Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 101 Anko: Xia Yan, I Smell A Snake! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 101: Anko: Hayato, I smell a snake scent! (Please subscribe!)

Uchiha's training ground.

Two children, one big and one small, approached with excitement on their faces.

"Big brother, is this where you usually train?"

"Yes, Konohamaru, my strength has been accumulated here over time."

"Oh!!! To have such strength at the ninja school, you must have put in a lot of effort here!"

Of course! Now that I've brought you here, I will naturally teach you something.

"Oh oh oh!!! Thank you, big brother Naruto!"

That's right, it's Naruto and Konohamaru.

Originally, these two should have met after Naruto graduated, but as Naruto's strength grew, he learned the Transformation Technique in advance and naturally developed the Seduction Technique.

With the Seduction Technique, he defeated the Third Hokage and successfully won Konohamaru's heart.

"Today, I will pass on my secret Seduction Technique to you, hoping that you will carry forward our Seduction School and make it flourish!" Naruto said with great emphasis.

"Yes, big brother!" Konohamaru was filled with excitement.

"Idiots... Can you two find another place if you don't want to train? If you want to play, go somewhere else," Sasuke said displeasedly.

This training ground is located in the Uchiha's territory and was originally used by Hayato to train Sasuke. However, after Neji arrived, he also started training here.

After Naruto came a few times, he voluntarily moved his daily training location here.

Little Sakura and others followed Sasuke, occasionally coming here to have a meal—yes, they didn't train here, they just came to see handsome guys.

Sasuke harbored dissatisfaction towards the aforementioned individuals, believing that they were affecting his own training.

In response, Naruto merely glanced at Sasuke with disdain in his eyes, using his gaze to communicate.

"Do you believe that I will tell Xia Yan-ge about you taking me to the club?"


Sasuke instantly lost his composure, tightly gripping his ninja sword, almost wanting to strike out with it.

Although he had mentally prepared himself for the shame of advancing his Sharingan, Sasuke really didn't want Xia Yan to know about him secretly going to the club.

Or rather, he didn't want anyone to know about it!

Ah, why is it that Naruto can?

Well, maybe Sasuke doesn't consider Naruto as a person?

"Hmph! You're still teaching students?" Sasuke coldly snorted, "Beware of misleading the younger generation!"

Neji, who was beside them, also smiled and said, "That's right, Naruto. Teaching others and making oneself stronger are not the same thing."

"Hey hey, don't underestimate me!" Naruto said in a carefree manner, "I have defeated the Third Hokage and am destined to become the Fifth Hokage in the future!"

"By then, both of you will be under my command. Be careful that Hokage-sama doesn't give you a hard time!"

"Hokage, huh," Sasuke sneered.

Although some time had passed, he still felt a bit frustrated whenever he thought about the mission the Third Hokage had given to the Uchiha clan.

Shaking his head, he approached Neji.

"Neji, let's practice together. You're about to participate in the Chūnin exams, right? I can definitely help you!"


Neji smiled slightly, showing his elegance.

Although Sasuke hasn't graduated, his strength has already surpassed that of a Genin.

Practicing with him is like a rehearsal for the Chūnin exams...

The two quickly engaged in combat.

Meanwhile, Konohamaru and Naruto began practicing seduction techniques.

As a man who has already been led astray by Sasuke, Naruto's knowledge level has greatly improved. The allure of seduction techniques has also been enhanced.

Konohamaru may be the one who understands this the most, as he witnessed Naruto using seduction techniques to teach their teacher, Ebisu.

According to Naruto, he didn't even use his full strength to defeat Ebisu - he still has a secret move called 'Harem Jutsu'.

Once this move is used, gods and demons retreat!

Konohamaru is eagerly looking forward to it, and then he starts sparring with Naruto.


"Your chest isn't big enough!"


"Do you understand the posture? Posture is important!"


"Being completely naked is indeed good, but half-covered is what truly makes a man's heart flutter. Konohamaru, you still need to continue your training!"

Yes, that's how it is.

Although Naruto hasn't graduated yet due to the butterfly effect caused by Hayato, he has learned a series of powerful ninjutsu such as Shadow Clone Jutsu and Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu through Hayato's occasional guidance.

However, Konohamaru, who is a year younger, is physically underdeveloped and limited in chakra, so he quickly becomes exhausted.

"Huff... huff... Naruto-niisan, let me rest for a while..."

"You're really useless. You can't handle a little training. How are you going to inherit the legacy of my seduction techniques in the future?"

Naruto looks dissatisfied, but still says, "Fine, go rest. I'll continue training."

He can't spend all day with the kid. Sasuke has already completed a training regimen on the side.

How can he be decadent?

So he finds a place and is about to start physical training.

On the other hand, Konohamaru catches his breath and recovers his strength after resting for a while.

He glances at Naruto, then at Sasuke and Neji who are already resting beside him, especially at the uneven ground created by the battles between Sasuke and Neji.

The Uchiha clan has an absurd number of ninjutsu, and Sasuke and Neji have been taught many of them.

When the two of them fight, it's definitely earth-shattering.

But there are fire effects, wind techniques, genjutsu...

They have it all!

Highlight one word - handsome!

Konohamaru is just a kid after all. Although he deeply desires to defeat the Third Hokage, when he sees Sasuke and the others showing off their handsomeness, he can't help but feel a bit envious.

"Naruto big brother, how about you teach me some normal fighting?"

"Sure, I'll fight you using your speed and strength."

Naruto casually agrees. He's always been a warm-hearted guy.

However, this time Konohamaru gets taught a harsh lesson.

"Konohamaru, you can't throw a straight punch like that. A straight punch should be straight, not thrown with your eyes wide open!"

"Your movements are too obvious. Do you think I'm blind and can't see your little tricks?"

"You're exposing too many flaws. Do you think you can play a bluff in battle, like a city without defenses? Do you think the enemy won't attack a round target?"

Konohamaru is just a kid, he doesn't have that much combat thinking.

And Naruto used to be just like Konohamaru, or even worse. But he's been beaten up by Hayato so many times!

Although his straightforward nature hasn't changed, his movements have become more subtle, and he has learned the most basic combat techniques.

Konohamaru is completely bewildered.

He's also a ninja student this year, and although he's younger than Naruto, he's also a genius who is highly regarded!

"Didn't Ebisu-sensei say he's a genius? Why did he get beaten up so badly by Naruto big brother?"

"I'm still number one in my class!"

"And Naruto big brother didn't use more strength and speed than me, but he completely suppressed me... Is the gap really that big?"

"Naruto big brother, are you the strongest student in the school?" Konohamaru couldn't help but ask, "With equal speed and strength, but you completely dominate me in every aspect... You must be the strongest, right?"

Konohamaru's eyes are filled with admiration.

"Hehe." Naruto laughs happily.

He remembers when he used to ask Hayato for advice, he seemed to have the same expression.

...Flowers, please...

Is it my turn to teach others now...

This feeling is really great!

With the admiring gaze of his little brother, Naruto suddenly becomes excited, feeling light and airy.

He immediately waves his hand.

"Of course!"

"Your big brother here has defeated everyone in the school, and recently even defeated the Third Hokage. Doesn't that prove my strength?"

He laughs heartily, pounding his chest, "Let me tell you, in the ninja school, your big brother here is ranked second, there's no one who dares to rank..."

"I'm ranked first."

"I'm ranked first."

An untimely voice interrupts.

Sasuke and Neji exchanged a glance, then each added a sentence.

"Last year, I was still in school and I ranked first."

"This year, Neji graduated and I ranked first."

Both of them smiled slightly, indicating that they had reached a consensus.

Upon hearing this, Konohamaru's small eyes were filled with great confusion.

Naruto: "......"

To interrupt me at a time like this, don't you know I'm showing off?

Sasuke, aren't you supposed to be aloof?

Neji, aren't you supposed to be refined?

But in the end, you're both just as arrogant, right?

Feeling the doubtful gaze of his younger brother, Naruto suddenly became angry and shouted at Sasuke, "Arrogant Sasuke, if you have the guts, come down and fight me one-on-one!"

Sasuke didn't hold back either, "Alright, it seems like I need to show you the power of the top student in our grade, so you won't keep bragging and affecting the reputation of our Konoha Shinobi School. You threatened me when you first arrived!"

And so, three minutes later...

Naruto, who hadn't activated the Nine Tails, was beaten up by Sasuke, who had activated the Sharingan, and fell to the ground.

Looking at Konohamaru's disdainful gaze, Naruto felt like crying without tears.

"Next time, I'll have to avoid these two when bragging..."

The Chunin exam has been prepared for so long, and finally it's happening!

Today is the second round of Neji's Chunin exam.

Yesterday's first round of the exam was similar to next year's exam, testing the ability of ninjas to steal information.

Although the method is different, it doesn't make any difference to Neji.

The second round of the exam today is also the same Death Forest. If the first round of the exam could still have some new elements, the second round of the exam is always the same, and all the Jonin are familiar with it.

Although Neji has made progress and has preliminary Jonin-level strength, he can easily crush all the candidates.

But after all, it's an exam.

Just like even if the top students have already obtained the qualification for direct admission to a good school, when facing the college entrance examination, they can't help but feel anxious and serious.

Neji is the same. Don't forget that he also has the mission of enhancing his own reputation, which is much more nerve-wracking than the top students who can only go to a guaranteed admission school if they don't get high scores.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have teased Naruto before—this doesn't fit his calm personality.

But although Neji is nervous, Hayato doesn't pay much attention to it.

With Neji's strength, unless he encounters Gaara who is willing to use the Tailed Beast, no one is his opponent.

In fact, even if he encounters Gaara who has unleashed Shukaku, it wouldn't be difficult for him to escape if he can't defeat the opponent with his strength.

So as the "team leader" Hayato is not worried at all. He doesn't feel like sending his own child to the college entrance examination. Instead, during his disciple's exam, he is thinking about how to spend a wonderful night with his wives and concubines.

However, at this moment, Anko suddenly came to the door, with a serious expression.

"Hayato, I smell a snake scent... I want to go to the exam site and take a look!"


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