Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 102 The Tragic History Of Orochimaru (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 102: Orochimaru's Tragic History (Please subscribe!)

Death Forest.

"It seems like there aren't any outstanding talents in this generation... Although I've heard that Sasuke is a very talented young man, if I were to lay a hand on him, Shikamaru and Itachi would kill me, right?"

Orochimaru wandered in the Death Forest, his snake-like eyes seemingly seeing through the dense jungle, observing the ninjas fighting.

He sighed lightly, his words filled with regret.

In fact, the ninjas in this generation are not that bad. Let's not talk about Neji, who has left. Gaara doesn't count either, as he is a Jinchuriki.

But the others are not bad either.

For example, Kankuro and Temari from the Sand Shinobi Village.

Temari was the strongest Wind Style ninja before Naruto in the Fourth Great Ninja War. Although her strength did not reach Kage-level, she was among the top Elite Jōnin.

Kankuro was the same. Although he couldn't compare to the genius of Sasori or the experience of Chiyo, as a puppeteer controlling the puppet Scorpion, he had the confidence to fight against Kage-level opponents, even though his chances of winning were low.

The Mist Village did not send out very strong ninjas, but perhaps Terumi Mei wanted to highlight the new Mizukage's emphasis on bloodline limit ninjas, so she specifically sent a Lamp Ghost clan ninja and a Terumi clan ninja.

Both of them had bloodline limits and average talent, but that was compared to top-tier geniuses. The Mist Village had to save face, and even if it was just for show, they couldn't let their own ninjas fail to enter the final exam!

As for Konoha, there was no need to mention it. A team of Ino-Shika-Chō, an Inuzuka, and a Hyuga, all of them were the cream of the crop among Konoha Shinobi.

The Third Hokage had the confidence to hold the Chūnin Exam with the intention of intimidating other countries.

Other small villages also brought out their hidden talents. After all, they were weak in strength, so they needed to showcase themselves on such a stage.

Otherwise, they wouldn't even have a chance to compete with the major ninja villages in other aspects!

But these talents were simply not worth Orochimaru's attention.

"It seems unnecessary to meet these so-called geniuses." Orochimaru sighed lightly, his snake-like eyes narrowing slightly. "Then I'll just wait for the third round of the Chūnin Exam, right?"

Suddenly, he raised an eyebrow and looked to his side.

And three seconds later...

Several figures emerged from the jungle.

"You're really here, Orochimaru!" Anko jumped out with a fierce expression, her eyes bloodshot. "It seems my intuition was right, you really came!"

"Anko, it's been a long time... How did you find me?" Orochimaru was somewhat surprised. "With your strength, you shouldn't have been able to detect my presence, right?"

Anko's face was filled with killing intent as she said, "I just smelled your scent... Disgusting snake stench!"

"I followed that scent and indeed found you!"

Orochimaru fell silent for a moment.

This wasn't just a scent. As a Kage-level expert, how could he not know how to eliminate his own residual scent? Not to mention, Anko wasn't from the Inuzuka clan, so she didn't have that kind of nose.

"Is it intuition? Well, your intuition has always been particularly accurate..." Orochimaru sighed softly. "You've brought quite a few people with you, huh? You really want to kill me..."

"But do you think you can really kill me with these few cats and dogs you brought?"

"Look at them, they're already starting to get scared."

As he spoke, Orochimaru's expression became dangerous, and he licked his lips with his long tongue.

Of course, Anko wasn't alone.

The reason she sought out Natsuhiko was for compensation for her pregnancy - providing funds to hire ninjas to chase Orochimaru together!

A team of four people, with the weakest being a special Jōnin and the strongest being an Elite Jōnin. Although they weren't particularly famous experts, even Anko, who had trained in the Uchiha clan for a long time, didn't have confidence in defeating Orochimaru.

But at this moment, whether it was the special Jōnin or the Elite Jōnin, they all looked at Orochimaru with solemn expressions, secretly feeling bitter.

"Damn it, I thought it was just a casual search, I didn't expect to actually find Orochimaru!"

Anko, with the money in hand, naturally immediately went to the Third Hokage.

Although the Third Hokage didn't believe that Orochimaru would come, since the Uchiha clan was willing to pay, there was no need to argue over money.

Out of respect for the five million ryo reward that Anko presented, four elite Jōnin were assigned.

In his opinion, it was just accompanying Anko in her mischief - after all, if they really discovered Orochimaru, Konoha would take action on its own. How could they need Anko to pay a reward?

It's because Anko has no evidence at all, purely relying on intuition, that's why payment is required!

The Jonin naturally have the same idea, accompanying Anko's antics for a few days in order to earn a rich reward for an S-rank mission. Why wouldn't they do it?

But the result...

They thought it was just a fishing trip, who would have thought they could catch a great white shark while fishing!

But since they encountered it, they are experienced ninjas who have been through countless battles, so naturally they won't back down. The leader, an Elite Jonin captain, took a step forward and shouted, "Orochimaru, what is your intention for secretly infiltrating Konoha?"

"Based on your answer... no! No matter what you answer, you will die here today!"

"Fire Style· Great Fireball Technique!"

A surge of flames erupted.

However, no one expected this B-rank ninjutsu to hit anyone. The captain of the Elite Jonin just signaled, hoping to attract support from Konoha.

But in the next second!

"Be careful!" Anko urgently shouted.


The ground beneath the feet of the Elite Jonin captain suddenly cracked!

Orochimaru's head emerged from underground, opening its mouth, snakes pouring out, and the snake's mouth holding a sword, directly piercing through the Elite Jonin.

The Kusarigama sword quickly retracted, the snake biting the sword released its mouth, and it slithered into Orochimaru's mouth.

The Kusarigama sword fell into Orochimaru's hands.

"The first one," Orochimaru chuckled lightly.

In an instant!

In just an instant, the Elite Jonin died in Orochimaru's hands!

Although he was also at an absolute disadvantage in terms of mentality, and had placed his hopes on the reinforcements from Konoha, not fully focusing all his energy on the battle, but he was still an Elite Jonin!

"Damn it!" Anko cursed under her breath, swinging her sword and quickly forming hand seals.

Fire Style·Phoenix Flower Claw Red!

The flames attached to the flying sword, causing it to release scorching heat like scattered phoenix flowers, attacking the opponent.

However, Orochimaru just smiled and clapped his hands.

A huge snake suddenly appeared, its thick scales blocking the sword with the attached flames. The snake's head raised high and then slammed down.


Anko and several Jōnin immediately jumped back.

But in the next second, Orochimaru's figure appeared in front of a Jōnin, his hand rising and his blade falling, reaping their life.

Anko gritted her teeth and quickly formed hand seals.

Fire Style·Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!

The roaring fire dragon whizzed by, enveloping both the Jōnin and Orochimaru.

The accompanying ninjas hesitated to speak, ultimately saying nothing.

The Jōnin couldn't be saved anymore; all that remained was their lifeless body.

So there was no need to hold back!


Even if there was no need to hold back, it might not be able to harm that man!

"Oh? Still using Fire Style? Now you don't need my secret technique anymore, but the Uchiha clan's ninjutsu?"

A cold voice resounded.

Orochimaru slowly walked out from the side, still holding a fainted Jōnin in his hand, a smile on his lips. "It seems like you really obtained a lot from the Uchiha clan, huh?"

"But it seems like the time is still too short. If you really got something from Itachi, maybe you could actually kill me."

Orochimaru chuckled lightly, looking incredibly sinister.

Another person was easily killed by Orochimaru!

"Abandon the mission, retreat!" said the remaining Jōnin without hesitation.

Then he turned around and ran.

The special Jōnin hesitated for a moment and shouted at Anko, "Give up, he is not someone we can handle."

Then he immediately turned around and left.

Anko did not leave, she continued to stare directly at Orochimaru, her determined gaze unchanged.

"In fact, with this team, your strength is not weak, and you have the ability to protect yourselves from me," Orochimaru looked at the two fleeing individuals and casually said, "But it seems that, except for you, they are not mentally prepared to fight me."

Anko remained silent.

Yes, even though Orochimaru has Kage-level combat power, it shouldn't be so easy for him to instantly kill the people she brought.

Her team is not weak!

The real problem is that this team was not prepared for battle from the beginning!

They didn't believe Anko when she said, "I smell Orochimaru's scent," they just wanted to deceive her and get it over with.

The Third Hokage didn't believe Anko either, but the reward of five million ryo is not low. Just by wandering around Konoha, they could earn this reward. Of course, they wanted to keep it for their own ninja clan!

Yes, all four of them are Sarutobi clan ninjas, and some of them even come from civilian ninja backgrounds...

This doesn't look like a desperate situation at all!

Escaping before the battle, abandoning the mission, it's hopeless...

But Anko didn't change at all, she just silently tightened the sword in her hand.

"Orochimaru, even if it's just me alone, I can kill you."

"This is my responsibility as someone who used to be your subordinate!"


A shuriken was thrown.

Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!

Shua! Shua! Shua!

Countless shuriken were thrown.

Orochimaru frowned and stepped back.

"Don't think you can escape!" Anko didn't hesitate and started bombarding wildly.

Fire Style: Great Dragon Fire Technique!

Fire Style: Head Carving!

Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishing!

In an instant, a large sea of fire appeared in the Death Forest!

"This guy!"

A hint of anger flashed in Orochimaru's eyes, but under such an attack, he continued to retreat.

Not only because Anko was not sparing her chakra, but also because he dared not take action!

With Orochimaru's strength, it would be easy to deal with Anko, even if she didn't spare her life, it would only take a few moves.

But the problem is, Anko is Hayato's concubine!

Back then, Hayato was able to chase after him for a spy he sent out.

Who knows what Hayato will do to him if he deals with Anko now?

He almost betrayed Hayato!

Take a deep breath and quickly calm down.

Orochimaru turned and walked away.

Can't afford to provoke me, can't hide from me either?

But he had only run a short distance.

Anko caught up again.

"Orochimaru, don't think you can escape! Fire Style: Flame Meteor!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions rang out, wreaking havoc.

Orochimaru's mouth twitched, but he had to run away again.

However, Anko persisted and chased after him once more. This guy had ample supplies, not just Chakra replenishing pills, but also high-priced forbidden drugs to enhance Chakra, the highest quality supplements...

Money may not create a top-level combat power, but it greatly enhances an ordinary ninja.

Relying on the Uchiha's wealth, Anko didn't care about money at all!

Even if a battle cost one million ryo, it would be reimbursed by Hayato!

Her husband was rich, so she was willful!

Meanwhile, Orochimaru could only retreat again.

Unfortunately, no matter where Orochimaru ran, Anko could quickly find him—probably due to some kind of intuition, because Orochimaru had no idea how she tracked him down!

As a result, all the participants in the Forest of Death that day witnessed occasional large explosions.

The commotion was too great and attracted too many people's attention.

"Over there, there's a master..." Gaara squinted, his blood boiling.

"It's Miss Anko... she's fighting Orochimaru?" Neji rolled his eyes and stared into the distance.

"Damn, who the hell is this? A Genin participating in the Chunin Exams, and yet they're so powerful?" Other participants ran around, fearing being caught up in this 3.6-scale battle.

Even the Third Hokage was alarmed and sensed the problem with the Forest of Death before the retreating ninja reported it.

"Could it be that Orochimaru has really come? Was Anko right?" The Third Hokage gritted his teeth, changed into his battle gear, and ordered the mobilization of ninjas, preparing to charge into the Forest of Death.

On the other side,

Orochimaru was also annoyed by being chased by Anko.

If things continued like this, the entire village of Konoha would be put on high alert. Jiraiya and Tsunade might also be summoned back. How could he complete his plan?

Moreover, Orochimaru, how could he, Orochimaru, be running around like a rat?

Anko's expression became serious. She also didn't understand why Orochimaru was so focused on running away without fighting back.

If it weren't for her intuition telling her that this person was Orochimaru, she would have thought it was someone pretending to be him.

But even though she didn't understand, it didn't stop her from bombarding him relentlessly.

Her supplies were still abundant!

So, once again, after using Fire Style to clear the ground,

Orochimaru's face revealed a fierce light, finally erupting.

He almost instantly closed in on Anko, getting close to her.

Anko's expression changed. She had been too relaxed and let her guard down after her previous attacks.

Orochimaru's hands moved swiftly, and Lion Majesty surged forward, pouncing fiercely.

"Anko, you really are—"

However, the next second,

A voice suddenly interrupted from the side.

"What are you really?"

Natsuhiko appeared next to them, a slight smile on his lips.

Orochimaru's mouth twitched, slowly retracting Lion Majesty, and then forced out a smile that was incredibly stiff.

"You are really too cute..."


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