Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 86 Tsunade Is Not Feeling Well Today (Ask For The First Order!)

Chapter 86: Tsunade's Illness Today (On Sale, Seeking First Edition!)

The Land of Water, Hidden Mist Village.

A graceful and mature woman, exuding a strong aura, looked at the people in front of her, her body filled with killing intent.

"So you're saying that the Hidden Mist Village has already conveyed strict diplomatic orders to Konoha Village, and now both the Hidden Mist Village and Konoha Village are arguing about it, and I, as the Mizukage, am the last person to know?"

"Do you believe that if this kind of news spreads, no one in the entire ninja world will believe it!"

"Tell me, who came up with this joke!"

Terumi Mei was filled with anger.

Yes, this time the Hidden Mist Village's strong diplomacy was actually done without the consent of the Mizukage herself.

It was purely done by the people below, using her name to notify Konoha Village.

"Why don't they just take away my position as Mizukage as well?"

Terumi Mei's face was full of anger, and the seductive look on her face disappeared, replaced by a strong killing intent.

What a joke!

The essence of a ninja village is a military organization that requires ninjas to obey orders from their superiors no matter what happens.

And now, as the Mizukage, she can't even control national diplomacy?

No one in front of her dared to bear her anger, they could only bow their heads silently.

"Mizukage-sama, now is not the time to get angry." Ao took a deep breath. "This is definitely not something our people did. As for those separatist guys, they might not be able to do it either."

"I actually think it might be the work of certain individuals." Terumi Mei's anger subsided slightly, her pupils narrowing.

"The man who manipulated the Fourth Mizukage..." She didn't say these words out loud, but everyone understood.

Even though there was severe internal strife within the Hidden Mist Village, even if they were political enemies, they would never casually resort to diplomatic aggression.

Moreover, they might not even have the capability to do so!

Only the man who had secretly manipulated the Fourth Mizukage for who knows how many years would have the opportunity and strength to forcefully push for conflict between Konoha and the Hidden Mist...

Of course, Terumi Mei was well aware of this issue.

The real reason she was angry was...

"Even if he can push for this, why haven't our people discovered it?"

Terumi Mei's face was filled with anger. "That's the real problem!"

Having enemies was normal, political enemies causing trouble was also normal, and even powerful Hypnosis ninjas causing trouble was normal.

But how could a major ninja village like ours not be able to correct this?

Whether it's through early detection or prevention, it could prevent the country from descending into chaos.

However, the Hidden Mist Village lacked this ability, or rather, the Hidden Mist Village that had been embroiled in internal strife for a long time had gradually lost its ability to self-correct.

"We need to rebuild our ability to self-correct and strike against those who have been allowed to run rampant in this incident!"

"Yes! Mizukage-sama!"

Everyone responded in unison, their faces showing determination.

This time, the Hidden Mist Village had truly lost face.

To the extent that they were utterly ashamed.

"Mizukage-sama, regarding the negotiations with Konoha..." Ao hesitated and spoke.

Terumi Mei pursed her lips and sighed helplessly, "What else can we do? The entire shinobi world now knows that our village has lodged diplomatic accusations against Konoha. Can we really say 'sorry, it was a mistake by a temporary worker' and take back what we've said?"

"We can only... accept the consequences."

Terumi Mei's face was filled with helplessness and anger.

But there was nothing they could do.

The Five Great Nations were not small countries; they valued their reputation.

Rock Shinobi Village had lost a Jinchūriki, and the suspect, Akatsuki, had blatantly left behind evidence.

But Tsuchikage Ōnoki did not hesitate to suppress the news - because he couldn't afford to lose this person!

The Land of Earth couldn't afford to lose this person either!

Similar situations had occurred in the Hidden Mist Village before, when their Fourth Mizukage was manipulated by Obito, causing countless internal conflicts among the Mist shinobi. But even now, with Terumi Mei in power, they had not publicly admitted that our Mizukage had been controlled.

She couldn't afford to lose this person either!

Similarly, in this incident, she could only grit her teeth and swallow the bitter fruit...

"Not only that, but we also need to make a show of force." Terumi Mei sighed bitterly, "After all, Ringo really disappeared in Konoha. We must seek justice for the shinobi of our village..."

She looked at the window of the Mizukage's office, the evening sun shining on her face, filled with a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Otherwise, how can we unite the shinobi within the village? How can we maintain the prestige of Kirigakure?"

Terumi Mei didn't want to fight either, but she had to take a stance.

She even sent Ao personally to lead a team to Konoha - with Ao, who was seen by many as a mockery of Konoha due to his Byakugan spoils.

But who could know that the reason she chose Ao was actually because she was worried about others making mistakes, like falling under the influence of that mysterious person, Hypnosis?

Of course, the Third Hokage didn't know, but he knew that Konoha was in a state of decline.

Jiraiya was gone, Tsunade, although her location had been discovered, her hemophobia had not improved, and Kakashi had been in a state of decline for too long, lacking the strength to support the situation.

The entire village's Kage-level combat power was only him and Danzo...

But every time there was a Great Ninja War, all four major nations would join forces to attack Konoha!

How could they continue to fight like this?

But just like Terumi Mei couldn't show weakness due to her stance, the Third Hokage, as the leader of the strongest village in the ninja world, had no room for retreat in normal times. But at this point in time, when a major war could break out at any moment in the ninja world, he couldn't expose any weakness to the outside world!

Otherwise, the surrounding wolves would discover Konoha's weakness and pounce on it, tearing at Konoha's flesh!

So he changed his usual weakness, spoke with strong words, had a direct attitude, and his voice was resolute, winning the support of many Konoha shinobi.

But in practice, he forcefully suppressed Hyuga Hiashi's demand for "Kirigakure's Byakugan."

It is said that Hyuga Hiashi was so angry that he ate two bowls of rice that night because he scolded the Third Hokage.

Of course, Terumi Mei was also similar. The Mist Village, which had just emerged from internal turmoil, needed recovery, not another war.

Before sending Aoba on a mission, she even reminded him that at a critical moment, he might need to sacrifice himself for the village.

In other words, she had already prepared herself mentally to give the Byakugan to Konoha.

It could be forcefully demanded by Konoha, or it could be secretly taken by a Konoha shinobi.

But they must exercise restraint!

As a result, the Third Hokage and Terumi Mei were both afraid of the consequences, but the negotiators on both sides were becoming more and more aggressive. Today, you threaten war, and tomorrow, I say I won't hesitate to pay any price.

Unfortunately, after all the threats from both sides, the declaration of war remained only on their lips.

Even Rin didn't know the internal situation of the Mist Village. She even thought that Terumi Mei probably wanted to take advantage of the current situation in the ninja world and extort benefits from the Third Hokage.

After all, her letters had been sent back to the village. If she really wanted to find someone, she would have contacted herself long ago!

Natsuhiko, of course, was unaware of all this and continued with his Uchiha rice business.

Several wives were pregnant, and several wives gave birth.

Another good news is that Tono Kanetsu from the Land of Snow has developed a wireless paging system based on the principles of radio that have already been discovered, combined with the technology of the Land of Snow, also known as a pager.

Actually, it's not difficult. When Naruto had just graduated, he used a radio while catching cats with Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi. Now, Tono Kanetsu has just deepened it a bit.

There are many technologies slowly developing in the ninja world, but these technologies are not prominent. Many ninjas seem to ignore them as if they can't see them.

...Flowers are requested...

But does Xia Yan still not know the benefits of communication devices, even though others don't know? He immediately ordered the Uchiha Chamber of Commerce to start building communication base stations and asked Tono Yakushi to continue the research, hoping to further develop the oldest wireless telephone - the mobile phone.

Anyone knows how profitable the communication business is.

"This can create wealth for my Uchiha business empire!" Xia Yan exclaimed.

Money is power!

Xia Yan believes that if he directly throws one trillion to Kakuzu, even if he has to risk his life, he can clean up and send Konan over!

On the other hand...

"Lady Tsunade, we found the appearance of Uchiha Xia Yan, and it's exactly the same as the one we saw!" Shizune took out two portraits and looked up. "I think the Xia Yan we saw might be the current Uchiha clan leader, Xia Yan!"

"But speaking of which, Lady Tsunade, why did you suddenly want to find Yan? Are you short of money and want to borrow from him?"


Although she and Shizune were both drunk, can a Kage-level and an ordinary ninja sober up at the same speed?


She rushed out to chase and kill Xia Yan, and Shizune hasn't woken up yet!

And after waking up...

She couldn't possibly tell Shizune about the situation!

I can only say that I want to borrow money from him!

Well, after borrowing money, we can kill the creditor with it.

Not only will it relieve our anger, but we won't have to repay the money!

Upon hearing this, Shizune's spirits lifted and she became motivated. "That's right, if we save his wife's life, he should lend us more!"

"Then, Tsunade-sama, should we return to Konoha?"

"No, it's probably not necessary, Xia Yan. Tsunade hesitated for a moment and said, "You also know how promiscuous Uchiha Xia Yan's life is. He has so many children, how could he be that strong?"

"He probably just borrowed the face of Xia Yan from Konoha Village..."

"Hoping to confuse us?"

Shizune nodded in agreement.

Children don't lie, and as a medical ninja, Shizune also understood how much effort it takes to conceive a child.

With so many children, how could there be time for training?

So he definitely can't be that strong!

"Then, Tsunade-sama, where should we look for clues?" Shizune frowned. "Both of them are Kage-level, so if they run away, we won't be able to catch a trace!"

Xia Yan and the others were able to follow Tsunade because Shizune, this weakling, was slowing them down.

But it would be difficult for Tsunade to chase after Xia Yan.

Jiraiya chased Orochimaru for many years and never caught up, let alone Madara!

"Then let's start with the woman!" Tsunade thought for a moment and said, "That woman should be Ringo Yuriko, the poison ninja who extorted Konoha Village some time ago."

"Thinking like this, they might be Mist Village ninjas!"

The idea is reasonable and well-founded.

Shizune nodded in agreement. "Then, Tsunade-sama, should we go to Mist Village?"

"Yes!" Tsunade nodded firmly, her eyes filled with anger.

She, Tsunade, has never suffered such a loss in her life!

"Kid, I'll make you know the consequences of offending me..."

Tsunade clenched her teeth and made a grinding sound, as if she wanted to bite something.

And at this moment...


Tsunade inexplicably felt a bit nauseous and vomited a few times.

"Tsunade-sama, are you okay... why are you feeling sick?"

"It's nothing, probably just a problem with what I ate recently... Let's go, we're going to Mist Village!"

"Yes, Tsunade-sama!"

...and so on.

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