Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 614 Itachi: My mother is gone? (Part 1)

The word "divorce" is not a niche word in the ninja world.

Due to various factors such as fierce folk customs, frequent wars, and village policies, the status of women in the ninja world is not low, which leads to the divorce rate in the ninja world being higher than expected.

Everyone here has more or less a few divorced friends, or knows a few divorced ninjas.

In addition, the group of ninjas perform various tasks outside all year round, and often experience huge physical and psychological challenges.

Although they have received strict training and psychological counseling, they still inevitably experience huge emotional fluctuations when facing death, which affects their psychology and leads to mild or severe mental illness.

This kind of thing cannot be avoided at all.

Even a well-known genius like Kakashi fell into darkness after witnessing the death of his teammates.

Not to mention other ninjas?

If it is not handled well, those mental illnesses will turn into harm to the family, leading to unfortunate events such as infidelity, domestic violence and so on.

Therefore, they have a tolerant and understanding attitude towards Ninja divorce, "If you can live with it, live it well, if you can't live with it, get divorced. No matter who is divorced, everyone can live well!"

But when this happened to the head of their family, the group of Uchiha jounin were collectively dumbfounded.



Why did you get divorced?

It is better to announce this on such an important occasion as the clan meeting.

The jounin secretly glanced at Mikoto, and saw that she had no intention of taking back her words. They couldn't help but turn to Uchiha Asuka, who was also stunned on the spot, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"This guy keeps talking, how can the false things become true?"

Originally, everyone didn't pay much attention to Asuka's plan.

Just think of it as a young man who couldn't find a way to make the family progress, so he came up with radical ideas.

Even the great elder sitting on the high platform now.

When he was young, he even suggested that his father, the former clan leader, try to pursue Uzumaki Mito.

Isn’t this much more radical than asking the patriarch to divorce and marry someone else?

But the key point is that he didn't succeed.

Asuka, this guy, quietly got things done?

at this time.

Silence is the main theme in the clan hall.

Seeing the clansmen in the hall who were looking at their noses and their noses, looking like they didn't hear anything, the great elder subconsciously picked his ears, and his old cheeks became a little more confused.

He had always heard people say in the past that people could see everything before death and hear some sounds that living people could not hear.

Now it seems like it's true

"Did I just hear a sound that only the dead can hear?" He looked at Uchiha Mikoto in confusion, and his big, cloudy eyes blinked rapidly, as if he wanted to see something on her face.

"Don't look any further!"

Uchiha Mikoto also stood up at this time, glanced at the clan members below, and finally looked at the confused elder, and said calmly, "What I just said is very clear.

This marriage is divorced. "

The cold voice was infinitely amplified by the silent environment.

When it reached everyone's ears, it was like turning up the loudspeaker to the loudest level, and the shock made their brains go blank.


Immediately afterwards, countless sounds of swallowing saliva were heard in the hall.

After looking at the incomprehensible, shocked, and confused looks of the tribesmen, Mikoto immediately placed her hands flat on both sides of her body. The gentle temperament on her body disappeared without a trace in an instant, and instead she burst out with an astonishing momentum.

“Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful piano”

Uchiha Saburo looked at her blankly, and when he saw the other person's eyes turning from dark to scarlet, his heart suddenly rose.

It’s done!

He shouldn't have let Asuka talk about this stuff in every clan meeting in the first place.

"It's over now!!"

At this moment, even the Great Elder, who had gone through many vicissitudes of life and had seen countless storms and waves, showed a rare trace of panic.

It is true that Uchiha is different from other ninjas.

The other ninjas were furious.

When an Uchiha is angry, it means huge mood swings, and huge mood swings can irritate the eyes.

This thing is both a blessing and a curse for Uchiha. Who knows what extreme thoughts Uchiha Mikoto will have because of this?

Then, he saw the great elder silently taking half a step back while secretly observing Uchiha Mikoto. Seeing that she didn't mean to be joking at all, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

“It’s over, for a housewife, home is everything to her, and it is also the place where she puts all her “love”.

When this family is lost."

Thinking of this, the great elder twitched the corner of his mouth, and subconsciously waved his big hand towards Asuka, signaling him to leave here quickly.

If you think about it with your feet, you will know how extreme Mikoto will become when she loses all her love.


Ryoichi, Madou and other elders also stood up suddenly at this time, all looking at Uchiha Mikoto.

No one thought it was an angry remark on such an important occasion as the clan meeting, and judging from the other party's serious attitude, it was obvious that he meant it.

The originally silent atmosphere in the hall was instantly filled with tension and uneasiness.

Everyone's calm hearts were in doubt at this moment.


Just when everyone was deep in thought and considering how to deal with this sudden situation, a confused voice suddenly sounded, like a stone dropped on a calm lake. Everyone was stunned, and then turned around to see what was going on. Which warrior dares to ask why at this time.

Everyone:? ? ?

When they found out that it was Uchiha Asuka who spoke, they couldn't help but feel a little respect in their hearts, and secretly gave him a thumbs up, muttering in their hearts.

"You have guts!!"

"How dare you add fuel to the fire at this time?"

"Why else? You are the only one in the whole family who supports the clan leader's divorce. Now the clan leader has really become a bachelor."

"Two years ago, I saw that this kid is a talent. Not only did he open the Mangekyō Sharingan at the fastest speed, but he also secretly completed the suggestions he put forward at the clan meeting."

"In the entire Uchiha, he is the only one who dares to think, dares to do, and can do it. After doing it, he can still maintain a confused and ignorant look. He is a rare talent.

This kind of talent is suitable to be the clan leader of Uchiha.

This ability to pretend to be stupid and stupid, and superb wisdom, are much better than those clan leaders in the past whose minds are shallower than fish ponds."

At this moment, Uchiha Asuka also noticed the strange eyes cast on him by the people around him.

Those eyes were intertwined with surprise, admiration, complexity and other emotions.

He just asked "why", why did these people look at him with such eyes, aren't they curious? ?

"Yes, that's the look!"

Seeing Fei Niao's blank and innocent eyes, everyone nodded silently, and then subconsciously distanced themselves from him, leaving the middle of the venue empty.

Now, almost everyone is sure that this matter is related to Fei Niao.

Before he made this suggestion, the relationship between the patriarch and his wife could not be said to be inseparable, but at least they could grow old together.

But after he made this suggestion, everyone could see the patriarch and his wife quarreling every now and then, and even in the end, the patriarch returned to the tribe less frequently.

Thinking of this, several very emotional voices suddenly came from the originally silent hall.

"Alas, I suddenly remembered that we supported Fugaku as the clan leader in the beginning, and a big part of the reason was that he valued "Uchiha honor" more than his own life."

"What a nice guy, he used to ask me every day if I ate well, but since the night of the Nine-tailed Fox, I can feel that the relationship has faded, and he no longer asks me if I ate well."

"Yes, since the night of the Nine-tailed Fox, the clan leader has come to meetings less frequently, and now he returns to the clan less frequently."


Hearing the sighs of the crowd, Uchiha Mikoto's eyes flashed a trance, and her thoughts drifted away involuntarily.

As a pillow person, she certainly knows why Fugaku has become like this.

A big part of the reason is because of these clan members.

"He is in a heart-to-heart relationship with his clan members, and they are playing tricks on him."

"The Susanoo that appeared on the night of the Nine-Tails, the clan members are still hiding its true identity. Even as the clan leader, he is not sure whether there are any other Mangekyō clan members in the family now."

"Later, the clan members secretly resurrected Hashirama Senju. It was not until the arrival of the Tree World that Fugaku realized that the clan members had quietly made a big move."

"These two things have completely hurt Fugaku's heart."

Then, Mikoto turned around again, her eyes fell on the red lacquer stool used by the clan leader.

Since Fugaku has not come to the clan meeting for a long time, although the stool surface is often wiped, it is still covered with a thin layer of dust.

"Fugaku." She whispered Fugaku's name softly, thinking of the estrangement between him and his clan members, Mikoto subconsciously looked at the group of jonin, and her eyes dimmed involuntarily.

She did not want to divorce on a whim, but had been thinking about it for a long time.

In the end, after watching the images in the Asuka camera, she made up her mind.


The cold words flowed like a spring, instantly calming the noise in the hall.

Everyone raised their heads in unison, their eyes focused on Uchiha Mikoto on the high platform.

At this time, the elder also raised his head with everyone else, and found that Mikoto had no signs of evolving into a Mangekyō Sharingan, and his heart was suddenly mixed with mixed feelings, feeling both fortunate and slightly disappointed.

"I don't know if I can see another pair of Mangekyōs in my family in my lifetime."

After taking in the expressions of the Uchiha jonin in the hall, Mikoto put her long black hair behind her ears and said lightly.

"My desire for a divorce has nothing to do with Asuka jonin!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes subconsciously looked at Uchiha Asuka, and after finding that he was confused again, they shook their heads.

Ms. Mikoto has now taken the responsibility on herself, and she is still pretending to be stupid.


Although he didn't know why everyone was looking at him like that, Asuka was more shocked than everyone else present.

I didn't expect that what he casually said would come true.

Mikoto was really going to get a divorce.

So, wouldn't Itachi be homeless?

Thinking of Uchiha Itachi suddenly becoming a member of a single-parent family, Asuka couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, thinking to himself, "Life is so unpredictable, big intestines are wrapped in small intestines"

"Showing this expression again!!"

Everyone saw Asuka's mouth corners still rising despite his efforts to restrain it, and their eyelids couldn't help but jump slightly, and at the same time, they were more and more certain that this guy was inseparable from this matter.

"Actually, I..."

At this time, Mikoto suddenly spoke, and her gentle voice instantly attracted everyone's attention.

She looked at everyone's expressions, paused for a while, and continued, "I didn't make a decision on impulse when I wanted to get a divorce, but I thought about it for a long time, weighed the pros and cons, and finally made up my mind. It has nothing to do with anyone else."

"In the past two years, you should have seen the conflicts in my family."

Hearing this, everyone nodded gently.

In the past two years, they have indeed often heard quarrels in the clan leader's family.

Especially with the birth of the second child, the frequency of quarrels has increased day by day.

Later, an experienced woman revealed to them that this might be related to postpartum depression. It is likely that the lack of family support and understanding, the long-term lack of emotional relief, and the need for more care from Lord Fugaku.

Since then, they have also mentioned it several times in front of the clan leader in a rather obscure way.

As for the effect.

Looking at Uchiha Mikoto who wanted to divorce, everyone shook their heads subconsciously and whispered, "It should have no effect, and it may even have a counter-effect."

"The police department and family affairs have squeezed out all of Fugaku's energy. At home, I did not create a comfortable environment for him, which made him feel depressed, so he instinctively wanted to escape from such an environment, did not want to go home, and was unwilling to return to the clan."

"Fugaku has rarely participated in clan meetings in the past year, which is actually related to his family.

He is a person who loves his family very much, but he is a clan leader who cannot even handle family trivial matters properly, which also makes him fall into deep self-doubt."

"Fugaku is colder than before when he sees you, which is actually related to me. I made him lose face as the clan leader and could not face you as before."


Mikoto used the frequent conflicts between husband and wife to cover up Uchiha Fugaku's growing distrust of the clan members, especially in the past year, Fugaku's cold attitude towards the clan members was cleverly hidden by her under these family disputes.

There are family reasons, but only a small part

Looking at the clan members who were lost in thought below, Uchiha Mikoto took a deep breath and said slowly, "In fact, after two years of quarreling, not only Fugaku is tired, but I am also tired.

I have tried to change, but found it useless; Fugaku also tried to change, but found it useless."

"In this case, why not follow Asuka's suggestion!!"

Hearing this, everyone in the hall fell silent again.

All of them were jonin. Although they were Uchiha, their wisdom might not be as high as that of the Nara clan, but it did not mean that they were stupid.

They had already vaguely felt the gap between the clan leader and everyone, and even reflected collectively for a time, but finally found that they had no problems.

"Is this the root cause? The disharmony of the family has also affected the relationship within the clan?" Everyone speculated in their hearts, and once again looked up at the same time, locked Uchiha Mikoto tightly, and all chose to remain silent.

Those clan members who were originally planning to persuade Mikoto to "make do with life" also shut up after realizing this.

Clan is greater than family!!

This belief is deeply rooted in the hearts of the Uchiha clan.

It is precisely because of this that the Uchiha clan has survived for thousands of years.

Seeing that the clan members were still staring at her, Mikoto didn't say anything, but took out the camera from her pocket, turned the screen to everyone, and pressed the play button.

The screen lit up instantly, and a little boy appeared in the picture.

He was wearing a simple black stand-up collar long-sleeved shirt and shorts, with the Uchiha clan's round fan logo printed on his back.

The little boy had black and shiny black hair and deep black pupils, delicate features, and his hair and bangs fell from his forehead, gradually becoming fine and broken at the ends of his hair.

"Whose child is this? Quite handsome."

"I haven't seen him before, but he must be from our Uchiha family."

"Ryoichi, do you feel that this child looks familiar?"

"So the Great Elder also feels this way? I was saying, I seem to have seen this child somewhere."

"Don't you read the family history book? Isn't this child the child of Izuna?" Ryoichi pointed at the little boy in the video and said speechlessly.

Uchiha Madara is a taboo figure, and his information has been almost destroyed within the family, but Madara's younger brother Izuna is not. The family still has photos and information of his youth.

After listening to Ryoichi's explanation, everyone nodded in understanding and instantly thought of who this person was.

He does look like Uchiha Izuna.

Then, a trembling voice suddenly came from the camera.

"Mother, I am Uchiha Sasuke."

Everyone: "."

They exchanged glances with each other, reading the same confusion from each other's confused expressions, and then the whole venue fell into silence.

Sasuke? Who the hell is this? ? ?

Just as everyone was confused, the voice of Uchiha Sasuke came out again from the camera.

"Mother, I have good news and bad news here."

"The good news is that Uchiha still has me now!!"

"The bad news is that Uchiha now only has me!!"

"Uchiha is gone"


As soon as the voice fell, countless powerful chakras suddenly surged out, tearing the surrounding air madly, gathering into powerful airflows, and violently impacting the surrounding walls made of hard rock.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Immediately afterwards, a series of heart-pounding shattering sounds rang out, and the walls were instantly covered with cracks, spreading rapidly around like a spider web.

The huge vibration from underground soon affected the shrine above.

"What's going on?"

An Uchiha Chunin who stayed outside and performed the guard work looked at the shaking shrine and said in a trembling voice.

At this moment, Nanhe Shrine began to tremble slightly as if it had been hit by an earthquake. The dust on the beams fell down and soon piled up into a small pile.

In the hall.

"Is Uchiha gone?"

Feeling the monstrous murderous intent coming from below, the elder trembled slightly twice and looked at the image in silence.

After seeing the Sharingan in the pupil of the Nine-Tails, he expected that the family would have such an ending, but what happened later still made him dispel this doubt.

But now.

"Asuka Jonin said that the relationship between the mother and father in that world is not very good, they often quarrel, and there are signs of divorce."

"I think at some level, "divorce" may be one of the ways to prevent the tragic fate of Uchiha."

"When the mother divorces, remember to choose me and let Uchiha Itachi be with the father."


At this point, Uchiha Mikoto pressed the pause button, and the following images were not played in full.

Later, it involves her eldest son Uchiha Itachi.

Although Uchiha Itachi in that world did something irreparable, Uchiha Itachi in this world is still a child and has no idea of ​​destroying Uchiha.

If these clansmen know that it is Uchiha Itachi who destroys the family in the future, it is inevitable that some clansmen will not do extreme behavior.

Everyone:? ? ?

After hearing the little boy say the word "divorce" in person, everyone's momentum stagnated for a moment.

They looked at the image that suddenly closed, then scratched their ears, and then looked at the ceiling with a blank face.


It turns out that it can also be one of the ways to prevent the tragic fate of Uchiha, or even change the fate of Uchiha?

This world.

It makes people feel strange.


It's Uchiha, which makes people feel strange.

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