Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 173 Mikoto: Sorry, Fugaku (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 173 Mikoto: Sorry, Fugaku (please subscribe!)

Tsunade is actually not too angry - no matter what the root cause of Xia Yan's shot is, Rock Shinobi's surrender is always a good thing for Konoha.

"The Ninja World War can finally be over..." Tsunade sighed, feeling his shoulders were empty.

The stress goes away instantly...

And the news that Rock Shinobi Village sent an envoy to sue for peace spread throughout Konoha in an instant.

Everyone cheered—although the Rock Shinobi envoys will work hard to reduce losses for the village, and the war will not end immediately.

But it's just a matter of time.

And the biggest contributor to the end of the war...  

Of course it was Xia Yan!

"As expected of Master Xia Yan, I was wondering why he suddenly stayed at home. It turned out that he was paralyzing Rock Shinobi, and then taking advantage of Rock Shinobi's carelessness, an attack directly laid the foundation for victory!"

"This is the power of Uchiha..... is invincible in the ninja world!"

"Is the Uchiha Madara back then as powerful as Xia Yan now?"

"With Master Xiayan here, Konoha will live in peace forever! Just like the First Hokage back then!"

"We're safe!"

The Konoha Shinobi supporters cheered, and their family members all smiled.

The duration of the war is still short, but the cruelty of war is that even the victors are unwilling to experience it!

The pursuit of war heroes is even more regardless of the price!

After the news spread, many young girls recommended themselves to Uchiha's main house that night, even if they didn't want to pay a lot of money for a child, they wanted to have a wonderful night with Xia Yan.

They don't enjoy the romance with the number one ninja... Well, there are indeed some women like this.

But I am more grateful to Xia Yan for ending the war so that their families can return home safely!

And thanks for what they can do...

Seems like this is the only one!

After all, Xia Yan is notorious for not being short of money, but short of girls!

On the other side of 050, Xia Yan's past has also been enthusiastically discussed by countless people.

Why endured the humiliation, practiced secretly, and at the same time secretly investigated the truth about the Uchiha genocide, and then killed Danzo in one fell swoop to avenge the clan!

Why, in order to rejuvenate the family, he worked hard on the family business, and fought with countless businessmen and nobles!

How to take turns fighting against the enemy on the battlefield, how to witty get the upper hand and kill the enemy...

Of course, they occasionally chat about Xia Yan's future.

"Master Xia Yan can already be said to be proud of his life. Even the ninja world war is over under his influence. What will he do next?"

"It must be the revival of Uchiha! Master Xia Yan likes to do this the most!"

"I heard that in order to obtain high-quality women, he even accepts female ninjas who are hostile to the countryside..."

"Lord Xia Yan now has more than eighty wives and concubines. I really want to experience his happy life every night... If I have his kind of life, even if I live ten years less!"

"Master Xia Yan has extraordinary strength, and he works hard to revive Uchiha every day, and feeds his wives and concubines well... If you are asked to come, you will not be able to live for ten years! Say no

I ran out of energy and died in a year!"

Everyone laughed, and those who were ridiculed didn't care. Instead, they talked about their achievements in the Uchiha Club.

Someone smiled slightly and said, "I know what Lord Xia Yan will do next."

"What will you do?" Everyone said disdainfully: "You can guess the future of Master Xia Yan?"

"Is it hard to guess?" The man laughed: "The murderer of the Uchiha clan is still at large, what do you think Lord Xia Yan will do next?"

"Of course the traitor who killed that Uchiha!"

Everyone said one after another.

"Not bad! The next one is indeed to kill him!"

"The (cibg) guy almost made Master Xia Yan miserable!"

"That's right! If he hadn't hit Uchiha so hard, would Konoha have produced more talents? Maybe the war would have been won long ago!"

The bragging and drinking crowd obviously didn't notice that a Uchiha was listening to their chat from a distance.

Mikoto watched them speak loudly, but his heart sank a little.

"People from Konoha, are they so friendly to Uchiha now?" She smiled wryly: "If Fugaku can see the current scene, maybe he will be so happy."

Uchiha Fugaku actually wanted to integrate into Konoha. In the third ninja world war, he even personally led the Uchiha clan to face the mist ninja. After the third war, he also actively moved closer to the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato. Mrs. Diplomacy means.

However, Konoha did not accept Uchiha.

It can be seen from Uchiha's fight against Mist Ninja - use Uchiha who is good at Fire Style to fight Mist Ninja who is good at Water Style? If Konoha's high-level executives don't have any ideas, Uchiha can lift his tiller!

Now that the Konoha people are proud of Uchiha, if the original Uchiha can see it, it is estimated that they will not have the idea of ​​rebellion.

But this is a good thing for the Uchiha clan, but a bad thing for Mikoto himself!

Because Konoha Shinobi's sense of Uchiha becomes better, so the sense of Uchiha Itachi becomes worse!

The more they missed Uchiha, the more angry Itachi's behavior was, the more they felt unjust for Uchiha...

It's funny to say that, for the sake of the village, Uchiha Itachi killed the clansmen who wanted to rebel, even his own parents.

As a result, everyone in Konoha is complaining about Uchiha who almost turned into a coup!

"If this continues, Itachi's disease will be cured, but will he really be willing to survive?" Mikoto couldn't help biting his lip.

After all, in the eyes of Konoha's ninja, he seems to be better off dead...

Mikoto didn't know the answer.

She is also powerless to change reality, not even Itachi's disease can be solved.

The only thing that can fix this

Mikoto walked back to Uchiha slowly and saw Kushina.

"Mikoto, you're back." Kushina waved her hands casually, and said, "Have you bought anything?"

"Well, I'll cook you a big meal tonight." Mikoto squeezed out a smile.

Xia Yan did not imprison the three women, but let them move, but he could not reveal his identity.

But to be honest, they don't know what they are going to do.

Ye Cang was annoyed when he saw Luo Sha's news every day, and then put Luo Sha's portrait on Wooden Golem, and threw a shuriken at Wooden Golem.

When Kushina has nothing to do, he fights with Xia Yan, with the posture of "I beat you, so you have to help me".

However, even relying on the immortal body of Impure World Reincarnation, he was taught a bad lesson—it is said that he was also smeared with oil a few times.

An angry Kushina jumped up and shouted that if it wasn't for Impure World Reincarnation to limit her strength, she would have taught Xia Yan a lesson.

Although Mikoto also has Kage-level combat prowess and also opened Mangekyō Sharingan, she seems to be used to the life of a husband and a child. She buys vegetables and cooks every day, cleans up the housework, and is responsible for the meals of the other two women—although the dead are not No need to eat.

"What do you want to eat?" Mikoto squeezed out a smile: "I bought very good beef today..."

"Mikoto, Sasuke seems to be back." Ye Cang, still in smart clothes, glanced at Mikoto: "He is at the training ground now, you..."

"Would you like to take a peek at him?"

Mikoto froze.


came back?

"Well, Sasuke is back." Kushina curled her lips: "Mikoto, your kid is really good, I took a sneak peek and has been training hard.

"On the contrary, Naruto can't even find a shadow..."

Kushina said, with a bit of resentment.

She also wants to see Naruto grow up with her own eyes!

"Isn't Naruto on the same team as Sasuke, hasn't he come back?" Mikoto asked curiously.

"No!" Kushina said angrily, "I've inquired about it, and they disbanded at the gate of the village, but neither the family nor the residence of the Uchiha clan have ever seen the boy... I don't know Where did that guy go?"

Mikoto is also a bit strange, the ninja has just returned to the village, where else can he go if he doesn’t go home?

Where else can I go?

Of course it's the clubhouse!

Naruto really plans to live in the Uchiha Club, Xia Yanchong's money is useless!

He wouldn't be polite to Xia Yan!

If Kushina goes to the Uchiha club, maybe he can meet the regular customer who used the Transformation Technique and shouted "I want to order ten" full of pride.

It is estimated that by then, Naruto should be worse than the students who skipped class and went to Internet cafes...

"I'm going to meet Sasuke...... Is it okay?" Mikoto pondered for a while: "Did he allow it?"

"Allowed." Kushina curled her lips: "It's nothing to look at from a distance... Xia Yan is not so stingy."

"Then Xia Yan is now..."

"What else can I do? Hang out with the new girl!"


She remembered that when she represented the family to give Xia Yan a pension, what she saw was a shy boy!

I don't know how it became the current Poseidon of "no women, no joy".

Could it be his decision with Fugaku that put too much pressure on him?

Mikoto bit her lip, although she didn't know why Xia Yan allowed herself to meet Sasuke, she still couldn't help but want to see him.

Standing on the outside of Uchiha's training ground, through the barbed wire fence, she immediately spotted Sasuke.

As Kushina said, Sasuke was practicing shuriken against Wooden Golem.

The Sharingan opened directly, with a sudden leap, several shurikens were thrown out one after another, several of them collided in pairs, changed direction, and successfully hit the target behind Wooden Golem!

Uchiha Shuriken!

The technique that Uchiha Itachi showed to Sasuke back then, now he has fully mastered it!

Mikoto bit his lip slightly, eyes blurred.

In her eyes, the image of the little boy who pestered her brother to teach her shuriken skills seemed to appear in her eyes.

Even after being rejected by Itachi, the aggrieved pouting expression is vivid and clearly visible.

But unlike Sasuke who worked hard to catch up with his brother's dream, his efforts now are probably to throw the shuriken on Uchiha Itachi...

Sasuke was sweating profusely during the training, his gaze was firm and never lost.

And Mikoto was in the distance of the training ground, watching quietly, from day to night, until Sasuke finished training and left, his footsteps did not move.

She seemed to have turned into a pillar, standing there quietly, motionless, and her eyes were very dull.

until the next day.

The sun has just risen, when the first dawn exudes a warm light.

A sigh came out of Mikoto's mouth.

"Sorry, Fugaku..."

"I really can't watch Sasuke and Itachi kill each other, and I really can't watch them die..."

"I'd rather die than have something like this happen!"

"No matter what price you pay..."

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