Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 67 Kakuzu Has Started Selling Kage-Level Ninja! (Available For First Order!)

Chapter 67: Kakuzu Starts Selling Kage-level Female Shinobi! (Seeking Pre-orders!)

"Uchiha...," Anma Yunhai furrowed his brows, "Will they be willing?"

Hearing this, Yūhi Kurenai let out a soft sigh.

The Uchiha clan can be said to be the most powerful psychic family in the ninja world, their genjutsu is famously strong.

However, they have a high opinion of themselves and are very arrogant.

When Anma Yakumo encountered a problem, the Anma clan immediately sought help from the Uchiha clan.

However, whether it was because they looked down on the Anma clan or because they were dissatisfied with the Anma clan's claim of "surpassing Uchiha in genjutsu," they didn't even consider the conditions proposed by the Anma clan and outright refused.

That's when the Anma clan turned to Yūhi Kurenai.

Recalling the arrogance of the Uchiha clan in the past, Yūhi Kurenai also let out a soft sigh and said, "The current Uchiha clan leader, Uchiha Natsuhiko, is not like the typical Uchiha, he doesn't have as much arrogance."

"As long as you communicate well and present your conditions, he will definitely accept."

Anma Yunhai nodded, he had also heard of Natsuhiko's reputation... well, actually, it was extremely well-known.

After all, Natsuhiko was the first Uchiha in history to take multiple concubines and not want to do anything else except have children.

While countless shinobi mocked Natsuhiko for willingly falling from grace, they were also relieved that this guy was not like a typical Uchiha. If a typical Uchiha had experienced what the Anma clan had gone through with the Spirit clan, they might have already activated their Mangekyō Sharingan!

Natsuhiko, who lacked any Uchiha demeanor, might actually agree to the Anma clan's request.


"Isn't Natsuhiko only a Chūnin in terms of strength? Can he really help Yakumo?" Anma Yunhai furrowed his brows.

"Natsuhiko is actually quite strong," Kurenai said, "Perhaps we can have some expectations."

Having spent so much time with the Uchiha clan, she had more or less discovered some of Natsuhiko's hidden strength.

Although she hadn't seen it all, she believed that Natsuhiko was not just a "disgrace to Jōnin"!

At the very least...

He should also be at the Jōnin level, right?

As for why he was hiding his true strength, that was easy to explain.

"He's worried about exposing his true strength and attracting retaliation from Itachi," Kurenai thought to herself.

But she wouldn't reveal Natsuhiko's "true strength" in front of others.

She only expressed it tactfully.

"The Uchiha clan has a long history, so they might have a way to save the eighth floor."

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Xia Yan looked at the latest news that had come in and let out a sigh.

"It seems that the conflict between the Five Great Nations has escalated again. Unexpectedly, there are even renegades occupying our Uchiha's mine..."

He had originally thought that after impersonating Uchiha Itachi and dealing a heavy blow to all enemies of the Uchiha, no one would dare to lay a hand on the Uchiha clan again.

But he didn't expect that there were still those who were not afraid of death...

"Kuwa Raito, huh..." Xia Yan rubbed his chin as he looked at the intelligence.

Kuwa Raito, dissatisfied with the village's policies, had fled the village and become one of the seven members of the renegade group known as the "Black Hoe Family".

Of course, he didn't use his own name, Raito, but instead established a notorious organization called the "Black Hoe Family" and seized control of the Uchiha's mine under this organization's name.

Of course, Xia Yan knew all this mainly because this guy had actually sent an invitation to the Uchiha, hoping to negotiate with them about their interests...

"He probably came here because of the conflict between the Five Great Nations," Xia Yan thought to himself.

Because of Xia Yan's butterfly effect, the Fire Country's Konoha Village took the lead in increasing their alertness.

Other ninja villages, fearing that Konoha would attack their own countries, also sent ninja to guard their borders due to Konoha's increased vigilance.

Although a full-scale war had not broken out at the borders, there were countless hidden struggles and losses were not insignificant.

Under the country's state of martial law, Kuwa Raito, as a renegade who was not good at hiding, probably couldn't stay in other places and had no choice but to come here.

In reality, even the arrogant Kuwa Raito wasn't foolish enough to think of turning against the Uchiha.

The message that was voluntarily transmitted is probably meant to seek stability and establish a foothold with the help of the Uchiha's power.

"He must have noticed that the Uchiha clan is lacking in manpower, so the conditions for negotiation may be to form an alliance with his own strength and the Uchiha," Xia Yan thought to himself.

Perhaps in his eyes, the Uchiha's deterrent power now relies solely on Uchiha Itachi.

The Uchiha itself is severely lacking in combat power, but they can use their business empire to help him conceal his whereabouts and resist pressure from other countries.

On the other hand, he has considerable combat power and can provide protection for the Uchiha.

An alliance between the two would be mutually beneficial.


"Who do you think you are to make demands of us?" Xia Yan shook his head.

Not everyone among the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist is at the level of a Kage!

Especially Raiga, who is the weakest, was actually defeated by a group of kids like Naruto who haven't fully grown...

Xia Yan doesn't even need to personally take action to deal with him!

"Kakuzu, I have a task for you. Take care of this person," Xia Yan pointed at Raiga. "The reward is an S-rank mission."

"I understand," Kakuzu nodded. "Coincidentally, I also have something to attend to. The organization has sent a message, and I will be recalled soon."

"We may not be able to continue with your mission for the time being."

Xia Yan nodded to indicate his understanding.

In the ever-changing world of the ninja world, war could break out at any moment.

As a mercenary of Akatsuki, it was natural for them to gather their forces and complete the contracted war missions. Although the compensation Xia Yan offered was objective, compared to large-scale war missions,

- It was just average.

Xia Yan didn't mind.

His main purpose in hiring Akatsuki was to get through the initial weak period.

And now that he had grown up, whether he spent the money or not didn't matter.

"Well, let's consider this our final cooperation," Xia Yan said with a smile.

During the following time, Xia Yan spent most of his time working hard on his wives and concubines.

Occasionally, he would also go and see Sasuke's training.

It had to be said that as a avenger, Sasuke had a fearless attitude towards training.

"As long as I don't die, I'll train to the death!"

With this belief, Sasuke ignored the many wounds on his body...

Some of these wounds had not yet healed and were torn open again.

Many of the injuries were quite serious.

But Sasuke didn't seem to notice.

In his mind, besides life and death, everything else was just a scratch.

Even though Xia Yan reminded him several times to rest, he would agree on the surface and then immediately start training.

But there was one person who left Sasuke at a loss.

"Sasuke! We've come to find you!" Naruto laughed heartily.


Sasuke snorted coldly, maintaining his aloof posture and continuing his training.

He gave a cold response.

Causing the people behind Naruto to sigh.

Shikamaru: "Sigh, what a bother..."

Kiba: "So why did we come all the way here, Naruto?"

Chōji: "To eat potato chips?"

Sakura: "Naruto! Stop bothering Sasuke! He's working hard on his training, why are you disturbing him... Sasuke, are you thirsty? Do you want some water? I brought some refreshing lemon tea for you!"

Naruto casually ignored everyone's reactions, including Sasuke's.

He squatted on the ground with great enthusiasm.

"It's snowing today, Sasuke. Let's play snowball fight!"

"Boring!" Sasuke coldly snorted and proudly said, "Naruto, I'm not a child anymore. This kind of game is more suitable for you guys!"

Ignoring Sasuke, Naruto picked up a snowball and threw it at Sasuke...

Three minutes later...

"Naruto! If you have the guts, don't run!" Sasuke chased after Naruto, who was running ahead, shouting, "Take this, Uchiha Snowball Jutsu!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several snowballs, with a spiraling force, flew towards Naruto's back like shurikens, hitting him hard.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"You coward, Sasuke! Can't you handle it?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Today, I'll make you realize the power of the Uchiha clan!"

Indeed, you two are a perfect match, just like Ashura and Indra.

Not far away, Hayato calmly took a sip of tea while watching the children play.

A few days later...

Kakuzu's mission was completed.

The mere Raikou was no match for this old and still strong grandpa.

However, what Hayato never expected was that Kakuzu, the old grandpa, actually brought him a valuable gift.

"Hayato, I remember you paid a high price for a Kage-level female ninja, right?" A rare bright smile appeared on Kakuzu's old face as he pointed to a slender figure tied up with black threads.

"I encountered this person when I killed Raikou. She seems to be a ninja from the Mist Village, trying to take the Lightning Blade..."

"Although her strength is not particularly strong, she can barely be considered a Kage-level female ninja!"

"Hayato, how much are you willing to pay?"

Kakuzu's eyes sparkled.

Hayato fell silent for a moment, squatted down, and carefully looked at the resentful face of the female ninja staring at him.

Well, Kakuzu was right. This person can indeed be considered a Kage-level...

"Ringo Ameyuri, I'll have to offer a good price for you!"

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