Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 113 Damn Sarutobi, What Did You Turn Konoha Into! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 113: Damn Sarutobi, what have you turned Konoha into! (Please subscribe!)

The battle is over.

Natsuhiko looks at the corpse of the Third Hokage, a slight smile forming at the corner of his mouth.

Once a heroic shinobi who was willing to sacrifice his life for the village, he later became a mediocre person who monopolized interests and suppressed the younger generation. Now, his lifeless body can't even get a chance...

Perhaps this is the most fitting way for him to die.

After killing the Third Hokage, Natsuhiko did not relentlessly pursue Orochimaru, but instead stopped his attack, burned the trees created by Wood Style, and let him go.

Honestly speaking, this time he was a bit unscrupulous.

Orochimaru has been planning for so long, just to give his teacher a perfect ending.

But in the end, Natsuhiko took away the opportunity to kill his teacher, and Natsuhiko didn't even intend to let the Third Hokage die with honor.

Speaking of which, it's a bit unfair to Orochimaru.

Although Orochimaru has a grudge against his own wife and concubines, Anko, although Orochimaru once wanted to capture Natsuhiko and take away his Sharingan, although Orochimaru wanted to sell Natsuhiko to Akatsuki...

Well, there's no need to say anymore.

Natsuhiko suddenly felt that he was less guilty, feeling that he hadn't wronged anyone.

"So, it's time to wrap things up..."

He smiled slightly and left the place.

The battles in the venue, because they couldn't affect the fainted audience, both Konoha and Sand Shinobi, as well as Sound Ninja, were somewhat restrained, and the intensity of the war plummeted.

Just as Natsuhiko expected, with the deliberate indulgence of Kakashi and others, as well as Gaara's intentional cooperation.

At this time, Gaara, who transformed into Shukaku, and those who left the venue, are wreaking havoc inside Konoha Village.

And since they have come to the village, the evacuation of the Konoha Village residents is almost complete.

Each Jōnin also showed their true abilities.

Kakashi wielded the Chidori and slashed a long scar across Shuha's arm.

Might Guy opened the Sixth Gate and attacked Shuha with a move, causing him to repeatedly retreat.

Neji also skillfully took advantage of the situation and used the Revolving Heaven to protect his fellow ninjas multiple times.

However, although these annoying attacks couldn't completely harm Shuha, they greatly angered Gaara, who was controlling Shuha. He disregarded the original plan and directly used a powerful move - calling for a substitute!

The False Sleep Technique!

"Finally, it's out, finally!"

A sharp cry sounded, sounding a bit neurotic.

The pupils in the eyes rotated, finally revealing a gaze filled with ferocity and cruelty.

The ominous aura of violence accompanying it quickly spread, causing the faces of the surrounding ninjas to change.

It's Shuha!

The real Shuha!

It let out a scream and launched an attack while laughing maniacally.

Wind Style·Sand Scatter Shot!

Wind Style·Practice Sky Bullet!

A frenzy of explosions turned the surrounding buildings into ruins in an instant!

The ninjas scattered and fled, hastily dodging - in the face of a true tailed beast, they could only temporarily avoid its sharpness.

However, Shuha became more and more excited as it continued to attack.

Finally, it began to gather its ultimate move.

Tailed Beast Bomb!

The Yin-Yang Chakra is compressed into a spherical shape at a ratio of 2:8, possessing tremendous power capable of causing devastating attacks that can shatter mountains and split the earth.

Whether intentional or unintentional, the target of the Tailed Beast Bomb aimed by Shuhei is surprisingly the direction of the Uchiha's residence.

"Haha, Gaara, you specifically warned me not to attack in that direction? No! I insist on attacking here!"

"Even if I attack, what can you do to stop me?"

Shuhei's voice is sharp, revealing a sense of satisfaction.

"Not good!" Neji's expression changes, intending to forcefully intervene.

But he is stopped by Hyuga Hiashi.

"What are you thinking, Neji!" Hiashi grabs his nephew and angrily says, "What are you, even if you risk your life, can you really stop a Tailed Beast?"

"Besides, this direction is only the Uchiha's residence, not our Hyuga's residence. So what if Shuhei attacks?"

Uchiha and Hyuga have always been rivals!

Although Hyuga now believes that Uchiha is no longer worthy of being their opponent, there is obviously no need to sacrifice their own genius to save them!

However, Neji completely ignores this.

What a joke!

If Shuhei really destroys the Uchiha's residence, it is estimated that the person in charge will eliminate everyone present!

It might even involve Konoha and the Sand Shinobi!

But just as he was about to unleash his Chakra and break free from his uncle Hiashi, he suddenly calms down.

Because his Byakugan has detected a unique Chakra standing in front of Shuhei.

"Gaara must have his reasons for not allowing you to attack that side."

"Even this kind of talk is incomprehensible to you. It seems that you Tailed Beasts can only be treated as pets."

Xia Yan sighed softly, and Susanoo's arm appeared beside him.

"These eyes, you are an Uchiha--"

Shu He widened his eyes, about to say something.

The next second, Susanoo's arm forcefully grabbed the Tailed Beast Bomb and stuffed it into Shu He's mouth!


A loud noise!

Shu He's body suddenly swelled up like an inflated balloon.

A lot of debris couldn't maintain its original form and was blasted out, and the skin had a feeling of decay, much like when Naruto continuously attacked Gaara with two thousand punches.

This is still on the outside!

The pain on the inside is even worse!

"Ao!!!" Shu He couldn't help but howl, but Xia Yan decisively grabbed him.

Then, as if playing a shoulder throw, various wrestling moves.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The earth trembled, as if experiencing a series of earthquakes.

The ground shook and the mountains trembled!

Shu He was completely stunned.

The originally fierce gaze now seemed as if it had been broken, completely lifeless.


Xia Yan suddenly exerted force, throwing Shuhe's huge body far away.

"Luosha, if you can't control your pet next time, I will have to kill you and your pet together," Xia Yan calmly said.

"I understand," Luosha forced a smile, knowing that the appropriate person had already appeared nearby.

The sand and gold waves surged around, catching the thrown Shuhe and then using the sand and gold to suppress it. As someone who often deliberately provokes Gaara, it was quite easy for him to suppress Shuhe.

Xia Yan snorted lightly and his figure dissipated.

At this moment, the ninjas of Konoha just reacted.

"Who was that just now?"

"Was it one of our Konoha people?"

"I don't know, I was too busy dodging attacks and didn't have time to sense the opponent's chakra."

"Now is not the time to think about that!" Kakashi took a deep breath, his face serious. "Look at the person over there, that's the Fourth Kazekage!"

Fourth Kazekage?

Shouldn't he be fighting with the Hokage?

Why would he appear here?

Could it be...

The Hokage was killed by the Kazekage?

The faces of the crowd changed, showing a solemn expression, and even some individuals had a sense of panic in their eyes.

They didn't know that the Fourth Kazekage at the venue was actually Orochimaru in disguise. They only knew that the Fourth Generation Wind and the Third Hokage had started fighting.

Did the Hokage lose so quickly?

Hey hey!

Isn't he the Shinobi?

The Fourth Kazekage on the opposite side is known as the weakest Kage!

However, the opponent's clothes were clean as if he hadn't received any injuries. Judging from his expression and chakra, it was abundant and not much depleted...


Our Hokage can't even inflict a little damage on the "weakest Kage"?

Is he really that weak?

Of course, these thoughts can be considered later. The current problem is who will stop the Fourth Kazekage!

Although he is known as the weakest Kage, his sand and gold ninjutsu is the most suitable for use on the battlefield. Each move has a large coverage area and has a great killing effect on non-Kage-level ninjas.

"It seems that it's time for me to contribute to the village!" Might Guy's face showed determination. "If I open the Eight Gates, I should be able to kill him."

Kakashi hesitated to speak, but his strength was not enough, he was only an elite Jōnin.

What else could he say?

Now there are only two choices left.

Use the lives of everyone around to pile up against the Fourth Kazekage?

Or use only Might Guy's life?

Kakashi hated this kind of multiple-choice question!

However, while Konoha was tense for a long time, Luosha did not continue to attack Konoha.

On the contrary, while suppressing the Konoha Shinobi with ninjutsu, he shouted loudly.

"The Third Hokage of Konoha is dead! Fellow Sand Shinobi, we have achieved our strategic objective!"

"In the name of the Fourth Kazekage, I order everyone to retreat!"

"Konoha's Shinobi, the next time we meet will be on the battlefield!"

"Prepare to have your heads chopped off!"

He proclaimed loudly, full of spirit, as if he himself had just killed the Third Hokage.

Moreover, he launched a fierce attack, targeting several Root bases according to the map given by Shi Yan.

At the same time, he used large-scale ninjutsu to cover the retreat of the Sand Shinobi.

He stood out with confidence and a heroic posture.

Seeing this, the Sand Shinobi became extremely excited.

"Indeed, Fourth Kazekage-sama is amazing! He easily defeated that Shinobi!"

"Fourth Kazekage-sama is the true strongest Kazekage, even stronger than the Third Kazekage!"

"Brothers, Fourth Kazekage has successfully killed the Third Hokage. Our objective is achieved. The Wind Shadow is covering our retreat. Brothers, let's leave Konoha!"

The Sand Shinobi were full of spirit, and the morale of the Sound Shinobi also rose.

But it was a bit strange that even though they had such a big advantage, why did they want to retreat from Konoha?

Wouldn't it be better to continue fighting?

"Perhaps the Wind Shadow is worried that Konoha still has some hidden cards and wants to play it safe!"

The crowd whispered to each other.

Little did they know that Gaara didn't want to stop fighting, he wanted it badly!

When did the mighty Leaf Village, the strongest ninja village, fall under the feet of the Sand Shinobi Village?

This is truly the happiest moment of his life!

But he dares not!

Leaving that aside, if they continue to fight and truly defeat the Leaf Village, completely driving away its ninjas.

Then, should the Sand Shinobi occupy the Uchiha residence?

This is practically a death sentence!

Or maybe it's because Danzo, who has been defeated by the Sand Shinobi so many times, has become enraged and has actually taken the initiative to fight against Gaara.

And then he was beaten like a dog by Gaara...

Although Gaara claims to be a disgrace to Kage-level, being beaten by Orochimaru like a dog, he became the first defeated Kage.

But he is actually a standard Kage-level combat power, with considerable strength.

And Danzo himself is already old, older than the Third Hokage.

Now the battlefield is Konoha Village, filled with Leaf ninjas, making it impossible for him to use the Sharingan's eye technique and the petrified body. He can only rely on his own Wind Style, which is really no match for Gaara's Magnet Style secret technique.

As a result, the Sand Shinobi and the Sound ninjas left, leaving only the Konoha Shinobi to look at the devastated Konoha Village.

When has Konoha Village ever been so badly beaten?

And not only were they beaten, but in the end, they let the enemy leave so arrogantly...

The ninjas remained silent for a long time. In the face of defeat and loss, the pre-existing conflicts converged here, combined with resentment, and finally erupted completely.

"Damn Sarutobi Hiruzen, damn Shimura Danzo!"

"What have you turned Konoha into!"

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