Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 112 Did Your Mother Make Mistakes When She Was Young? (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 112: Did your mother make a mistake when she was young? (Please subscribe!)

Wood Style!

That's Wood Style!

Only the First Hokage, Senju Hashirama, mastered it. Even his brother, the Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama, couldn't learn it.

For the sake of this Wood Style, the Second Hokage didn't hesitate to expend a large number of Senju clan members, indirectly leading to the decline of the Senju clan.

Danzo still has cells from the First Hokage and has transplanted them into himself.

Orochimaru wasted the lives of many children, but the only result was Yamato!

And this is an irreplicable achievement. I wonder if Yamato has any special characteristics...

And now it's being casually used by Natsuhiko?

And the difference in power is huge!

Although both sides used the same ninjutsu at the same time, the branches summoned by Senju Hashirama were easily twisted and forcibly swallowed by Natsuhiko's branches.

In almost an instant, Natsuhiko crushed Senju Hashirama's Wood Style.

The rapidly growing trees filled the entire barrier in almost an instant!

Even the barrier trembled, frightening the four shinobi into increasing their output, almost causing the barrier to collapse!

Orochimaru and the others simultaneously moved their bodies, slashing their weapons to cut off the trees, their faces showing astonishment.

"How is this possible? This is the real Wood Style!" Senju Hashirama widened his eyes. "Kid, aren't you from the Uchiha clan? Since when can you use my Wood Style, Fugaku Uchiha?"

"Tobirama, I remember you researched Wood Style. Did you succeed?"

Speaking, he looked towards Senju Tobirama. "300."

Senju Tobirama looked confused. "No, at the time, all of my research results were failures... Could it be that the younger generation has discovered something?"

Speaking, Senju Tobirama looked towards the Third Hokage, and Senju Hashirama's gaze followed.

"No, we, the later generations, are incapable. Although we have indeed achieved some accomplishments in our research, we don't have such a strong Wood Style!" The Third Hokage was also bewildered. Yamato's Wood Style and Hayato's Wood Style are like two different species!

He thought for a moment, dodging attacks from the trees, and said, "The person responsible for researching Wood Style at that time was Orochimaru... Orochimaru, have you achieved any results during your defection?"

Speaking, the Third Hokage looked towards Orochimaru, and the gaze of the Senju brothers followed.


Are you all playing a game of word association?

"It's not me." Orochimaru's voice was hoarse. "I have indeed conducted some experiments, and I have gained some results, but so far, there are no practical achievements that can be used in combat."


Where did Uchiha Hayato's Wood Style come from?

"Oh, I understand!" Senju Hashirama's eyes lit up. "It must be the combination of our Senju clan and the Uchiha clan. Hayato carries the bloodline of our Senju clan, which is why he awakened Wood Style!"

"Hahaha, the marriage policy back then is still effective. I didn't expect that the Uchiha clan could also produce a member with Senju bloodline!"

"If I meet Madara underground, I must make amends with him!"

He laughed heartily, as if he had seen his own success.

When Konoha was first established, in order to make all shinobi truly become brothers, Senju Hashirama forcefully ordered the abolition of intra-clan marriage and allowed any shinobi from Konoha to marry outsiders.

Although stubborn clans like the Hyuga have been resisting this policy in secret, it seems that this policy has already shown its effectiveness!

However, the Third Hokage coughed and said, "Um, First Hokage-sama, Hayato's parents are Uchiha, not Senju... Well, even his grandparents were Uchiha!"

In fact, he really wanted to say that your policy has actually failed.

Even now, the Hyuga clan still maintains the practice of intermarriage within the clan. Although there is nothing obvious on the surface, it has always been forbidden for clan members to marry outsiders in secret.

Other ninja clans have similar situations to varying degrees, just not as intense as the Hyuga.

The clan that truly implemented your policy thoroughly is the Senju clan.

As a result, most of the Senju clan members have integrated with other bloodlines, combined with their suppression by Danzo, resulting in only Tsunade remaining as a pure-blooded Senju.

"Ah?" The First Hokage was stunned, then stubbornly said, "Could it be that his mother or grandmother made a mistake when they were young and had relations with our Senju clan... and then kept it a secret, ultimately leading to the current situation?"

Hayato became more and more helpless as he listened. It had come to the point of "making a mistake."

In order to not let his ancestors be wrongly accused, Hayato directly said, "I'm sorry, I don't have Senju bloodline. This Wood Style is achieved through other means..."

"But what does that have to do with now?"

"The problem now is whether you can defeat me."

The next second!

Countless tree roots twisted and surged up, accompanied by various branches and trunks, further compressing the already narrow space.

The four Sound Ninja frantically outputted chakra, sweat dripping from their foreheads, their faces gradually turning pale. However, the Four Purple Flames Formation still flickered, as if it could break at any moment.

And this is just the aftermath of the battle!

Facing the encounter with the Senju brothers, Orochimaru, and the Third Hokage, who possess Wood Style, is even more miserable!

They are being chased by Wood Style, constantly evading and struggling to deal with the endless trees.

Soon, the Senju brothers are the first to be captured by the trees.

"Oh, being caught by my Wood Style, it's the first time," Senju Hashirama laughs, but there is no hint of bitterness in his smile, instead it is filled with the novelty of experiencing this situation for the first time.

"Damn, if it weren't for this guy suppressing me all the time, with my speed, how could I be caught!" Senju Tobirama looks unconvinced.

The bodies of the Impure World Reincarnation greatly limit their strength.

Even though Orochimaru has carefully prepared Elite Jōnin-level bodies, it is still far from enough...

Otherwise, how could Senju Hashirama's Wood Style not even withstand a single blow?

"Yes, not only you, Second Hokage, in fact, if we only talk about Wood Style, I admit that I can't defeat the First Hokage," Xia Yan smiles and says, "Whether it's combat experience, familiarity with Wood Style, or the abundance of Wood Style ninjutsu, there is still a gap between me and Shodai."

Of course, if facing Senju Hashirama at his peak, Xia Yan wouldn't foolishly only use Wood Style.

After all, he is an Uchiha!

Why not use Susanoo?

"So, Orochimaru-sama, should we consider giving up on suppressing the two Hokage?" Xia Yan suggests with a smile while firmly trapping the Senju brothers.

Orochimaru's eye twitches. Give up on suppressing the two Hokage?

What a joke!

It's easy to let them go, but it's impossible to suppress them again!

Perhaps it will cause Xia Yan some trouble, but he absolutely cannot escape the pursuit of the two Hokage!

He remained silent, cutting through the surrounding trees while making his way towards the barrier—his subordinates were in charge of the barrier, and with a single command from him, they would definitely release it.

Expand the battlefield, create opportunities.

But the problem is that Xia Yan also knows this, so the trees spreading towards Orochimaru's side are the most numerous!

He is using Wood Style to force Orochimaru to leave the outskirts and come to the core, slowly strangling him.

Orochimaru knows this, but he dares not inform his subordinates in advance. Otherwise, if the barrier is released, Wood Style will expand without restrictions, and the destination of 'Wood Style Edge' will be even further away from him.

Because Xia Yan's first defense is his departure, he can hold on for a while longer.

As for the Third Hokage...

Countless trees surged out, even though the Third Hokage unhesitatingly summoned Enma, transforming into a golden staff, constantly smashing the surrounding trees.

But the next second, even more trees surged out!

"Is this the First Hokage's Wood Style? Sarutobi, what have you done, what enemy have you attracted?" Enma shouted loudly while smashing the surrounding branches.

"Yes, this is the First Hokage's Wood Style... I never thought I would have the opportunity to experience Wood Style." The Third Hokage bitterly smiled. "No wonder the First Hokage could suppress the ninja world. Who can withstand this?"

Incredibly powerful chakra that can continuously create tree attacks.

With a sudden eruption, the entire battlefield is within the range of Wood Style's attacks.

The sky, the earth, all around...

Wood Style attacks can appear at any time. One wrong move, and it's over.

The Third Hokage fiercely spewed out flames, melting the trees, displaying an impressive momentum...

But he understood that this was just a desperate move.

Wood Style itself has the ability to absorb Chakra, and all the captured lives in the field will become a boost for the trees to grow rapidly.

Even if we don't mention this, but when it comes to competing with a Wood Style ninja in terms of Chakra, he can't afford it!

So the Third Hokage gritted his teeth, formed hand seals while shouting, "Orochimaru! You want to kill me, don't you?"

"Then come!"

"Or is it that you don't even have the courage to face an old man like me?"

Saying that, instead of retreating like Orochimaru, he moved towards the core.

"Aren't you mocking me for being old? Has the former ninja hero died?"

"What's wrong? Don't you even have the courage to face an old man now?"

"Are you afraid of me?"

Speaking of which, at the beginning of the battle, the Third Hokage avoided the sharp edge and kept his distance.

He had a look of "I'm just waiting to take advantage".

It wasn't until he was included in Hayato's attack that he started to exert his strength, summoning Enma and fighting hard.

Now he has become brave.

And the reason for his bravery is, of course...

"Third Hokage, you have indeed grown old." Hayato's voice came, "Do you really think that this kind of provocation can anger me?"

"My confirmation is that whether it's me or Orochimaru, killing you is not difficult."

"But I must also admit that you may have a chance to take someone with you before you die... or should I say, you know that you are very old, so you have deliberately prepared a trump card, intending to risk your life for the village in the end."

"It's not just you, the team also has a hidden one."

"He keeps the Four Symbols Seal, and you keep the Reaper Death Seal... Although I am confident in my own strength, I wouldn't go specifically to take a look if I know you have a problem, right?"

He actually knows?!

The Third Hokage's pupils contracted, and the forming seal stopped.

This is his last killer move that he has kept. Knowing that he may not be Orochimaru's opponent, he still dares to give Orochimaru a chance. He had long thought that if he couldn't...

He would use this move to take Orochimaru down with him!

This is his last gift to Konoha!

And it is the courage of this old man...

"Oh? Teacher still has a killer move..." Orochimaru's eyes flashed with seriousness.

That is considered by the village as a sure-kill technique, and he may not be able to dodge it!

But immediately, a hint of helplessness appeared in his eyes.

A killer move...

So what?

All the details have been exposed, and the killer move can no longer be considered a true killer move.

And from their conversation, it can be seen that this is probably a close-range sealing technique for sure-kill.

But the problem now is that Xia Yan's Wood Style keeps everyone at a distance. Where can this killer move be used?

The Third Hokage's face turned even paler. The reason why a trump card is a trump card is because it is hidden at the bottom, it is a last resort.

Once exposed, it can no longer be considered a trump card!

But who leaked it in the end?

Clearly, this trump card was taught to me by the Fourth Hokage, and besides me and him, no one else knows about it!

The Third Hokage's face showed a look of despair, and he shouted in anger.

"Damn it! Xia Yan! Do you dare to fight me?"

"If you have the ability, let's have a real fight! What kind of man are you relying on Shodai's Wood Style?"

"What about your Uchiha's genjutsu? What about your Mangekyō Sharingan?"

"Use them against me!"

"I'm right here, why don't you dare to come and see me?"

"Come on!"

"Why don't you come, damn it!"

Although the voice was full of provocation, Orochimaru could only sense endless sadness from him.

But in the end, Xia Yan did not appear in front of the Third Hokage.

He just used a simple Wood Style move, relying on his immense chakra, and finally caught Orochimaru off guard, twisting and killing him.

And after desperately struggling, the Third Hokage exhausted his chakra, then had his bones twisted by the trees, and finally broke his neck, sending his soul to the underworld.

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