Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 300 Celestial Dragons! (Seeking Subscription)

Chapter 300 Celestial Dragons! (Subscribe)

The mermaids were very noisy.

Hundreds of murlocs came ashore one after another, and the seawater soaked in their bodies dripped on the ground, leaving wet footprints on the sandy shore.

The boats also landed together, and the eyes of the mermaid girls alternated between excitement and timidity, as if they were tempted to go down the rope ladder laid on the deck and step on the ground of the Sabaody Archipelago...

There was a sense of unreality that seemed to be illusory on his face.


Logged in?

Or is it upright, without any cover-up?

"Go at ease." Xia Yan said softly: "The entire Sabaody Archipelago can be visited freely, whether it is a lawless area or a normal commercial street, you can shop if you want to shop, and go to an amusement park if you want to go.

"I'll keep you all safe."

Facing the mermaid girls, Masahiko's voice is very gentle.

Of course his more gentle is Shirahoshi.

Looking at this 'child' who is ten meters tall, Xia Yan stretched out his hand and gently held Shirahoshi's white palm.

"What do you want to play first?"

"Master Xia Yan, can I go to the playground..." Shirahoshi's eyes were full of anticipation.

"Of course, let's go."

As he spoke, he pulled Shirahoshi and strode towards the playground.

The other murlocs looked at me and I looked at you, then swallowed subconsciously, and walked involuntarily towards the bustling playground.

Their movements are great.

Coupled with the movement of hundreds of mermaids going out to sea, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people from Sabaody Archipelago.

"That's a murloc?" Someone's eyes widened: "How dare they approach the Sabaody Archipelago?"

"There are so many people, there must be nearly a thousand?"

"This is really..."

Everyone looked at each other with a look of excitement in their eyes.

"We're rich!"

Even a low-priced murloc is worth more than a human slave.

It can be said that just selling one is enough for you to eat for a year!

If you are lucky enough to catch a mermaid with a good image, you can directly earn your lifetime income!

Most of the people who saw the murlocs in action were the aborigines of the Sabaody Archipelago.

Although they are not slave traders, nor are they slave hunting teams, how could they not know the value of mermaids after living in the Sabaody Archipelago for so long?

Immediately, someone couldn't help the greed in their hearts, and took action quietly.

There are also people who are not good at hunting slaves, so they directly contact professional slave hunting teams and pirate groups...

"Lord Xia Yan..." Although Shirahoshi is a fledgling, he is also keenly aware of the malicious gaze cast by the surrounding humans.

"I know, just leave it to me." Xia Yan smiled, as if he didn't see anything.

Although the other murlocs also had their heart set on the novel Sabaody Archipelago, they were more accustomed to the hostility of humans towards murlocs, and looked around with vigilant eyes.

They naturally also sensed the malice around them.

But looking at Xia Yan at the front, they felt a little relieved.

The murlocs actually came to the Sabaody Archipelago in a big way?

The news quickly spread throughout the island!

Countless people's eyes are shining -- this is a great opportunity to make a fortune!

Ordinary people also want to go and have a look curiously, after all, murlocs are not something that can be seen casually.

They rushed out in a swarm, casting all kinds of gazes at the murlocs.

The slave hunting team dispatched the whole army and came quickly.

"There are so many murlocs!" The eyes of the leader of the slave-hunting team shone brightly: "It's done! It's a big fortune!"

"If we catch them all and sell them, we will be able to enjoy prosperity and wealth for the rest of our lives!"

"But boss, I don't think the one walking in front of the murloc is quite right." A younger brother next to him hesitated and said: "He looks like the legendary god-slayer Xia Yan.

Xia Yan's reward was also spread throughout the world!

The reward with photos showed his handsomeness, but in order to attract Hai Hai's daughters, he captured the Marine cameraman who was trying to take a sneak shot, chose the right angle, and took the most handsome photo.

This handsome appearance greatly reduces the resistance of women to marry into the Uchiha clan.

Of course, the greater role is to serve as some kind of private use for those noble ladies...

It's the most viral photo of the year!

In short, Xia Yan's face has been seen by too many people.

Naturally, the slave arrest team found out.

The leader of the slave hunting team took a closer look and felt that it was indeed the case.

But he thought about it, and waved his hand without hesitation: "It shouldn't be Xia Yan, Xia Yan has already gone to The fish men island, how could he appear here?"

"Maybe someone who looks more like Xia Yanchang... Besides, so what if it's really Xia Yan?"

"I didn't attack him, why should he attack us?"

"Let's do it!"

As he said that, he did not hesitate to pull the younger brothers of the slave hunting team, and started to act with real knives and guns.

There is no hiding in the action.

The reason is also very simple - don't look at the words that the dragon shouts every day that the murloc's wrist strength is ten times that of humans, and that humans are an inferior race, but in fact the number of human masters far exceeds the negative number.

Everyone in the slave hunting team has the confidence to tear off a piece of flesh from the hundreds of people in front of them!

"Murlocs, this is on the shore!" The slave captain's eyes sparkled with excitement: "Murlocs are still a bit difficult to deal with in the sea, but on the shore... aren't they just fish waiting to be slaughtered?"

"What's more, we are not the only ones who act!"

Actually it is.

At the moment when the captain of the slave hunting team acted, there were also many pirate groups and slave hunting teams nearby.

Of course they could also see Xia Yan's face, but like the captain of the slave hunting team, they didn't take it seriously at all—except that the news that Xia Yan had entered The Fish Men Island was more fascinated by the immediate interests their eyes!

"Even if it's really Xia Yan, and I didn't attack them, can he still kill me?"

There was madness in everyone's eyes, and they were merciless in their attacks.

Holding a gun, holding a knife, carrying an iron chain, pulling a cage...  


The murlocs suddenly turned pale with shock.

Most of the people who followed Xia Yan here were ordinary murlocs.

Although the strength is better than that of human civilians, but the strength is limited.

Facing the heavily armed slave hunters and pirates, his face naturally changed drastically.

And at this time.

Xia Yan casually took out a handful of Kunai, and threw it away without hesitation!

Brush! Brush! Brush!

Several kumai flew horizontally, like arrows flying off the string, scurrying around.

Let's shoot at the slave catchers!

Not only that, even some people who were a little more cautious and took advantage of the turning of the mermaid team to attack the murlocs at the tail were also targeted by Kunai!

Kunai collided in the air, making a ping-pong-pong sound, and then changed the angle, directly stabbing those who did it from the blind spot of vision!

Every shot of kunai was precisely stabbed at their throats!

"Woo woo woo..."

The slave hunters and pirates whose trachea had been punctured could only make a whining sound, and then with a terrified expression, they finally lost their anger.

"Go on." Xia Yan said with a calm expression, "Don't worry about such small things."

During the words, his pace didn't even pause for a moment, and he just continued walking.

The murlocs behind them opened their mouths and let out a long cry, and then immediately revealed a look of joy.

Our safety is guaranteed!

With Xia Yan here, we can live in safety!

A smile appeared on the mermaid's face, and finally he let go of the vigilance he had been holding in his heart all along, and began to really appreciate the completely different scenery from The fish men island under the sea.

Xia Yan led the murlocs towards the playground in a hurry.

On the road, I also ran into many slave catchers who wanted to attack the murlocs, but they couldn't even stop Xia Yan, so they easily lost their lives.

With Xia Yan personally following, it would be ironic if a few small slave hunting teams could still steal the opportunity!

Come to the playground.

The employees of the playground obviously have not received this level of group tourists, and they are a little rushed.

As for the tourists of the murlocs, they did not cause much disturbance.

Although the price of mermaids being trafficked is very high, they dare not go to Sabaody Archipelago at all.

But the other races in the Pirate World are not just murlocs.

Long-handed family, long-legged family, fur family...

This kind of peculiar race has become a lot of pirates passing by Sabaody Archipelago, and it is also normal to occasionally play in the most famous playground of Sabaody Archipelago.

Although it is too rare to receive murlocs, as long as they are treated as similar to fur races and other races to serve them.

Of course, whether he contacted the slave hunting team behind his back is another matter.

Shirahoshi is very happy, she can finally experience the fun of the human playground!

Without hesitation, she chooses to experience the project that attracts her attention the most—the carousel!

Then the carousel collapsed with one butt.

"Lord Xia Yan..." Shirahoshi's eyes were tearful, his innocent eyes were swollen, and helplessness was written all over them.

Xia Yan covered his face with a slap, speechless.

As the largest mermaid, Shirahoshi is ten meters tall, second only to King Neptune.

Even when she grows up a bit, she may be taller than Neptune!

Although the quality of Sabaody Archipelago's playground is very good, but how to think of an amusement project designed for human beings, it does bear the weight it shouldn't bear.

Of course, he had to appease Shirahoshi on the surface.

"It doesn't matter, don't worry about it, the main reason is that this playground has been open for some years, and the amusement equipment is in disrepair... I will fix it now."

Then a wooden horse was made one size bigger in Wood Style, and Shirahoshi rode it again.

With Xia Yan's support, Shirahoshi can naturally play happily.

After the merry-go-round is the bumper car, then the pirate ship, the big pendulum...

Except for projects like the Ferris wheel, Xia Yan couldn't put Shirahoshi into a small box specially designed for humans no matter how hard he tried, he planned to take Shirahoshi to experience it.

Of course, some changes are unavoidable.

For example, the bumper car has to be replaced with a car made by Xiayan Wood Style, and the big pendulum has to buy all the tickets near Shirahoshi at one go, and use Wood Style to make seats that fit Shirahoshi's body shape, etc...

This made Shirahoshi play happily, but also a little bit regretful.

"It doesn't matter, I will open a good playground in the future that even your body shape can have fun." Xia Yan said with a smile: "I am the perfect husband who will satisfy my wife's wishes.

"Thank you! Master Xia Yan!" Shirahoshi's eyes suddenly brightened.

light up.

After that, there is only happiness left.

Not only Shirahoshi, but other murlocs also started playing.

For a time, murlocs with a height of eight feet can be seen everywhere in the playground, driving bumper cars with human children and competing with each other.


Regardless of whether the children are happy or not, the murlocs are happy anyway.

As for humans' contempt for murlocs, it's actually not that exaggerated.

Merfolk and murlocs are different.

The image of mermaids is similar to that of humans, and the so-called mermaids also refer to this group. It is purely 560 exaggeration to say that they are extremely beautiful, but their appearance is basically online.

And because they live on the bottom of the sea with weak sunlight all the year round, they all have fair skin.

Moreover, even the fish men island under the sea is covered with humid air, which makes their skin as moist as water can be wrung out...

Coupled with the unique structure of the fish tail on the legs, this makes every young mermaid lady have a good appearance.

The murlocs, on the other hand, are like dragons with crooked melons and cracked jujubes everywhere. Even female murlocs don't look very good. People subconsciously want to punch them hard, even if they are beaten.

Murlocs are innocent, and they can also say a classic line of "it's your fault to grow up like this and still come out scary".

Among the people who followed Xia Yan this time, the number of mermaids and murlocs was roughly equal, and the ratio of men and women was also relatively balanced.

In other words, there is one female mermaid out of four people on average.

If there are all ferocious murlocs, humans may panic.

But looking at the good-looking mermaid girls......

Most people can still put on some gentlemanly demeanor.

Even Xia Yan saw someone take the initiative to strike up a conversation with the mermaid lady, but the mermaid lady was afraid of the other party and backed away repeatedly.

"Lord Xia Yan, we want to go shopping in the store, is that okay?" Someone couldn't help asking.

The playground is nice, but the human shop is also very attractive.

"Yes." Xia Yan said calmly: "I have said that, in Sabaody Archipelago, I will protect your safety.

"The shopping street is naturally within the range of the Sabaody Archipelago."

Of course, if the distance is too far, it is obvious that Kunai alone cannot solve all problems.

So Xia Yan directly separated several Wood Style clones and spread them out to ensure that the entire Sabaody Archipelago range is within his control.

"Speaking of which, I have killed quite a few slave hunting teams, so why isn't there a master with a good bounty?" Xia Yan looked at the mermaid girls who were going away, and rubbed his chin.

The declaration of "protecting the mermaid" is obviously better after a qualified person is established.

It's just that the murlocs went ashore too fast, those real masters obviously haven't been mobilized yet.

If you think about it, you will soon have someone with a certain weight who will become your object of prestige.

Facts have proved that Xia Yan's Liwei object appeared faster than he expected.

However, unlike his original target of Liwei, this one who is eyeing the mermaid,...

"Hey, isn't this a mermaid? It doesn't wear a collar, so it's ownerless?"

"Very well, then from today onwards, you are my slaves!"

A man with bubbles on his head showed a silly smile: "I'm so lucky, I can harvest a group of slaves for a walk..."

The faces of the mermaids in front of him were pale.

"F. Ætl?!"


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