Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 121 World Famous Painting: Third Hokage In Konoha (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 121: World Famous Painting: "Third Hokage in Konoha" (Please subscribe!)

Tsunade finally escaped from the Uchiha clan's residence.

Not to mention the agreed gambling afterwards.

Even the money from the initial 10 billion Ryo transaction, she didn't want it.

This made Xiayan very helpless - he really intended to honestly pay the money and make Tsunade happy.

Who could have expected...

But it has to be said, Tsunade's body is really weak...


Although Tsunade really can't win money.

But Xiayan still thoughtfully sent a subsidy of 12 billion Ryo.

This made Tsunade, who had escaped back to the Hokage Tower in Konoha, breathe a sigh of relief. Konoha is really in need of money, it's not bad at all.

This helped her a lot!

"Just why is it 12 billion?" Tsunade was a bit confused.

10 billion can still be considered as the previous transaction between herself and Xiayan, so what about the remaining 2 billion?

Is it for the recent expenses?

Tsunade's expression suddenly turned unfriendly.

Rain Shinobi Village.

"Why is it like this?" Obito frowned, "This is not the result I expected!"

But he also had to admit that this is even more perfect than he anticipated!

"The Fourth Great Ninja War has begun, and we will watch as they fight each other like dogs. When they have exhausted themselves, we will collect all ten of the Tailed Beasts." Obito took a deep breath. "This makes our actions much easier!"

"Mm." Nagato nodded slightly.

The ones who benefit the most from war are mercenaries like them, right?

In the original story, the main reason why the Fourth Great Ninja War did not start immediately was because of Orochimaru's manipulation. He decisively killed the Fourth Kazekage, leaving the Sand Shinobi Village without a leader and unable to start a war.

Since they were unable to start a war, they had no choice but to submit to Konoha.

At that time, Tsunade, who had just taken office, was also decisive. Knowing that Konoha was weak, she did not exploit the Sand Shinobi, which prevented them from rebelling again. Instead, she loosened the noose around their necks and improved their political relationship.

Her actions turned the "strained relationship between words and hearts" between Konoha and the Sand Shinobi Alliance during the Third Hokage's era into a true alliance.

Although Konoha and the Sand Shinobi suffered heavy losses in terms of combat power, after the two major nations formed an alliance, the Rock Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi did not dare to start a war even if they wanted to.

Even if they united, it would be the same!

The Mist Shinobi were still in a period of internal recovery and would not take the initiative to act.

This delayed the outbreak of the Fourth Great Ninja War until Obito and Nagato could no longer bear it, and Akatsuki took the initiative to start the war.

In reality, if they could watch their enemies wear each other down, who would be willing to strike first?

"But for now, the scale of the war is still small. Only Konoha, the Sand Shinobi, and the Cloud Shinobi have taken action. The Rock Shinobi and the Mist Shinobi have not yet moved." Obito squinted his eyes and thought to himself, "Perhaps I should add some fuel to the fire!"

[Uchiha clan member +1, the comprehensive potential evaluation of this clan member is 186, and you have gained Chakra +16. Wood Style: Flower Tree World has descended.]

Uzumaki Yangzi is born!

With the bloodline of the Uzumaki clan and Xia Yan's Sage Body, the baby's comprehensive potential has once again increased!

If we don't count Tsunade's "BUG," Uzumaki Yangzi is probably the woman who has made the most progress for Xia Yan among his wives.

However, this child has actually disappointed Xia Yan a little.

Ever since he obtained the body of a sage, the child's talent has dramatically increased, averaging an increase of over 80 points.

However, Uzumaki Yangzi's child, compared to the previous one, only increased by sixteen points, falling below the average line.

Of course, Xia Yan also understands this situation.

The bloodline of parents can have an influence within a certain range, but it can only have a certain impact.

Just because both parents have strong bloodlines does not mean that the child will necessarily be stronger than others.

There will be some fluctuations, and sometimes the fluctuations can be significant, even beyond human imagination.

After so many births, Xia Yan, after obtaining the body of a sage, once had a child with a Jōnin kunoichi sent by Orochimaru, but the child almost died.

In the end, it was thanks to Uzumaki Yangzi's physical healing ability and Xia Yan's increasingly powerful medical ninjutsu that the child was barely saved.

But this time, the baby's potential is very low, only 26 points.

This is the child born to Xia Yan, who has obtained the body of a sage and has Kage-level combat power, and a Jōnin woman with a strong physique and exceptional talent!

The result is even worse than the first child born to himself and Yuki, who only had the strength of a Chūnin and was a Genin.

Of course, Uzumaki Yangzi is not the only one giving birth.

There are also many female ninjas giving birth, contributing to Xia Yan's strength.

"I have to continue to work hard..." Xia Yan thought to himself, "I can't waste any more time."

"But on the other hand, Yamabuki can be eaten!"

Yamabuki has been staying at Xia Yan's house for over a year!

With hard training and the help of the restorative potion "Revival No. 1," her body has finally become strong!

Although she is still far behind a Jōnin, she is no longer inferior to an average Chūnin!

It's a healthy body that can have children!

Xia Yan couldn't wait to taste it. This is the flower he has worked so hard to raise.

Bayun's face turned red, but there was a gleam of excitement in her eyes.

"Lord Xia Yan, please be gentle..."

"Yes, leave it to me..."

The two of them cooperated with each other, one doing fill-in-the-blank questions, the other doing mental arithmetic. The compasses intersected, erasers were scattered, and the ink in the pen seemed to never dry, leaving large ink marks on the clean test paper...

Meanwhile, on the other side...

The Fourth Great Ninja War was in full swing.

Although Tsunade had wasted time on Uchiha these past few days, she still issued some decrees and replenished the front line with a large wave of manpower.

And most of these reinforcements were sent in the direction of the Cloud Shinobi.

Don't be fooled by the fact that the Sand Shinobi Village launched the first attack. After occupying a piece of land, they strangely began to build fortresses and improve their defenses, as if they were determined to defend it.

The territory they occupied was not very large and posed little threat.

But the Cloud Shinobi were different!

Under the leadership of the Fourth Raikage, the Cloud Shinobi launched a fierce attack, with an extremely rapid offensive. Even elite shinobi like Kakashi, who were sent over, were seriously injured.

If it weren't for Might Guy unleashing the Seventh Gate in a battle and injuring the Fourth Raikage, their offensive might have been even greater!

However, Tsunade's actions have not provided much support to the front line.

After all, she has just taken office. On one hand, she needs to familiarize herself with the Hokage's affairs, and on the other hand, she needs to control the manpower of the Hokage's lineage in order to easily mobilize the overall strength of the village.

To defend against external threats, one must first ensure internal stability.

Although this statement is somewhat biased, it is not without reason.

Whether it's Jiraiya or Natsuhiko, she tightly held onto these trump cards and didn't dare to play any of them.

After all, although the Cloud Shinobi are very aggressive, they are just the power of a single country.

The front line can still hold on, and there is still a chance of victory.

At least delaying time is still possible...

During this time, she used the funds provided by Natsuhiko to expand her own power while guiding the relationship between Konoha and the shinobi clans, gradually gaining control over the power of the Hokage.

However, as the situation deteriorates bit by bit, she will eventually play the card of a Kage-level expert.

Jiraiya also knows this, knowing that he may have to go to the battlefield at any time.

So he takes advantage of this last moment of peace to take a good look at the new Konoha.

After all, it's been a long time since he last visited the village.

Jiraiya takes out a copy of the Konoha News and reads its contents.

"An old man was taking a walk and accidentally fell into the nearby river, shouting for help! Two Root shinobi passed by, pretending not to see, and continued walking while chatting."

"The old man, in a desperate situation, shouted loudly, 'Overthrow Shimura Danzo!' The two Root shinobi, upon hearing this, were shocked and quickly jumped into the river, dragging the old man ashore and arresting him."

Jiraiya bursts into laughter, slapping his thigh.

"Hahaha! This newspaper is really interesting!"

"It's just like Danzo's style!"

Since the newspaper is out, there's no need to guess, it must be Natsuhiko's doing!

Hatake Shuuma's naive and innocent nature is not an exception. In the world of the esteemed and honorable Hokage, public opinion can truly drive people to their deaths!

For example, the current trend of criticizing Danzo is something he made up!

Of course, it's not just Danzo, he also didn't hold back when it came to the Third Hokage.

"In the 57th year of Konoha, the Third Hokage ordered an artist to create a large scroll called 'The Third Hokage in Konoha' to celebrate his leadership of the village.

"The reluctant artist reluctantly accepted the job under pressure. After the painting was completed, the Third Hokage came to inspect it and was surprised: the painting depicted a group of ninjas wearing armor from the Sengoku period, surrounding two handsome tall men, who were giving instructions."

"Where is this?!" Third Hokage angrily asked.

"In the north of the Fire Country."

"Who are those two tall men?!"

"First Hokage-sama and Uchiha Madara-sama."

"They are here, but where am I?!"

"You are in Konoha."

Jiraiya looked at it and couldn't help but laugh and shake his head.

"It really is the style of the teacher..."

But the Third Hokage shamelessly changed the teaching materials and boasted that he was the strongest Hokage in history!

He's supposed to be the strongest damn it!

Before, the Third Hokage had some prestige, and more importantly, he held the power of the Hokage.

So even if he called a deer a horse, he had to keep going.

And now, the esteemed Third Hokage was defeated by the Fourth Kazekage?

He instantly became known as the most useless Hokage.

The ninjas of Konoha hated him to death!

In response to public opinion, the Konoha News, which blackened him and Danzo, sold out immediately!

There are several jokes, Jiraiya is almost laughing his head off.

"It seems that Konoha has really gained a lot of new and interesting things!" Jiraiya wiped away the tears of laughter: "So this hermit should also gather some materials!"

"I heard that the Uchiha clan's club has a great reputation, excellent service experience, and a proper attitude..."

"Well, I'll go criticize them first!"

Saying that, he walked towards the Uchiha clan's territory.

The Uchiha clan's residence is even more prosperous than before.

People come and go in an endless stream.

Jiraiya headed straight for the entertainment street, where it was even more bustling.

This is Jiraiya's main observation target!

"As a hermit who travels the world, I must thoroughly investigate how decadent these Uchiha have become, and whether they can still serve Konoha on the battlefield!" Jiraiya said with a righteous face.

Then he looked around and suddenly found that his eyes were not enough!

The Uchiha club is undoubtedly the most famous, but there are also many similar places located in the Uchiha residence.

Such as shared seating houses, pink salons, girls' bars...

At the entrance of each club, there are two attractive girls standing, charming and alluring.

Tall chests, slender waists, fair skin, and eyes that seem to be electrifying...

A mischievous smile, with endless charm!

Jiraiya silently swallowed his saliva, that swaying whiteness was too tempting!

And this is just an ordinary storefront, what kind of scene is the Uchiha club, which is regarded as a holy place by countless fans?

The Uchiha clan is indeed useless, with such extravagance, what can they still be considered?

This is a valid Chinese text. Here is the translation:

It's simply disgraceful, tarnishing the Uchiha clan's reputation!

"No no no, as a ninja, I can't make such a simple decision... Hmm, I need to go into the store and carefully investigate before making a judgment!"

Jiraiya found a reason for himself and forcibly averted his gaze, heading straight for the Uchiha club.

His time was limited, and Tsunade didn't know when she would call him to the battlefield.

If you want to criticize, you should start with the one with the biggest reputation!

However, just as he was about to enter the door...

Suddenly, he made eye contact with a fellow fan who was also about to enter the door.

"Is this the Transformation Technique?" Jiraiya was taken aback. "To visit a club, one must transform. Whose person is this?"


Sasuke, with his transformed appearance, looked strangely at the white-haired old man next to him.

"I've never seen this face before, you must be a beginner... Are you staring at me to see how I do things and then imitate a 'seasoned veteran'?"

Hmm, I understand.

Sasuke thought about his own embarrassing state when he was brought in by Xia Yan, and couldn't help but smile.

He suddenly thought of his past self and felt a sense of kindness.

He grabbed Jiraiya's hand and said,

"Brother, don't worry, we're men, there's nothing to be shy about."

"Brother will take you!"

Saying that, he pulled Jiraiya directly inside.


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