family, but. Under the unremitting efforts of our Uchiha, the structure of Konoha finally returned to the beginning of the village. "

"Well, from another perspective, isn't this a kind of success? ?

The situation of Konoha gradually going astray has finally returned to the starting point after our decades of unremitting efforts. "

The discussion at the clan meeting was very loud, and the senior ninjas gathered in twos and threes, looking through the wall, looking at the direction of the Hokage Rock with melancholy.

Every time the clan meeting was held, these Uchiha senior ninjas would communicate very frankly, and fully exchanged opinions on the topic of [How can Uchiha produce a Hokage], enhancing the understanding between family members and striving to reach a consensus.

The clan meeting is beneficial!!

Although the clan meeting has been held for more than 50 years, the Uchiha clan still has not produced a Hokage. But hasn't Konoha also had more than 50 years, and the situation has not changed much?

But every time they think of this, the Uchiha senior ninjas sitting here suddenly feel like they have lost something

"I admire the predecessors of the Warring States period very much now." At this time, an old man who was about to go bald and was sitting at the front of the team suddenly covered his chest with a painful expression.

"Their clan meeting has been held for nearly a thousand years, and they have been discussing the topic of [How to defeat the Senju of the Forest]. As a result, until the birth of Hashirama Senju, the struggle between the two major ninja clans, the Uchiha and the Senju clans, has always been wins and losses, and the situation is no different from a thousand years ago.

How do those predecessors view the fact that the clan meeting has been held for decades, but the balance of victory has not tilted towards the Uchiha?"

As soon as the voice fell, the Uchiha senior ninjas around them were suddenly stunned, and then they lowered their heads with shame, staring at the texture on the floor, and began to be distracted.


Those seniors are really amazing and kindhearted. They can discuss the same topic for nearly a thousand years, and even if the situation has not changed, they still discuss this topic.


Looking at the depressed clansmen, Uchiha Saburo suddenly took a deep breath and said slowly in an old voice, "Is there a possibility that during the Warring States period, the average life expectancy of the clansmen was less than 30 years old?

Each of them held a clan meeting for more than ten years, and their lives have come to an end?

And according to my understanding, the clan meeting at that time had to replace a new batch of people every 15 years on average. If the intensity of the war was too high, the clan meeting would replace a new batch of people every 5 years.

In that era, whether it was Senju or Uchiha, there were no ninjas over 50 years old.

There were no ninjas who participated in clan meetings for more than 50 years."

After listening to the words of the great elder, the senior ninjas in the hall thought for a moment, and then their faces showed a look of sudden realization.

Yes! !

Seniors are not necessarily better than juniors. It may be because the seniors died too early, and no one has ever had the experience of "attending clan meetings for more than 50 years".

To be honest, if they were allowed to attend such clan meetings for more than ten years, they would definitely not be bored.

The problem now is that because of the one village and one country, they have lived too long compared to the ninjas in the Warring States period.

"It seems that the seniors are not necessarily better than us juniors. After all, if they were too good, Senju of the Forest would have ceased to exist long ago."

"I just lamented that I had wasted my time and life in holding more than 600 clan meetings in the past 50 years, but on second thought, the reason why the seniors did not have the same troubles as us may be because we lived too long."

"Before the establishment of one village and one country, the average life expectancy of ninjas was only 30 years old. How could there be old people over 50 years old? But now, there are so many old men over 50 years old in our Uchiha."

"I feel a little sad when I think that Uchiha, who lives in such a good village, cannot leave a strong mark in the Hokage Rock and the biographies of successive Hokage."

As soon as the voice fell, all the Uchiha senior ninjas in the hall raised their heads in unison and stared at the old man who had just spoken. The confusion in their hearts dissipated a lot with those words.

The old man was also confused by this sudden change for a moment, but when he came to his senses, he immediately understood what this group of people meant and spoke immediately.

"As the founding family of Konoha, I am unwilling to accept that Uchiha has not produced a Hokage.

As a family that has been fighting with Senju for thousands of years, Senju Hashirama has been resurrected once and served as Hokage twice, while Uchiha has never served as Hokage. I am unwilling to accept this.

As a family that has been integrated into Konoha for more than 50 years, Senju Hashirama's granddaughter has become the acting Hokage before us, but we are still standing still. The more I think about it, the more unwilling I am."

"The most important thing is that the situation now is almost exactly the same as when the village was founded."

Having said this, the old man's sharp eyes swept across the whole place, carefully looking at the clansmen sitting here, and his deep voice immediately sounded in their ears, "I suggest that you keep the second place and fight for the third place and go for the fourth place."

These familiar words instantly pulled Asuka out of his distraction.

He looked at the old man with white beard and hair and wrinkled face, and subconsciously rubbed his chin, "Have I heard this sentence before??"

The next moment.

Uchiha Ryoichi stood up tremblingly and glared at the old man who had just spoken. His voice became much shriller due to his excessive excitement.

“The position of the Second Hokage was personally handed over to his younger brother Tobirama by Senju Hashirama.

Because of the death of Uchiha Mirror, the position of the Third Hokage fell to Hiruzen Sarutobi, and now the position of the Fourth Hokage has become Namikaze Minato. "

"Old man, do you still have the nerve to propose that two-for-one fight for three-for-four? What kind of bullshit plan is that?

Decades have passed, and I haven't even touched the Hokage's chair once. Now, the fourth generation Hokage's bones are all white, and the fifth generation has almost chosen Tsunade. You actually left intact the plan of "guaranteing two, fighting for three, and rushing four" Don't want to move here? ?

Why don't you change the name to "Guarantee Five, Fight for Six and Go Seven"? "


In the surprised eyes of everyone, Feiniao slammed his hands on his thighs, making a crisp sound, and suddenly realized, "I finally remembered where I had seen this scene before. It was like this when I attended the clan meeting for the first time."

Then, he looked at Uchiha Ryoichi, whose eyes were filled with anger, and shook his head with emotion.

"Back then, the old man was still innocent and contributed money and effort to this plan. As a result, more than ten years later, the plan transitioned from securing the second place to competing for the third place. Then a few years later, the plan changed from competing for the third place to rushing for the fourth place.

With Minato Namikaze taking office as the Fourth Hokage, this plan was completely ruined."

With this thought in his mind, Asuka shook his neck slightly and then looked at the elder, Uchiha Mikoto, who was sitting on the high platform.

This familiar scene was almost the same as the first time he attended the clan meeting, except that when he first attended the clan meeting, the person sitting in the middle of the high platform was Uchiha Fugaku, and now that seat was Uchiha Mikoto.


Saburo Uchiha sighed softly in his heart, then took out his hand from his sleeve and looked down at the two people arguing below, with a look of dismay on his face.

He had seen this familiar scene often in his life.

The tribe members are not in a very good mental state, and they overreact when encountering unpleasant things.


"But I am finally dying." Thinking of the short lifespan he had left, the great elder pressed his hands on both sides and said, "Elder Ryoichi, sit down first."

"I don't!"

Uchiha Ryoichi directly rejected the great elder's kindness and gritted his teeth and said, "Old man, when you proposed the plan of guaranteeing second place and fighting for third and fourth, you screwed me up quite badly.

If it weren't for the fact that too much money had been put into this plan, why would I have the shamelessness to eat Asuka's puffer fish?

If I hadn't invested so much money in the plan, I would have taken Asuka to eat barbecue. Why would he eat the poisonous pufferfish and then go to the medical department to lie down for half a month? "

"Ryoichi, don't slander others and throw blame. This is obviously Asuka's first time making pufferfish and she has no experience. It has nothing to do with me."

"Fart, if it wasn't for your shabby plan that made me so broke, how could I be so hungry that I couldn't tell the difference between pufferfish and ordinary grass carp?"

"Ryoichi, don't panic, the situation in Konoha has returned to its original starting point, my plan has not expired, and there will be a follow-up."

"Follow up your grandpa"

"My grandfather died when he and Madara-sama entered Konoha."


After wiping the spit on his face, Uchiha Asuka glanced at the two quarreling old men next to him, then looked at the ceiling, and his brain slowly began to empty out.

The same scene, the same characters, the same dialogue content.

Uchiha clan meetings are always so unpretentious. They discuss things and quarrel for a long time. Sometimes conflicts break out in the middle, and the clan meeting ends early, just like when there is a sudden power outage at school, and everyone leaves the classroom in a rush.

When he didn't come to the clan meeting before, he thought the atmosphere here was extremely serious, and the topics discussed were all related to how to become Hokage and the future situation of Uchiha.

After arriving, Feiniao realized that this group of people couldn't discuss anything for a long time.

The Uchiha clan association in Nuo Da is like a grass-roots team. Today you come up and sing a few lines, tomorrow he comes up to do a set of Tai Chi, and the day after tomorrow the great elder comes over to draw some big cakes.


The great elder who was distracted suddenly shuddered and his thoughts were brought back to reality.

He suspiciously observed the clan members discussing animatedly below, and after scanning everyone's cheeks, he subconsciously muttered, "Why do you feel like someone is slandering me behind my back? Danzo?"

Seeing that the discussion was almost over, the great elder took a deep breath and pressed his hands down on the crowd to signal them to be quiet.

"Everyone!!" Then, the old voice resounded throughout the audience, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"Uchiha's current situation is much better than in previous years, but he will still face many difficulties in the future. I hope you can help each other and work together to help the family tide over the difficulties."

"Okay, let's put aside the dispute and overcome the first difficulty of the family. How can Uchiha produce a Hokage?"

Hearing the elder's half-death speech, the noisy environment in the hall was quiet.

They all raised their heads, and after imprinting the image of Uchiha Saburo in their minds, no one took the initiative to ask what was going on, but followed the other party's meaning and began to discuss things about Hokage.

"If we want to have a Hokage in our clan, we still have to start with other ninja clans. We have to win over allies first. Otherwise, we will only vote for ourselves when voting, and we will never be elected in this life."

"Shallow, very shallow, how can allies be better than younger brothers? As long as we defeat those ninja clans, are we still afraid that they will not vote for Uchiha? When the time comes, we can all become Hokage by voting with our feet, right?"

"It's a bit violent. Conquering others with virtue and gaining others' followers with personal charm is the upright way.

Recently, those young people in our family who look quite good have been sought after by many young people, and this future will belong to young people sooner or later. As long as we beautify our own clansmen and cultivate a large number of people with good hearts, It is not difficult to get rid of the young people of Uchiha.

I have even thought of a name for those glorified clansmen, let's call them "Uchiha Youth Group", after all, they are all young people. "

"The old man actually gave a bad idea. We Uchiha rely on strength to make a living, not on our looks. If you do this, how can those ordinary-looking clansmen go out?

Damn, you are splitting the family again.

If you ask me, let's revive Lord Tajima (Madara's father) and use his extraordinary wisdom to think of a way for us, and by the way, let him see the huge Uchiha clan"


Hearing these old men going further and further, Asuka couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and looked at the ceiling in silence.

Good guy, even Uchiha Tajima is going to be resurrected, so are these people going to revive the Six Paths Sage next?

Listening to those extremely unreliable suggestions, Asuka sighed for a long time and decided to show them a hand and let them see what dimensionality reduction is.


Seeing Asuka standing up with a serious face, the elder's heart jumped, and he subconsciously looked at Uchiha Mikoto who was sitting next to him.

Although Uchiha Mikoto may have gotten used to the word "divorce" after two years, isn't it a bit too arrogant to mention this matter in front of others?

"Everyone should listen to my thoughts."

As a low voice sounded in the hall, all the Uchiha jonin's attention was attracted to it.

But when they saw that it was Uchiha Asuka who stood up, their eyes became strange.

In the past two years, this guy only made one suggestion every time at the clan meeting: divorce

But in front of Uchiha Mikoto

"You have guts!!" These people secretly gave Asuka a thumbs up, looking at him with admiration and emotion.

Seeing this, Asuka glanced at Uchiha Mikoto from the corner of his eye, immediately straightened his chest, and said loudly.

"My suggestion is that you can let the Fugaku clan leader consider it."

"No need to say, I'm getting a divorce!" Then, Uchiha Mikoto stood up and looked down at the stunned clan members below, her expression was a little scary.

As Mikoto's voice gradually faded, the atmosphere around her instantly fell into a dead silence.

Everyone stopped breathing at this moment, staring at Uchiha Mikoto on the high platform with dull eyes.

The sky is falling! !

This time it's really falling!

Uchiha Asuka's crow mouth has made the sky fall!

Damn, the Uchiha family has been passed down for thousands of years, and the clan leader was divorced directly!

This clan meeting that can't discuss anything actually made the clan leader divorced!

At this time.

No one paid attention to Uchiha Asuka who was interrupted. Their eyes were fixed on Uchiha Mikoto, trying desperately to find evidence of a joke from her.

Even Uchiha Asuka, who had just spoken, was no exception.

He turned around blankly, stared at Mikoto's delicate face for a long time, and muttered to himself, "I really don't want the clan leader to divorce this time, I just want Fugaku clan leader to recognize Senju Hashirama as his adoptive father."

"Back then, Lu Bu chose to recognize someone else as his adoptive father for his own ambition; Fugaku clan leader can also recognize Senju Hashirama as his adoptive father for the future of the family.

Even if Fugaku clan leader refuses to recognize his adoptive father, it's okay to let his son Sasuke recognize him as his godfather. Isn't this better than a coup?

The position of Hokage is circulated within the Senju clan. If we can't beat them, we can just join them."

"Didn't we choose to join the other side because we couldn't beat the Senju clan at the beginning, and finally both sides jointly established Konoha Village?"

"As for the shame??"

"Can the matter of recognizing an adoptive father be more shameful than the end of the Warring States period, when the Uchiha clan was completely defeated by the Senju clan?"

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