Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 301 Do You Want To Invite Lord Im? (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 301 Do you want to invite Lord Im? (Please subscribe!)

Murloc encounter Celestial Dragons, is an accidental inevitability.

Based on Celestial Dragons' thinking of "playing with revenge" at this time, there are 20 or 30 Celestial Dragons all over the small Sabaody Archipelago, which is ten times smaller than the number of people who came here to play in the past

Although Sabaody Archipelago is divided into several areas, its area is not large.

It's only a matter of time before the murlocs encounter the Celestial Dragons.

But obviously, people don't think so.

"Damn it, why are we so unlucky!" The murloc looked at the Celestial Dragons in front of him with a shocked expression on his face.

Those are Celestial Dragons!

One of the culprits who created the tragic fate of these murlocs!

Although Xia Yan gave a guarantee, what he is facing now are the nobles of the world!

Will he correspond to the nobles of the world because of such a small person as himself?


The murlocs turned around and ran away without hesitation.

Saint Charles Rose was all smiles.

Although as Celestial Dragons, he doesn't lack the money to buy slaves, and he doesn't lack such high-end goods as mermaids.

But the mermaids in front of him, he met them just by walking around!

Just like picking up money and making money, the degree of happiness is completely different.

Seeing the movements of the murlocs, his plump face immediately twisted.

"Do you still dare to run?"

St. Charles Rose said without hesitation: "Catch them!"

At the same time, he directly took out his golden gun, aimed at the fastest running murloc, and was about to shoot.

"Yes, St. Charles Rose." The attendants who followed him lowered their heads slightly, and then ran quickly.

And the next second.

Count the bitterness.

On the neck of the attendant who just ran over, he stabbed Kunai instantly, hitting his throat.

They whimpered, and then crashed to the end.

The hand of St. Charles Rose, who raised his gun, was also stabbed by a kunai, and blood flowed.

"This is....……"

The murlocs subconsciously slowed down and their pupils widened.

The expressions of the people beside them were even more shocking, as if they had seen some unbelievable scene.


St. Charles Rose was stunned for a moment, and then his expression twisted instantly.

He immediately rolled to the ground and howled, as if he had been seriously injured, and the cry was even more miserable than killing a pig.

But in fact, the wound that didn't hit the vital point was placed on the pirate, so he might not take it seriously and continue drinking..

But for the pampered Celestial Dragons, it was an unprecedented serious injury!

The remaining attendants at the side immediately ran over, this one turned over the medicine box, that one comforted St. Charles Rose, and another was holding a gun, facing the outside with ten faces guarded.

"Damn it! Who is it? Who dares to lay a hand on the great Celestial Dragons?"

They roared loudly, their eyes filled with horror—the Celestial Dragons, who were supposed to be protected by themselves, were actually injured?

Although it is not their own fault, they will all use their lives to make amends to Celestial Dragons!

But they dare not continue to protect the Celestial Dragons, because otherwise, their families will also be affected...

It's just that when they glanced around, they suddenly saw a man's figure.

Then the whole person froze there for an instant.

Saint Charlos rolled on the ground a few times, and finally got used to the pain, then angrily kicked away the attendants who wanted to treat him, and roared: "Who moved the hand?"

"Dare to lay hands on the noble me...I'm going to kill—"

He said subconsciously, but the attendant next to him covered his mouth in horror.

"Saint Charles Rose, please stop talking, really stop talking!"

"Bold, do you want to rebel?" St. Charles Rose was furious: "I will kill you and the guy who dared to hurt me!"

"No! Kill him and your family too"~!"

There was a look of despair on the attendant's face.

And the next second.

"Oh, are you going to kill me?

A soft voice sounded: "It's okay, I will give you a chance... Come on, let's do it.

"If you can't kill me, I'm going to kill you."

"You still dare to kill me?" St. Charles Rose was about to laugh angrily.

Celestial Dragons are nobles in the world, if they hurt him, they will die, how dare they kill him?

In this world, how can anyone dare to kill Celestial Dragons?

Saint Charles Rose was relieved following the voice, turned his head to look, and cursed angrily at the same time.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you treat me—"

next second.

His voice caught in his throat.

Simultaneously click.

Charles Rose Saint was going to aim at the opponent's pistol, but it fell to the ground all of a sudden.

He stared blankly at the man in front of him.

Although as a Celestial Dragons, he has nothing else to do in his life except eating, drinking, playing and playing with women, and he hardly has any time for other things, let alone watch any news.

But the man in front of him, any Celestial Dragons know him!

Or rather, memorable!

In the whole sea, no one dared to harm the Celestial Dragons.

Except this person in front of me!

"Killer? Godslayer!?"

With his fat body, St. Charles Rose made a high-pitched voice comparable to that of a girl screaming.

Xia Yan played with the Kunai in his hands, the corners of his mouth raised, and he looked at the fat pig Tianping with a smile on his face.

"Why are you here?" Charles Saint collapsed instantly: "Didn't you already go to The fish men island? Why are you here?"

"Where I want to go, I shouldn't need someone like you to return."

Xia Yan smiled softly and walked over.

"I heard that you are going to kill me..."

He said, and slowly walked in front of St. Charles Rose.

Then he bent down and picked up the pistol that had just been dropped by St. Charles Rose.

"Come on, let's do it."

"If you can't kill me, I will kill you."

Saying that, Xia Yan chuckled and handed the pistol over.

"No!!" St. Charles Rose stepped back again and again, with a look of horror on his face.

"No! You can't kill me, you can't kill me!"

"I am Celestial Dragons, the nobles of the world, can't you kill me?"

However, Xia Yan just looked at him quietly, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Only one attitude was given - I killed Celestial Dragons, is there still less?

Do you think I still care about this kind of thing?

Charloise Saint had a runny nose and tears.

The attendants next to him also gritted their teeth, showing panic.

No one thought Masahiko would care about taking one more Celestial Dragon's life.

Even if he doesn't consider his own personality, he would not care about killing another Celestial Dragons from the perspective of "there are too many lice and it doesn't itch" - anyway, it is impossible for the World government

More strength came against him.

But they still gritted their teeth and walked over bravely.

"Your Excellency Xia Yan, please stop...... Lord Charloise is not dissatisfied with you, and I hope you will calm down."

"This is Sabaody Archipelago, Naval Headquarters is not far away."

"I know you're not afraid, but why bother?"

"Lord Charles Rose is just young and reckless, and he is a little outspoken, but he has never been disrespectful to you, and I hope you will be tolerant."

"If you have anything you want, we will definitely do it for you... Please spare the ten horses of Charles Rosen!"

As they spoke, they knelt down directly.

After all, if the Celestial Dragons are dead, so is their family!

The world government has laws, but Celestial Dragons never care about any laws!

Celestial Dragons have always been coaxed and respected by people, and they hear good things everywhere they go.

This is the first time that Charles Rose Saint has been called a negative comment like 'young and reckless, outspoken'!

But he still nodded again and again——Yes, I just accidentally said the wrong thing, so don't do anything to me!

"Don't worry, I'm not at the point where just because a fool said something casually, I insisted on killing people. Xia Yan waved his hand quite generously.

St. Charles Rose and the attendants breathed a sigh of relief.

life... saved...

"However, I said that the safety of the murlocs and mermaids should be protected, and they can play freely in the Sabaody Archipelago." Xia Yan said with a smile: "Just now you wanted to move, right?"

As he spoke, he slowly raised his fist.

"No!" St. Charles Rose looked horrified.

The attendants also looked flustered: "Please wait, Master Xia Yan, please be merciful, we are willing to compensate, willing to compensate———


Xia Yan slammed his fist, and the strong wind of the fist was full of air waves, as if a heavy artillery was roaring.

Everyone, including the ground under their feet, was also shattered by this blow!

The people around and the murlocs behind Xia Yan were all stunned.

It wasn't because of how exaggerated and powerful Xia Yan's blow was.

but because...

"Celestial Dragons, dead?"

"Another one died?"

"He is Xia Yan! He is the legendary God Slayer Xia Yan!"

"Godslayer, did you kill another god..."

The murlocs behind them were also stunned.

In order to protect them, Xia Yan shot the Celestial Dragons?

Where do we deserve such a big fanfare?

"Listen, everyone." Xia Yan suddenly said loudly: "The murlocs of The Fish Men Island will be under my protection from today.

"As long as there are slave hunting teams and pirates who dare to plunder The fish men island and sell the murlocs into slaves..."

"You better know something."

He looked at the people around him meaningfully.

Then stroll away.

Before leaving, he waved to the murlocs.

"Go and play by yourself."

"With me here, no one can touch you."

The murlocs looked at his back, and felt a complicated emotion in their chests.

"Lord Xia Yan......"

"Xia Yan returns to Sabaody Archipelago!"

The Godslayer Kills Another Celestial Dragons!

"Xia Yan announced that he would protect the fish men island, and the murlocs will no longer be anyone's slaves!"

A series of news spread across the island in an instant.

Everyone was stunned.

Xia Yan...how did he come back?

And then killed a Celestial Dragons?

This is so...

All Celestial Dragons panicked.

In the past, no matter who was in Sabaody Archipelago, they didn't care.

After all, who in the world would dare to take a shot at Celestial Dragons?

But in this world, there is really such a person who dares!

He could smash Mariejois, he could kill Saint Charloise, why couldn't he kill himself?

Immediately panicking, they left Sabaody Archipelago and ran towards Mariejois—only in Mariejois, they could feel a little bit safer!

Although this security, not much.

And many slave hunting teams and pirate groups who want to catch fishermen to make a fortune


They were just about to make a move, but you told me that Xia Yan was protecting the murlocs?

"It's no wonder that there was no news from the several slave hunting teams that took action before. I think it's already..."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, at first they didn't care, after all, there was no communication between the slave catchers.

But not even one bragging about how much he's about to make...  

Sure enough, it has been swept away!

"Fortunately, fortunately, we haven't done anything yet!" They took a long breath, their faces full of luck.

And those slave catchers who had just rushed out and were about to act when they heard this (Wang De's) news, cried directly.

Wouldn't it be nice if this news came earlier?

But in the next second, they don't need to think about this issue - because they are all wiped out.

The pirates who ran out unscrupulously before, even if they didn't have the intention of capturing slaves, did not hesitate to shrink back again, for fear of being misunderstood that they wanted to capture slaves.

In an instant, the law and order of the entire Sabaody Archipelago improved countless times.

The merchants and residents on the island looked complicated.

Good law and order is what they desire most.

However, a problem that Marine Vice Admiral can't solve even if it sits in town, is solved by a villain with a bounty of 4 billion. What kind of thing is this?

The murlocs also had complex expressions.

Dare to kill Celestial Dragons for an ordinary murloc?

Sure enough!

Many murlocs showed expressions of admiration, after all, even Celestial Dragons would dare to kill an ordinary murloc.

who did it

Even Neptune, who was supposed to protect them in the past, couldn't!

Free land, free communication.....

What Princess Otohime promised, they got it all at once?

Just because of that man!

Of course, there are also some older murlocs with worried faces——Xia Yan killed for the murlocs. The Celestial Dragons deserve the respect of the murlocs, but God knows the world government will take revenge

At this time, will the murlocs be treated as the culprit...

For a time, how many people's moods are extremely complicated.

Of course, the one with the most complicated mood is Five Elders on Mariejois.

"Xia Yan is still in Sabaody Archipelago?!"

"He also killed a Celestial Dragons?"

"Should we...do you want to move Lord Im?"


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