Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 174 Xia Yan: Sasuke, You Can Call Me Dad (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 174 Xia Yan: Sasuke, you can call me Dad (please subscribe!)

"Mikoto, are you really planning to follow Xia Yan?" Kushina said with resentment on his face, "What despicable and shameless threat did he use against you again?"

"No, it's my own decision." Mikoto sighed softly, "I can't watch Sasuke and Itachi go on like this."

"You see Sasuke working out hard, and your eyes are full of envy, but I see him working hard, but his eyes are full of worry..."

I am worried that one day I will really see the scene where Sasuke and Itachi kill each other!

At that time, it was too late to come back!


"I think you probably won't be able to escape his clutches in the end." Mikoto smiled wryly: "Who let him grab our lifeblood?"

"Hmph! I won't give in to him!" Kushina raised her head proudly: "No, it should be said that he should give in to me sooner or later!"

Ye Cang also snorted coldly.



Her greatest enemy, Luo Sha, has become the hero of Sand Shinobi Village because of Xia Yan. Her prestige is above everything else, and she is treated as a god by Sand Shinobi.

And all of this was Xia Yan's fault!

"But if you don't give in, will things change?" Mikoto looked at the two sisters without saying a word: "Kushina, can you really bear seeing Naruto being insulted?"

"Ye Cang, looking at Luo Sha's high-spirited look, do you really appreciate it?"

"Returning Xia Yan to surrender......... Is it because he indulged us in Konoha's treatment to let you know that we are just puppets controlled by him!"

"The regret in my heart, if you don't give in, who will help you recover?"

But Mikoto didn't speak, just shook his head quietly.

She believed that the two sisters would figure this out sooner or later.

Then she walked into Xia Yan's residence calmly.

Then he told his intentions very straightforwardly.

"Are you sure?" Xia Yan looked at Mikoto and said seriously: "Sister Mikoto, I'm actually not in a hurry, you can still think about it slowly..."

"No need. Mikoto took a deep breath: "I've thought about it for a long time..."

"That's good." Xia Yan nodded: "I will start to do things about Sasuke and Itachi, and the same goes for your resurrection..."

"But in a short time, I can't solve the problem of your resurrection."

Impure World Reincarnation is not considered resurrection, and whether it is the heretic · Rinne Tensei Technique, or the Forbidden Technique · self reincarnation, they all need to pay a too tragic price.

Improvements to ninjutsu have begun, but there is no solution to this problem yet.

"It doesn't matter, as long as the matter between Itachi and Sasuke is resolved." Mikoto said softly: "My resurrection....do it if you can, and I don't blame you if you can't.

Of course you are not in a hurry, after all, as long as you solve Brother Sasuke's matter, you will be satisfied, even if you die later, it doesn't matter.

But I still need you to help me give birth!

Xia Yanke is not interested in the body of the deceased after the Impure World Reincarnation, nor does he want to study whether the deceased can have children......

"I'll hurry up." Xia Yan frowned.

He decided to allocate more than one hundred Shadow Clones to forcibly advance research——Don't look at Xia Yan's daily focus on revitalizing Uchiha, in fact, he can be regarded as a leading research talent in the ninja world.

It can't compare with talented scientists such as Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto, but Xia Yan can rely on human power to pile it up!

Shadow Clone can not only practice, you can practice ninjutsu, but also advance research!

In my opinion, the strongest ninjutsu created by Second Hokage is this ‘Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

"Let's see and arrange a meeting for you and Sasuke later." Xia Yan paused and said, "You can also explain to him about Itachi and enlighten him.

that night.

After Sasuke finished today's practice, Xia Yan called him over.

"Sasuke, I called you here today because I want you to meet someone." Xia Yan paused and looked at Mikoto.

Mikoto was silent for a moment, then dropped his hat, revealing his delicate face after Impure World Reincarnation.

"Mom?!" Sasuke was taken aback for a moment, but then his eyes widened: "No, she is dead, and who are you with these cracks?!"

It has to be said that Sasuke has also grown a lot after experiencing the tempering of the Ninja World War.

He suddenly became alert, jumped back, and at the same time took out the kunai, and the pattern of Sharingan appeared in his eyes.

"This is Mikoto." Xia Yan coughed: "This is the ninjutsu left by Second Hokage, called Impure World Reincarnation, using the flesh and blood of the dead as a medium to summon from the underworld..."

He briefly outlined the concept of Impure World Reincarnation, and then said to Sasuke: "Sasuke, don't you really want to know the truth about the Uchiha Itachi genocide?"

"Why don't you ask the person involved?"

But even if Xia Yan said so, Sasuke still had a bit of vigilance in his eyes.

The effect of Impure World Reincarnation is too amazing, and keeping vigilant against everything is what a ninja should be like.

But after Mikoto told something about Sasuke's childhood, Sasuke gradually let go of his guard.

When he heard the truth about Uchiha Itachi's genocide, he gritted his teeth.

"So itachi was deceived by Third Hokage and Danzo, so that he wiped out the whole family?"

Although Xia Yan faintly revealed some information before, making him doubt the reason for Itachi's action, but he never expected the truth to be like this?!

"Yes." Mikoto nodded, and then hurriedly said: "But you can rest assured that both Third Hokage and Shimura Danzō were killed by Xia Yan."

The Third Hokage was actually killed by Xia Yan?

Sasuke must have been surprised to hear this news in the past.

But now he just gave Xia Yan a complicated look——no wonder Brother Xia Yan entrusted himself with the task of revenge against Itachi. It turned out that his gaze had been fixed on the real culprit who killed Lumpau!

"Brother Xia Yan, you already knew?" Sasuke's expression was complicated.

"Well, more or less." Xia Yan nodded: "I'm not as young as you, and I know the relationship between the family and the village well, and Konoha's small actions after the family extermination are also in my eyes."

"However, it is a pity that you and I at that time did not have the ability to resist Konoha, and rashly revealing the secret will only make Uchiha's situation worse."

Sasuke had an ugly expression, he clenched his teeth, his hands sizzled, his nails wanted to dig into his flesh.

He was silent for a long time, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Xia Yan, where is Danzo's body? Where is Third Hokage's body?"

He couldn't help but want to go to the coffin and kill the corpse to vent his anger!

"Danzo's body is now in Uchiha's laboratory, and I want to come here." Xia Yan smiled slightly: "Third Hokage's words, it seems that they are still buried in Konoha's cemetery.

"But I even got my Impure World Reincarnation from Orochimaru, you should be able to understand the value of the corpses of the dead......Now, nine out of ten of Third Hokage's corpses are in Orochimaru, serving as Impure World Reincarnation s material."

There is no chance of killing the coffin and killing the corpse in love!


The corners of Sasuke's eyes twitched, and he was sullen, but he had nowhere to vent.

Sharingan flickered in his eyes, with a faint sense of anger.

Stimulate him again, maybe he can open his eyes directly!

"Cough cough." Xia Yan coughed: "Sasuke, this is the way things are, this is the truth about Uchiha's genocide...Do you want to bring Itachi back?"

"His health is very bad. In order to legitimately leave his eyes to you in the future, he deliberately indulged in physical management, and his condition worsened."

"These need to be resolved, otherwise even if you two reconcile, he won't live long."

Sasuke opened his mouth when he heard the words, but stopped talking.

He was silent for a long time, and said with a wry smile: "Brother Xia Yan, of course I want Itachi to come back, let alone let him die."


"Brother Xia Yan, I can forgive him." Sasuke looked at Xia Yan with a wry smile, his eyes were full of self-mockery: "I believe mom can forgive him too, but what about you?"

"Itachi killed not only the clansmen I knew, but also those you knew!"

"Brother Xia Yan, if I forgive Itachi so simply, how can I forgive you?"

Sasuke smiled bitterly, his body became weak, and he let out a long sigh.


Of course he can forgive Itachi!

As the younger brother who loves his older brother the most, Itachi seems to be deceived by Third Hokage, no matter how serious the crime he committed, he will forgive him.

The same goes for mother Mikoto.


What about Xia Yan?

Xia Yan has nothing to do with Itachi!

I can forgive him, but what will Masahiko do to you?

Brother Xia Yan always took care of me. After the Uchiha clan was exterminated, he has been working hard to clean up the mess left by Itachi. He has paid a lot, worked hard, and worked hard day and night to revive Uchiha...

Such a person, how dare I ask him to forgive Itachi!

Am I worthy of saying 'I hope you will forgive Itachi too'?

I have to say that Sasuke has really matured after going through the war.

He knows how to start from the perspective of others—as a victim, he can forgive Itachi, but isn't Shigehiko a victim?

Why should he forgive the criminal on behalf of Xia Yan?

Me, Itachi, Mikoto... What can I do to get Xia Yan's forgiveness!

It's easy for me to forgive Itachi, but is that worthy of Xia Yan?

Sasuke laughed at himself with a complicated expression.

Xia Yan's expression was weird, but it was different from what Sasuke thought, the Uchiha clan did not have Xia Yan's acquaintances, and he certainly didn't have any hatred.

And let me say a bad word - if Itachi hadn't attacked the family, he would not have been able to obtain Uchiha's inheritance, and he would definitely not have the strength he has now!


"Actually, you don't have to think about my affairs. Xia Yan coughed: "I have already forgiven Itachi. "

Sasuke was taken aback, a little puzzled.

Xia Yan is not short of money, his strength is the best in the ninja world, and he lacks almost everything, so Sasuke has no choice but to laugh at himself, thinking that he was forgiven if he didn't get it—otherwise, how could he be forgiven by Yuan Yan?

But now you tell me that the most difficult problem has been solved?

He couldn't help but said: "Brother Xia Yan, why did you forgive him?"

"Well, well...the main reason is that you also paid some price." Xia Yan coughed: "If you don't mind, you can call me Dad."


He stared blankly at Xia Yan, then at Mikoto beside him who was blushing and didn't dare to look up.

The two big eyes were filled with the word 'dumb'.


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