Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 120 Tsunade's Weapon Of Causality! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 120: Tsunade's Law of Causality Weapon! (Please subscribe!)

Tsunade, of course, did not agree to Xia Yan's request.

Konoha has not stooped so low as to sell the Hokage.

Tsunade's self-esteem also does not allow her to do such a thing!

"Well, let's try a different approach," Xia Yan blinked his eyes. "How about this? If you stay at my place for a day and you don't willingly do it with me, Uchiha will support Konoha with one hundred million ryo. How about that?"

Upon hearing this, Tsunade's eyes lit up. "So, if I don't initiate it, you won't make a move?"

"Of course, I'm not someone who forces others," Xia Yan said matter-of-factly.

"You're trying to give me money, aren't you!" Tsunade burst into laughter. "I'll take this bet!"

Me, initiate it?

Xia Yan, you must be daydreaming!

She may not be able to control others, but can she even control herself?

Although it's a bet, can she really lose this bet?

Xia Yan also knew this very well, but he did intend to give Tsunade some money.

Mainly because Tsunade can be considered the only woman he has not obtained consent from to have a child with.

This inevitably put Xia Yan in a moral dilemma...

And just now, in a fit of anger, coupled with the strange mentality of "having done it before," he unintentionally subjected Nabi to severe punishment...

This was actually a bit excessive.

The current bet, just like the one hundred billion "compensation" earlier, can be considered as compensation for Tsunade.

Otherwise, what if it was revealed that the Third Hokage died at Xia Yan's hands? Xia Yan even planned to pretend to be remorseful and say, "Oh no, I can't believe I lost the bet," to make Tsunade happy, and maybe they could continue their relationship in the future!

This is called the multi-layered strategy of a scumbag (crossed out) warm-hearted man!

He even planned to bet a few more times, lose more money, to appease his conscience.

After chatting for a few more sentences, they went their separate ways.

Xia Yan had a mindset of just wanting to give money and didn't care about anything else.

On the other hand, Tsunade, looking at Xia Yan's calm appearance, started to feel a bit uncertain.

"He shouldn't have any way to make me take the initiative, right?" Tsunade thought for a moment. "No, that can't be, can it?"

"What can he do to shake my determination?"

"This wave has a high chance of winning, so there shouldn't be any problems!"

As long as she didn't agree, the situation would be a guaranteed victory. Wouldn't the winning rate be 100%?

But considering her strange gambling luck, Tsunade felt a bit anxious.

"Maybe I should play it safe."

Tsunade pondered for a moment and called her secretary, Shizune. "Shizune, bring me my medicine bag."

"Tsunade-sama, what do you need it for?" Shizune asked curiously.

Tsunade whispered, "I'm planning to drug Xia Yan!"

"Ah? Tsunade-sama, why do you suddenly want to--" Shizune panicked. Last time, Tsunade fell victim to drugged apples. Why are you thinking about drugging someone again?

"Shizune, you don't understand!" Tsunade whispered. "Do you know that after a man ejaculates, there is a long period of refractory time?"

"In theory, as long as Xia Yan is in his refractory period, my bet with him will be absolutely safe!"

This bet can be roughly divided into two conditions.

1. Tsunade takes the initiative.

2. They have sex.

Even if Xia Yan really has some means to make her take the initiative, as long as he is in his refractory period, those means will have no effect at all!

This is a double insurance!

Tsunade praised her own cleverness.

"You make it sound like it makes sense." Shizune pondered for a moment and said, "I'll prepare it for you."

"Good, when it's time for dinner, I'll find an opportunity to drug Xia Yan. This round of gambling will be a guaranteed victory!" Tsunade also had a determined look on her face. "Gambling against me, Tsunade? Xia Yan, you're still too young!"


The banquet begins.

As the wealthiest aristocratic family, the Uchiha naturally has the highest quality food.

Various delicacies and exquisite ingredients are served on the table.

Tsunade and Shizune silently swallow their saliva.

Although the Senju family's wealth is not inferior to the Uchiha family,

the problem is that Tsunade has already lost it all!

They now owe a large sum of money. Although they have no worries about food and drink and traveling is also easy for them,

they can forget about eating these precious delicacies and rare ingredients.

Their appetites are instantly aroused, and they enter a ravenous mode.

But the Uchiha's generosity goes beyond just abundant food.

"This is the famous Katsura Crown, a specialty liquor from the Land of Rivers!" Tsunade's eyes light up. "It is said to incorporate the fragrance of the Katsura tree leaves unique to the Land of Rivers into the liquor, making it the finest sake!"

"Yes, indeed," Natsuhiko nods. "Consider it a gift for Hokage-sama."

"After all, the Uchiha has offended Hokage-sama in many ways. I hope Hokage-sama can forgive us..."

This also includes Natsuhiko's apology.

Tsunade's heart is instantly moved - because of her pregnancy and the crying of her child, she hasn't had a good drink in a long time!

Now is the perfect time to satisfy her craving for alcohol!

Besides, the village has already found a wet nurse nanny for the child, so she doesn't have to breastfeed herself. So why not...

have a drink first?

Tsunade immediately takes action.

Shizune is also the same. How could Tsunade, a petty woman, let her loyal follower drink alone?

Both of them have been craving alcohol for a long time!

They start drinking heavily.

Meanwhile, Natsuhiko sips his drink slowly, one small cup at a time.

Drinking alcohol is a big taboo when trying to conceive, and he rarely touches a drop of alcohol on normal days.

However, since it's a way to make amends, he decided to accompany her and drink a little less.

Tsunade started drinking heavily as a form of revenge, not even bothering to eat, and started chugging straight from the bottle.

Shizune, who doesn't have a high alcohol tolerance, was the first to pass out from drinking.

Tsunade soon became dazed as well.

"Oh...oh right, I still need to drug Hayato..." Tsunade tried to maintain some clarity and started taking action.

But she only ended up drinking another glass of alcohol.

"Huh, why does this alcohol taste strange, like it's...medicated?"

And then Hayato noticed that Tsunade suddenly got closer to him.

Hayato: ???

Tsunade blushed, the esteemed Hokage herself had made such a serious mistake!

She accidentally drugged her own drink!

"It's all because Uchiha's alcohol is too good! Hayato, you despicable person!"

No, this won't do!

Konoha is in urgent need of funds, so I must take advantage of Hayato's mistake and make a fortune!

Of course, as a dignified Kage-level expert, I will never repeat the same mistake.

"Shizune, I'll leave the drugging to you this time!" Tsunade said seriously.

Shizune also vowed earnestly, "Yes, Lady Tsunade, I will do my best!"

On the day of the banquet.

Tsunade continued to eat and drink excessively. Since she had entrusted the drugging to Shizune, her only responsibility was to keep Hayato's attention.

And so, after three rounds of drinking.

"Shizune should have taken action by now, Xia Yan. Let's see what chance you have to win against me this time!"

In the midst of confusion, Tsunade maintained a hint of gambler's pride in her heart.

In a game where victory was certain, how could I, Tsunade, have a reason to lose?

With 800,000 against 600,000, the advantage is mine!

Then she took a sip of her drink and realized after swallowing it that something was off.

"Hmm, this taste doesn't seem right... Oh my god! Did Shizune trick me?!"

Tsunade mustered all her strength to turn her head and found Shizune already heavily intoxicated.

And she herself was also quite drunk.

And so...

Xia Yan discovered another warm and fragrant body in his embrace.

Xia Yan: ???

"Damn it! Why am I so unlucky!"

Tsunade's face turned red with anger, even suppressing the flush on her face.

"I'm sorry, Lady Tsunade, I accidentally made a mistake," Shizune said with a face full of shame.

But this was also inevitable.

Shizune's strength was already inferior to Xia Yan's, so if she wanted to drug him in front of Xia Yan, she naturally had to wait until he was a bit drunk and acting.

But since Xia Yan was already showing signs of being drunk, Shizune had naturally also had quite a few drinks.

In addition, Tsunade herself had to focus on keeping Xia Yan's attention and creating opportunities for Shizune, so she naturally couldn't devote too much energy to Shizune's side.

Who could have expected that Shizune would actually make a mistake with the wine bottle and end up drugging Tsunade!

"It's okay, this time we won't use drugs!"

Tsunade, a Kage-level expert, discovered the crux of the problem: "Actually, if I think carefully, without the assistance of drugs, as long as I have a strong will, I won't be the one taking the initiative at all!"

"It was because I initially wanted to be foolproof that I ended up being clumsy and creating a huge loophole..."

Shizune nodded in agreement.

However, as the saying goes, a Kage-level expert will not be defeated by the same move twice!

The battle continues!

This time, there will definitely be no problem!

On the third day.

The Uchiha banquet is held again.

Tsunade let loose this time, eating and drinking freely.

Anyway, I won't drug you anymore, can you still make me fall for it?

But after three rounds of drinks...

After Tsunade finished a glass of wine, she felt a familiar taste again.

"Why! Why is it like this!"

Tsunade became angry and began to investigate the problem - she quickly caught the culprit, Ringo Ameyuri!

"Why did you drug me?!" Tsunade's face was full of anger. "Did you plan this with Hayato?"

"Plan?" Ringo was puzzled and said strangely, "No, I was just helping you guys!"

"Previously, you drugged yourselves to create an opportunity with Hayato, right?"

"Well, considering that you treated me before, I definitely wanted to help you!"

Perhaps Hayato's attention was occupied by Tsunade, so he may not have noticed Shizune's actions.

But in front of Ringo, who possessed Kage-level strength, the actions of the two drunken women were still clearly visible.

Or rather, many people could see their actions clearly.

So here's the question.

Why do Tsunade and Shizune drug themselves every day and then come to Hayato?

After thinking about it, Ringo believed that it must be because Tsunade is too shy and embarrassed, so she deliberately found an excuse to use medicine!

After all, they are girls!

It's understandable for them to be a little thin-skinned.

Although Linqin herself thinks that Tsunade is a formidable Kage-level expert, making excuses is really embarrassing and not decisive enough.

But she feels grateful to Tsunade and Shizune for their medical treatment, and she feels guilty for accidentally causing trouble for Tsunade at that time.

She decides to take the initiative to create an opportunity for her life-saving benefactor!

Why are you blaming me instead?

Linqin feels very wronged.

"What the hell did I help you with?"

Tsunade's anger rose a cup size.

She almost wanted to take action - if Linqin wasn't pregnant, she would probably have started hitting people already!

Linqin also opened her mouth in confusion after hearing Tsunade's words.

This is...

Did she make things worse?

On the fourth day.

Although what happened yesterday was a bit of a trouble for her benefactor.

Since it has already been revealed, there will definitely be no problem this time!

However, unlike the previous special meal prepared specifically to entertain Hokage-sama, today's food was made by Yukino and a few wives who love cooking.

As wives, although their culinary skills cannot compare to those of professional chefs in hotels, how can a housewife let her husband not taste the food she cooked?

Therefore, although the Uchiha clan employs high-level chefs, every few days, there will be a "love cooking" from the wives and concubines.

Tsunade and Shizune are determined to prepare for today's battle.

"This time, there will definitely be no accidents!" Tsunade said firmly.

But as soon as she picked up her chopsticks...

"Huh, why doesn't this dish taste right?" Tsunade cried out, "Xia Yan! What did you do?!"

Xia Yan furrowed her eyebrows and took a shallow taste, and she also realized that something was wrong.

He couldn't help but ask Xueni, "Xueni, did you make this dish? Did you put something in it?"

"Put something in it?" Xueni looked puzzled. "No, I didn't. Why would I do that?"

"But I did add some seasoning that Tsunade brought, the powder in the small bottle that Shizune brought two days ago. She said it's Tsunade's favorite flavor. She doesn't like dishes without these seasonings..."

"Did I do something wrong?"

Xueni asked timidly.

Shizune opened her mouth but couldn't say a word.

When Xueni saw the small bottle around her waist, she did say the word "seasoning."

After all, she couldn't say in front of Xiayan's wife that she and Tsunade were planning to drug Xiayan, right?

Who would have thought that Xueni actually remembered it and, in order to "suit Tsunade's taste," thoughtfully added "Tsunade's favorite seasoning."


But it has to be said that as a product of Tsunade, the medicinal effect is quite good.

And so, a familiar sensation came into contact.

Xiayan: 11

After one night.

Tsunade wailed and rolled on the ground.

"I will never gamble again!"

"I don't want the money anymore! I don't want it!"

Even Xiayan fell into silence.

Even though he came up with a surefire gambling method for Tsunade and even cooperated with her to prepare to lose money.

The result was such a huge victory, yet it still collapsed under the cause-and-effect law of Tsunade's gambling defeat.

Perhaps this woman is naturally unlucky when it comes to money...

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