Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 66 Maybe You Can Consider Asking Uchiha For Help? (Available For First Order!)

Chapter 66: Perhaps you should consider seeking help from Uchiha? (On sale, seeking first order!)

"Sasuke, didn't your eyes see to the right? Be more vigilant!"

"When your arm is not in use, always keep it near your ninja tool pouch. It is the basic requirement for a mature ninja to be able to draw their weapon at the fastest speed at any time."

"Illusions, ninjutsu, taijutsu, chakra is the foundation of everything. Your control of chakra is still far from sufficient."

"Sharingan is just a weapon. How to use this weapon is the difference between Uchiha... Yes, your brother surpasses all Uchiha in the use of this weapon, which is why he was able to achieve the feat of annihilating the clan."

"Your movements should be fluid, don't stiffen up. Are you waiting for me to attack?"

The figures of Xiayan and Sasuke intertwined on the Uchiha exclusive training ground.

Their figures were like phantoms, their movements extremely fast. If it were an ordinary person, they wouldn't be able to keep up with their movements.

But fortunately, they both had a pair of exceptional eyes!

Xiayan was training Sasuke.

Because of the previous incident, Sasuke was not suitable for going to school for a short period of time.

So Xiayan thought about it and decided to teach him some things himself.


A muffled sound!

Xiayan kicked and Sasuke flew out, rolling several times on the sandy ground.

Before his body could come to a complete stop, Sasuke twisted his waist and stood up, his eyes staring straight ahead, holding a kunai in his hand, assuming a defensive posture.

However, the expected attack did not come.

Instead, Xiayan stood not far away with his hands in his pockets, smiling.

"Sasuke, do you feel any difference between you and me?" Xiayan smiled and asked.

Sasuke remained silent for a moment.

In fact, Xiayan did not use particularly strong chakra, and the speed and strength he displayed were self-restrained, similar to his own.

But throughout the entire battle, he was completely suppressed!

"Your attacks always hit me where it hurts the most..." Sasuke thought for a moment and said, "Every time it's very painful. I've thought about fighting back, but it's not the right time to do so..."

"How should I describe this feeling?"

Sasuke frowned, not knowing how to explain it.

But Xiayan laughed, worthy of being an Uchiha genius.

He directly solved the puzzle and said, "It's rhythm."

"Rhythm?" Sasuke was stunned, a flash of inspiration seemed to pass through his mind, but he couldn't grasp it for a moment.

"Yes, rhythm," Xiayan smiled and said, "Do you know, Uchiha and Senju are two completely different types of ninjas. The Senju clan is much stronger than us in terms of chakra quantity, the lethality of ninjutsu, and their own recovery ability.

"But during the Sengoku period, our two clans were evenly matched... because we relied on rhythm!"

"By relying on the subtle observations of the Sharingan, we attack the most vulnerable point of the enemy before they even exert their power. It's not about how strong we are, but about disrupting the opponent's rhythm and bringing it under our control..."

"When the rhythm of the battlefield is in our hands, our movements will flow like water, and we will have complete knowledge of everything the enemy does. We manipulate them as if they are in the palm of our hands, leaving them with no choice but to be defeated!"

With a smile, he continued, "That's why among the many ninja clans in Sengoku, only the Uchiha fight with elegance."

"And an elegant Uchiha never fights with their life on the line, nor do they gamble with their chances of survival..."

Sasuke listened intently, his eyes shining.

This is the Uchiha way of fighting!

With the help of the Sharingan, we calculate every detail of the battle, from the smallest to the largest, and have complete control over the enemy's every move. In the end, it's like following a script, performing the act of defeating the enemy...

"Sasuke, your movements are too risky, as if you're gambling on being able to hit the enemy with this move... A mature Uchiha would never do that."

Natsuhiko patted Sasuke's shoulder meaningfully. "Remember."

"In any gamble, winning is the process, losing is the result."

"What the Uchiha pursue is an inevitable victory under our complete control."

A true Uchiha is not a reckless brute.

They are the victors who master everything through meticulous calculation.

Therefore, every Uchiha's battle can be considered an art.

When Uchiha Madara saw the ninja army, he even saw it as a stage show...

Natsuhiko also received Uchiha's combat training.

And now, he was passing on this knowledge to Sasuke!

Sasuke's face was filled with excitement. "Yes, Natsuhiko!"

Mastering everything, manipulating the course of the battlefield...

That is the power of our Uchiha!

So cool!

"Train well," Natsuhiko said with a smile, shaking his head as he walked away.

Sasuke was too fond of gambling.

He gambled on his future self being able to defeat Orochimaru, on being able to defeat Uchiha Itachi, on being able to overpower the Eight Tails.

His arrogance, though cool, was not the Uchiha way of fighting.

Itachi was able to accurately weaken Sasuke to the perfect level during their intense battle, forcing Orochimaru to reveal himself.

Obito was able to accurately calculate every move Kakashi made during their intense battle, causing Kakashi to destroy his own heart's seal.

And Uchiha Madara, the king of the battlefield dance, was on a whole other level!

The other side of Uchiha's arrogance is an extremely precise control!

Of course, perhaps it is because of the influence of this control over manipulating the enemy and oneself that makes each Uchiha arrogant, thinking that they can arrange everything for others as they do in battle.

Perhaps this is also a flaw?

"If Sasuke develops the habit of controlling everything, will he still recklessly gamble his life and directly seek revenge against Orochimaru?"

Xiayan waits to see.

On the other side.

Yuhihong walks on the streets of Konoha, shopping with several of Xiayan's wives.

"Do you think this outfit will look good on the child?"

"This won't do, children should wear pure cotton, you should buy this kind!"

"Hey, look at this hat with rabbit ears, it's especially cute when children wear it!"

That's right, this is a group of "mom squads".

And Yuhihong is among them, she is interested in looking at the clothes of those children - she also wants to buy one for her own child.

Of course, she can only buy it with the reason of "a gift for Xiayan's wife's child", otherwise she can't explain her actions.

Until now, Yuhihong has not yet achieved her original goal of "picking up a child outside".

After all, since coming to the Uchiha, she has not been on a mission.

Either she obediently stays at home while pregnant, or she is too busy taking care of the child after giving birth.

Although the child is slowly growing up now, with the care of other Uchiha women, she can easily find time to go on a mission...

But she is too lazy to do it.

"I heard that normal children need adults to watch over them all day, otherwise they will cry if they don't see anyone for a while," Yuhihong thinks to herself, "I can still leave my child to be taken care of by other sisters in the Uchiha clan, but if it's just me..."

0... Seeking flowers...

If she leaves the Uchiha and returns to her own home, she will have to take care of everything herself!

Baby food, clothes, supplements...

Not to mention shopping, she will probably be busy all day!

Missions and such are out of the question!

Of course, she can choose not to do it. Ordinary children, when they are babies, drink milk and gradually eat adult food.

Basically, they eat what adults eat and grow up the same way.

But can Yuhihong's child be treated casually while the other children of Xiayan eat and drink well?

Can Yuhihong let her own child fall behind from the starting line?

"Let's wait a little longer! When the child is a little older, I will 'pick up' the child," Yuhihong thinks to herself, and then enthusiastically starts picking out clothes.

As a novice mother, she has a strong curiosity about everything related to children.

She is also very enthusiastic about buying clothes!

And at this moment.

"Yuhihong-sama! We finally found you!" A middle-aged man runs over with an anxious expression.


"Anma Yunhai? What's the matter?" Yuhihong is taken aback.

Anma Yunhai anxiously says, "Yuhihong-sama, Hayate is in trouble!"

Yuhihong's expression immediately becomes serious.

Anma Clan's residence.

"To think it has come to this..." Yuhihong looks at the house next to her that has been burned to ruins by flames, takes a deep breath, and asks,

"Is Hayate alright?"

"For now, he's fine." Anma Yunhai forces a smile and says, "It's just that he seems to have forgotten that he did it himself..."

"Is that so... It's good that he forgot." Yuhihong forces a bitter smile and says, "She still wants to..."

"Yes, she still wants to become a ninja."

Anma Yunhai also smiles bitterly.

Anma Hayate is Yuhihong's student. Hayate has had poor physical condition since she was young and would get tired easily after practicing for a while.

So last year, her parents no longer let her study at the ninja school and brought her back home, inviting Yuhihong to be her private tutor.

Yuhihong tried, but in the end, she persuaded Hayate to give up on becoming a ninja.

Hayate's parents also didn't want this child's health to deteriorate further due to excessive effort, so they agreed with Yuhihong's approach. However, Hayate didn't want that.

A few days ago, it seems that she requested her father to train her as a ninja, but was rejected. As a result, in an emotional outburst, she lost control and used the Anma Clan's Bloodline to burn down the house, causing her parents to perish in the fire.

"And she seems to believe that it was the Third Hokage at the time who sent someone to assassinate her parents, and now wants to assassinate her as well." Anma Yunhai smiles bitterly and says, "Yuhihong-sama, do you really have no way to help her?"

"If there was a way, I would have said it long ago." Yuhihong shakes her head helplessly.

She also feels sorry for this child, but she really has no solution.

"Even Miss Red can't do anything, it seems that there is no one in Konoha who can help her." Anma Yunhai sighs lightly.

Yuhihong's genjutsu is the strongest in Konoha!

Yuhihong remains silent for a moment, hesitates for a moment.

But in the end, she says,

"There might not be no one." Yuhihong pauses and says, "Compared to me, the Uchiha clan is more of a grandmaster in genjutsu, and they have a lot of experience passed down from their ancestors."

"Perhaps you can consider seeking help from the Uchiha?"

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