Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 214 The Sarutobi Family, It's Over! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 214 The Sarutobi family, it's over! (Please subscribe!)

That night, several ninjas from the Sarutobi clan were killed.

Fifth Hokage issued strict orders, stepped up patrols, and even went to watch Xia Yan and Itachi himself.

But she ignores Sasuke himself who has acquired the Mangekyō Sharingan~.

In other words, Sasuke, who is not yet fourteen years old, is already at an age that is easily overlooked.

Although Sasuke has many deficiencies in experience, Mangekyō, a big killer, once obtained, is a Kage-level combat power!

After deducting the shortcomings of not yet fully developed body, less amount of Chakra, inability to fight for a long time, and lack of experience, Sasuke himself is already a Kage-level master!

In fact, this is why Sasuke kills three or two people every day - no matter how many kills, his Chakra can't hold it anymore!

But Sasuke is the Son of Destiny after all. Although it is the first time to use Mangekyō Sharingan, as the number of kills increases, he is rapidly absorbing experience and starting to completely become a Kage-level master.

The village took a lot of trouble, and Tsunade put pressure on the security department one after another, but how could it be possible to catch a Mangekyō ninja?

Even if Sasuke is really caught, as long as he casts illusion on the comer, he can easily modify the other party's memory!

Not to mention that almost everyone in the village believed that Xia Yan did it himself!

No one is willing to offend Xia Yan for the Sarutobi clan!

"The Sarutobi clan deserve what they deserve!"

"That's right, who let Third Hokage sneak up on Uchiha!"

"Killing them is just right, it can be used as a warning to successors!"

Everyone thought to themselves, humming coldly at the Sarutobi clan.

It's fine for other people to do genocide, Third Hokage really can't do this kind of thing!

This has broken the rules of the game!

Even crumbling Konoha's ruling base!

Destroying his family can just be used to warn the successors and restore the majesty of the rules of the game

In the future, even if a Hokage wants to take action against a big family in Konoha, he should remember what happened to Third Hokage, and carefully consider whether he should do such a thing!

Under the secret resistance of countless people, the entire Konoha, except for Tsunade who is Hokage, has to find a way to save the Sarutobi clan. Who else is willing to help them?

Even Sasuke's act of killing a few people that day is considered by everyone as Xia Yan secretly hating the Sarutobi clan in his heart and wanting them to live in fear.

"It is his punishment for the Sarutobi clan!"

Everyone agreed.

Not to mention the other ninjas of Konoha, even the ninjas of the Sarutobi clan think so.

But they are optimistic about this--torture us!

It just so happens that the future members of our Sarutobi clan have not been sent out of Konoha. If Xia Yan really did something suddenly, the entire Sarutobi clan would die without a place to die.

But now he is slow to cut flesh, although our clansman is full of panic, but he also quietly sent the clansman out of Konoha, buying time!

For this reason, the senior members of the Sarutobi clan even suppressed the clansman's request to beg Tsunade to intercede for him, and also acted in fear in cooperation, showing incomparable panic to the outside world, while trying to satisfy Xia Yan's evil interest.

The ninjas of the Sarutobi family will cooperate with scattered patrols, creating opportunities for him to do it, preventing the ninjas of the Sarutobi family from exposing his identity under desperate resistance, causing him to directly and blatantly attack...

At this moment, they showed a fearless spirit of sacrifice, even if they took the lives of ninjas of their own clan as sacrifices, they still had to delay the time to send the new blood out of Konoha safely!

"You wait! Xia Yan!" Sarutobi's high-level executives were ruthless: "After our children are sent out, you see how we can make you unable to step down!"

It is actually not difficult to create a public opinion.

Even Uchiha Madara was forced away by Konoha Shinobi, let alone Xia Yan?

Even if there is no one who can fight Xia Yan at this time, they can take this opportunity to completely split Konoha's heart, so that Tsunade can't get down and break with Xia Yan!

In addition, some pawns that the Sarutobi clan secretly planted in Konoha, stir up more.

Maybe in the future, after Tsunade's children grow up, there will be a drama of father and son fighting each other!

However, time passed slowly.

When the Sarutobi clan had just transferred the last new blood of the clan, Uchiha Itachi led Uchiha Sasuke to personally mark their hidden gathering point and beheaded all the new blood of the Sarutobi clan!

Sarutobi clan's small tricks may be able to hide from Sasuke, but definitely not from Uchiha Itachi!

"Although I'm sorry, but your existence will hurt Sasuke's future...Sorry." Uchiha Itachi whispered.

For Konoha, he can kill a whole family.

For Sasuke, he can give up Konoha!

Facing two Uchiha who opened Mangekyō, the Sarutobi clan gathering place was instantly wiped out

Not only that, Itachi tried to reason with Sasuke.

"Sasuke, don't underestimate anyone, even the most decadent family will have some unexpected actions.

"If you pay more attention to the movements of the Sarutobi clan on weekdays, you won't be kept in the dark by them."

"Besides, since you have made up your mind, don't hesitate to do things right..."

A series of sermons, even interspersed with some combat teaching.

The corners of Sasuke's mouth were twitched, and his face was full of dissatisfaction—he had been assassinating the ninjas of the Sarutobi family in the past few nights, but he was trying to show his growth in front of Uchiha Itachi during the day.

It's good now, I have completely returned to the feeling of being a younger brother who was taken care of...

The battle is over.

Uchiha Itachi hesitated and said, "Sasuke, do you want to continue killing?"

"No, let's stop here." Sasuke hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "If you really do everything right, brother, it will be difficult for you... and I have a good relationship with Konohamaru. I'm a bit stuck.

In the final analysis, Itachi loves Konoha.

Although the Sarutobi family is decayed, they are still a member of Konoha.

Sasuke looked at Uchiha Itachi's complicated hands, and felt very uncomfortable.

As for Konohamaru, it was just an excuse to make Uchiha Itachi feel less sorry for himself-Konohamaru did know Sasuke, but he has been following Naruto, and the relationship between the two can only be ordinary.

"My brother is about to find out the problem." Sasuke thought for a while, and then said: "That guy Pervy Sage knows my details."

Unlike Tsunade who ignores Sasuke, Jiraiya really knows Sasuke's strength!

If it wasn't for this guy who didn't stay in Konoha for a long time, he ran out to play some "scenery" trip. If he wasn't in Konoha, he probably stopped Sasuke directly.

Sasuke has already got the news that Jiraiya is heading towards Konoha Village through Uchiha's information, obviously he has got the inner trend of Konoha Village and guessed some facts

Trying to get back....

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi breathed a sigh of relief, and a look of relief flashed in his eyes.

The next day, there was finally no news of the death of the ninja from the Sarutobi clan.

Konoha's ninjas thought that Tsunade, who lived in Uchiha every day during this time, finally managed to stop Xia Yan once.

The Sarutobi family was also grateful at the beginning, with a look of gratitude.

——It’s not easy, Fifth Hokage finally played a role!

As a result, when the follow-up news came, the elders of the Sarutobi clan almost lost their eyesight and died suddenly on the spot.

They all sent out the children of the family who showed their ninja talents. Among them, there are many talented young geniuses, and a very small number of loyal pillars of the ten Sarutobi clans who are in their prime.

It can be said that there is the essence of the Sarutobi clan, the future of the Sarutobi clan!

What remains in Konoha is actually just a group of old rotten wood and mediocre waste!

As a result, the future of the Sarutobi clan was completely buried!

Now in the Sarutobi clan of Nuoda, the only child who can be regarded as having some ninja talent is Konohamaru!

The reason why Konohamaru was not sent out was mainly because, as the grandson of Third Hokage, he was too famous to be transferred out silently..

While Konohamaru's talent is good, it's only good.

Plus the other elites of the Sarutobi clan who were killed by Sasuke in the past few days...

The Sarutobi clan doesn't even have a young Jōnin left, apart from a few old ones who are old and frail!

The young and strong pillar of Zhongliang was killed, and the genius who might become the pillar of Zhongliang in the future was also killed.

Many old people's old eyes were blackened, and a few people even didn't come up in one breath, and died of anger right there!

"My Sarutobi clan, it's over!"

Sasuke's movement stopped.

The Sarutobi clan is left with a group of old, young, sick and disabled, and the backbone of the future has been interrupted.

And even though Uchiha stopped revenge against them, the Sarutobi family took advantage of the Third Hokage and accounted for a lot of wealth!

Even if Fifth Hokage Tsunade came to power and forced the Sarutobi clan to spit out a lot of benefits, the rest is still a big piece of cake!

In the past, they relied on the awe of the large number of Jōnin and Elite Jōnin of the Sarutobi clan to safeguard their own interests.

But now they can't stop the greedy eyes of other families!

———Uchiha was secretly tricked by countless big clans back then, and now it’s the turn of the Sarutobi clan!

But this has nothing to do with Uchiha.

Uchiha's industry has grown beyond what it looks like, and Xia Yan can really say one thing——Problems that can be solved with money are not considered problems!

Sasuke and Itachi are not people who love money, and they don't care about other people's assets at all...

All they care about is each other!

This time Sasuke can be regarded as a show of strength, although he didn't know it.

0 for flowers...

But the price is not small!

Vision loss is very serious.

After all, without Mangekyō, Sasuke couldn't kill a Jōnin silently in the village.

Turning on Mangekyō many times, even without Susanoo, Sasuke's eyesight is greatly impaired, even without the most pupil-consuming Susanoo. .

But this problem is easy to solve.

Xia Yan just input a certain yang attribute Chakra, and Sasuke's eyesight recovered.

Naruto, who is a master of yang attributes, can even create Kakashi's completely lost eyes out of thin air.

The essence of the restoration of vision by the immortal body is also the function of the yang attribute.

Xia Yan is still far from the peak of the yang attribute, and he still can't 'create something out of nothing', but it's not far away...

After all, he who is 'reviving' Uchiha all the time, relying on his wives and concubines whose quality is getting better and better, is enough to get enough yin and yang escape skills to improve himself!

Seeing Sasuke's vision restored, Mikoto and Itachi breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Xia Yan, thank you." Mikoto said seriously.

"What's the use of thanking you now? After I revive you, thank you again!" Xia Yan gave her an annoyed look: "I will come back to keep the account this time!"

Sasuke and Itachi next to him were full of embarrassment when they heard this.

After all, it was my own mother that my benefactor Xia Yan molested!

But having said that, because Itachi started early, Mikoto is only thirty-five years old, which is the most attractive age for a wife.

That familiar figure, every move and demeanor, is really attractive!

The Uchiha clan.

Nanhe Shrine, underground.

Nagato, Konan, Mikoto, Sasuke, Itachi, Natsuhiko, gathered here.

"This is the stele of Uchiha..." Konan looked at the stele without a word, and frowned slightly: "Nagato, what is written on it?"

Nagato was in a trance, his eyes glazed over.

"It's the same as what Xia Yan said...it's the evolution method of Rinnegan, and the method of casting infinite reading

This means that Xia Yan did not lie at all!

Rinnegan, it really evolved from Sharingan!

And my eyes were really quietly placed on me by someone with malicious intentions!

This person is most likely Uchiha Madara!

And his purpose...

"He wants to achieve Infinite Tsukuyomi?" Nagato frowned: "But why doesn't Uchiha Madara come by himself?"

How do you think Uchiha Madara uses his own eyes to do it himself, and his strength will be much stronger than Nagato who forcibly burdens the 'hardware' that does not belong to him!

Before Senju Hashirama died and Uchiha Xia Yan didn't stand up, he could even use force to unify the ninja world, forcing countries to hand over the tailed beasts, and realize the Infinite Tsukuyomi he wanted


"Did you forget that Uchiha Madara is an old man who lived before Konoha was created." Xia Yan glanced at Nagato: "It's almost a hundred years old now?"

"How strong do you think a centenarian, even Uchiha, can be?"

When Konoha was created, Uchiha Madara was in his thirties!

And now it's Konoha's 66th year!

Uchiha Madara is already a centenarian, no matter how heroic he was back then, he could fight the Five Kingdoms alone.

But now, if you move a few times, your waist might be broken...

"But the Uchiha Madara we saw——" Konan muttered.

Before Konan finished speaking, Nagato sighed: "That person just calls himself Uchiha Madara, and no one knows what his real identity is."

Konan was taken aback.


We haven't even seen his face!

Konan and Nagato originally thought that Obito was Uchiha Madara because of his Mangekyō!

But now that there are so many Mangekyō, there are only four present, who can be sure that it is Uchiha Madara?


What is his purpose?

Infinite Tsukuyomi?

But what's the point of this illusory peace?

Nagato sighed softly, that kind of illusory peace, maybe Obito and Uchiha Madara who are completely disappointed in this world are willing to accept it, but he is not willing to do so.

Even the peace suppressed by his own force is more meaningful than that kind of illusory peace—from this perspective, Obito is very accurate.

Instead of telling Nagato about Infinite Tsukuyomi, he sent him a message about Ten Tails.

If he had sent Infinite Tsukuyomi's peace plan, maybe they would not be able to join forces

Infinite Tsukuyomi's peace plan, Yinmen is unwilling to accept.

Nagato felt that Ten Tails' shocking peace plan could not be defeated by Xia Yan and could not be implemented.

#BA …

"Xia Yan, do you think there can really be peace in this world?" Nagato's eyes were full of tiredness.


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