Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 85 Obito Is Looking For Mangekyō! (Available For First Order!)

Chapter 85: Obito is Looking for Mangekyō! (On Sale, Seeking First Edition!)

Hiroshi squinted his eyes and quietly watched Neji, a 12-year-old boy who was about to graduate. His expression was calm, and his movements as he lowered his head were very smooth. His gaze was indifferent, as if he himself hadn't just said those words. He seemed incredibly relaxed.

"From what I can see, it seems that you enjoy having children with different people. However, among your current wives and concubines, there don't seem to be any true experts, right?" Neji calmly said, "Even if there are, I don't think there are many. In the Konoha Shinobi clan, there are only a few bloodline limit ninjas."

"The Senju clan has declined, and only two Uchiha clan members remain. Only the female ninjas of the Hyuga clan are worthy of the word 'excellent.'"

"However, as far as I know, Lord Hiashi has prevented the Hyuga women from marrying you... A person like him would not allow the bloodline to flow outside of the clan during the day."

"But I can."

He remained calm, and his voice didn't show any fluctuations, as if they were discussing something ordinary like what to eat tomorrow.

"I don't mind the bloodline of the Hyuga clan flowing outside, nor do I consider the Hyuga clan to be the most noble."

"As long as you help me, I will give you generous rewards."

Hiroshi narrowed his eyes.

What Neji said was true.

In fact, when Hiroshi first offered a large sum of money to have a child, there was a female Hyuga ninja who was tempted.

After all, even the long-standing Hyuga clan had poor members.

But before she could take action, Hiashi forced her to retreat!

At that time, there was a big uproar, and it made Hyuga Hiashi, who had intended to mock the Uchiha clan, lose face. This indirectly reduced the mocking voices from the major ninja clans and ultimately did not cause a public outcry.

This made the Uchiha's plan to offer a large sum of money for a child much easier.

But little did they know, Hiroshi didn't care about any mocking or public opinion.

He cared about the children!

The bloodline of the Hyuga clan originated from Ōtsutsuki Hamura, the younger brother of the Sage of Six Paths, and inherited the purest blood of the Ōtsutsuki clan.

In terms of bloodline power alone, it is definitely not inferior to the Uzumaki and Senju clans!

Xia Yan had considered marrying a woman from the Hyuga clan, but no matter how he promised benefits in private, he was decisively rejected by Hiashi.

"We Hyuga are not like ordinary ninja clans. If the family's ninja cannot make a living, they can only sell their dignity!" Hiashi said bluntly.

That was fine. If there were really Hyuga women willing to marry, Xia Yan didn't mind revealing his strength and giving Hiashi a real lesson.

But he couldn't ignore the fact that Hiashi was the head of the Hyuga clan and held the lives of all the Hyuga clan members in his hands.

After he spoke, naturally no woman would dare to act rashly.

Xia Yan couldn't be bothered to stand up for those women who hadn't decided to marry him yet, so in the end, he chose to let go temporarily.

And now, Neji came to him!

"Your growth has been significant," Xia Yan sighed lightly.

"You once advised me that when looking at people and things, we must see through appearances and look at the essence, and that the essence of any struggle is interests," Hyuga Neji said calmly.

"The Third Hokage abandoned the Hyuga clan for the sake of interests."

"The elders of the Hyuga clan forced Hiashi to abandon my father, Hyuga Hizashi, for the sake of interests."

"And now I want to move you, to win your help, and it also requires interests to pave the way... Isn't this what you taught me back then?"

When Neji spoke so seriously, it was just an excuse.

He explained in detail the strength of the Hyuga clan, which had become so large that it angered the Third Hokage, to illustrate that the Hyuga clan was forced to give up its members, damaging its reputation and decreasing internal unity, which the Third Hokage could benefit from.

He also explained the relationship between Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi. After Hizashi's death, the family members could obtain benefits from Hiashi, who had lost his right-hand man.

He didn't actually say much. The above matters were just a general overview.

But there was no doubt that Neji was a genius.

He personally discovered the situation of Hiashi being suppressed by the elders of the family after Hizashi's death, and found that this uncle was not as cold and strict as he had imagined.

He also discovered the arrogance of the Hyuga clan in the past, the decline of the Hyuga clan after Hizashi was handed over, and the increasingly intense internal struggles between the main and branch houses.

Interests are the essence of everything!

This caused a huge change in Hyuga Neji's heart, no longer becoming the genius who resented the heavens and blamed others as in the original work.

Instead, he became a genuine adult!

After all, what fate is there?

It's just driven by self-interest!

"So you plan to trade your assistance for my benefit?" Xia Yan smiled and said, "Are you so sure that I can solve your problem?"

"I'm not sure," Neji calmly said, "but I feel that the chances of success are high."

He didn't believe that Xia Yan, who couldn't see the cruel nature of the ninja world struggle at the beginning, would become a mere stud who only knows how to have children.

Intimidation from Uchiha Itachi?

Protection from Konoha?

The kindness of the Third Hokage?


Would someone like Xia Yan put his life at stake in such unreliable places?

He must have his own reliance!

And the only person Neji can rely on is Xia Yan, who may support him!

His voice was very soft.

"I'm about to graduate, and I don't want my family to control my destiny after graduation.

"I need your help to unlock the Caged Bird, guide me, improve my strength, and let me take control of the Hyuga clan," Neji calmly said, "when the time comes, I will unlock the Caged Bird of the other branch houses."

"For this, I promise that when I take control of the Hyuga clan, I will urge the female members of the Hyuga clan to marry you and fulfill your long-cherished wish to have children..."

Xia Yan hadn't spoken yet.

It was Sasuke next to him who was shocked. He couldn't help but say, "So you betrayed your own clan for your own benefit?"

"I thought you were a good person, but I never expected..."

Although there are benefits for the branch house, aren't most of the benefits for you?

This is completely betraying the clan and seeking personal gain!

However, Neji looked at Sasuke and said, "No, my actions are beneficial to the clan... The clan includes many people. If you only look at the clan itself..."

The Hyuga clan has indeed suffered losses, not only is there a high possibility of internal strife, but also many excellent female ninjas will marry into your Uchiha clan.

"But you have overlooked the fact that in the eyes of the main family, the Hyuga branch house is no different from servants!"

"If it's just sacrificing a few women to make the branch house live like real people, I believe any person in charge of the branch house would make the necessary decision."

"In terms of the number of beneficiaries, we are gaining!"

Sasuke was speechless upon hearing this.

He is not Naruto, he knows nothing about the situation of the Hyuga clan.

Sasuke even remembered something his father and brother Itachi mentioned when they talked about the Hyuga clan.

- It was during the war with the Rock Shinobi Village. One member of the Hyuga main family and seventeen members of the branch house went into battle.

Skipping the details of the battle, when they returned to the camp, thirteen members of the branch house had died.

And the only member of the main family who went into battle, not to mention injuries, didn't even have a speck of dust on him!

What does this mean?

Even young Sasuke could see it clearly!

"You really believe in Neji... Neji isn't that strong." Sasuke muttered a few words and fell silent.

"It's not that I believe he can do it, but he's the only one I can trust."

"In Konoha, I can't find a second trustworthy person." Neji calmly said, "Besides, what I need to sacrifice is in the future. There's little I can do in the early stages... of course, not nothing."

Saying that, he looked at Hayato, "I remember you seemed to have a different opinion of Miss Hinata. If you're willing, I can show my sincerity first..."

Like when he took Kushina away, creating a life-threatening crisis and giving the man a chance, Neji couldn't do it.

But simply informing Hinata's location and subtly guiding a few senior classmates to bully Hinata, creating an opportunity for a hero to save her, is still possible.

Xia Yan squinted his eyes and had to admit that Neji had brought a very good entry point.

Putting Hinata aside for now, by the time she grows up to the age of fertility, the Fourth Great Ninja War will have already ended.

But other Hyuga women can still have some expectations.

Neji is also a genius. With only partial support from the Hyuga clan, he was able to advance to Jōnin at the age of fifteen and was not inferior to Hiashi before his death. His talent is not much worse than Kakashi's.

If he also gains his own support...

There may still be a chance!

"Alright." Xia Yan smiled. "To be honest, I really can't stand the Hyuga... If you can turn the Hyuga clan upside down, it would be a good thing for me too."

He didn't need to confirm Neji's determination repeatedly.

After seeing Neji's calm expression, anyone would understand that he had long since made up his mind!

"Then let's start with the Caged Bird. Without solving it, you won't be of any use...."

Sasuke finally left.

Before leaving, he glanced deeply at Xia Yan, as if sensing something.

But he didn't say anything.

Neji, on the other hand, stayed behind.

Xia Yan personally took action to investigate the situation of the Caged Bird.

"Why is there natural energy mixed in this Caged Bird?" Xia Yan frowned.

In other words, this Caged Bird is a Sage Technique!

No wonder there hasn't been a rebel in the Hyuga branch house for so many years, because they simply can't unlock this thing!

Even Xia Yan found it very difficult and immediately called Yakushi Kabuto.

The two of them started researching together.

The curse marks of Caged Bird and Orochimaru are completely different forms, as if they originated from different theories, like chemistry and physics, with significant differences.

But at a certain level, they also have commonalities!

"Perhaps we can continue researching the Caged Bird and develop a project to strengthen benevolence!"

Natsuhiko and Yakushi Kabuto exchanged a glance. Although they didn't say it explicitly, they tacitly agreed to use Neji as a guinea pig.

Although Neji didn't see this, he was mentally prepared - deciphering the Caged Bird would inevitably require someone to serve as research material.

Naturally, it would start with him!

During this time, the smoke of war between the major ninja nations grew thicker.

Everyone suspected that Konoha would be the first to break the balance.

However, it was different from what everyone imagined.

Terumi Mei, who had recently become the Mizukage of the Water Village overseas, suddenly issued a warning to Konoha.

She hoped that Konoha Village would return the lost Raijin Sword and the Mist Ninja Ringo Ameyuri, who was deeply involved with Konoha, to the Mist Village.

Otherwise, the Mist Village would spare no effort to take action!

When Natsuhiko and Ringo Ameyuri saw this notice, they were both stunned.

How did this involve us?

"What does Terumi Mei mean? Is she deliberately looking for trouble?" Natsuhiko looked confused.

This notice from the Mist Village is very similar to the way a certain country threatened and extorted others under the pretext of "soldiers missing," seeking to start a war.

"Terumi Mei is not that kind of person." Ringo Ameyuri pondered for a moment. "Although she is someone who cares for her comrades, which is rare in the Mist Village, and our relationship is not bad..."

"But she understands the importance of the bigger picture and shouldn't issue such provocations."


Ringo Ameyuri hesitated. "Her power in the Mist Village is not great, and she is restricted in many ways, such as by the Elder Mentor and the heads of the major clans..."

"Perhaps some people are acting under her name? Or maybe she is being forced to do so?"

Terumi Mei is one of the few Kage with limited authority.

From the beginning of her tenure as Mizukage, there were many clan leaders within the Mist Village who nominally followed the village's orders, similar to local feudal lords.

That is, the respected Elder Genma and Terumi Mei share the same goals, and together they can suppress the disharmony within the Mist Village.

Otherwise, the Water Country might have erupted into chaos long ago!

"Is your relationship with her good?" asked Natsuhiko.

"Very good, or rather, I am her supporter," Ringo Yururi said frankly. "She also helped me gather information about the Thunder Blade, but she would never disregard the overall situation because of our personal relationship."

"I think someone must have falsely transmitted her orders. After all, I am not by her side, and there must be a group of people who do not accept her authority, including high-ranking members of the Hidden Mist Village."

She is a staunch supporter of Terumi Mei.

Even Terumi Mei's ascension to the position of Mizukage owes something to Ringo's contributions.

"I see..." Natsuhiko stroked his chin.

"I will contact my former confidants," Ringo thought for a moment and stood up. "I can't go back to the village right now, but at least I can show that I am still alive and have not been persecuted... Don't worry, I won't reveal the existence of the Uchiha clan."

Originally, she didn't plan to say anything, after all, she didn't expect any Anbu to come and rescue her - that would be suicide!

Let's just pretend she's dead for now. After all, once she fulfills her promise with Natsuhiko, she can return to the village.

But now it's clear that she can't continue to be a dead person. She needs to take action.

Natsuhiko didn't really care if Ringo leaked information. He stroked his chin and said, "This matter may not have much to do with you after all. After all, you have been pregnant for several months. The Mist Village may just be looking for an excuse to extort the Third Hokage."

"After all, the Third Hokage is easily compromised. He wouldn't dare to start another Shinobi World War."

"I know, but I still want to report my safety and let them rest assured," Ringo nodded and said, "Otherwise, if the war breaks out, I will be seen as a criminal of the village."

Natsuhiko nodded.

Ringo went to write a letter. As a Kage-level expert, she naturally had her own subordinates in the Mist Village.

The communication channels were still intact!

Just what she didn't expect was...


The Land of Water.

An underground base.

"Quite a mistake." A man wearing a Uzumaki-shaped mask sighed lightly. "I thought she was already dead. We even started spreading the news, but then we heard that she's still alive. And now she sends this kind of letter..."

Beside him, a strange creature looked at him and said, "Sorry, Obito. I just received news from Rin and an unidentified person with Mangekyō who claimed to have seen Tsunade. She was missing for so long that I thought she was dead."

"What should we do now? Do you want me to take care of it?"

"No need." Obito snorted. "Isn't the solution simple enough?"

As he spoke, he took the letter written by Rin and placed it on the candle flame.

The flame ignited and quickly turned the letter into ashes.

"As long as the war starts, there won't be any problems..."

Yes, this incident in the Village Hidden in the Mist was caused by Obito's intervention!

White Zetsu beside him looked at Obito's expression and sighed slightly.

The Land of Water, your luck is really bad.

After all, it was Uchiha Madara who used you to kill Rin back then, right?

If Obito didn't pit the Village Hidden in the Mist to death, would he still be Obito?

"Have you found any trace of that Mangekyō Uchiha?" Obito squinted his eyes. "Is it a surviving Uchiha or one of Danzo's men?"

"Perhaps it's someone arranged by Uchiha Fugaku early on? After all, he's the head of a large clan, so it's normal to leave a branch member outside to preserve the bloodline."

White Zetsu calmly said, "Do you want me to find him?"

"Yes, go find him." Obito said without hesitation.

"And once you find him, kill him!"

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