Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 213 Get Rinnegan Back First! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 213 Get Rinnegan back first! (Please subscribe!)

The break up meal is of course a joke.

But it’s true that Deidara thinks Akatsuki’s future is hopeless—when Akatsuki was at her strongest, Obito, Nagato, Konan, Jue, Uchiha Itachi, Kakisame, Scorpion, Deidara, Hiruto...

Ten Kage-level masters!

And all of them are considered strong in Kage-level!

And even if it is the most powerful Konoha Village in the ninja world, how many were there back then?

It's just Third Hokage, Shimura Danzō, and Jiraiya and Tsunade who have been away for many years.

Regardless of the existence of tailed beasts, other villages usually only have two or three people.

One Akatsuki can almost equal the sum of the five Great Ninja Villages!

How powerful is this?

Even though Deidara was forced into the Akatsuki organization by Uchiha Itachi, I still feel that this is a place worthy of him, with strong development space and very good employment prospects...

But now?

The leader was captured by Xia Yan, Konan was also captured by Xia Yan, Uchiha Itachi and Kakuzu defected, Hidan died, and Scorpion was captured

Nuo Da's Xiao organization directly lost more than half of it!

The point is that even the boss has been taken away, what hope does this organization have?

It's better to break up!

Obito and Black Zetsu were also a little dazed. Nagato was defeated by Xia Yan so easily, which they didn't expect.

But they can't let Akatsuki break up so easily!

"Since Payne is not here, let me be the leader!" Obito took a deep breath and stood up.

"You? Ah Fei, don't make trouble, how can a junior be the boss." Deidara didn't take it seriously, subconsciously said.

Although the current Obito is not taking over the class of Scorpion and becoming Deidara's back seat.

But he really does look like an "unlearned person", laughing and laughing, not a typical person——— Obito is a cheerful person, although his cheerfulness now is more of a faux pas

It is convenient for White Zetsu, who is really cheerful sometimes, to act as his own identity.

But this posture without Haki is obviously not suitable for being the boss!

Anyway, Deidara was not convinced by Obito.


"Can I be the boss now?" Obito showed the Mangekyō in his eyes, the Technique was fleeting, and he got close to Deidara's side almost instantly. Ten hands lock Deidara's neck.

"This guy!" Deidara's expression changed slightly, and he was defeated without any resistance to 073.

After a moment of silence, Deidara finally bowed his head.


Others have no opinion.

Kisame himself is Obito's person, and it is even more impossible for Black Zetsu to take the leader position cleanly.

Obito naturally walked out of the backstage and stood in front of the stage.


"So what should we do next?" Obito took a deep breath, with anxiety in his eyes.

Back then, although he was poor and white, he really didn't think that the ninja world could stop him.

And now...


The water in the ninja world is too deep!

The strongest Kazekage was able to defeat Scorpion and Deidara with one against two, and the strongest Mizukage also defeated Hidan and Kakuzu with one against two.

These two people are definitely comparable to the half-god Hanzo back then, they are existences standing at the pinnacle of Kage-level!

Plus Xia Yan, who even defeated Nagato...

"That guy Xia Yan, won't he awaken Rinnegan, right?" Obito's eyes were serious.

He does know what the Rinnegan evolved from.

In normal battles, Mangekyō Sharingan has a huge disadvantage compared to Rinnegan. Xia Yan shouldn't be able to suppress Nagato so easily and win!

But if you think about it carefully, it seems impossible. It is quite difficult to open Rinnegan, the combination of Senju and Uchiha is still a small problem, and Orochimaru's transplantation technology is not too difficult.

But even after the combination of Senju and Uchiha, it still needs a lot of mental strength to open the door of Rinnegan!

Even the Uchiha Madara back then opened the Rinnegan when he was on the verge of death!

He Xia Yan is young, only in his early twenties, why is he so strong?

"As long as you don't activate Rinnegan, that's fine, but if that's the case, then using Mangekyō to defeat Rinnegan, Xia Yan's real strength is also quite terrifying...

Obito pondered for a long time, with a serious expression on his face.

Black Zetsu also narrowed his eyes slightly, he also didn't think that Xia Yan had activated Rinnegan.

He waited painstakingly for countless years before he had such a pair of Rinnegan in the Uchiha class. In order to ensure the plan, he even stood up and acted as Uchiha Madara's will.

But now that the ninja world is hiding beyond his imagination, he feels that he should arrange some means just in case.

"Boss, what shall we do next?" Black Zetsu asked.

"Get back the leader's Rinnegan first!" Obito pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Without Rinnegan, without Gedo Statue, we can't even seal Eight Tails...

"Leave this task to me!"

He took a deep breath, his eyes full of seriousness.

Not just Akatsuki.

After learning of the devastating blow, the leaders of all countries were stunned.

Are you Konohas so ruthless? In order to undercover an organization that was not well-known at the time, you did not hesitate to let the spies destroy your own family to show your sincerity...

But since the Akatsuki organization has been scrapped, should we return the Jinchūriki of Ninja Village to us?

We bought these tailed beasts from your Konoha First Hokage. Your Fifth Hokage is the granddaughter of First Hokage. You won't disrespect his old man's wishes, right?

This is just the statement of Terumi Mei and Luo Sha, saying that the crimes committed by the Akatsuki organization will be handed over to you, Konoha, and our Ninja Village only needs to return to Jinchūriki.

Cloud Shinobi Village quarreled endlessly, and they sent messengers to take their Lord Raikage back together.

Onoki and Taki Shinobi Village, who lost Jinchūriki, are eyeing Rain Shinobi Village......

It is you damn Rain Shinobi Village who acted as accomplices of the evil Akatsuki organization and damaged a lot of interests of our Shinobi Village!

Now you should give us some compensation!

Onoki and Taki Shinobi Village didn't dare to target Konoha, and the envoys they sent just wanted to get their Jinchūriki back from Konoha, even if they paid a little price for it.

But for Rain Shinobi Village, they have nothing to fear!

Nagato, who is actually in charge of Rain Shinobi Village, laughed, and pulled Rock Shinobi Village in Konoha, and the envoys of Taki Shinobi Village outside Konoha Village, and showed them what destruction is


One shot of Super Shenluo Tianzheng, the power to wipe out the entire Ninja Village, the envoys of the Ninja Village in the two countries felt their scalps tingle --- Fuck, it's no wonder that the Akatsuki Organization has so many powerful rebel members. It turns out that they The boss can really hold the field!

By the way, Xia Yan fought with such a monster, and then captured him back to Konoha Village?

Don't mention them, the high-level executives of Konoha Village were stunned when they saw this scene.

Fortunately, they were still wondering why Xia Yan had captured Xiao's senior management, why he didn't kill him directly, but brought him into the village

There are even some ninjas who received funds from the Sarutobi clan, intending to find an opportunity to launch a discussion and condemnation to see if they can get Fifth Generation Shin Hokage to order the killing of Akatsuki and the two.

It's not that they really think they can make Xia Yan back down, but at least they can buy time for the Sarutobi clan to transfer the fire!

But now it looks like it’s worth it!

Just such an attack, the village can't bear it!

Where did Xia Yan bring a prisoner into the village? He clearly brought a time bomb!

The envoys of Wunin Village and Sand Shinobi Village were secretly lucky: "Fortunately, Master Fengying (Mizukage) let us only ask for Jinchūriki, even if we pay some price, it is not unacceptable, so we must not force... ..”

"Mizukage-sama is too prescient!"

Nagato also felt a little short of breath and tired after such a shot of "Super Shenluo Tianzheng".

But his physical (babh) condition is much stronger than before, even if he has a big wave, he is still much stronger than before.

Take a short break, you may not be able to have a second shot!

"So why does he still treat me?" Nagato let out a long breath: "I am much stronger now than I was before...."

"Xia Yan is not afraid of—"

"Well, don't be afraid."

Nagato smiled wryly and shook his head helplessly.

Although his physical condition was much stronger than when he fought Xia Yan, he still couldn't find a way to beat Xia Yan.

In the final analysis, physical enhancement only makes up for the shortcomings of mobility and enhances resistance.

There is no improvement in the upper limit - when Nagato was desperate, his body had already produced the strongest strength, and he did everything he could do!

Even with his current good body, he still couldn't break through the limit at that time!

And with such a limit, it is impossible for Xia Yan to be an opponent...

The Sarutobi family was worried that Uchiha Xiayan would attack them, and they looked on guard.

On the surface, they were calm, but they had already quietly evacuated the clan members. A group of clan members even took the most core ninjutsu and secret arts materials in the clan and found a remote mountain valley, intending to live here for a long time.

The cunning rabbit and the three caves, this is also the way of thinking that every big family must have.

Family is their roots!

Even if he dies, the family cannot be completely destroyed, and the blood of the family cannot be cut off!

So when everyone heard about Uchiha Itachi's actions, they were stupefied and couldn't imagine how he attacked his family.

Even some ninjas, even with the testimony of Uchiha Sasuke, still firmly believe that Uchiha Itachi was not the murderer who killed Uchiha, but Danzo who actually did it. Uchiha Itachi was just forced out of Konoha Village by Danzo, and he is still Uchiha people of the clan.......

After all, the ninja village system has only been established for decades, and there are many elderly people in Konoha Village who have witnessed the Sengoku period.

They and their descendants could not help being influenced by the ninja system of the Sengoku family, putting the family first—even the Third Hokage was unavoidable. During the ruling period, the Sarutobi family grew more than ten times.

Not to mention the others!

And today, a piece of news appeared—Jōnin of the Sarutobi clan was missing "was discovered by the already nervous Sarutobi clan.

The Police Department, who succeeded Uchiha, investigated very seriously, but found nothing.

The next day, three more Sarutobi clan ninjas disappeared.

For the third day in a row...

The Sarutobi family felt down, and hurriedly reported to Hokage, but even if Tsunade sent Anbu, nothing was found.

"It should be done by the Uchiha clan!" The Jōnins of the Sarutobi clan looked angry, but they dared not speak out, and they didn't dare to question Xia Yan with their doubts.

Xia Yan quibbles to the point that it’s okay, but he’s afraid he’ll really nod his head, saying that’s right, I did it, since you found out, then I don’t have to hide anything, you Sarutobi clan, let’s do it together’.

This is so straight from death reprieve to immediate execution!

Who can stand it!

Other big clans in Konoha Village have the same guess, even when the Sarutobi clan ninja disappeared, Xia Yan was drinking in an izakaya with Fifth Hokage in front of countless people!

"With Xia Yan's food intake, it couldn't be easier to hide from our sight!" A certain patriarch looked disdainful: "What's the point of this little trick?"

"Do you really think we are stupid?"

But in fact...….…

"It's really not you?" Tsunade frowned.

"It's really not me." Xia Yan smiled slightly: "Didn't you test it yourself for a whole night to make sure of this?"

"I paid the price of almost getting pregnant, aren't you sure?"

Although illusion can deceive people, it can't deceive reality, snakes reveal the real thing!

The Transformation Technique is fine, but Tsunade doesn't think that with Xia Yan's temperament, he will let others transform into himself and make out with his woman


"It's not you, is that your Uchiha clan?" Tsunade narrowed his eyes.

Xia Yan smiled and did not speak.

"Sure enough...is it Itachi?" Tsunade took a deep breath, but she didn't think Itachi would really hold grudges against Third Hokage and do something to assassinate the Sarutobi clan.

Actually really hands-on...

A slightly thin figure, like a ghost in the dark night, squatted on the utility pole of Konoha Village.

Like a real assassin, his eyes locked directly on the patrolling Jōnin of the Sarutobi clan.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen used his brother as a tool and ordered the extermination of the Uchiha clan..."

"You can destroy the Uchiha clan, and I can destroy your Sarutobi clan."

"That's fair, right?"

Uchiha Sasuke!

In his eyes, Mangekyō carried the deepest coldness.

And a little far behind him, Uchiha Itachi looked at the small figure with complicated eyes.

That squatting posture, and that vaguely murderous look in his eyes...


so similar!

"It's exactly the same as when I did it..." Uchiha Itachi's eyes were full of complexity.

Normally speaking, he who loves the village should have stopped this kind of behavior that hurt the village.


After a long silence, Uchiha Itachi finally did not show up.

I just silently cleaned up some traces that Uchiha Sasuke didn't eliminate because of experience, and finished it for my brother...

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